August 2021 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

August 2021 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

This month there are two WA State Public Hearings scheduled on Election Integrity. Sunday, Aug 15 in Snohomish and Sunday, Aug 29 in Bow. Both events will be Live Streamed. The Skagit event will be from 3:30 PM to 7 PM and held at Heritage Ranch, 18244 Sam Bell Road Bow (MAP), and will feature a panel of elected officials and several experts on Election Integrity including Dr. Douglas Frank. OAN is planning on covering the Skagit event.

Given the political climate current reality trend, the country and this state may be lost forever unless we get elections right! Do not miss this Skagit Aug. 29 free event! Seating is limited. To RSVP email

The Socialist/Democrat agenda is to end America's two party systems by federalizing elections (HR-4) including going to mandatory nationwide mail in voting which is fraught with peril. Democrat controlled states' and our Governor's Endless Emergency is collapsing our three branch of state government and the Rule-of-Law as WA State continues under a 1 1/2 year Dictatorship! The legislature has abandoned the people and the Constitution. And of course the mainstream media is complicit. 

Besides Election Integrity, what else can we do about it? The 2021 Primary is August 3rd. Make sure to vote and tell your friends to vote! It is important for Republicans to turnout for these all important local elections. We need to Support Conservative Candidates that will Uphold the Constitution for our Communities in School Boards and City Councils, and elect candidates who will fight back against Critical Race Theory, Defund the Police, Sex-ed in kindergarten and much more. List of SCRP supported candidates here.

Chairman's Corner Newsletter


This year the SCRP Lincoln / Reagan Day Gala will be Saturday, October 16. Election Integrity will be the theme and will feature Keynote Speaker Arizona State Representative Mark Finchem. Finchem is a 4 term, 8 year AZ legislative leader and is one of the main reasons the AZ Election Audit even happened; he is also running for AZ Secretary of State in 2022. Here is a preview 4 min interview (begins about 11 min mark). For more info and to purchase tickets click here

Video: Mark Finchem Issues Warning To DOJ Threatening To Punish Audits

AZ Rep Mark Finchem Says AZ Attorney General Will Likely Seize Maricopa County Election Routers Within 30 Days

On Saturday, August 7th at Eagle Haven Winery there will be a Tiffany Smiley For U.S. Senate Meet and Greet Fundraiser. VIP Event begins at Noon. Meet and Greet begins at 12:30 PM. Event will include Food, Music and Fun! WSRP State Chairman Caleb Heimlich, LD 39 Rep. Carolyn Eslick and others will also be guest speakers. Event located at 8243 Sims Road Sedro-Woolley --MAP. RSVP via text to AMY Harris (360) 999-0995 or email

Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Mike Lindell announced he is offering $5 million to anyone who can discredit the 2020 election data that will be presented at the upcoming “Cyber Symposium" held in Sioux Falls South Dakota Aug 10-12. The $5 million reward is for anyone who attends his symposium and demonstrates the data he presents doesn’t actually prove Donald Trump won the election. Over 3,000 "Packet Captures" are expected to be released showing detailed proof that almost every US county voting machines were connected to the internet on Nov 3. Something our SOS has vehemently denied for WA State.

Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Last week the Arizona Senate served Maricopa County with another subpoena relating to the forensic audit of the 2020 election, asking for ballot envelopes, routers, and voter databases, among other requests. The main reason the audit has taken several months is because the Maricopa County Supervisors and Recorder have obstructed the process and refused to cooperate with court orders.

The subpoena follows bombshell results from the Maricopa forensic audit. Doug Logan, the CEO of Cyber Ninjas, conducting the audit, told the AZ Senate at hearings last month the audit’s findings include: 11,326 people in the county who voted in the Nov 3 election and were NOT on the voter rolls Nov 3, but were added to the voter rolls by Dec 4. This number is higher than Biden’s supposed statewide “lead” in Arizona of 10,457 votes. Additionally, more than 74,000 mail-in ballots were counted in the county even though there is no recorded evidence of the ballots being sent to the “voters," and Maricopa County is withholding all photographic evidence of the mail-in ballot envelopes from the audit team. Video evidence shows ballot printers and boxes getting loaded onto a “Destruction” truck in Phoenix. Also thin ballot paper used for approximately 168,000 ballots led to markers “bleeding through” the paper, damaging ballots after a Maricopa County had an advertising campaign telling voters to use Sharpie markers to fill in ballots and ordered staff to hand out Sharpie markers to same-day voters (this also happed in Pima County AZ). More Here


In Georgia's Elections things appear to be even worse! According to a recent report by attorney Garland Favorito and Voter GA, in Fulton County the hand recount was wrong by 60%. 100,000 tally sheets for ballots were missing; they duplicated thousands of extra votes for Biden; and fabricated vote counts of 100 - 0 for Biden, many times! Ballot batch sheets fraudulently showed multiple unanimously 100 - 0 counts for Biden, as well as 150-0 and 200-0. This is on top of the 35,000 illegal votes recently found in GA, and the over 100,000 obsolete voter registrations, plus thousands of dead voters, deleted AFTER the election. And they even haven't begun their full forensic audit yet! SEE: Election Fraud in Georgia

Also the GA Cobb County election now shows the SOS website where there are only 703 batch sheets published [from the risk-limiting audit]. The batch sheets should be the same number as the audit board batch sheets. They are not. There are still 4493 batch sheets missing. That means 253,663 ballots are missing or not documented.  ARTICLE / VIDEO

OF NOTE: The Biden administration filed a lawsuit to prevent Georgia from enacting an anti-voter fraud bill in the wake of the 2020 election, you can expect this in other state's as well. 

Chairman's Corner Newsletter



Also, Wisconsin announced that they will be conducting a full forensic audit of the 2020 election due to overwhelming evidence of voter fraud in the state. WI State Rep. Janel Brandtjen, Chair of the Campaigns and Elections committee said “The amount of absentee voting taking place has exposed issues surrounding ballot curing, ‘indefinitely confined’ electors, ballot harvesting and how our tabulators actually work. As I’ve traveled around our state voters have made it clear that they want a thorough, cyber-forensic examination of tabulators, ballot marking devices and other election equipment, which I will be helping facilitate on behalf of the committee. IP addresses, chain of custody on ballots, and audit trail logs must be thoroughly inspected by cyber-audit technician. While WI is in the process of an election audit, I will be working to ensure that it is augmented with expertise and resources to ensure a comprehensive, forensic examination.” 


Uncovered Email Shows Milwaukee Elections Executive Woodall-Vogg Laughing About the Election Steal on Election Night

Pennsylvania’s Acting Secretary of State Veronica Degraffenreid decertified the voting system of rural Fulton County for future elections, saying "five 'issues of note' were uncovered, three of which are related to Dominion Voting Systems, whose electronic voting system was used in the county for the 2020 election. While these may seem minor, the impact on an election can be huge." The Pennsylvania Department of State said in a statement that Wake TSI’s access to the Fulton County’s voting system “undermined the chain of custody requirements and strict access limitations necessary to prevent both intentional and inadvertent tampering with electronic voting systems.” More Here

Senator Doug Mastriano: PA Senate Committee Will Issue Subpoenas


Bernie Supporter Exposes Dominion and ES&S Voting Machine Fraud: On March 5, 2020, an election integrity whistleblower, Dr. Laura Chamberlain, exposed voting fraud tied to the 2016 and 2020 Democratic party elections. The whistleblower stated that in 2016, she had caught many instances of election machines in Chicago flipping votes from Bernie to Hillary, particularly those of early voting machines. And in 2020, things have only gotten worse according to Chamberlain, with newer machines tied to the Canada-based Dominion Voting Systems installed in Chicago that carry out electoral fraud more effortlessly than the machines that they’ve replaced. Video Here

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PhD Scientist Dr. Douglas Frank investigates and exposes WI voter fraud, featuring PA and MN election data for illustrative examples. VIDEO -- Dr. Frank predicts the voter demographics in every Washington State county, based upon the unique voter registration key for WA. VIDEO 


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Gen. Flynn Exclusive: 10 INDISPUTABLE FACTS on the 2020 Election That Argue for Audits

Texas AG Reveals 897 Active Election Cases; Audit of 13 Counties in Texas Proposed.  A TX lawmaker recently introduced a new bill to allow for a 2020 election audit of Texas’s 13 most populous counties. All the while, Texas Democrat state lawmakers fled to Washington, D.C., in an effort to block ballot-integrity measures. More Here

A Bridgeport Connecticut Democrat City Councilman was charged with multiple crimes including conspiracy against rights, four counts of identity theft, and 11 counts of fraudulent registration for a Election Fraud scheme that helped him win his spot on the city council.

“The right to vote and have one’s vote counted in a fair and impartial election is the foundation of our democracy,” attorney Leonard C. Boyle said “This defendant violated that right to help himself win election to the Bridgeport City Council, including by stealing ballots and forging signatures.” 

Michael DeFilippo, accused of conspiring to “Injure and oppress voters in the free exercise and enjoyment of the right to vote," told Dem party officials Monday he would not seek reelection. He was released on $250,000 bond and faces up to 85 years in prison for the charges. Democratic Party officials were forced to hold multiple primaries in the election because of clear “absentee voting irregularities.”

Jason Snead, executive director of the Honest Elections Project said, "The city councilman’s case demonstrates the need for more secure ballots and shows how easy it is to bypass the protection measures of many states. As long as elections are the path to power, there will be people willing to cheat to win and plainly show how vulnerable absentee ballots can be to fraud and why securing them is so crucial…. Election fraud disenfranchises voters, casts doubt on elections, and makes voters less likely to participate in democracy.”  MORE HERE

U.S. Election Assistance Commission Sued for Improperly Loosening Voting System Standards After Private Meetings With Voting Machine Manufacturers


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Fighting "Critical Race Theory." (CRT). Sadly, the unimaginable is upon us. The inspiring history of our nation, passed down by generations of Americans, is being replaced by a false and dishonest narrative that depicts our nation’s history as essentially flawed and unjust.

On top of this false narrative, “CRT" is being used to condition young Americans to look past our common humanity and separate themselves in terms of race and skin color. Given these developments in our schools, is it any surprise that so many young Americans are less patriotic and increasingly attracted to ideas like socialism that are destructive of liberty?

As part of its fight against these developments, Hillsdale College has produced what is becoming one of its most popular free online courses, “The Great American Story: A Land of Hope”
course provides a comprehensive and unbiased account of America’s past—and a powerful counterweight to the destructive ideas behind CRT

Hillsdale College produced this course in the belief that a proper understanding of America’s great heritage of liberty is essential to intelligent patriotism and the cause of preserving free government. Use Link to join over 100,000 citizens who have already enrolled for free in “The Great American Story: A Land of Hope.”  

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Twitter suspended the “Audit War Room” accounts of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Georgia, as well as Arizona. This comes as evidence of voter fraud continues to emerge and as states announce action to conduct forensic audits of the 2020 election, which prompted a response from Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers, who said “Twitter just suspended the Arizona Audit account as well as the Audit War Room account. Follow me on Telegram and Gab for when I am booted. I will be next.” 

Pierce County voters might get to choose whether they will continue electing their sheriff come November. The Pierce County Council is considering a ballot measure that, if approved this fall, would change the sheriff from an elected position to an appointed one. The change would require an amendment to the county charter, similar to what King County did in Nov 2020. The council is considering the same change for auditor. Article 

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An ABC News poll says Americans’ optimism about the direction of the country has dropped 20 points since late April — with Biden's responses to Covid, crime, the economy, and the border a disaster. Just 45 % of Americans are optimistic about where the country is heading over the next year, down from the 64 % this past spring. Conversely, 55 % of respondents in the new poll say they are pessimistic about the direction of the country, an increase from the 36 % who said the same thing in the previous survey. The drop in optimism was across all political persuasions: down 20 % points among Democrats and Republicans and 26 points among independents.

Billionaire financier George Soros directed $1 million to a left-wing group that seeks to cut funding to police departments around the country, according to federal records. Soros sent the funds to the Color of Change PAC on May 14, the Washington Free Beacon reported on July 22, citing Federal Election Commission (FEC) records. The contribution was the largest political contribution made by Soros during the 2021 election cycle. Color of Change, which describes itself as a racial justice group, has frequently called for the defunding of police departments across the United States, including leading an online campaign to slash funding. More Here

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo gave a coronavirus briefing and discussed his new $15 million campaign to push Covid-19 vaccine squads through “community-based organizations” in areas with low vaccination rates. During the briefing, Cuomo firmly stated that the Covid-19 vaccine door-to-door efforts would involve the unvaccinated being placed in a vehicle and driven to a location where they would be vaccinated for the coronavirus. “We have to get in those communities, and we have to knock on those doors, and we have to convince people, and put them in a car, and drive them, and get that vaccine in their arm,” said Cuomo. “That is the mission.” Article

Despite heavy downpours 25,000 supporters of President Trump packed the Sarasota FL Fair Grounds for the "Save America" rally. Trump addressed issues of immigration, foreign affairs, the economy, the 2020 stolen election, and his many other accomplishments including: the military, the lowest taxes, biggest tax cut ever, biggest regulation cuts ever, Space Force, delivering a vaccine in nine months instead of five years, etc. Saying "together we will take back the House and we will take back the Senate, and we will take back America." 

Chairman's Corner Newsletter


A new poll shows Donald Trump Jr. and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis topping other GOP figures in a survey measuring the popularity of key Republicans. The poll from Fabrizio, Lee & Associates, shows former President Trump's eldest son as the most popular of the GOP figures in the poll, followed closely by DeSantis, Reps. Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Kevin McCarthy. Meanwhile, Mike Pence and Rep. Liz Cheney — who was stripped of her GOP leadership role earlier this year all scored negatively. 

GAB - A social network that champions free speech, individual liberty and the free flow of information online. See: The Voice of Free Speech -- Help Save Our Country

Great 19 second video: Marjorie Greene on Gab: 'COVID Checkpoint Charlie'

GETTR - The Marketplace of Ideas: GETTR is a new social media platform founded on the principles of free speech, independent thought and rejecting political censorship and "cancel culture," With best in class technology, More Here

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NFL announces they will play the 'Black National Anthem' BEFORE the Star Spangled Banner during EVERY Week 1 game and players may feature names of police brutality victims on their helmets MORE HERE

Many of the women's US soccer team turned away from the US flag as 98-year-old WWII veteran Pete DuPré played the National Anthem on a harmonica. Last month the US Women’s soccer team was playing against Mexico in Connecticut in a pre-Olympic sendoff game before heading to Japan. These women should not be allowed to represent the US VIDEO

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America is under siege by ideologies which are threatening our founding principles: Big Government, Big Tech and Big Media are trying to undermine and distort the American way, including federalism and freedom of speech. To restore America’s fundamental rights, America First Policy Institute founded the Constitutional Litigation Partnership.The Partnership will fight for a government that is of and by the people.

Last month President Trump sued Twitter and Facebook as well their CEOs Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg. “We demand an end to the shadow banning, a cease to the silencing and a stop at the blacklisting and banishing that you so well know." Trump declared that he had been wrongfully censored and stated that he is the lead plaintiff of a related class action in the Southern District of Florida. He described the “illegal and shameful censorship." There now have been over 70,000 people nationwide including myself that have signed on to this lawsuit." See

If America Falls Into Socialism It ‘Might Not Ever Recover.' President of Wallbuilders Tim Barton said in an interview. "People have taken for granted the fact that the Constitution is more than 230 years old. They don’t recognize that the stability they have been able to live with for all those years owes to the constitutional foundation on which America was built. Now America is in a dangerous situation that we might not ever recover from if the majority of Americans decide to follow socialism. Americans have forgotten the history of communism and do not realize the dangers of it." WallBuilders is an organization dedicated to presenting America’s forgotten history and heroes with a specific emphasis on “the moral, religious, and constitutional foundation on which America was built." More Here

Ready for $5 per Gallon Gas? What’s Really Going on with the Product Shortages We Never Saw Under the Trump Administration?

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The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is secretly moving illegal migrants around the U.S. from Laughlin Air Force Base in Texas, a leaked email revealed. During a segment of “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Fox News host and Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson revealed a leaked email from Air Force Lt. Col. Matthew Burrows to his subordinates at the base given to his show by a whistleblower VIDEO.

37 Attorneys General filed a lawsuit against Google, alleging the company’s control over its Android app store violates antitrust law. Interview with Utah’s Attorney General, Sean Reyes, who is leading the bipartisan lawsuit about the matter. Video

The elected board of the Chehalis School District has responded to the concerns of parents and passed a resolution banning the teaching of controversial Critical Race Theory (CRT) in public school classrooms. The new policy, passed June 15th, provides that schools will not teach that some students are inherently good and others are inherently bad based on their outward appearance.  Further, district officials declared that political ideology has no place in public schools and that teachers will educate students, not tell them what to think or what opinions to hold. Link to full resolution here

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Sean Hannity says it makes sense to get vaccinated against the Covid, encouraging consultations with doctors to make the best choice for safety given medical histories. "There are cases where people have underlying health conditions that can be aggravated by the vaccine. That's why it's important you research, talk to your doctor and then you make the decision in conjunction with your doctor, research on your own, that is best for you." More Here


INTERVIEW: THERE IS NO VARIANT... NOT NOVEL... NO PANDEMIC. Dr. David Martin and Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, "Sars was made and Patented." VIDEO

CDC Study Admits 74% Of COVID Sufferers In Massachusetts Outbreak Were Fully Vaccinated

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Today hundreds of thousands are taking to the streets in Paris, Nice, Montpellier, Nantes, Strasbourg, Reims, Toulouse, Marseille, and many more cities across France to protest vaccine passports and mandatory vaccinations. VIDEO

A consortium backed by George Soros and Bill Gates joined a buyout of a Covid-19 testing company, Mologic, according to the two billionaires in a press release. The Soros Economic Development Fund, an arm of Soros’ Open Society Foundations, confirmed Monday that it partnered with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, according to the press release. The Soros-Gates collaboration is part of the Global Access Health initiative, which will invest “at least” $41.1 million in the project, Article Here

About four dozen fully vaccinated people in New Jersey have died from Covid-19, health officials say. 49 deaths among the population have been recorded since Dec 2020, the New Jersey Department of Health confirmed. More Here

The Tennessee Department of Health reports 27 fully vaccinated people have died from Covid-19. These are among the state's more than 1,000 "breakthrough" cases. These are cases in which fully vaccinated people have contracted the virus.

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South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem says Covid cases remain low in her state. "If you're worried about the virus, you're free to get vaccinated, wear a mask, or stay at home. But we won't be mandating anything. And the CDC's inconsistency doesn't help the American people."

TX Gov. Abbott won’t back down from an order he issued in mid-May that bars Texas schools and nearly every other government entity in the state from requiring face coverings. When asked if he would consider changing his executive order in light of the CDC’s updated guidelines. Abbott said “kids will not be forced by government … to wear a mask in school.” “Governor Abbott has been clear that the time for government mandating of masks is over ― now is the time for personal responsibility,” said spokeswoman Renae Eze. “Every Texan has the right to choose whether they will wear a mask or have their children wear masks.”

Also Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s criticized the new CDC recommendations saying “Our view is that this should absolutely not be imposed, it should not be mandated.” “It isn’t based in science,” De Santis press secretary Christina Pushaw said “There is no indication that areas with mask mandates have performed any better than areas without mask mandates. In fact, this policy could actually backfire.” Pushaw tweeted that parents should be the ones making decisions about their children’s health and safety.

Fla. Gov. DeSantis Issues Executive Order Allowing Parents To Reject Masks For Children

Chairman's Corner Newsletter


BUSINESSES CANNOT LEGALLY ASK FOR PROOF OF VACCINATION -- Your Medical Status is Protected by Privacy Rights, not HIPAAThe U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Says Employers Must Honor Exemptions!

It is ILLEGAL to require proof of vaccination as a conditionfor entry or service to ANY private business or public establishment. Title III of the U.S. Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination based on medical condition (i.e. unvaccinated) in private businesses such as grocery stores, banks, restaurants, hotels, retail stores and all public facilities including schools, THEY CANNOT deny you entry based on vaccination status.

The Fourth Amendment of theU.S. Constitution states, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers andeffects, against unreasonablesearches and seizures, shall not be violated."

Any person who violates your rights can be held liable underTitle 18 USC Section 242, deprivation of rights. Penalty for this crime can include life in prison or death penalty. For more about Vaccine Exemptions see:

Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Law enforcement, EMT, and local elected officials across the state are expressing their concerns about 13 new anti-police-related bills passed by WA State Democrats this year. The new legislation jeopardizes the safety of first responders, impacts how 911 emergency calls are handled, and makes communities much less safe! Officials are sharing the real-world consequences of the 13 new laws including HB 1310 (Concerning permissible uses of force by law enforcement) and HB 1054 (Establishing police limits for tactics and equipment). All 13 controversial laws passed on mostly party-line votes in the 2021 legislative session.

"Our state will change the way they respond to domestic violence and mental health calls - I think this has gone too far, and I think this is going to create dangerous communities,” Says Spokane Police Chief Meidl, "a domestic violence victim is more in danger than they were previously. Before police can use that 911 call alone to arrest someone. Now police need more evidence to make that same arrest." Police say that means the person accused of causing the assault has plenty of time to leave, or even leave and come back. Article

House Republican Leader J.T. Wilcox and Senate Republican Leader John Braun released the following statement: “It is clear that these controversial bills are jeopardizing the safety of first responders and the public. Officials are explaining how this legislation will negatively impact their communities and the media has done a great job of reporting on these issues. Republicans warned of these outcomes and offered amendments to these bills that were ultimately rejected by the majority party. Republicans also provided solutions in response to the state Supreme Court’s Blake decision that were turned down.

“We are calling on Democrats and the governor to push back against the ‘defund the police’ movement, come to the table, and work with Republicans and the law enforcement community on solutions that will address the problems created by their new policies. This needs to be done quickly before more harm is done to the communities and people we represent.”  

Jay Inslee and the radical left Democrat State Legislature are putting safety and law enforcement at serious risk; Murder, Burglary, Theft, Rape, Crime, and Rampant Drug use are All Skyrocketing -- The WA State New Normal: LD 42 Doug Ericksen Police Reform VIDEO 

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WHAT HAPPENED TO "THE SUMMER OF LOVE?" It is so dangerous now even the mayor of Seattle is calling on the city to rebuild its depleted police force after six separate shootings rocked the city last weekend. "As a city, we cannot continue on this current trajectory of losing police officers," said Mayor Jenny Durkan. "Over the past 17 months, the Seattle Police Department has lost 250 police officers."

France has erupted in protest over new vaccine passport rules imposed by President Macron. Macron recently announced that a Covid passport would be required in order to enter restaurants and theaters, and also announced a new mandatory vaccine mandate for all healthcare workers. VIDEO

Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) recently held a free speech peaceful protest in Riverside CA. The rally came after three venues canceled their America First rallies in Southern California due to "public safety" concerns earlier in the day.

“Washington D.C. is a deeply corrupt place with corrupt people. Members of Congress in both political parties take money from lobbyists and PACs and then they do their bidding, not yours,” he asserted. “You know why they’re so afraid of Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene, because we fight for you and not them.” Greene went on to say the rally was to show all Americans how to stand up to tyrants and bullies.

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A county in North Carolina has launched a campaign to bring Covid-19 vaccinations to people at their homes. Mecklenburg County dubbed the effort “doses to doors.” The county’s health department “is offering Covid-19 vaccinations on demand in neighborhoods across Mecklenburg County,” county officials said on their website, calling on residents to “be on the lookout for our mobile vaccination unit.” More Here

Mask Mandate in St Louis County is Overturned by a 5-2 Vote in St. Louis County Council

During U.S. Senate hearings Sen. Rand Paul, a physician himself, accused Anthony Fauci of lying to Congress and funding Gain-of-Function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, and suggested that Fauci’s funding ultimately led to the Covid-19 pandemic that led governments to severely restrict basic freedoms and allegedly killed millions of people.

Michigan’s Senate approved a petition that repeals Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s emergency powers. Whitmer, a Democrat, cannot veto the petition. The Michigan Senate’s 20-15 vote came two days after the Board of State Canvassers certified the petition, which was started by a group called Unlock Michigan that gathered over 340,000 signatures. The petition took aim at the 1945 Emergency Powers Act that enabled Whitmer to impose harsh restrictions on state residents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Republicans on the Senate floor before the vote praised the petition and said it was needed to curb Whitmer’s power. “This initiative represents a people’s veto of this governor and the unlimited power that she’s tried to claim during this pandemic,” state Sen. Tom Barrett, a Republican, told colleagues.

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Big Congratulations to LD 10 State House Rep. Greg Gilday who received 3 new appointments. The first-term legislator was recently appointed by House Speaker Laurie Jenkins to two committees and one work group. Greg will serve as a member of the Office of Homeless Youth and Prevention and Protection Advisory Committee. The committee leads statewide efforts to reduce and prevent homelessness for youth and young adults.

Gilday will also serve on the the Joint Legislative Unanticipated Revenue Oversight Committee and the Ruckelshaus Center Work Group on Homelessness and Housing. The group, in coordination with the William D. Ruckelshaus Center, will examine trends and policies affecting housing and services for individuals and families at risk of homelessness, as well as develop viable solutions.

"Government alone cannot solve the problems many homeless are facing. That's what makes this appointment so meaningful," said Gilday. "The work group includes all facets of the solutions necessary to reduce the number of people living on the streets-mental health and substance abuse counselors, housing providers and business leaders."

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Authorities in Texas have begun arresting illegal immigrants along the U.S.- Mexico border on trespassing charges, according to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who has blamed the Biden administration for the surge in illegal immigration and has put in motion his own border security plan to crack down on illegal crossings. “Texas has begun arresting illegal immigrants who are trespassing in Texas or vandalizing property & fences. They are now being sent to this jail rather than being released like the Biden Admin. has been doing. We are adding more officers, National Guard & jails." More Here

Hundreds of people from around the country are sharing the horrors from inside the United States Military and their places of employment regarding "mandatory" non-FDA approved experimental Covid vaccinations. People are being forced to choose between feeding their families and getting injected with a potentially deadly experimental substance. This is a fundamental violation of not only human rights, but the religious rights that we are guaranteed in the United States of America. 

WHAT TO DO? Here are a set of Religious Exemption Documents that provide an "air tight religious exemption request” for the Covid vaccine if it is mandatory for you at work, school, or in the military. You can download these HERE and customize them to your individual scenario.

The Full Document is everything necessary for a US Army Soldier to submit a religious exemption request to his immediate commander, with only certain portions needing to be edited to include your name, unit, and details.

The “Religious + Practical Side Supporting Documents” contains all of the details giving both the religious reasons for why Christians cannot receive the Vaccine, and the practical reasons for why it isn’t actually necessary to receive the Vaccine.

ONLY EACH INDIVIDUAL HAS AUTHORITY OVER HIS/HER BODY. No one can force you to wear a mask, get tested or get a needle. See:

AZ Rep. Wendy Rogers gave Bret Baier the very first #FakeNews award for his bungling of the Arizona call on Nov 3rd for President and for lying and discrediting the AZ very credible audit. 

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Shortly after Congress Reps Paul Gosar, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, and Louie Gohmert were denied access to and locked out of the DC Detention Center where Jan 6 prisoners are being held and abused, they held a press conference slamming the Gestapo “Two Tier Justice System." Article / Video

Top experts have likened the Covid-19 “Delta Variant” to the common cold and hay fever. This comes as Biden, Anthony Fauci, Boris Johnson, and the WHO are pushing for more social distancing, lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccinations. Article

Last week Joe Biden had trouble speaking coherently in a live CNN “town hall” event in Ohio. Video and shared photo's showed the auditorium was about 2/3 empty. The image of 100's of empty seats was discordant with Biden’s attempt to make sense of the coronavirus pandemic, including his assertion, saying “this is not a pandemic.”

Former Google Employee Whistleblower Zach Vorheiss recently was interviewed and further exposed the massive corruption at Google. Vorheiss explained how Google Sr. Executives are censoring information and the news using algorithms to further the Democrat Deep State Operative Propaganda Narrative - VIDEO. Most obviously we are now living under a Censorship Regime as Authoritarian Government and the Ruling Class are using Big Tech to serve their interests.

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Navy Protecting Sailor Who Intentionally Burned Down $4 Billion US War Ship -- Are foreign agents within the U.S. armed forces destroying military capability? Video

Sadly, former SCRP Chairman George Edmundson passed away last month. In Kent there was a first class Military Service at Tahoma National Cemetery to remember and celebrate George's life. Also this Sat, Aug 7 there will be a 2 PM Memorial Service in Burlington at Corporate Air Center. George is survived by SCRP Member and Former Burlington Council member Edie Edmundson.

The next Skagit Republicans Women's meeting is this Tuesday, Aug 3 at 10 AM in Burlington and will feature Kim Bryan from Crossroads Youth Ranch. More info call (206) 550-1836.

A Big Congratulations to Skagit Young Republicans Marian Givens Chair, Josiah Nelson Vice Chair and Secretary Freya Hoskinson who were all voted in new E-board leadership positions last month. More on the SYR's Here.

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Our next SCRP Central Committee meeting will be this Saturday, August 7 at 10 AM at the Burlington office -- 281 S. Burlington Blvd Suite #103 (MAP). More info call (360) 820-1700.

The SCRP will have a booth at the Skagit County Fair, Aug 11 - 14. Please come by to say Hi and Visit!

A Huge Thank You to SCRP Precinct Captain Carol Lee who is heading up the SCRP Election Observer efforts for the August 3 Primary Election. Great Job Carol!

Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Respect and Blessings,

Bill Bruch, SCRP Chairman


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