September 4 - 11, 2020 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

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Thank you so much to everyone who came out to the Skagit Republicans Lincoln/Reagan Day Gala Peaceful Protest! It turned out to be a perfect event on a perfect sunny day! We broke a record with over 400 attending, and Featured Speakers Loren Culp and Jim Walsh knocked it out of the park with passionate speeches. Best of all is that everyone really had a great time! Special thanks to the dozens of SCRP volunteers that worked tirelessly to put it on, Tim Lewis for allowing us to use his amazing venue with 23,000 square feet of covered space; Judge Larson, Duane Davidson, Matt Larkin, Joshua Freed, Chris Leyba, Sue Pederson, Ron Wesen, Ron Muzzall, Greg Gilday, Jeffery Beeler, Tim Hazelo, Russ Dzailo, Carolyn Eslick, Peter Browning, KellyAnna Brooking, and the fantastic music by Sarah Winchester and the Band! It was a true blessing to emcee such an amazing event, and it will be day we will long remember!

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Secretary of State Kim Wyman has issued an emergency rule change that requires county officials to use first-class mail at least 15 days before Election Day when sending ballots to voters in October. By law, ballots must be sent to voters no later than Oct. 16, with the initial mailing sent at a nonprofit bulk rate, which guarantees a delivery time between three and 10 days.

Under the new rule, at least 15 days prior to the election, any replacement ballots or ballots for newly registered voters would be mailed with first-class postage, with a delivery window between two and five days.

The U.S. Postal Service recommends voters return their ballots by mail a week before Election Day. Return envelopes included in ballot packets sent to voters contain prepaid first class postage, and must receive a postmark no later than Election Day.


The mainstream media and Big Tech massive disinformation campaign is ramping up like never before and continues to censor Conservatives, but we will never give up. PLEASE REMEMBER to Tell Everyone to Vote Culp for Governor and to Write-in Joshua Freed for Lieutenant Governor on the ballot in November!

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We need to Re elect Skagit County Commissioner Ron Wesen! Ron is a 4th generation dairy farmer, businessman, and current District 1 County Commissioner finishing his second term. Three generations of the extended Wesen family operate an organic dairy and a Centennial dairy farm in the Bow-Edison area. See


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The Whatcom Democrat Socialists and other groups have organized "The Defund Bellingham Police Coalition." The Coalition has launched a website and is calling for the City of Bellingham and Mayor  Seth Fleetwood to take decisive action towards defunding their police department. They plan a march to the Mayor's house at 6 PM Friday, September 4th.


The latest CDC data is now telling us that the overwhelming majority of those who have tested positive for the coronavirus should really have been found negative after all, and potentially 90 percent of those who have tested positive for Covid -19 have such insignificant amounts of the virus present in their bodies that such individuals do not need to isolate nor are they candidates for contact tracing. Leading public health experts are now concerned that overtesting is responsible for misdiagnosing a huge number of people with harmless amounts of the virus in their systems. More here.

Even the New York Times says most of the people that have tested positive are not likely to be contagious.

If the coronavirus has made one thing clear, it's that so-called "scientists" and "experts" are wrong all the time. They can't accurately forecast a virus, they tell us different things about the effectiveness of a face mask, they insist the virus can't spread at Left wing protests, and there's a myriad of other examples too long to document showing us the Leftist "experts" are really just making it all up as they go along.


Even though hydroxychloroquine is proving to be very successful in treating Covid-19 patients, there is still much pressure for people to be forced to take a Covid-19 vaccine, even if it may not work. Many doctors are warning against this as these vaccines are being fast tracked and testing has had high percentages of adverse systemic side effects. Doctors are also warning us that these vaccines can permanently affect our DNA. Dr. Carrie Madej, a Internal Medicine Physician Specialist and former Medical Director in Georgia has done much work on the subject. Before you submit to a Covid-19 vaccine you may want to watch her video here. Also Bill Gates discusses the Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine Microneedle delivery system, video here. OF NOTE: it requires an enzyme called Luciferase in order to make it work...


Yesterday there was an organized march at the state capitol in Olympia by Local high school athletes who have started an online petition to bring back fall sports as originally scheduled. The petition here, was started by Cole Norah, a football and baseball player at Mount Si High School in the class of 2021, and addresses Gov. Jay Inslee. In the petition, Norah said local athletes have formed an organization called “SAW” or Student Athletes of Washington.

“We are writing to ask that the traditional fall sports not be delayed or postponed, thereby allowing them to be played this fall as originally scheduled,” the petition reads.

The petition goes on to say that the athletes feel their voice is not being considered or heard by those who are making decisions. SAW mentioned several repercussions of not having fall sports including depression and lack of structure, among others.


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Democrat Operative ADMITS: "We’ve Been Committing MASSIVE Mail-in Vote Fraud for Decades." "There is no race from city council to United States Senate — that we haven’t worked on,” states the Democrat operative. He also reveals that such efforts, which extend far beyond New Jersey, “could be enough to flip states.”

The operative is talking about what mainstream media assure us is no problem: Voter fraud. In fact, the operative’s specialty is fraud effected via mail-in ballots — a voting method Democrats want to implement nationwide for the presidential election using Covid-19 concerns as a pretext.

The man, described as a “top Democratic operative” by the New York Post, says he has been committing mail-in vote fraud “on a grand scale, for decades,” writes the paper. The Post spoke to him under the condition of anonymity, but confirmed his identity and reveals that he’s a Bernie Sanders partisan.


The Department of Justice confirmed Tuesday that federal law enforcement agents are investigating who is behind coordinated riots in cities across the country. The Department has been working overtime to identify, charge and arrest hundreds of rioters. Last week, 74 individuals were charged in Portland with a series of federal crimes. DOJ spokesperson Kerri Kupec said, “We are investigating coordinated, criminal activity - not First Amendment activity - and violence related to riots, destruction of federal property and violence against law enforcement officers."

U.S. Attorney Billy Williams released in a statement saying "Violent agitators have hijacked any semblance of First Amendment protected activity, engaging in violent criminal acts and destruction of public safety,”  Trump interview on the subject here.  OF NOTE: Since the beginning of August the web domain name now redirects Internet users to the campaign website for Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden.


Last Saturday night, a Black Lives Matter leader in Washington, D.C., rallied up his followers by encouraging them to become violent with police officers, saying:

"I'm at the point where I'm ready to put these police in the f**king grave. I'm at the point where I want to burn the f**king White House down. I want to take it to the senators. I want to take it to the Congress. I want to take the fight to them," he yelled into a microphone. "And, at the end of the day, if they ain't going to hear us, we burn them the f**k down."

"I'm one that talk real s**t. I talked it in New York and I'm talking it in D.C. The same way I f**ked up police in New York, I'll f**k cops up here in D.C. The same way I busted police in the head in New York, I'll bust police in the head in D.C.," he warned. Video here.

The day before at the Al Sharpton Rally, an estimated 50,000 people marched and gathered in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, many wearing Black Lives Matter T-shirts, as speakers demanded racial equality.


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A WA DC committee convened by Mayor Muriel Bowser has recommended that the Washington Monument, among other federal memorials in the city, should be marked for removal, relocation, or contextualization. The committee recommends renaming dozens of public schools, parks and government buildings in the nation’s capital, after studying the historical namesakes’ connections to slavery and oppression. “We believe strongly that all District of Columbia owned public spaces, facilities and commemorative works should only honor those individuals who exemplified those values such as equity, opportunity and diversity that DC residents hold dear,” the committee’s chairs wrote in a letter introducing their report.


2020 candidates including Loren Culp for Governor yard signs are available in the SCRP office located at 2021 East College Way Suite #200. We are open Monday through Friday from 10 AM to 2 PM. Loren Culp is in Wenatchee and Spokane this weekend. For more information on his campaign see:


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On Sunday, September 13th from noon to 2 PM in La Conner there will be an Elect Bill Bruch for State House Meet & Greet. Outdoor venue and lunch provided! To RSVP call (360) 421- 2269. For more information on the campaign see


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This Monday September 7th, Labor Day at 12:30 PM PST there will be a Peaceful Rally all across the nation in thousands of locations with the goal of a million patriots, with one voice standing for President Trump. The message is to salute President Trump and acknowledge his administration for apointing 200 conservative US Circuit Court Judges, appointing Kavanaugh and Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, cutting taxes, lowering the unemployment rate to the lowest numbers in (50) years (historic lows for woman, blacks and hispanics), getting us out of the Iran deal, eliminating ISIS, being the most Pro Life president in American history, cutting more regulations than any American president since Lincoln, moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, building the wall and keeping his other many promises! 

The local gathering will take place in Anacortes with the Patriots Corner group, at the corner of Commercial and 12th Street (across from Safeway) from 12:30 PM to 1 PM.


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Today in Mount Vernon there will be doorbelling from 3 PM to 5 PM. For more information and to participate please call Philip Stockton @ (434) 363-2812.


Today from 12-2 at the Burlington post office Elisabeth Waldron and Tracy Abuhl will be doing an info booth for Matt Larkin for Attorney General, Joshua Freed for Lieutenant Governor and Chris Leyba for State Auditor. Also they will have I-1114 petitions to sign.


On Monday, September 7th from 7 PM to 8:30 PM Join LD 10 State Senator Ron Muizzall, LD 10 State House Candidate Bill Bruch and LD 10 State House Candidate Greg Gilday for a Live Zoom Question and Answer Candidate Forum.

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Tomorrow afternoon there will be LD 10 doorbelling in Mount Vernon. For more info call (360) 421-2269.


Tomorrow there will be sign waving for Joshua Freed, Matt Larkin, and Chris Leyba In Sedro-Woolley at the intersection of highway 20 and Ferry Street by A.R.E Realty. Group will meet in the Walgreens parking lot at 12:00 PM and have signs for all 3 candidates. Let us know if you can join us. For more info please call (360) 707-1715.

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Respect & Blessings

Bill Bruch, SCRP Chairman

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