Washington State Constitution and the Rule of Law Obliterated by Leftists


On October 11, 2024, the WAGOP finally had the opportunity to make the case in federal district court to dismiss and reverse a Democrat scheme to destroy the WA State Constitution's provision that a person be a resident of the state for 30 days before registering to vote.

However, we should not be surprised that the same leftist judge that allowed and signed the “consent decree” in the first place, struck down the attempt to get back to the rule of law based on "Timeliness" of the filing…


FOR REFERENCE SEE: WA State Constitution: Art VI, Section 1 Qualifications of Electors. All persons of the age of eighteen years or over who are citizens of the United States and who have lived in the state, county, and precinct thirty days immediately preceding the election at which they offer to vote…

Also, the sham consent decree included a plaintiff with no real standing and violated state law RCW 29A.08.230 - Oath of Applicant: For ALL VOTER REGISTRATIONS:

I declare that the facts on this voter registration form are true. I am a citizen of the United States, I will have lived at this address in Washington for at least thirty days immediately BEFORE the next election at which I vote

As I explained in my prior articles, the Democrat machine typical playbook ‘tactic’ follows this pattern: Identify states where they control the Governor, AG, and the SoS; find a “friendly” judge, after collusion, sue the state & local elections officers, who agreed prior to put up no defense, and proceed to make major ‘settlement concessions’ via the court process that completely alters or eliminates key provisions of election security laws. And if it obliterates the State Constitution and the Rule of Law, then so be it…

This happened in WA State on Nov 20, 2023, when the Leftist Organization Washington State Alliance for Retired Americans via the Leftist Elias Law Group filed their 22-page Amended Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief in federal court, against the Undemocratic-Democrat WA Secretary of State and two leftist county elections officials in King & Thurston Counties.

The complaint (besides Violating the Constitution and State Law) allows the homeless, illegals, newcomers, etc., who arrive in WA State within 30 days of an election to now vote.

The sham (agreed) order was clearly collaborated collusion, obviously orchestrated by both the “Plaintiff” (a biased 501(c)(4) Non-Profit Organization) via Leftist Elias Law Group and Leftist “Defendants.”

The 30-day residency rule is a key security provision intended to afford time for the election officials to review new registrant-applicants prior to the election date.

Let’s hope the WAGOP files an appeal in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

AS A SOLUTION: Allow any newly arriving WA State resident wishing to vote within 30 days before an election to get a Federal-Only Ballot, provisioned upon them declaring that they will not be voting in any other jurisdiction where they previously lived.



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