October 2024 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

On Tuesday, October 15 from 6 pm - 7 pm there will be a Dave Reichert for Governor Meet & Greet held at the Corporate Air Center, 15452 Airport Dr, Burlington. Let's ALL Show Up in Full Force to Support Our Republican Candidate for Governor! More info please text/call Ali Watrous (425) 444-5540.


BEST MOMENT OF WA STATE GOVERNORS DEBATE: Bob Ferguson can't run from his dismal record as AG. Dave Reichert: "Well first off all, I don't think he answered the question, 'Who's responsible?' You've been there 12 years. Are you responsible Bob?" Video

On Saturday, October 5 from 6 pm to 8 pm there will be a Re-elect Ron Wesen and Peter Browning for Skagit County Commissioner Meet & Greet event in La Conner. Come out and enjoy hors d' oeuvres, drinks and get to know the candidates! The event will be held at 9570 McGlinn Dr. La Conner. To RSVP Contact Paula Clancey: (360) 929-1898


Raul Garcia for U.S. Senate

Cody Hart for Congress (CD 2)

Dave Reichert for Governor 

Dan Matthews for Lieutenant Governor

Pete Serrano for Attorney General

Dale Whitaker for SOS

Phil Fortunato for Insurance Commissioner

Matt Hawkins for State Auditor

David Olson for Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

Sharon Hanek for State Treasurer

Sue Kuehl Pederson for Public Lands Commissioner

WA State Supreme Court - Justice Pos 2: Dave Larson

Ron Muzzall for LD 10 State Senate

Carrie Kennedy for Legislative District 10 (Pos 1)

Gary Wray for Legislative District 10 State House (Pos 2)

Keith Wagoner for LD 39 State Senate

Robert Sutherland for LD 39 State House (Pos 1)

Charles Carrell for State Senate LD 40

WA State House LD 40 (Pos 2) (Write-in) Steven Ihide

Skagit County Commissioner (Pos 1) Ron Wesen

Peter Browning for Skagit County Commissioner (Pos 2)



AS A REMINDER: Feb 28, 2024, the Skagit County Republican Party Central Committee was forced to have a discussion and take a vote we did not want to take. The SCRP voted unanimously to formally Censure Legislative District 39 State Representatives Sam Low & Carolyn Eslick for their sponsorship and voting for SHB 2368. LD 39 is approximately 25 % in Skagit County and 75% in Snohomish County. More here

WA State Proposed Law SHB 2368 - Facilitating the Immigrant Industrial Complex


Dem states, cities overrun by migrants funneled millions in federal Covid-19 aid to support illegals

$460 million in C-19 cash diverted for illegal migrants in WA - while local citizens suffered

At the Top of the Ballot in November Remember: “Vote Yes to Pay Less” and make a real difference with four crucial initiatives:


I-2066: Stop the Gas Ban - Protect Energy Choice
I-2109: Repeal the Capital Gains Income Tax - Don't Punish Innovators & Small Businesses
I-2117: Stop the Hidden Gas Tax - The Carbon Tax = Higher Gas Prices
I-2124: Opt Out of State-Run Long Term Care - Give Workers a Choice



Washington Democrats’ Climate Plan: Tax First, Ask Questions Never

Washington Voters Face a Taxing Choice: Stick with the 'Excise' or Say Goodbye to the Capital Gains Mess

The 2024 Washington legislative session may be over, but the worst of what Democrat lawmakers could cook up isn’t gone for good - Many awful ideas were left on the table...

Among the rejected gems was SB 5770, a push to repeal a voter-approved limit on property tax increases. Democrats made this one of their top priorities, but public outrage quickly shelved it. Then there was HB 2114, a proposal for statewide rent control that died in the Senate due to its well-documented economic disasters in other states.

Not to be outdone, HB 2030 aimed to let prisoners vote, because why not complicate the growing election integrity concerns? And SJM 8006, a repeat offender, sought to ban private health insurance in favor of socialist “universal” healthcare. Article

WA Republicans push back against proposed bill that would allow 3% property tax increases

SEE BELOW: An incredible map from the Center for American Progress, a "progressive" think tank. Under Democrat leadership Washington state is the worst state in the nation - by far - for business growth over the past four years. No other state is even close to as bad!


September 10, OSPI released its K-12 Report Card for the 2023-24 school year. Following national trends, fewer than half of Washington students met academic proficiency. Testing was over grades 3-8 and 10. Article

President Donald Trump’s path back to the White House has reached a new high - Trump’s odds of reclaiming the presidency have surged, marking his highest chance of victory since July, with a notable +13.7 increase in electoral college probability. Article


CSPAN Poll Results: Majority Favor Donald Trump After ABC News Presidential Debate. One hour after the CSPAN poll asking "Who won the ABC News presidential debate?" results show a strong lead for Donald Trump, with 73% of participants voting in his favor. Kamala Harris received 27% of the votes.


JD Vance on Kamala Harris: "Every Time She Does an Interview, We Pick Up 100,000 Votes"

More than half of Teamsters members back President Trump in the upcoming election over Harris. The Teamsters, which is one of the largest unions in the country, said a poll of members conducted after last week’s debate between Harris and Trump found 58% backed Trump compared to 31% who supported Harris. Article

CBS reporter finds only 3 Harris supporters in 3 Nevada restaurants: 'People are really excited about Trump.' After visiting three different restaurants in Nevada, CBS correspondent Adrianna Diaz admitted she could only find three people planning to vote for VP Harris, while the rest were "really excited" about former President Trump. Diaz toured restaurants in Reno, North Las Vegas and Pahrump as part of a "3 Meals" segment on "CBS Mornings" Article

America is at a crossroads. The radical left, led by Kamala Harris, is determined to push our nation into the depths of socialism and communism. If we don’t act now, our beloved country will never be the same. Article

Early Voting Underway in Virginia: Trump Supporters Dominate Polling Location in Fairfax County. Article / Video

Students at Notre Dame university flip presidential pick for the first time in 12 years


America First Legal released additional documents from its litigation against the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), exposing the complete onboarding documents Facebook used to train CDC employees on their government censorship portal to block free speech on “Covid & Vaccine Misinformation.” Article

Elon Musk: Kamala supports what Brazil just did to X and She wants to do it here

Minnesota AG, Former DNC Deputy Chair Keith Ellison Thanks Brazilian Communists For Banning X – In a Post on X!


ELECTION INTEGRITY: Elon Musk Issues Dire Warning About What Will Happen to the United States if Trump Doesn’t Win the 2024 Election. Article

Poster child for voter fraud gets 3-year prison sentence for voting illegally in 2020, 2022 elections

How the Democrats’ “Cheat Margin” Works In Elections. Democrats are planning to steal the election in multiple states across America. The stealing will take place in many forms, including a massive number of fraudulent registrations and ineligible voters that have no business appearing on legitimate voter rolls. Article

NBC News actually went and knocked on doors, they found NON-CITIZENS admitting they are registered to vote and are voting in American Elections. Post

Musk: "Why not America? Those who oppose voter ID are doing so to commit fraud."


Venezuela's socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro and his regime just issued an arrest warrant against opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez for questioning the results of the recent election. This is a textbook copy of what American Democrats did to President Trump. The truth is that the opposition was wise to acquire election result tally sheets from 80% of the voting stations before the regime could confiscate and change them. The real results showed an overwhelming victory for the opposition and a final defeat of the socialist regime. Maduro is now on a manhunt for all his opponents. Post

US State Department Pushed “Voting Machine Semiconductors” Prior to Brazilian Election – Then CIA Pressured Populist Candidate Jair Bolsonaro to Keep His Mouth Shut When He Lost! – Elon Musk Responds! Article

US Voters Targeted by Chinese Online Influence Campaign Ahead of November Election: Report. The Chinese regime’s campaign has become more aggressive in its efforts to sway U.S. political conversations. Article

Gordon Chang Video: China’s Interference In American Elections

Did you think Kamala was flying them to Martha's Vineyard? - 81% (362,000/448,000) of her irregular Haitians somehow went to states that voted against her in 2020. If you look closely at the graph, you can just barely see when she started flying them into your neighborhood. Post


ELECTION INTERFERENCE: DOJ Chief Caught Admitting in Undercover Footage That Trump Indictments Are Politically Motivated — Exposes Plot to Make Trump a ‘Convicted Felon’ and ‘Affect His Candidacy.’ Article

Election officials warn that widespread problems with the US mail system could disrupt voting

VIDEO: Joe Oltmann and David Clements: The Regime Is FORCING Americans To Use Rigged Machines? - Guest Mark Cook 

True the Vote's Catherine Engelbrecht: We Have Identified 25 MILLION Ineligible Names on Voter Rolls

How to Hack an Election in 7 Minutes - We Must Ban the Machines!

ActBlue Busted for Money Laundering

Congressional Probe Into Political Fundraising Platform ActBlue Finds Potential "Criminal Activity" 

DNC caught criminally laundering $36 million into political campaigns across the nation! From 361,676 contributions, from 12,531 Smurfs. View details of the top 400 Smurfs the DNC is stealing identities from

Peter Bernegger: Wells Fargo, Chase, Bank of America, Amalgamated Bank and others criminally laundering money into political campaigns. It's in the billions with a "b". Wells Fargo in particular is key, they are processing 100% of all monies going out of ActBlue. From ActBlue to other entities, such as Emily's List, the DNC, the DCCC, Democracy Action and many others. Post

Obama’s Former Canadian Ambassador Reveals Zoom Call With Hollywood Celebrities and Social Media Influencers To Discuss Undetectable Way To Steal The 2024 Election

House Admin Chairman Rep. Bryan Steil sends criminal referrals to five state Attorneys General related to smurfing violations

Election Integrity Push Targets North Carolina and Eight Other States in Voter Registration Legal Battle; federal court legal appeal covers nine states: North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, Texas, Michigan, Maryland, Georgia, and Colorado. Article

'Online and vulnerable': Experts find nearly three dozen U.S. voting systems connected to internet

Trump Issues a “Cease and Desist” to Election Cheaters, Promises Retribution for Those Who Don’t Heed the Warning

Election Fraud Summary Dr. Charles P. Bernardin

Introducing the 2024 Voter Registration Index Forecast Model

Kash Patel: Deep State Rewarded FBI Officials Strzok and Page $2 Million for ‘Improper Disclosure of Text Messages’ in ‘Rigging a Presidential Election and Breaking the Law’

Democrat-Controlled States Refuse To Clean Voter Rolls And Fix Election Problems

Schumer Dodges on Why He Opposes Requiring Proof of Citizenship to Vote

Schumer Admits He’d Rather Shut Down Gov’t Than Require Voters Prove Citizenship

Voter ID… Outlawed! The Democrats Latest Move to Rig the Election (VIDEO)

Illegal immigrant to plead guilty to stealing US citizen's identity to vote in elections, DOJ

Election 2024: Beware of the USPS

Union for Postal Workers, Who Will Handle Ballots, Endorses Kamala Harris

Democracy was the illusion of choice…Under that structure everything was going fine, until 2016. Video

Pennsylvania, Florida and North Carolina all have seen a rightward trend in mail-in voting requests compared to this same point in 2020. Article

Joe Oltmann and David Clements with Kris Jurski: Attempted Assassinations = Election Interference From Our Own Government? Video

Barack Obama’s Former Canadian Ambassador Reveals Zoom Call With Hollywood Celebrities and Social Media Influencers To Discuss Undetectable Way To Steal The 2024 Election. Article

“Why is anyone who moves here entitled, immediately, to welfare — of any kind?” Article

Experts say somewhere between 1.5 million and 2.7 million illegal immigrants are likely to cast a ballot in the 2024 elections.The historic flood of illegal immigrants during the Biden-Harris administration has also padded voter rolls. If illegal immigrants and other noncitizens vote in the same proportion as in previous U.S. elections, the number will range anywhere from 1.5 million to nearly 3 million votes.

“A academic journal found that 6.4% of noncitizens voted in 2008,” Kerri Toloczko, executive director of Election Integrity Network reports that “There are about 24 million noncitizens in the U.S. right now. If they voted only at the same rate of 6.4% this year as they did in 2008, they would account for 1.5 million votes.” Article

VIDEO: Non-Citizens Say They Are Registered To Vote In Key Swing State


THE CHEAT IS ON! Democrats Reveal Their Plan to Use Overseas Ballots to Win in 2024 — Here’s How Easy It Is to Cheat. Article

The Professor's Record - David K. Clements: Official "Let My People Go" Full Documentary

Suspicious Packages Containing White Powder Sent to Election Officials in 15 States

Why Register EVERYBODY to Vote? Why are the feds and states so interested in adding people who are NOT INTERESTED IN POLITICS, or even eligible vote, to the voter rolls?

Albert Sensor: This surveillance device (now in 98% of all US Countries) gives the government full access to county election systems. It is provided by a private, non-profit called Center for Internet Security (CIS) who is funded to the tune of $50m by DHS. CIS is a main player in the censorship scheme carried out by our own federal government, Democrat non-profits, big tech, and state election officials to silence Americans’ about the 2020 election. Post

Albert sensors and the attack on local control



Undemocratic-Democrat Funded Groups' Lawfare and Collusion Exposed!
Educate. Advocate. Mitigate. Activate!
 The pawns in this lawfare game are undemocratic-Democrat funded groups. In this case the Alliance for Retired Americans (ARA), an AFL-CIO founded organization, Voto Latino (VL), and Priorities USA are all headquartered within a quarter mile radius of the White House, and their offices are in the midst of the multitudes of typical undemocratic-Democrat union headquarters, including the AFL-CIO itself (who created the ARA).

These undemocratic-Democrat front-men groups have continued this lawfare pattern from the same mold created by their thought-leader, Marc Elias. As outlined in Time Magazine’s February 2021 article they outright boast of how they used every method possible to interfere with the 2020 elections in order to FORTIFY their coup.

As was utilized in the AZ suit, their typical playbook ‘fortification’ tactic follows this pattern: Identify states where they control the Gov, AG, and the SoS, often coupled with a friendly judge of their choosing. After collusion, sue the state & local elections officers, who agreed to roll over, put up no defense, and proceed to make major ‘settlement concessions’ via the court process that completely alters or eliminates key provisions of election security laws.

The exact same play was run out of undemocratic-Democrat playbook when on Nov 20, 2023, the Leftist Organization Washington State Alliance for Retired Americans via the Leftist Elias Law Group filed a 22-page Amended Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief in US District Court, Western District of Washington, against the undemocratic-Democrat WA Sec of State and two leftist county auditors in King & Thurston Counties.

The complaint violates the State Constitution Art VI Sec. 1 and RCW 29A.08.230 and allows the homeless, illegals, newcomers, etc., who may arrive in WA state within 30 days of an election to vote. The sham (agreed) order was clear collaborated collusion and is easy to see right through. Most obviously orchestrated by both the “Plaintiff” (a biased 501(c)(4) Non-Profit Organization) via Leftist Elias Law Group and Leftist “Defendants” SoS, King County Auditor Julie Wise & Thurston County Auditor Mary Hall… Then rubber-stamped by a Leftist Judge, all under the watch of corrupt AG Bob Ferguson.

This matter is rightly being challenged in court by the WAGOP. The 30-day residency rule is a key security provision intended to afford time for the election officials to review new registrant-applicants prior to the election date. Article


WA State GOP Attacks Democrat Election Scheme In Court...

WA State GOP Files Lawsuit to Dispute 2024 State Primary Election Ballots

OmniBallot: Another Way Democrats Can Manipulate Elections...

Concerns and Anomalies in King County Election Process

WAGOP Election Integrity Committee Election Observer Report for the WA State August 6th, 2024, Primary Election

ALABAMA: The Biden/Harris DOJ has launched yet another blatant attack on state sovereignty and election integrity, this time setting its sights on Alabama. In an outrageous move, the DOJ has filed a lawsuit against Alabama for daring to clean up its voter rolls by removing illegal noncitizens from the system ahead of the upcoming general election. Article

DOJ Sues Alabama for Voter Roll Purge Program Targeting Noncitizens

ALASKA: Imagine Alaska being the first state to repeal / remove Ranked Choice Voting - and Voting Machines! Post / Website

ARIZONA: Top Arizona Democratic state officials caught admitting to plan to use courts as "cover" to allow 98,000 ineligible voters (who hadn't provided proof of citizenship as state law requires) to vote in state and local races. Post

Leaked Conversation Between Arizona’s Democrat Gov, Attorney General, and Secretary of State Reveals Attempt to Cover Up 98,000 Voter Registration Glitch – Officials Worried About Calls for New 2020 and 2022 Elections. Article

Massive “ERROR” in Arizona Validates Nearly 100,000 Voter Registrations Without Verifying Citizenship — Issue Has Existed for 20 YEARS. Article

Voter Registration Citizenship Check Failure in Arizona Affected 218,000 Voters NOT The Previously Claimed 98,000. Article

Arizona Supreme Court Allows 98,000 Without Confirmed Citizenship Documents to Vote

Maricopa County will continue allowing ballot count watchers, strikes rest of deal

Appeals Court Reinstates Arizona Law Enabling Cancellation of Voter Registrations

Democrat AZ Secretary of State who once told voter to 'go F-yourself' encourages ASU students to vote for 'reproductive rights'

20 Supporters Seated Behind Trump Onstage Rushed to ER with ‘Blurred Vision’ and ‘Eye Burns’ After Rally in Tucson, Arizona

Illegal Aliens Living in Phoenix Admit Being Registered to Vote, Express Interest in Voting for Kamala Harris (VIDEO)

2024 Arizona 15 County Trend Forecast

CALIFORNIA: California just made it clear it wants to allow cheating during election season. Before the passage of a bill that bans voter identification requirements from being enacted at local levels, the California State Assembly refused to add an amendment that would have prevented illegal aliens from voting in future elections. Article

Gavin Newsom Bans California From Requiring ID to Vote - Musk: The Joker is in Charge

COLORADO: ‘Rabidly Leftist’ Colorado State Official Handed 3rd Defeat In Her Scheme To Influence Elections

FLORIDA: FL Sec. of State: DHS isn’t cooperating with bid to remove illegals from voter rolls

The People's Audit - Kris Jurski: "You know what is crazier than an inactive voter getting a mail in ballot? How about someone who is no longer on the voter rolls getting a mail in ballot? How do you get a mail ballot sent, if you are no longer on the Voter Roll Florida?" Post

GEORGIA: In another win for election integrity efforts in Georgia, the state board of elections—in a 3-2 decision—is requiring counties to hand count all ballots in November’s election. According to the Georgia Election Board, ballots will still be counted electronically as well, but the hand count will be required prior to official certification of the election results. Article

Georgia Election Board Passes Rule Requiring Hand-Count of Ballots at Precinct Level

Election board seeks new investigation into Fulton County's handling of 2020 election

Georgia Citizens File Suit In Federal Court Against Brad Raffensperger, Ask Court To Order Secretary Of State To Follow NVRA And Georgia Law. The suit asserts that GA SoS Brad Raffensperger has failed to fulfill the requirements of the National Voter Registration Act and GA law to maintain accurate, and timely registrations in GA's voter rolls. The lawsuit seeks to enforce laws that protect the right to vote from dilution. Article

Georgia posts signs at precincts warning non-citizens they may be prosecuted if they vot. Thousands of non-citizen voters have been discovered on voter rolls this year and several states have ballot measures planned in November to combat the problem. Article

Liz Harrington - Two experts testify in DeKalb GOP v Raffensperger that the election system in Georgia was remotely accessed from Belgrade, Serbia DURING the 2020 Election - Similar activity also happened in Colorado, Michigan, and other states. Video

Georgia's State Election Board approved an investigation into failed voter registration challenges

2024 Georgia 159 County Trend Forecast

Why are Dominion voting machine passwords not secure just before the election?

IOWA: Iowa AG charges non-citizen for illegally voting in July city council election

KANSAS: Kansas SoS Scott Schwab, the recent past president of the National Association of Secretaries of State, sent his own letter in recent days to DeJoy. He said nearly 1,000 ballots from his state’s Aug. 6 primary election couldn’t be counted because they arrived too late or without postmarks — and more continue to come in. Article

LOUISIANA: Is Louisiana’s Voting System Unconstitutional? Louisiana Constitution Article XI, Section 2 explicitly requires that “Ballots shall be counted publicly and preserved inviolate as provided by law until any election contests have been settled." A recent State District lawsuit filed by a veteran state election official alleges that Louisiana’s voting system is facially unconstitutional because the State uses a purely machine-based voting apparatus called Direct Recording Equipment (DRE) to count the overwhelming majority of votes cast. Article

Governor executive order reaffirms that only those who have legally obtained U.S. citizenship can register and vote in elections. Citing both federal law and Louisiana’s state constitution, the executive order aims to close loopholes that could allow unauthorized immigrants to influence local and state elections. Article

MAINE: A TOP MAINE DEMOCRAT acknowledged that there’s likely not enough time to change the state’s Electoral College rules before the election to counterbalance Nebraska Republicans trying to alter their own state’s rules to benefit Donald Trump. Article

MICHIGAN: Election integrity concerns have resurfaced in Michigan after the Michigan Bureau of Elections, under the direction of the state’s Democratic SoS, made a sudden and controversial change to its Freedom of Information Act disclosure policy.  Article

Shadow Leftist Organization Is Accused of Committing Large Scale Democrat Voter Fraud in Michigan

RNC Sues Michigan Secretary Of State, Claiming ‘Thousands’ Of Improperly Processed Ballots

United Sovereign Americans Files Lawsuit Against Michigan Elections Officials

2024 Michigan 83 County Trend Forecast

MONTANA: Montana County Declares Wrong Winner After Failing To Compare Total Voters To Ballots

Recent Election Results in Montana Show an Unexpected Pattern

The Senate Select Committee On Elections Ignores The Will Of The People And Votes In Favor Of "Nothing To See Here"

NEBRASKA: Harris May Be Screwed If Nebraska Changes Its Electoral College Rules

NEW HAMPSHIRE: A Sticky Tamper-Resistance Problem for Elections in NH

New Hampshire 10 County Trend Forecast

NEW YORK: Migrants flooding NYC’s justice system — making up ‘75% of arrests in Midtown’ — as ‘pathetic’ sanctuary city laws handcuff cops

Latest New York mayoral count voided after ‘test’ ballots included in tally

NEVADA: Officials ‘Forced’ To Investigate Dirty Voter Rolls In Recent Election Integrity Win

NORTH CAROLINA: North Carolina purges 747,000+ bad voter registrations off the rolls 

Did The North Carolina Election Board Just Try to Pull A Fast One? They may have removed some voters 20 months ago, but they are adding voters at a record pace now. Article

OHIO: Ohio’s Election Integrity Unit Uncovers Illegal Haitian Voter Registration Fraud Operation – Using Creole Language Forms

Ohio Democrat Sen. Sherrod Brown and his campaign accepted donations from a woman who had been dead for months

OKLAHOMA: Oklahoma state officials announced the removal of over 453,000 ineligible voters from the voter rolls since 2021. Article

Oklahoma Purges More than 450,000 Ineligible Names from Voter Rolls, Including 100,000 Dead People, and 15,000 Duplicates. Article

Oklahoma Added to the List of States with Irregularities in Board of Election Voter Registration Databases Suspected of Fraud

OREGON: OR DMV mistakenly registered non-citizens to vote since 2021

Oregon DMV data error registered 1,259 noncitizens to vote. The numbers come after an extensive review of voter registrations. Article

Oregon DMV admits to wrongfully registering hundreds of noncitizens to vote

Oregon: Sorry About Registering All Those Illegals to Vote



PENNSYLVANIA: 2020 Fraud in PA - 1,823,148 ballots were mailed out. The final count - 2,589,242 received back. Discrepancy - 766,094 Trump lost PA by - 80,555. Post

Pennsylvania’s Motor Voter System, Endorsed By Barack Obama, Will Be Audited For Illegal Non-Citizen Voters. Article

Pennsylvania Teacher Says They’re Forcing Them To Register As Democrat Voters To Be Apart Of The Teachers Union. Video

RNC files lawsuit against Montgomery County PA for illegally issuing untested early ballots

Provisional Ballots Must Have Signature To Count, Pennsylvania High Court Rules

Undated and Misdated Mail-in Ballots Won’t Be Counted, Per Pennsylvania Supreme Court

Pennsylvania 67 County Trend Forecast

SOUTH CAROLINA: Judge in South Carolina Shocks Leftists with Bombshell Ruling: Voter Rolls Are Public Record Under Federal Law

TEXAS: Dallas County Texas Tell Election Workers To ILLEGALLY LIE ON REGISTRATION & USE A CHURCH ADDRESS TO REGISTER HOMELESS PEOPLE TO VOTE! Recorded August 24th During Election Training By Dallas County Elections Dept. Video

J. Christian Adams, President of Public Interest Legal Foundation, comments on why his organization filed a lawsuit forcing local election officials to investigate and fix errors in their voter rolls. He also reacts to reports that Texas removed more than one million voters from its rolls in an effort to promote election integrity. Video

Texas Gov Abbott announces over 1 million ineligible voters removed from voter rolls since 2021. More than 6,500 non-citizens were removed from the state's voter rolls, and about 1,930 of them have voted. Article

Secretary Nelson issued a letter to USCIS Director calling on the agency to provide citizenship data to help Texas maintain secure voter rolls

VIRGINIA: “I'm not a citizen yet." The clerk said, "Don't worry. If you want to vote, I will register you as a voter.”  Post

VA Pollbook Switch Appears to Violate Election Certification

WISCONSIN: City of Madison Clerk Admits to Sending Thousands of Duplicate Absentee Ballots Across 10 Wards Ahead of Presidential Election. Article

In Stunning Development Absentee Ballots are Being Mailed to “Inactive” Voters in Wisconsin for Presidential Election. Article

Wisconsin Election Legislative Committees Gives DOT Ultimatum on Non-US Citizens Driver’s License Data in Time for November Presidential Election. Article

Wisconsin Republican calls for investigation into 2,000 duplicate ballots that went out in Madison

Lawsuit Filed in Wisconsin to Remove Any Potential Non-US Citizens in WisVote Database Before November 5th Presidential Election. Article

Feds sue two Wisconsin towns for switching to paper ballots, without voting machines for disabled. Article

Documents Expose WI Attorney General Josh Kaul’s Fraudulent ‘Fake Electors’ Case

2024 Wisconsin 72 County Trend Forecast

You Can Actually See The 2024 Presidential Election Being Rigged ‌ UPDATED: US Social Security Admin Website shows MASSIVE amounts of people registering to vote WITHOUT ID in Key/ Swing States ‌ Texas 3,245,941 (+36,881 this week) Pennsylvania 1,852,803 (+82,812 this week) Arizona 1,605,792 (+102,628 this week) Missouri 1,927,324 (+125,526 this week) Georgia 265,745 (+6,748 this week) North Carolina 436,598 (+17,592 this week) Nevada 76,768 (+1,843 this week). Post


Election results likely to be delayed nationwide by state rules, litigation, and investigations. Since election results could be “delayed because of a rules change, you’ve just created a dynamic where either side can claim the election has been stolen.”  Article

Radical progressive politicians have been working for years to eliminate laws requiring proof of US citizenship for voter registration in US elections - Without such laws, millions of illegal aliens and noncitizens may be able to vote.

Voting is a precious right of US citizenship, defended and preserved by the sacrifice of men and women who paid the ultimate price for our freedom. Citizen voting is at the heart of the American republic - an institution we must preserve at all costs.

We believe that only US citizens should be allowed to vote in any American election—local, state, and federal—and that proof of US citizenship must be required to register to vote. We are united in that principle and will work together to educate our fellow citizens on the importance of citizen-only voting, and ensure the enactment and administration of laws and practices at all levels of government to prevent noncitizen registration and voting. Onlycitizensvotecoalition.com.

Dinesh D'Souza Movie: DEATH OF A NATION Lincoln saved America from the Democrats for the first time. Can Trump—and we—save America a second time?  Not since 1860 have the Democrats so fanatically refused to accept the result of a free election. That year, their target was Lincoln. They smeared him. They went to war to defeat him. In the end, they assassinated him!

Now the target of the Democrats is President Trump and his supporters. The Left calls them racists, white supremacists and fascists. These charges are used to justify driving Trump from office and discrediting the right "by any means necessary." Lincoln united his party and saved America from the Democrats for the first time. Can Trump—and we—come together and save America for the second time? Available now on DVD, Blu-ray, & Digital HD


Dinesh D'Souza New Movie: Vindicating Trump. It’s now in over 800 theaters nationwide and getting rave reviews. Audience score on Rotten Tomatoes: 97% This movie can change the course of history! Get tickets at http://VindicatingTrump.com

Political Warfare Is Real Warfare: You're not living in a failed state. You're living in a Marxist counter-state. What America has witnessed in the past seven years is NOT amplified political activism. It is a Marxist revolution — literally. For over a century, these revolutionary activities have been initiated, supported, and coordinated by hostile foreign nuclear powers — primarily the International Communist Movement centered in Moscow and Beijing. Some of the finest military intelligence officers in the world are trying to destroy America right now.

The primary tactic of these Marxist revolutionaries is political warfare of the Maoist insurgency model. It is the prevailing structure of the Left in the United States.

Political warfare, despite the name, has little to do with “run of the mill” politics. It is dirty politics, at best, and a violent and effective military tactic in execution. People die — and entire nations can be enslaved by it. Look at Venezuela, Nicaragua, Yemen, Libya, and Egypt over the past 20 years — and look at Brazil right now. Article

"The History of the Intelligence State" - Mike Benz lecture at Hillsdale College - An essential 40 min lecture on the origin story of "The Blob." : VIDEO
1:19: The Inauguration of Organized Political Warfare
11:20: NSC 10/2 and the Plausible Deniability Doctrine
15:08: Diplomacy Thru Duplicity
16:04: Smith-Mundt Act, The CIA Media Empire
19:40: The Department of Dirty Tricks
20:36: The CIA As Servant Of The State Department
23:02: 1789-1948 pre-history
29:54: 1948-1983

ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION UPDATE: Kamala Harris’ photo opportunity at the southern border was a classic example of bad timing: a new report from ICE revealed the criminal scum she and Joe Biden have allowed to pour into the country. Hundreds of thousands of criminals, along with tens of thousands of rapists and murderers, are roaming our streets. Harris wrecked the border, failed to address the migrant crisis, and now thinks she can pull a con over us by suggesting she’d crackdown on illegals. Article

New ICE report reveals the Biden-Harris administration has let in 425,000 illegal immigrants who are convicted criminals. That is enough people to fill Michigan's football stadium 4 times. The report says the following illegals are "roaming the country": - 13,099 M*rderers - 15,811 R*pists - 425,431 Convicted Criminals "Essentially what that is, is it means migrants who were encountered by DHS but are no longer in federal custody." "It's illegal immigrants who are caught and released at the border, released with the court date years away." Video

ICE REPORT: Of the 7 million migrants that ICE released while their cases are being processed, 663,000 have criminal histories, 13,000 were convicted of homicide, 16,000 of sexual assault, and 1,845 face homicide charges. Article


Elon Musk:: The scale of the deception is jawdropping  - Southern Border is now the Largest Crime Scene in American History. Video

Why Kamala's Border Visit Was a Total Disaster

The Biden-Harris administration issued the unconstitutional Executive Order 14019, which utilizes taxpayer funds to facilitate the registration and voting access of noncitizens

Study: 10% to 27% of Non-Citizens Are Illegally Registered to Vote. Based on the latest available data and an enhanced version of a stress-tested methodology from a scholarly journal, a new study by Just Facts has found that about 10% to 27% of non-citizen adults in the U.S. are now illegally registered to vote.

The U.S. Census recorded more than 19 million adult non-citizens living in the U.S. during 2022. Given their voter registration rates, this means that about two million to five million of them are illegally registered to vote. These figures are potentially high enough to overturn the will of the American people in major elections, including congressional seats and the presidency. Article

Since taking office, the Biden administration has witnessed over 7.8 million illegal border crossings, with at least 1.5 million “gotaways”—individuals detected by U.S. Customs and Border Protection but who evaded capture. This alarming trend raises serious questions about who is eligible to participate in our electoral process.

What We Know About the Haitians Taking Over Ohio Town. The arrival of 15,000 to 20,000 Haitians in Springfield specifically home to 58,000 or so residents, is a case study of how the Biden-Harris administration's border crisis is wreaking havoc on America's heartland. Article

SEAL THE BORDER, AND STOP THE MIGRANT INVASION - Agenda 47: Protecting Americans From Foreign Terrorists:

President Trump and Republicans offer an aggressive plan to stop the open-border policies that have opened the floodgates to a tidal wave of illegal Aliens, deadly drugs, and Migrant Crime. We will end the Invasion at the Southern Border, restore Law and Order, protect American Sovereignty, and deliver a Safe and Prosperous Future for all Americans.

1. Secure the Border: President Trump will restore every Border Policy of the Trump 45 Administration and halt all releases of Illegal Aliens into the interior. We will complete the Border Wall, shift massive portions of Federal Law Enforcement to Immigration Enforcement, and use advanced technology to monitor and secure the Border. We will use all resources needed to stop the Invasion— including moving thousands of Troops currently stationed overseas to our own Southern Border. We will deploy the U.S. Navy to impose a full Fentanyl Blockade on the waters of our Region—boarding and inspecting ships to look for fentanyl and fentanyl precursors. Before we defend the Borders of Foreign Countries, we must first secure the Border of our Country.

2. Enforce Immigration Laws: President Trump will strengthen ICE, increase penalties for illegal entry and overstaying Visas, and reinstate “Remain in Mexico” and other Policies that helped reduce Illegal Immigration by historic lows in President Trump’s first term. We will also invoke the Alien Enemies Act to remove all known or suspected gang members, drug dealers, or cartel members from the United States, ending the scourge of Illegal Alien gang violence once and for all. We will bring back the Travel Ban, and use Title 42 to end the child trafficking crisis by returning all trafficked children to their families in their Home Countries immediately.

3. Begin Largest Deportation Program in American History: President Trump and Republicans will reverse the Democrats’ destructive Open Borders Policies that have allowed criminal gangs and Illegal Aliens from around the World to roam the United States without consequences. Trump is committed to sending Illegal Aliens back home and removing those who have violated our Laws.

4. Strict Vetting: President Trump will use existing Federal Law to keep foreign Christian-hating Communists, Marxists, and Socialists out of America. Those who join our Country must love our Country. We will use extreme vetting to ensure that jihadists and jihadist sympathizers are not admitted. 

5. Stop Sanctuary Cities: President Trump will cut federal Funding to sanctuary jurisdictions that release dangerous Illegal Alien criminals onto our streets, rather than handing them over to ICE. We will require local cooperation with Federal Immigration Enforcement.

6. Ensure Our Legal Immigration System Puts American Workers First: President Trump and Republicans will prioritize Merit-based immigration, ensuring those admitted to our Country contribute positively to our Society and Economy, and never become a drain on Public Resources. We will end Chain Migration, and put American Workers first! Donaldjtrump.com - Agenda

President Donald J. Trump Declares War on Cartels

Agenda47: No Welfare for Illegal Aliens


President Donald Trump vowed to fire every federal employee who has engaged in censorship under the Biden-Harris Administration. Since President Biden took office in 2021, evidence of censorship directed by the White House has been uncovered through a number of leaks and investigations. Censorship of social media sites has been ongoing before the Trump Administration, as evidenced by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s recent letter to congress in which he revealed that FBI employees “warned” the platform that the infamous Hunter Biden laptop story was “Russian disinformation.” Article

Democrats bet Harris will move left as president

The Election Fairness Institute, Inc. (EFI), based in Scottsdale, AZ, has been investigating political money laundering, identifying over $1 trillion in illicit funds supporting political campaigns across the U.S. This investigation, which began in November 2021, uncovered a network involving real estate transactions with inflated values, mortgage fraud, and wire fraud, primarily centered in Scottsdale, Arizona, and Nashville, Tennessee. Post

Mass U.S. Corruption: Assistant Chief of Millersville, TN Police Department Tells All!


James O'Keefe: Google Growth Strategist Exposes Google’s Search Engine Manipulation for Kamala Harris Campaign. Google has been actively coordinating with the Kamala Harris campaign, manipulating its search engine advertisements to favor her in the 2024 election. Video

Stanford profs condemn DEI at school, say it can lead to anti-Semitism. ‘Rather than correcting stereotypes, diversity training too often reinforces them and breeds resentment,’ the professors wrote. Article

Across our great nation, election administrators, judges, lawyers, and citizen volunteers are preparing for the 2024 election. But radical progressive politicians have been working for years to eliminate laws requiring proof of US citizenship for voter registration in US elections. Without such laws, millions of illegal aliens and noncitizens may be able to vote.

Voting is a precious right of US citizenship, defended and preserved by the sacrifice of men and women who paid the ultimate price for our freedom. Citizen voting is at the heart of the American republic - an institution we must preserve at all costs.

We believe that only US citizens should be allowed to vote in any American election—local, state, and federal—and that proof of US citizenship must be required to register to vote. We are united in that principle and will work together to educate our fellow citizens on the importance of citizen-only voting, and ensure the enactment and administration of laws and practices at all levels of government to prevent noncitizen registration and voting. Onlycitizensvotecoalition.com.

Political Warfare Is Real Warfare: You're not living in a failed state. You're living in a Marxist counter-state. What America has witnessed in the past seven years is NOT amplified political activism. It is a Marxist revolution — literally. For over a century, these revolutionary activities have been initiated, supported, and coordinated by hostile foreign nuclear powers — primarily the International Communist Movement centered in Moscow and Beijing. Some of the finest military intelligence officers in the world are trying to destroy America right now.

The primary tactic of these Marxist revolutionaries is political warfare of the Maoist insurgency model. It is the prevailing structure of the Left in the United States.

Political warfare, despite the name, has little to do with “run of the mill” politics. It is dirty politics, at best, and a violent and effective military tactic in execution. People die — and entire nations can be enslaved by it. Look at Venezuela, Nicaragua, Yemen, Libya, and Egypt over the past 20 years — and look at Brazil right now. Article

The Haitian Horror Story No One's Talking About

TRUMP ASSASSINATION UPDATE: When Will Democrats Assassinate Trump? - They Have Tried Everything Else

Trump Suspect Ryan Routh Left Note: ‘This Was an Assassination Attempt’ - Prosecutors said the note and other evidence found at the scene show a need for Routh to be detained while the government builds its case against him. Article

REPORT: Informants Claim Trump’s Plane Targeted for Assassination — Nine Surface-to-Air Missiles Smuggled into U.S.. Article

Rep. Matt Gaetz: There are Five Known Assassination Teams in America Out to Kill President Trump, Three of Them Foreign in Nature (AUDIO)

Sept 25, 2024, the FBI acknowledged to the AP that they gave a briefing to the Trump Team of assassination threats to Donald J. Trump. Campaign spokesman Steven Cheung said the meeting included information about “real and specific” threats to “assassinate him in an effort to destabilize and sow chaos in the United States.” Article

Democrats' Hatred Fueling Attempts On Trump's Life - Trump Isn't The Only Target, WHO WILL BE ASSASSINATED NEXT?

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna’s Primary Opponent Charged With Threatening to Assassinate Her With Russian-Ukrainian Hit Squad

VIDEO: This was posted on the Ayatollah’s website - Truly, terrifyingly chilling!


Telegram Agrees to Give Phone Numbers and IP Addresses to Authorities. Pavel Durov, writing on his Telegram channel, said they have updated their terms and conditions but will only respond to ‘valid legal requests.’ Article

Biden/Harris are the Disaster throughout Disaster Crisis. It’s part of an unseemly pattern with this administration: when disaster strikes, we have an administration that can’t do disaster response and everyone runs away. A train derails in East Palestine, Ohio—the White House drags their feet. Severe wildfires strike Maui, the deadliest in 100 years, and it takes Biden forever to get out there. Joe’s mind is applesauce. Kamala is too stupid to know what to do—and the rest of this government is stacked with incompetents and other invalids. Meanwhile, the Fed Gov is Nowhere to be found as Hurricane Helene Hurricane smashed into Florida’s Big Bend as a category four storm, inflicting “biblical” damage across the southern US, as there are reports that hundreds of thousands of people in Ashville, North Carolina, could be without access to water for weeks. Article

Kris Jursky" Privately owned helicopters are delivering supplies to stranded victims as the government is "nowhere to be found" after Hurricane Helene demolished the Southeast. Locals are the ones volunteering their time and money to help Americans in need!

President Trump Launches Fundraising Campaign to Aid Americans Devastated by Hurricane Helene — Raises Over $1 Million in Less Than Two Hours. Article

Harris/Walz Campaign busted for using paid actors in an ad pretending to be former Trump supporters - The 2 are not only actors but have been Democrat donors for years

Dan Bongino Reveals Shocking New Information About Biden White House Cocaine Scandal #CocaineGate. Article/Video

Iran Launches Full-Scale Attack on Israel - Iran has launched hundreds of ballistic missiles into Israel. the second full scale attack directly from Iranian territory in less than six months. Hezbollah has also launched rockets from southern Lebanon. Approx. 10 million civilians are the targets of Iranian projectiles. Article


Trump Reacts to Iran's Massive Ballistic Missile Attack

China launches Nuclear Capable Missiles as a message, is anyone in the U.S. Government paying attention? Article


Colorado dean of students fired after saying USA is 'the greatest country in the world' during mandatory DEI training: lawsuit. "Cherry Creek has replaced the Bill of Rights with the 'DEI Manifesto,' and teachers, students, and parents are being silenced for standing up for the values that make America great." Article

Bannon is cheduled to be out of prison in November - Keep him in thought and prayer

VIDEO: Bannon’s MAGA Letter From Prison 

CNN Data Analyst on Union Household Support for Kamala Harris: ‘Worst Democratic Performance in a Generation’ (VIDEO)

Polish President Andrzej Duda Rallies Polish-American Voters in Pennsylvania — Praises Trump’s Strong Leadership on Global Security. Article

President Trump says he will request the prosecution of Google at “the maximum levels” when he wins the Election and becomes President of the US


WATCH: Trump Receives Incredible Thunderous Ovation From 100,000+ Crowd At Alabama-Georgia Game

Tim Walz booed by Michigan fans as he attended “The Big House” to watch the Wolverines face Minnesota - Walz Gives Middle Finger to Trump Supporter While at Michigan Football Game (VIDEO)


The SCRP Central Committee meets on the second Saturday of each month at the Freedonia Grange from 10 am to 11:30 am. Next meeting is Saturday, Oct 12; please call (360) 820-1700 or email: chair@skagitgop.org for more info.

Tue Nov 5 there will be a Dinner/Watch Party hosted by the Skagit Republican Woman's Group at the Mount Vernon Shawn O’Donnell’s from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Dinner is $22 per person. RSVP Connie Miller scrwpres@outlook.com.


Respect & Blessings

Bill Bruch, SCRP Chairman




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