The WAGOP State 'Endorsement' Convention - a major cultural shift for the Republican Party


If Republican and Conservative candidates are to win elections, the GOP (EARLY-ON) must get behind the best candidate that CAN WIN for their particular race. This Thur, Fri, and Sat, we have this opportunity at the upcoming Washington State Republican Party 2024 State Convention, being held April 18–20, in Spokane.

The WAGOP will be doing something quite unique by holding an ‘Endorsement’ Convention - a bold first-time effort that represents a major cultural shift for the Republican Party. This is a Convention you will not want to miss!

The WAGOP State 'Endorsement' Convention - a major cultural shift for the Republican Party


Before the official business of the convention on Fri and Sat, the WAGOP is hosting a fun Thursday packed with panels and workshops presented by state and national experts in their field. The day will include lunch speakers and plenty of time to meet fellow Republicans and delegates. Throughout the day, you’ll have the opportunity to visit the hundreds of vendor booths. At the end of the night, there is a convention, ‘Welcome Social,’ for all delegates and guests.

The WAGOP State Committee will hold our regular spring business meeting on Thursday evening. The meeting will be Chaired by Jim Walsh and will be held in the Spokane Convention Center - Exhibit Hall C, and will be open to observation. It will also be your chance to watch speeches and the voting for National Committeeman and Committeewoman. Both positions are four-year terms, commencing immediately after the 2024 RNC National Convention held in Milwaukee, WI, July 15th - 18th.


I want to be your Conservative voice at the RNC! The position of RNC National Committeeman is critical; the future of our state, country, and next generations is literally at stake.

We need faithful conservatives in all political offices, including National Committeeman. The RNC provides national GOP leadership, oversees the activities of the Republican State committees, and coordinates activities with the National Republican Congressional and Senatorial Committees (among other important duties).

I want to advocate for election integrity, help President Trump get re-elected and fully dismantle the administrative state, clear out the establishment bureaucracy, and return power to “We the People.”

This is my 8th year as Chairman of the Skagit County Republican Party and my 4th year Serving as Chair of our State Party Election Integrity Committee and as a Member of the State Party Executive Board. During my time serving on the State Committee, I have never missed a meeting.

As a successful business owner, an America First Constitutional Conservative, a grassroots activist, a citizen journalist, and blogger, I am dedicated to Truth, Transparency, and Exposing and Eliminating Corruption!

I have served as a Council Member, effectively managed campaigns, and ran for state office. I’ve engaged in the process and worked within the system to understand the hard work, dedication, and sacrifice required to run campaigns and win elections.

Here is a link to my March 11, 2024, letter to the WAGOP State Committee Announcing my Candidacy for National Committeeman

Bill Bruch for RNC National Committeeman Flyer

The WAGOP State 'Endorsement' Convention - a major cultural shift for the Republican Party


In an effort to not split the GOP vote in the "Jungle Primary" to take back the Republican Party and unify behind the best candidate for each race, the WAGOP is asking the largest gathering of Grassroots Republicans ever in Washington State to choose the Republican candidates.

The WAGOP State "Endorsement Convention" will allow the Convention Delegates to select the top Republican and Conservative candidates running for state-wide and federal offices.

The goal is to have 2,000 + Grassroots Delegates from all 39 counties around the state to vote and pick their best choice in each of the 10 Congressional races, 9 statewide offices and 1 US Senate race for 2024.

OF NOTE: Of the 9 Washington statewide executive offices, this is the first time in over 50 years that 4 offices will be “open” seats and have no incumbents, they include: Governor, Attorney General, Commissioner of Public Lands and Insurance Commissioner.

Friday morning will include committee reports and statewide candidate speeches. In the afternoon the convention delegates reconvene to 10 designated Congressional District Caucuses for Congressional District Endorsements. This is the time to listen to speeches, elect 3 National Convention Delegates, 3 National Convention Alternates, and 1 candidate for Presidential Elector.

Saturday includes debate and adoption of the WAGOP Platform, and the statewide candidates will be officially endorsed! Also, the “At-Large” Statewide National Convention Delegates and National Convention Alternate candidates will give speeches. Then 10 at-large Delegates and 10 at-large Alternates will be picked by a vote of the 2,000 + state convention delegates.

IMPORTANT: All the voting will be done in person, with paper ballots to be hand counted, with plenty of observers, and no machines will be used.

After each one of the statewide candidates has been endorsed, for the best chance to win, the Republican Party needs to unify and support that candidate and their campaign. The candidate must support the party platform, know all applicable issues, and be able to speak the truth about the issues while articulating a winning message.

The endorsed candidates will be part of a WAGOP slate and must be willing to work each day to get the vote out for their campaign.

All races are different and each candidate needs to have a strategic plan specific to their particular race, be flexible and willing to change and do whatever is required to win the race, including ballot harvesting (collecting/protecting).



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