Oct 30 - Nov 6, 2020 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

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There are only 4 days left to vote. If you have not voted please do so today and put your ballot in a drop box. Also please remind your friends to vote. For a list of SCRP ballot recommendations click here. For local election results updates after 8 PM on Nov 3 see link here.

After you vote it is a prudent measure to make sure that your vote was counted. You can check and verify via this website here. If it has not been counted call the Skagit County Auditor @ (360) 416-1700. If your ballot has been rejected they should explain why, i.e. failed to sign the ballot, problem with signatures, etc. Don't delay you have time to go in and get it resolved and fixed.  

<em>Edit Promo Post</em> February 2025 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Tonight Washington State Governor Governor Candidate Loren Culp is having a VMG event at 6:30 PM and tomorrow he will be in Graham at 6:30 PM for a Peaceful Victory Protest, for more info see Culpforgovernor.com.

<em>Edit Promo Post</em> February 2025 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Thanks so much to the nearly 500 people who have donated to our Elect Bill Bruch for State House Campaign! Your grassroots support is what will take us to victory and flip a D seat to R. Even though my opponents campaign and Democrat Operatives have spent several months targeting me with relentless attacks, blatant lies and smears with over $800,000 dollars, truth will prevail! Unlike my opponent, my campaign all along has been focused on policy and my opponents voting record the past two legislative sessions.

My opponent has repeatedly advocated and voted for state government mandated comprehensive Sex-ed being taught to very young children beginning in kindergarten (CSE Curriculum). This is not the right approach. I want to empower parents where and how their children are educated, emphasizing School Choice at the local levels. REJECT ESSB 5395 and REJECT R-90!

My opponent missed 48 votes in the 2019 legislative session, and he missed 104 votes in the 2020 legislative session. Yet my opponent had time to vote for 11 tax increases over the past two years, including B & O Taxes, Real Estate Taxes and Gas Taxes. Once elected I won't miss votes and will be working to reduce taxes and regulations.

My opponent voted for several "Title Only Bills" (AKA Ghost Bills). These are Democrat bills originally submitted without any actual legislative content; then weeks or months later at the last minute full verbiage is added, such as tax increases, etc., then oftentimes passed into law. This dishonest practice eliminates transparency and political debate. Once elected I will support legislation which seeks to permanently end the use of Title Only Bills! More see BillBruchforHouse.com.

<em>Edit Promo Post</em> February 2025 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Congratulations to OSPI Candidate Maia Espinoza! Last week the Washington State Supreme Court ruled in Maia's favor saying her voters pamphlet statement which read: "The Incumbent ignored parents and educators by championing a policy which teaches sexual positions to 4th graders" WAS TRUE! Video here. 

This is the same state government mandated comprehensive Sex-ed curriculum bill (ESSB 5395) that my opponent advocated and voted for being taught to very young children beginning in kindergarten (Informed Parents of Washington). In fact in the 2020 legislative session my opponent is the individual who made the motion to move ESSB 5395 out of committee. 

Maia is our choice for Superintendent of Public Instruction! Students in Washington need our help and we must act now to innovate public education More info see MaiaForUs.com.

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The Senate voted to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court on Monday night, by a vote of 52-48, then Justice Clarence Thomas swore in Barrett as an official Associate Justice on the United States Supreme Court.

"This is a momentous day for America, for the United States Constitution, and for the fair and impartial rule of law," President Trump said before the ceremony. "The Constitution is the ultimate defense of American liberty, the faithful application of the law is the cornerstone of our republic. That is why, as president, I have no more solemn obligation and no greater honor than to appoint Supreme Court justices."

"She is one of our nation's most brilliant legal scholars and she will make an outstanding justice on the highest court in our land," Trump remarked.

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The U.S. economy grew at a sizzling 33.1% annual rate in the July-September quarter, by far the largest quarterly gain on record!  Yet the recovery from the 2020 Covid-19 recession is far from complete. The Commerce Department’s estimate Thursday of third-quarter growth regained only about two-thirds of the output that was lost early this year when the economy froze as safety orders forced restaurants, bars and many retailers to shut down.

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Washington State Democrat Operatives are at it again - talking about Crushing their opposition and putting an end to the Republican Party.  See this screenshot tweet from Seattle Times "journalist" Jim Brunner below:

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<em>Edit Promo Post</em> February 2025 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


On Saturday night in Bellevue Antifa and Black Lives Matter Protestor Anarchists terrorized quiet residential neighborhoods and downtown streets throughout Bellevue screaming at residents and anyone unlucky enough to be passing by. They also shut down streets despite police being present as travelers were stuck for extended periods of time. Videos from onlookers showed the lawlessness in progress. More here.

The fatal police shooting of a Black man (who in 2017 was a previusly convicted felon) armed with a knife who was charging police officers in Philadelphia, sparked violent BLM protests with 91 people arrested and 30 officers injured early Tuesday – including one sergeant who was "intentionally run over" by a truck. Of the 91 people arrested, 11 were charged with assaulting police, 76 were charged with burglary. Also 8 PPD vehicles were damaged, including one that was set on fire. The others were vandalized or had windows damaged. A fire department medic unit's windshield was also vandalized.

Then Tuesday the Philadelphia PD warned people to avoid the 1,000 looters + that were ransacking businesses. On Wednesday after police discovered explosives in a car, followed by more looting and lawlessness on Thursday, the city was forced to institute a curfew for all of of Philadelphia.

All week President Trump campaigned at dozens of huge rallies in several states including: Pensacola FL, Lumberton N.C., Circleville Ohio, Waukesha Wisc., West Salem Wisc., Manchester New Hampshire, Omaha NB, Bullhead City AZ, Tuscon AZ, Tampa FL, Green Bay Wisc., Rochester MN, and others.

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The Skagit County Republican Party is pleased to announce a Constitutional Essay writing contest for residents of Skagit County, ages 14 -18.

The Essay topic is the “Check and Balance” system built into the US Constitution. That check and balance system was uniquely devised by our county's Founders and has served the nation well. Essays must be typed or handwritten, and be no more than 400 words maximum.

First place $250, Second place $100, Third place $50. The top three prizes will also include letters of achievement. Contest period will be from November 1 through December 23, 2020. Judging will be done by the SCRP Executive Board, and will be based upon (a) written organization, and (b) topic relevancy. Please contact the Skagit Republicans at 2021 E College Way, #200, Mount Vernon, email skagitrepublicans@yahoo.com or call 360-820-1700.  

There will be a SCRP election night viewing party this Tuesday, November 3 from 7:30 PM to 10 PM. Enjoy good comradery, food, drink, and fun celebrating our Republican Candidate Victories! Seating is limited. To RSVP call (360) 820-1700.

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Respect and Blessings,

Bill Bruch, SCRP Chairman

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