January 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

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On December 17th an amazing man and an incredible legislator passed on. LD 42 State Senator Doug Ericksen was a true conservative, incredibly smart, articulate, funny and always made you feel important. He was all state football and baseball at Sehome high school and had a bachelor’s degree from Cornell University (where he also played football and baseball) and a master’s from Western Washington University.

Doug was a great leader for Conservative issues and served in the legislature for over 20 years. He was first elected to the State House in 1998 and after 6 terms was elected as Senator for the district in 2010. He was a ranking minority member on the Senate Energy, Environment and Technology Committee and also served on the Higher Education and Workforce Development Committee. His legislative priorities included keeping energy prices low, keeping and creating jobs and enhancing the quality of life of WA citizens.

I have a huge sense of gratitude for being able to have known Doug. The past several months he regularly communicated with me about his many concerns about WA state's election systems and Election Integrity in general as he was very aware of the many problematic issues that mail-in voting has in our state.

Doug was also an outspoken advocate for President Trump, and accepted a temporary position of director of communications with the EPA in January 2017. During Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016, he was one of a handful of elected officials in WA State to initially support the President. On Trump’s visit to Lynden in May 2016, Doug spoke to the crowd and co-organized the rally, he also helped organize the largest political rally in Snohomish County at the Xfinity arena, in Everett for Trump’s sold out August visit. 

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We know that Doug is in good hands now as he was also a champion for Christians and the teachings of Jesus Christ. For the past 3 years, Doug scored 100% (the only legislator) on Family Policy Institute of WA (FPIW) legislative scorecard, which means he walked the walk and supported an entire Christian legislative agenda (a total of 35 votes) without faltering on the critical issues of life, marriage and family, religious freedom and parental rights.

This year Sen. Doug Erickson, along with Rep. Jesse Young, were selected as Legislator of the Year for FPIW Action for 2021. In his honor, FPIW Action will now name their Legislator of the Year Award, the “Senator Doug Erickson Legislator Leadership Award.”

Doug was only age 52 and is now part of the Covid statistics. He will be missed all across our state; deepest condolences go out to his wife Tasha, their two daughters, Elsa and Addi, and all of Doug’s loved ones.

Per the Washington State Constitution the Whatcom County Republican Party PCO's have chosen 3 possible replacements for Sen. Ericksen. They are: Whatcom County Council member Ben Elenbaas, Twasha Dykstra and Simon Sefzik. On January 4 the Whatcom County Council will choose one of the three to be appointed LD 42 State Senator.

For almost 21 months Inslee and state Democrat leadership through the use of unconstitutional Draconian mandates and emergency proclamations have destroyed hundreds of thousands of lifelong careers, businesses, and jobs. Many have suffered spiritual, emotional and mental impacts. The majority of states do not have these harsh restrictions in place and are not experiencing anywhere near this level of abuse. 

Examples of the abuse include the governor's eviction moratorium that ended on Oct. 30, which left thousands of rental property owners having to house tenants without collecting rent. Inslee's closure of businesses and fines against those that didn't comply left tens of thousands of business owners in ruins, some of whom will never recover. More than 1,900 state workers were terminated or left their positions as the Oct 18 vaccination deadline passed. At least 130 Washington State Patrol troopers were fired. More than 400 WA State DOT workers, about 6 percent of its total workforce, were fired, including many snowplow drivers. These terminations will no doubt have long-standing impacts on our state.

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Some Good News: Boeing announced a suspension of a Covid shot mandate for workers; and Inslee announced a delay of the Long Term Care Tax so employers won't have to take the 0.58% tax out of workers' paychecks starting Jan. 1. The decision came after more than 450,000 disgruntled people applied to 'opt out' of the new system.

Bad News: Many more terrible Dem bills are set to take away our freedoms and choices: i.e. SB 5537 will reduce the compulsory school age from 8 to 5. If this new law passes no longer will it be legal for parents to decide they don’t want their kids in Kindergarten. That means if a parent is opposed to making their child wear a mask all day and want to wait another year before sending them to school, too bad. If homeschooling is an option for parents, whatever the case, this bill will require public school attendance by law. 

If a parent chooses homeschooling the new law will require (starting at age 5) parents to notify the school of their intent to homeschool and keep records of immunizations, test scores, and academic achievement. That will be the law, and if they do not fulfill those requirements, it becomes illegal for their 5 Y.O. child to stay at home! 

This is total insanity! It is the parents' right to have input in their children's education. We should be empowering parents and give them more choices, not fewer. We should expand the number of charter schools, and be creating more transparency of learning standards in the classroom. 

Despite massive tax increases in WA State (2nd highest in the U.S.) most sectors of the economy are surviving. As a result, the Legislature will enter the 2022 session with a 4 yr-year tax surplus of $8.8 billion.

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State Rep. Drew Stokesbury recently commented “At a time when the state is overwhelmed with cash, it is disappointing, though not surprising, to see that the governor's budget proposal does NOT include any tax relief for the families who have struggled through the pandemic and who are now experiencing the highest rate of inflation since 1982. Instead, the governor wants to spend our entire surplus on growing state government even more.” 

Washington Policy Center’s Todd Myers described the bleak situation writing: Using the twin tools of regulations and taxes, Governor Inslee and his bureaucratic experts seek to destroy, dehumanize and disempower the entire population of working people who are the bedrock of our great state. They will use a climate agenda and “climate justice” to make it very difficult to live, work, and thrive in rural areas of our state. While their policies will not actually reduce the amount of carbon produced, the carbon taxes and “clean energy” regulations have the potential to destroy farming and ranching, clean hydropower production and eventually limit combustion engine use by everyday people. New climate proposals include more tax money, but no environmental benefit, despite proposing hundreds of millions of dollars in additional spending, none of the governor’s proposals today will reduce additional CO2 emissions.

Here are a few examples of OSPI pet pork-barrel projects being used to funnel tax money to the “climate industrial complex” taken from a list of budget items via the Washington Policy Center.

* $852,000 of the general fund, state appropriation for fiscal year 2023, is to provide additional capacity to the attorney general's office to prosecute environmental crimes. Get ready for the AG to be prosecuting farmers, ranchers, trucking companies and oil companies rather than forest arsonists.

* $200,000 is for a climate science curriculum staff position within the office of the superintendent of public instruction to integrate climate change content into the WA State learning standards across subject areas and grade levels." Just what we need… a climate science curriculum office at OSPI. That means that “climate justice” will be pushed in every subject, every grade – just like critical race theory. It starts as a staff position, and will expand to an entire toxic department.

* "$1,500,000 of state appropriation for fiscal year 2023 is provided solely for the development of a climate solutions and "climate justice curriculum." It’s always about warping the minds of our children with toxic ideology. How about we spend that 1.5 M to improve our students' general reading, writing, math and science knowledge?

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Both Inslee and Biden refuse to acknowledge other alternative medications and remedies discussed between patients and doctors that are working for them to address Covid. They also refuse to recognize those who have had Covid-19 are already naturally immune. No one should be forced to lose their jobs because they do not wish to have the vaccine.

Republicans are adamantly opposed to mandatory vaccines at any level. Our state and federal governments should not be dictating and mandating to the citizens of Washington what they can or can't put on their faces or into their bodies. We need to put an end to the government's ongoing unconstitutional emergency powers and ensure every Washington citizen has the right to their God given personal freedoms, regardless of vaccination status.

Very similar to last year it was refreshing to see last night a sold-out Cotton Bowl and a sold-out Orange Bowl for the College Football National Championship semi-finals with hardly anyone wearing masks. Texas, Florida and the other Republican led states got it right, WA State decision makers need to take a page from their playbooks. If you are against this Democrat toxic governance agenda of unconstitutional mandates, inflation and higher taxes, then please get involved in a 2022 Republican campaign near you focused on less government, lower taxes, and growth in jobs and prosperity!

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Examples of GOP bills in the 2022 session that would help to end the carnage are: HB 1381 which would limit the governor's emergency powers to 14 days after a state of emergency proclamation, unless extended by the Legislature from a 2/3 vote in both the House and Senate. If the Legislature is not in session, a special session could be called to extend the state of emergency proclamation.

HB 1305 would allow individuals the right to refuse any vaccination or related health measure, so you maintain control of what goes into your own body.

Other 2022 Republican priorities include:

Public Safety: The Dem majority's recent policies have made our communities less safe and are taking good law enforcement officers out at a time when we need them most. We need legislation to fix the disastrous police reform bills passed last session.

Life affordability: We need immediate tax relief and policies that address financial struggles many families, small businesses and senior citizens are facing. The upcoming session is a good opportunity to return tax dollars back as folks deal with inflation, increasing fuel prices and the economic circumstances surrounding the never-ending Democrat imposed emergency. HB 1358 would provide property tax relief, also we should be expanding the Working Families Tax Credit.

Government accountability: We must hold our governor and state agencies accountable. Dems have increased spending by about 70% since Inslee was elected in 2012. Republicans have legislation like HB 1177 that would implement a periodic review of state spending programs.

The Legislative Session begins January 10th, and in the 2022 session bills will move through the legislative process quickly as it is a short 60 day session. For updates remember to check the Skagitrepublicans.com website / Blog pages, TVW: The state's own version of C-SPAN, TVW broadcasts floor and committee action live online, and The Ledger: A legislative news aggregator that is updated frequently.

It's time to end this insanity and return power to the citizens of the state! If you are against state Democrat toxic governance agenda of unconstitutional mandates, inflation and higher taxes, then get please get involved in a 2022 Republican campaign focused on ending mandates, less government, lower taxes, and growth in jobs and prosperity!

Washington state lawmakers are again suing Inslee over his use of veto powers, as Inslee overstepped his executive authority in 2021 when signing two bills. The legal challenge filed last month in Thurston County Superior Court is the latest clash between the legislative and executive branches over how much latitude the governor has to reject language contained in bills passed by lawmakers. “This is not a partisan effort to undermine the governor’s authority,” said Senate Minority Leader John Braun, “This is a bicameral, bipartisan effort to preserve the Legislature’s lawmaking power. Article

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Redistricting Update: Redistricting will bring big changes to WA State for the next 10 years: New district lines have been drawn. Local changes include: The Skagit portion of Legislative District 10 lost 17 of its 39 voting precincts (44% are now gone). OF NOTE: 14 of the 17 precincts that have now been shifted to LD 39 and LD 40, I won in the State House (Pos 2 race). The Skagit portion of Legislative District 39 added 9 voting precincts from LD 10 and the Skagit portion of Legislative District 40 added 8 voting precincts from LD 10. Much of LD 10 now includes the city of Arlington. Also the new 1st Congressional District is no longer part of Skagit (or Whatcom counties) and the 2nd Congressional district now includes all of Skagit and Whatcom counties.



OF NOTE: FINAL 2021 SKAGIT VOTER INTEGRITY PROJECT NUMBERS: SVIP Canvassing Volunteers found a total of 1,629 Voter Anomalies and have produced 1,934 Signed Affidavits. See SCRP Newsletters and related Skagit Republicans Election Integritty Page


There are many ways to improve WA State's elections. i.e. If a credit card company can identify every single item purchase instantlly, then government can create a modern day, high tech, universal US VOTER ID CARD that can be swiped at the polling booths, instant verification if you already voted, a receipt printed that you can take with you after you vote, a personal account to verify your vote at home. And...an automatic 5 year jail term and lifelong loss of voting rights if you are caught committing voter fraud by trying to vote more than once or using someone else’s ID card.

AZ Rep. Mark Finchem recently introduced HB-247. The purpose of this Bill is to provide full transparency of vital election records, more specifically digital images of ballots cast. “Elections should be done in private, but the counting of votes must never be a secret endeavor. There is no reason why unalterable electronic ballot images should not be a public record, open for all to inspect,” says Finchem. “Elections belong to the people, they don’t belong to the government, and as such, along with the consent to be governed, the People retain the right to examine the result.”

“My constituents overwhelmingly support full-spectrum transparency of the elections process. Making searchable, digital images of every ballot cast, available to every voter who wants to count the votes themselves, is a small step we can take to restore voter confidence in our electoral process. There will be more action taken to restore voter confidence in the system as we approach the 2022 session of the Legislature, including currency-grade ballot fraud countermeasures. 

“Why ballot images were ever included in this statute is beyond me. This is a fight for an individual’s right of giving consent to be governed, and their right to examine the results to their satisfaction. This could resolve many of the questions raised during the Maricopa County Forensic Audit of the 2020 General Election” 

The new language reads, “After the polls are closed, make available to the public an online copy of any digital images of ballots in a manner that allows the images to be searchable by precinct but that precludes any alteration to the images. The digital images of the ballots are public records.”

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Voter Fraud Discovered In Key Swing State, Arrests Made, More Possible: Investigators have uncovered more evidence of fraudulent votes in the area known as The Villages in Florida. Three residents of the retirement community were arrested last week for casting additional ballots, and investigators now believe it may be the tip of the iceberg. Article

Texas Audit Finds Over 11,000 Potential Non Citizens Registered to Vote, Other Problems

VIDEO: Seth Keshel! Texas BOMBSHELL Audit Report! 700K Ineligible Voter Registrations!

The massive ballot-harvesting scheme revealed in Wisconsin has exposed that their state's elections are full of fraud. The state's election rolls show more than 120,000 people have been registered more than 100 years; and on Jan 1, 1918 119,000 registered voters have the same application date. 

The investigation into Wisconsin’s elections is still ongoing as special counsel Michael Gableman continues looking into how election fraud in the state was carried out in the 2020 general election. Gableman is now issuing about 70 subpoenas to state entities and employees, special interest groups, private companies, mayoral staffers and IT departments, throughout Wisconsin to obtain records, depositions and more information on the 2020 election process. Article

Biden continues to double down on the Democrat's Voter Fraud Campaign recently saying, "The struggle is no longer about who gets to vote, it’s about who gets to count the vote.” VIDEO HERE 

IMPORTANT VIDEO INTERVIEW: Lt. General Thomas McInerney on 2021 in Review and What We Must Do in 2022 To Save America

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Inflation Jumps to Highest Level In Nearly 40 Years: Consumer prices accelerated in the year through November at their fastest pace in 39 years, new government data shows, marking the sixth straight month of inflation is running above 5 % in annual terms as inflationary woes continue to hurt the U.S. economy. The biggest contributors to November’s rate of inflation were gasoline, shelter, food, used cars and trucks, and new vehicles. Article

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“COVID patients in America’s hospitals today are actually being treated worse than prisoners in American jails,” Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet said -- They are being held hostage and segregated from loved ones. And the reason is money.

“They (the hospitals) are paid by the government to do a PCR test on every patient who walks in the door… Then they are paid extra for a COVID admission to the hospital, they are paid an extra 20% bonus on the entire hospital bill, if the hospital ONLY uses Remdesivir to treat the patient. 

“And then if the patient goes on a ventilator, which is a consequence of some of the toxicity of Remdesivir and the restriction of fluids and nutrients that they are also doing, and once the patient is on a ventilator there is ANOTHER incentive bonus to the hospitals. If the patient dies in the hospital, there is another incentive payment." Article

Tens of thousands of citizens marched in the streets of Amsterdam in defiance of the government’s harsh China Virus policies. Police set loose dogs on the protesters and the video shows one freedom-loving patriot being mauled. May God bless the citizens of the Netherlands as they fight in the streets for their freedom. Article

Judge blocks Biden vaccine mandate for federal contractors. A federal judge in Georgia blocked the Biden administration's requirement that all federal contractors must receive the Covid vaccine, the latest blow in a flurry of legal setbacks for the White House. U.S. District Judge Stan Baker of Savannah, Georgia, issued the nationwide injunction against enforcing the mandate on Tuesday. Baker ruled that Biden overstepped his authority when he issued the requirement for all federal contractors to be fully vaccinated by Jan. 18.  Article

Voters don’t want police fired for refusing to get the Covid-19 vaccination, according to a Washington Times poll that found Americans see public safety as a serious policy issue. By a 59-31 margin, voters said a mandate on police would leave departments struggling for trained officers at a time when violent crime is increasing. Democrats like vaccine mandates, but independents and Republicans were vehemently opposed. Article

In October, New York's Mayor Bill de Blasio issued an order mandating the New York City Police, and all other city workers, receive the Covid vaccine or be terminated. December 7, New York Supreme Court Judge Frank Nervo blocked the mandate. Article

EXPOSING COVID LIES & MISINFORMATION REVEALING THE TRUTH -- MISINFORMATION AND THE DISAPPEARED TRUTH. There is much, much more to the Covid story than the mainstream media is allowing you to see. Who’s controlling the WHO and the CDC? Lockdowns granted power hungry people meaning and purpose, the way war does for some people. The compulsion to bludgeon from government to the people. Madness overtook rationality. Dems seem to love to force people to behave a certain way – to close their businesses, kick people out of their homes, stay away from meetings, cancel vacations, physically separate everywhere – mandate face coverings and shots with experiential drugs, etc...Article

Jim Jordan Exposes CDC undermining truth, science and data: Study shows Natural Immunity is 27 times stronger than Covid vaccination immunity. VIDEO

What are the effects of Biden's anti-Covid policies: medical, political, financial, and social? What does the data show us? Medical risk. Based on CDC data, the risk of death for children is less than 0.1 percent and for healthy adults less than 0.17 percent. Covid is dangerous only to a small segment of the population: the elderly, diabetics, and the infirm with serious pre-existing medical conditions such being immunocompromised, having chronic lung disease, kidney or heart failure.

Since the true health risk could never justify the imposition of taking away constitutionally guaranteed freedoms to provoke public panic, gov. agencies reported “Covid deaths” on a daily (sometimes hourly) basis, claiming a total Covid death toll of more than 790,000. This mortality data is distorted. Only 12 to 23 % of the deaths were actually due to the virus, based on autopsy data and medical demographics respectively. The majority died primarily because of their pre-existing conditions.  Anyone who died with a positive Covid test was classified by the CDC as a Covid death regardless of the real reason they died, i.e. a fatal vehicle crash, etc. 

Mask mandates: The swamp mandated lockdowns, social distancing, and wearing face masks, as a demonstration of their power. It may seem reasonable that masks are protective, but medical data from Sweden, Israel, and U.S. schools suggest otherwise. They don’t protect. Worse, masks may actually be dangerous. A group of concerned Florida parents performed a study, which revealed that kids’ face masks contained dangerous pathogens that can cause pneumonia, Lyme disease, tuberculosis, and meningitis, among others. Article

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CDC advisers to weigh limits on Johnson & Johnson vaccine because of continued blood clot issues. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices will be presented with new data that appears to show the rate of the clots in people who received the Johnson & Johnson shot has increased since April. Article

Biden economic policies have led to an inflation explosion. The Southern border is a mess. Americans are still trapped in Afghanistan. Russia is about to invade Ukraine. China is getting more aggressive in the Taiwan Straits. As Biden’s first year in office comes to an end, nearly 2/3 of Americans have their doubts with 70 % saying his policies have worsened the economy or had no effect, according to a new CNN poll. 66 % of Americans said they doubted whether Biden was “a leader you can trust,” a number that included 92 % of Republicans, 75 % of independents and 36 % of Democrats. Article

Biden admin sued by Oklahoma AG over 'unlawful' vaccine mandate that 'does not reflect the Land of the Free' Oklahoma's attorney general John O'Connor filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration to stop its mandatory Covid-19 vaccination requirements for federal employees and the National Guard. O'Connor blasted Biden's federal vaccine requirements for military members and federal workers as being unlawful. The AG has also filed a temporary restraining order to block its enforcement while litigation is ongoing. O'Connor is asking that a court declare the mandate that "does not reflect the Land of the Free" unconstitutional.

Listen to Lawyer Luis Ewing share how to STOP vaccination termination MUST WATCH NOV 20 TOWN HALL VIDEO HERE . Other Luis Ewing archives HERE.

The 6th Circuit Court has denied the federal government’s motion to transfer the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) vaccine-or-test requirement lawsuit to a different court, while also rejecting the White House’s bid to dissolve a stay on the mandate. Article

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s New Book — 'The Real Anthony Fauci' which hit #1 on New York Times Best Seller List is a must read. Senator Kennedy's book is well documented and explains how Covid was used in a planned war on democracy to take out Trump and to destroy our public health. This is meticulously researched and clearly written. Fauci dispenses $6.1 B in taxpayer-provided funding which helps him & Bill Gates control the scientific health research across the globe. MORE HERE

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20,000+ Deaths Reported to VAERS Following Covid Vaccines: New VAERS data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention included a total of 965,843 reports of adverse events from all age groups following Covid vaccines, including 20,244 deaths and 155,506 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and Dec. 10, 2021. Article

Dr. Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, is a board-certified cardiologist who has testified before committees of the US and Texas Senate regarding the treatment of Covid-19 and management of the ongoing "pandemic." VIDEO

We know that Inslee's vaccine mandates are not legal -- Attorney Luis Ewing explains the specifics, exposes Vax ID legal issues and shares how to STOP vaccination termination. VIDEO

MORE CRT LUNACY - Washington State University is reinforcing claims that farmer’s markets and food charities are examples of “white dominant culture” and “white supremacy.” WSU’s Agriculture Program Coordinator promoted an event called “Examining Whiteness in Food Systems,” which taught attendees that “white supremacy culture” creates food insecurity by “center[ing] whiteness across the food system.” During another summit sponsored by WSU, speaker Jennifer Zuckerman claimed offering food free of charge is racist because it presumes “that low income and or BIPOC communities and individuals cannot provide or make decisions for themselves.” This deranged line of thinking is what happens when people adopt the Critical Race Theory lens, and is now beyond belief. More Here

Biden is desperately trying to get his multi-trillion dollar spending package passed, but according to the Wall Street Journal it includes a significant tax on natural gas. It could be a rough winter for energy prices across the U.S., and the Democratic spending plan will make it worse. The House passed what it calls a 'fee' on methane that amounts to a stealth tax on natural gas and everyone who uses it. Democrat elites are punishing Americans for using traditional energy sources in order to make the U.S. a Green New Deal utopia of wind and solar. Article

The U.S. Senate recently passed legislation nullifying Biden’s vaccine mandate on America’s employers, kicking the fight into the House where Republicans are eager to hand the administration a bipartisan rebuke. In a 52-48 vote, lawmakers voted to invoke the Congressional Review Act, an oversight tool that lets Congress repudiate federal regulations by a simple majority vote. Every single Republican voted for the measure alongside two moderate Democrats, Sens. Joe Manchin III of West Virginia and Jon Tester of Montana. Article

Red Chinese Carrier Group Is Drilling in the Pacific. China’s upping its aggression and preparations for war, now going from high-profile and escalatory but otherwise useless missions like sending flights of jets and bombers to Taiwan to missions that signal a commitment to waging sophisticated warfare. Most recently, that preparation for war took the form of naval drills in the Pacific, where a six-ship carrier group, including the Liaoning reportedly began operating recently. Article

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China threatens U.S. Troops

Trump Raises $1 Billion for His Social Media Network: Alternative tech is on the rise. With more and more Americans waking up to the danger posed by tech censorship, with even Ron DeSantis calling Big Tech the censorship arm of the Democrat Party, conservative Americans especially are ditching Big Tech platforms in droves.

Donald J. Trump, Chairman of TMTG, stated, “$1 billion sends an important message to Big Tech that censorship and political discrimination must end. America is ready for TRUTH Social, a platform that will not discriminate on the basis of political ideology. As our balance sheet expands, TMTG will be in a stronger position to fight back against the tyranny of Big Tech.”

WA Democrats’ bill says it’s ‘racial equity’ to go easy on drive-by murderers: WA Democrat State Reps. Tarra Simmons & David Hackney are pushing a 2022 bill that lessens penalties for drive-by murderers. They argue it’s to promote “racial equity.” Washington Democrats hope to go easy on drive-by murderers in order to promote racial equity for criminals. It’s the latest light-on-crime scheme pushed under the guise of being anti-racist. HB 1692 lessens the criminal penalties for drive-by shootings. It prohibits using a drive-by shooting as a basis for elevating a first degree murder charge to an aggravated first degree murder. The bill is also retroactive, lessening punishment for those already found guilty in drive-by shooting cases. It even offers carve-outs to release felons from jail if they committed their violent act when they were under 21. Article

The FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) is breaking its own rule that states pilots should not fly after having taken medications that have been approved for less than a year, including a pilot who says his career ended due to adverse reactions from a vaccine. Airlines, which are government contractors, are affected by Joe Biden’s order from September that states all employees of those companies have to be vaccinated against the CCP virus. Article

Dr. Simone Gold MD of  America's Frontline Doctors was interviewed by Dr. Ardis discussing the "vaccine" misinformation and disinformation, dangerous mandatory inoculations especially among young healthy populations, Covid shots not safe, etc. VIDEO 

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The FDA ‘Found’ More Pfizer Docs – Now It Wants 75 YEARS to Release Them to the PublicThe Food and Drug Administration is now asking for 75 years – 20 years more than originally agreed – in order to comply with demands for basic transparency and accountability over its December 2020 decision to grant Pfizer-BioNTech “Emergency Use Authorization” for its mRNA therapeutic drugs being marketed as “vaccines.”

Wife Dies While Husband Begs Hospital to Administer Ivermectin: New Jersey resident David Sicklerville will never know if the Ivermectin prescribed by an out-of-state doctor for his wife would have saved her life. Colleen DeLuca, 62, died of Covid-19 on Oct. 10, at Jefferson Washington Township Hospital in Sewell, New Jersey, before he could get a court order to administer the drug. Ivermectin has helped in many across the United States, however hospitals don’t include it in their Covid protocol for treatment and refuse to use it, even as a last effort on a dying patient. Article

The left's vax-mandate hypocrisy: Add New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio to the Democrat leaders who are parroting talking points saying, "Omicron is here, and it looks very transmissible." Dem leaders and De Blasio are ignoring scientific evidence that current Covid-19 vaccines will not stop the variant from spreading, decreed all private sector workers in businesses of all sizes must be vaccinated by Dec. 27. The unconstitutional mandate also applies to children as young as 5, who must take the vaccine to participate in school activities. Article

Missouri AG Orders School Districts to Repeal Mask Mandates; Sends ‘Cease And Desist’ Letters to Noncompliant Schools. Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt ordered all school districts in the state to immediately repeal their mask mandates, and is already sending cease and desist letters to school officials who refuse to comply. If Dems are going to force people to behave a certain way – to close their businesses, kick people out of their homes, stay away from meetings, cancel vacations, physically separate everywhere – mandate face covers and shots with experiential drugs then why are they so shy to take responsibility? Artice


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Boeing suspending a company vaccination requirement for all U.S.-based employees. In an internal company announcement, Boeing told employees its decision to suspend the mandate “comes after a detailed review of a U.S. District Court ruling earlier this month that halts the enforcement of a federal executive order requiring vaccinations for federal contractors.” Article

Crime Update: At least 16 U.S. cities have set new homicide records in 2021, according to local police departments. It’s a continuing trend from East Coast to West. The 16 mostly Democrat run cities are as follows:  Albuquerque, New Mexico; Atlanta, Georgia; Austin, Texas; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Columbus, Ohio; Indianapolis, Indiana; Jackson, Mississippi; Louisville, Kentucky; Macon, Georgia; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; New Haven, Connecticut; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Portland, Oregon; Rochester, New York; St. Paul, Minnesota; and Tucson, Arizona.  

Lockdown Policies and Mask Mandates Linked With Lower IQ in Children: The nation’s recent lockdown policies and mask mandates are creating a generation of children who exhibit lower IQs and signs of social brain damage, according to a clinical psychiatrist for children and adolescents.

Dr. Mark McDonald cited an Aug. 11 study by Brown University that found that “children born during the pandemic have significantly reduced verbal, motor, and overall cognitive performance compared to children born pre-pandemic,” during an interview with host Cindy Drukier on a Dec. 25 episode of NTD’s “The Nation Speaks.” NTD is a sister media outlet of The Epoch Times.

The masks, “Zoom schools,” and lockdown mandates have led to “deprivation overall, of social contact, [of] not being able to see faces, being stuck at home all day long, [and this] has actually caused brain damage to the youngsters,” he said. Article

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Another unintended consequence of the illegitimate Biden Presidency are Fentanyl overdoses. Since Biden took office, Fentanyl has become the #1 cause of death among U.S. adults ages 18-45, and now surpasses suicide, Covid-19 and car accidents. China is the main culprit for making fentanyl a Weapon of Mass Destruction. Recently the DEA announced a surge in the sale of fake prescription pills containing deadly opioids on social medial platforms. Overall, drug overdose deaths are expected to surpass 100,000 in 2021.

Become an Effective Political Activist in 2022! This online class will help you develop the skills you need to make a real difference advocating for (or against) a piece of legislation. Are you tired of having bad laws take effect when you had no idea that they had been under consideration, much less passed? Do you wonder, "What happened?" REGISTER HERE

<em>Edit Promo Post</em> November 2024 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


The SCRP is having a comprehensive PCO training Saturday, February 5 from noon to 4 PM (lunch included. Presenter will be Bill Cooper. Cost is $25. For more info and to RSVP contact Bill Bruch (360) 820-1700.

The SCRP Central Committee's first meeting of 2022 is from noon to 1:30 PM this Saturday, Jan 8. SCRP PCO, LD 39 State Senator and 2022 Secretary of State Candidate Keith Wagoner will be a guest.

The Skagit Republicans Woman's group meets from 9:30 AM to noon this Tuesday, January 4. Republican Activist Sharon Hanek will be a guest. For more information contact Judy Billings at (206) 550-1836.

<em>Edit Promo Post</em> November 2024 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Quote of the month: “Covid is a deadly pandemic." It killed Science, Logic, Evidence-based medicine, and common Sense. Dr. Eli David



Respect & Blessings

Bill Bruch, SCRP Chairman

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