June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

There are many important events coming up the next several months that you can participate in: June 3 and 4 the WSRP is hosting the Republican Action Conference in Wenatchee. This is going to be the biggest Republican event of the year in WA State as we train and build our grassroots movement for victory in the 2022 midterm elections - come learn from experts during workshops and trainings, enjoy a fun evening at our Friday Night Banquet, then join us for a HUGE Saturday RALLY with top Republican speakers and our great Republican candidates!

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Tuesday June 7 from 5 PM - 7 PM there will be a Re-Elect Carolyn Eslick Fundraiser -- Buzz Inn Steak House - 900 Airport Way, Snohomish (MAP

On June 8 there will be a Karen Lesetmoe and Greg Gilday for State Representative Meet and Greet  at The Center in Oak Harbor (MAP). Join us for an evening of speakers and special guests. Dinner and refreshments will be provided! RSVP through email at campaign@karenlesetmoe.com.

Sunday, June 12 there will be a Silent Majority Foundation Golf Tournament Fundraiser at the Echo Falls Golf Course - 20414 121st Ave SE. Snohomish (MAP). To register and for more information see: www.smfjb.org

Wednesday June 15, from 6:30 PM to 8:15 PM there will be an Elect Keith Wagoner for Secretary of State Meet and Greet. Event will be at the new aircraft hanger at the Corporate Air Center, 15452 Airport Dr., Burlington (MAP). We need Keith as our next SOS. He is the only Conservative in the race! Bring your Friends-- Food and Drinks Provided! 

* Every legitimate vote must be counted

* Every questionable vote investigated

* Every fraudulent vote rejected

MORE INFO: WagonerForSecState.com

Saturday, June 18 the SCRP will have a float for our 2022 GOP Candidates in the Burlington Berry Dairy Days Parade. Parade begins at 11 AM. This is the 85th anniversary of the event! 

Saturday June 25, 2022 from 5:45 PM to 9 PM the Helping Hands 2nd annual Leaders Inspiring Leaders fundraiser event takes place at the Heritage Flight Museum 15053 Crosswind Dr Burlington (MAP). Event features Robert Gates, former American intelligence analyst who served as the 22nd United States Secretary of Defense from 2006 to 2011.

In observance of Independence Day there are several Fourth of July Parades and Events happening Saturday, July 2 through Monday, July 4th in Anacortes, Sedro-Woolley and Oak Harbor.

We will be having a booth at the 2022 Skagit County Fair from Wednesday August 10th to Saturday August 13th.

The 2022 SCRP Lincoln / Reagan Day Dinner is Saturday, August 20 from 5 PM to 8:30 PM. at the new Corporate Air Center Airplane Hanger - Keynote Speaker is Lieutenant Colonel James McKinney! Lt. Col. McKinney is a retired U.S. Army foreign area officer with more than 30 years of service in strategic, tactical, and special operations assignments around the globe. He served as a senior defense official and defense attaché, the deputy chief of combating terrorism for U.S. Pacific Command, the security assistance officer for U.S. embassies in Albania and the Republic of Georgia, and a political-military adviser to the commander of U.S. Army Central in the Middle East. He’s now a consultant, and serves on the board of Saturna Capital. Tickets Here

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


For more information on these and the many other SCRP 2022 events remember to check the skagitrepublicans.com Home and Calendar pages on our website.

2022 CITIZENS' INITIATIVE - Since the State Legislature couldn't get it right, it is now time for "We The People" to make our own laws using the initiative process. As guaranteed by the WA State Constitution, Art 2 Sec.1 "The first power reserved by the people is the initiative." The right of the people to petition and legislate through the initiative and referendum is a fundamental right protected by the Washington State Constitution. Best yet a Citizens' Initiative can be signed into law by the legislature and can't be vetoed by the governor. Here is a summary of some of the State Citizen Initiatives that need to get 400,000 signatures by December 30  to qualify to become law in the 2023 legislative session. PETITIONS AVAILABLE AT THE SCRP OFFICE.

Election Integrity: "The Voter Protection Act": I-1505 "A Bipartisan Review of Election Results." This measure came from the Skagit County Republican Party Election Integrity Committee, ended up in the Washington State Republican Party Election Integrity Committee and required months of meetings and planning. It will require all 39 counties to do "statistically significant" general election hand count audits for at least 3 different elections of all paper ballots tabulated in 12-voting precincts (before election certification). The 12-precinct vote totals must be no less than 5% of the total vote count for each of the individual races.

Why We Need Better Audits: The Washington State Constitution Art 1 Sec. 19 Freedom of Elections says All Elections Shall Be Free and Equal. Accurate vote counts of all legal ballots are essential for free, fair transparent and honest elections. 

Voter confidence and voter trust of our elections systems are at all time historic lows. Over the course of decades our national and state election process has shown various public officials’ enacted laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations run contrary to liberty and freedom, especially in elections. The current WA State auditing method of elections systems of Risk Limiting Audits and Random Batch Audits are insufficient, and the number of ballots audited is not statistically significant to be considered true "audits.” 

The Citizens’ Initiative “The Voter Protection Act” will help to restore voter confidence and faith in our elections by ensuring an accurate vote count, and that only legitimate votes are counted in Washington State elections with full transparency and oversight. More Here

Ending the Governor's State of Emergency: I-1480 "Emergency Power Shouldn't Last Forever." It is time to once and for all end Inslee's unconstitutional mandates! This measure would modify limitations on governor emergency proclamations, allowing them to cover only one county and only facts/circumstances not in existing law; limit such proclamations, related orders, and agency emergency rules to 30 days unless legislatively-extended.

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Repealing Capital Gains Tax: I-1491 "Fix Unconstitutional Laws & Taxes." This measure would repeal a 7% tax on annual capital gains above $250,000 by individuals from the sale of stocks and certain other capital assets (exempting, for example, real estate and retirement accounts).

Classroom Curriculum Transparency: I-1495 "Return kids back to their parents." This measure would require public education providers to display certain information online regarding student instruction and staff training, and make nonpublic and copyright-protected materials available for public inspection.

Restoring Police Powers: I-1474 "Don't Let The Bad Guys Get Away" This measure would reduce certain restrictions on vehicular pursuits, allowing them upon certain conditions including reasonable suspicion of certain criminal offenses and necessity of identifying or apprehending people who pose public safety risks.

Second Amendment: I-1512 "Keep Guns from Crooks." This measure would make certain state restrictions on possession, use, manufacture, distribution, sale, or purchase of firearms apply only to “felony firearm offenders” and those convicted of a “serious offense.”

Electoral College: I-1502 "Making WA State Vote for President Matter." This measure would make WA State like Nebraska, or Maine, instead of "Win or Take All" it would be proportional representation. It would change Washington’s method for selecting presidential electors to select one per congressional district, representing each district’s winning party, and two statewide, and withdraw Washington from the interstate popular vote compact.

Making Hard Drugs Illegal: I-1510 "There is nothing compassionate about overdose deaths." This measure would make knowing possession of controlled substances a class C felony, rather than a misdemeanor, and remove legislative encouragement of prosecutors to divert such cases for assessment, treatment, or other services.

Property Tax Exemption: I-1509 "Relief for Property Owners" This measure would exempt $250,000 of valuation of real property from state property taxes levied in 2024, and thereafter increase the exemption by the percentage growth in the prior year’s tax levy.

Cut Gas Tax: I-1508 "Reduce Fuel Prices" This measure would reduce the fuel licensee tax rate by 24.7 cents per gallon.

Cut Sales Tax:I -1477 "Implement Much Needed Tax Relief" This measure would reduce the state retail sales and use tax rates from 6.5 %  to 5 %.

MORE INFO SEE: LetsgoWashington.com

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


ELECTION INTEGRITY UPDATE: The new documentary, 2000 Mules has already been watched by over twnety million people, making it one of the most important and successful political documentaries in history. If you have not seen it yet you can WATCH THE MOVIE HERE.

20 Million People Have Seen 2000 Mules - Growing Number Believe Its Claims

The movie is fantastic, Dinesh D'Souza and True The Vote used very thorough and comprehensive research showing blatant 2020 Election Fraud where we had a much worse problem than 2,000 Mules, probably at least 50,000 Mules! The movie exposes a massive coordinated Democrat ballot trafficking operation using over 10 trillion pings of cell phone geotracking data and millions of minutes of dropbox security camera footage. Paid couriers were caught traveling to numerous Leftist nonprofit groups and ballot drop boxes across county lines to stuff at least 400,000 illegal ballots.

The evidence shows it flips Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona from Biden to Trump and when you reduce the electoral map it confirms Trump easily won the 2020 election.

D’Souza confidently states,"the overwhelming evidence supported by surveillance footage, massive amounts of data, and whistleblowers who agreed to go on camera proves there was absolutely enough fraud to change the outcome of the 2020 election.” Article

TIP OF THE ICEBERG: TTV estimates 7% or more of all mail-in votes in the 2020 Election were trafficked, totaling 4.8 Million votes. To put into perspective, the 4.8 Million estimate includes over 137,000 trafficked absentee ballots in Wisconsin, which Biden fraudulently 'won' by 20,000 votes. And this is not by any means an all-inclusive number for the fraud in 2020, it just counts the ballots trafficked through drop boxes.

TTV's Greg Philips says cell phone geodata is “immutable." The suspects’ location history ties them to each drop box they visit and documents times the routes they take to get there in a way that cannot be falsified. Philips likens this geo tracking data to “digital fingerprints,” which have been used to solve murders. Article

2,000 Mules: A Damning Indictment Against the Regime: This movie is the nail in the coffin of the Democrats and proves what free-thinkers have been bringing to light for over a year. Charlie Kirk dives into the Left's criticism of Dinesh's explosive movie, and he invites the woke journalists who are attempting to discredit Dinesh and the hard evidence onto the program to prove them wrong. Listen to this episode HERE -- MORE INFO SEE: 2000 Mules.com 

Researcher Featured in ‘2000 Mules’ Documentary Explains How Local Election Fraud Was Grown to National Scale

Enough Fraudulent Votes Identified to Change 2020 Election Outcome: Dinesh D’Souza 'I'm putting this information out because I want the American people to be the jury'

Election Fraud Is Organized and Nationwide: Hans Von Spakovsky

What We Can Expect From 2000 Mules

D’Souza’s ‘2000 Mules’ Grosses Over $1 Million on Rumble in First 12 Hours


Lauren Boebert Calls for Investigation into Election Fraud in Light of "2000 Mules" Evidence -“We need to have hearings, if we can have geo-tracking when it comes to January 6th, and FBI come to peoples’ homes who were holding signs at the capital, then we can use that same technology to look at people who may have been harvesting ballots illegally and possibly, even paid to do so by non-profit organizations,” she said.

No More Ballots in the Wild: America Needs to Ban Mail-in Voting. The easiest way to restore trust in the election process is to ban mail-in voting. When the French people voted for a new president, they did so on a single day using paper ballots filled out in the privacy of official polling stations. France, being a normal First World democracy, takes election security seriously. Electronic voting machines are virtually never used. Mail-in voting has been banned nationwide since 1975 out of security fears. Voter rolls are regularly purged of the dead and those who have moved. It is a given that every French voter must show identification before being allowed to fill out a ballot. 

The U.S. by contrast, is an oligarchy (a regime where the elite rules) that is only pretending to be a democracy. This is why we use a Third World banana republic election system. No reasonable observer of the 2020 election in this country could draw any other conclusion. The week(s)-long vote count, the midnight vote total changes, the months of early voting, and the unilateral changes to election law in multiple states without legislative approval prior to the election are all signs of the profound brokenness of the American election system. Article

Investigator Gregg Phillips: FOX's Lawyers Are Keeping "2000 Mules" Off of the Channel 

Most Election Fraud Involves Absentee Ballots and Drop Boxes: Expert

Epoch Times Joshua Philipp highlighted the recent documentary, 2000 Mules, discussing this and other important stories with Trevor Laudon. VIDEO INTERVIEW

10x Bigger than '2000 Mules' with True the Vote's Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips

Ballot Mules Funded by Obama-Linked NGOs Who Poured Billions Into ‘Local Insurgencies’

How Zuckerberg Used a Tax-Exempt Foundation to Help Biden Fix the 2020 Election

The Federal Government Admits: Voting Machines Can Be Hacked! The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) is forced to admit that Dominion Voting System machines in 16 states are "vulnerable to hacking"

Federal cyber agency warns of voting software vulnerability in some states

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


WASHINGTON: After analyzing 2021 election data it appears that the WA State SOS and the all State County Auditors' and Elections Departments have chosen to no longer publish individual county voting precinct results and/or are reformatting results to make into CSV or PDF files. For all prior year's elections the precinct results are clearly shown on the WA State SOS and County Websites. But not in 2021 hmmm...now the powers be could much easier manipulate the results...

Washington State County Elections Officials and County Prosecutors, via PRR, admit 2020 Voting Machine Election Log Records were Entirely Deleted and not "backed up" in Benton, Clallam, Cowlitz, Douglas, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Grays Harbor, King, Kitsap. Lewis, Mason, Pacific, Snohomish, Stevens, Whatcom and Yakima Counties. The illegal deletions occurred between December 2020 and May 2021. But wait, it will get worse as more counties will be added to this list....

This violates Federal Law 52 USC 20701, and 42 USC 1974 which requires all election records to be kept for 22 months and also violates WA State Statues RCW 29A.60.110, WAC 434-262-200 and WAC 434-261-045. 

Additionally, the Election Assistance Commission requires voting systems and tabulation equipment to create a “real-time audit log” which records the events of an election. Read the EAC Decision on Request for Interpretation (Audit Logs) for details on what logging is required.

Many of these counties use Clear Ballot Voting Machines, in these WA State Counties they say it was due to a "Clear Ballot Software Upgrade” to each of their election machine systems. Now, after deletion, this means there is probably no way to verify if there was any "unauthorized access" to the voting machine equipment, data and the scan server, which holds the 2020 election vote counts.


June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


For the 2020 elections Mason County WA received a grant in the amount of $32,904 from Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), funded by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg. The tax return for the organization states the funds were for the “safe administration of elections during the Covid-19 pandemic”. Mason County initially failed to report this extra funding. CTCL used a local newspaper piece to deny the evidence of election fraud, praising mail-in votes and trying to dispel suspicions of foul play. Mason County Auditor Paddy McGuire wrote over a dozen pieces for the County Journal leading up to the 2020 election but never mentioned CTCL paid him. Article

NEW MEXICO: Erin Clements was joined by her husband, David Clements, and expert witness Jeffrey Landberg, who was involved in finding fraudulent activity in Antrim County, Michigan, during the 2020 election. Landberg has been helping with the data side of the audit after Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai of EchoMail, Inc. was taken out of participating in the audit by “threats from high up" Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives.

David Clements opened up his testimony on the apparent fraud by saying, "You have a potential crime scene in Otero County, what we’re finding is inaccuracy after inaccuracy after inaccuracy, it appears you’re being held at gunpoint. and the County is a casualty of “lawfare” from “Congress and a bunch of operatives.” Article

An Alamogordo, Otero County 2020 Election Audit identified a number of issues and some very shocking issues as well.

New Mexico Audit Identifies Feature in Dominion Voting Machines that Allows Ballots to be Filled Out by Machine Itself.

New Mexico's Audit Findings Are EXPLOSIVE! (Full Summary)

Patterns Identified in New Mexico Voter Rolls Are Not Consistent with Random, Human Behavior – What’s Going On?

PENNSYLVANIA: Dinesh D’Souza Speaks At Save America Rally In PA: “In This Movie, We Show That There Are At Least 400,000 FRAUDULENT VOTES – TRUMP WON THE 2020 ELECTION” VIDEO

Supreme Court puts counting of challenged Pennsylvania ballots on hold

MICHIGAN: Michigan Police Seize Voting Machine During Investigation Into Possible Election Breaches. Police officers in Michigan took custody of a voting machine as the state expands its investigation into what it’s described as unauthorized access to election equipment. Article

BOMBSHELL VIDEO Shows Same Woman Makes FOUR Trips to Detroit Drop Box In TWO Days… Deposits Stacks Of Ballots

FLORIDA: BIG WIN: Court Reinstates Florida’s Election Integrity Laws. A federal appeals court reversed a lower court’s decision to overturn Florida’s newest election integrity laws. The laws established Election Crimes and Security and worked to strengthen voting rules in the state. This includes signature verification on mail-in ballots. Article

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

MISSOURI: Missouri Non-partisan Canvassing Group Find 25% of Sample of Residences Had Issues: A group of individuals in Missouri canvassed a targeted group of voters in the 2020 Election. What they found was shocking:

1. The Canvassers identified that in Missouri there is no final list of individuals who voted in the 2020 Election or any election. The state allows 6 months for the counties to provide their final lists of those who voted in an election but this list can be adjusted by electors added to and deleted from the county voter roles.

2. Missouri’s voter rolls are inflated with its registration rate of 91% being 21% over the national average. This is due to a large number of ghost registrations in the state – individuals registered at a particular address who don't live there.

3. The group canvassed 4,917 residences and 25% of those who answered had voting irregularities (692 out of 2,799). These irregularities related to phantom, stolen and lost votes.

4. Voting machine equipment can connect to the Internet.

The team based its work on targeted populations of voters from expert analysis. The canvassers also noted that Missouri had lost control of its elections. Zuckerbucks, the ERIC tool to manage voter rolls, and the voting machines were identified as leading to this lack of control. Article

ARIZONA: Yuma County, AZ The Yuma County Sheriff’s Office (YCSO) and the Yuma County Recorder’s Office are working together to actively examine cases of voting fraud from the 2020 General Election and now a recent pattern of fraudulent voter registration forms leading up to the 2022 Primary Election. As of March 2022, YCSO has 16 voting/registration open cases. All relevant evidence is being formally documented by the Yuma County Recorder’s Office and further investigated by the Yuma County Sheriff’s Office. Some examples of voter fraud Yuma County is currently seeing are the following: • Impersonation fraud: Voting in the name of other legitimate voters and voters who have died or moved away. • False registrations: Falsifying voter registrations by either using a real or fake name, birth date, or address. This is being done by outreach groups who are paid for each registration form they submit, therefore, are out soliciting voters into unnecessarily re-registering or falsifying forms with Yuma County resident’s identities. • Duplicate voting: Submitting multiple votes or registering in multiple locations and voting in the same election in more than one jurisdiction or state. • Fraudulent use of absentee ballots: Requesting absentee ballots and voting without the knowledge of the actual voter; or obtaining the absentee ballot from a voter and either filling it in directly and forging the voter’s signature.

BIG ARIZONA FRAUD UPDATE: Law enforcement has conducted raids on Yuma County nonprofit organizations connected to the ballot trafficking scheme discovered by Yuma County citizens and revealed in the “2000 Mules” documentary.

Yesterday True the Vote Exposed Blatant Voter Fraud at the AZ Legislative Hearing and received a standing ovation from those in attendance. “The only thing I would like to see come out of this meeting is people going to jail,” said State Rep. Quang Nguyen (R). “I would just like to see people cuffed.”Article

An Arizona woman has pleaded guilty to using her position in the Democratic Party to illegally harvest ballots in a ballot abuse scheme.

19,000 Late, Invalid Ballots Were Counted in Arizona 2020 Election: Report

AZ Gubernatorial Frontrunner Kari Lake Weighs-In “Election integrity is essential to the preservation of our country" 

AZ bill HB 2289, known as the “One Day, One Vote” bill, requires voter ID, hand count paper ballots, no voting machines, smaller precinct polling locations, and no mail-in/absentee ballots (barring military, the disabled, and those who cannot be present at the polling station) in future elections.

“Imagine Arizona elections with: One DAY Voting, done on paper, in person, with No Machines, No Mail-Ins. And an immediate way of establishing a chain of custody,” Lake tweeted. “#HB2289 does that.”

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


GEORGIA: Record-Breaking Early Voting Turnout Defies ‘Voter Suppression’ Accusations: Early voting in Georgia broke records despite last year’s adoption of election integrity measures that critics derided as “voter suppression” and Joe Biden called a “blatant attack” on the Constitution and compared to a Jim Crow-era relic. More than 710,000 people had voted early in GA's primary as of May 19, 150 % higher than at the same point in 2020, when elections officials encouraged vote-by-mail and early voting to reduce crowding at polling stations amid Covid. Article

VIDEO: Bob Coovert – GA Election Fraud By Kemp And Raffensperger


DOMINION IS BUSTED! Georgia Hand Count Changes Election Results!

The Machines Need To Go In Georgia…

CDMedia Georgia Election Integrity Series – Understand The Election Fraud 

OREGON: Oregon County Suing Voter Integrity Group To Stop Examination of 2020 Ballots. In a stunning revelation, legal documents show Oregon elections officials have admitted that voting systems are vulnerable to attacks even when not connected to networks. Article

ALABAMA: In the GOP Senate primary, Katie Britt easily beat Rep. Mo Brooks 45% to 29%. In March, President Trump rescinded his endorsement after Brooks publicly stated it was time to stop looking back at the 2020 election. Trump called it the biggest political collapse in history as Brooks had a 45 + point lead in the polls before his Election Integrity blunder. Brooks dropped from 60% in one poll all the way to 12% almost immediately after Trump publicly un-endorsed Brooks.

COLORADO: The Mesa County Mess Continues -- #3 Report Podcast Featuring Apollo, Ashe In America, Col. Shawn Smith and Jeff O'Donnell

MARYLAND: The Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County ruled in favor of Judicial Watch’s challenge to Maryland’s congressional redistricting plan. In its ruling the court permanently barred Maryland’s use of its current plan. Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit on behalf of 12 registered Maryland voters who object to Maryland’s 2021 congressional redistricting plan on the grounds that it is a gerrymander that diminishes their rights to participate in free, fair elections for the U.S. Congress on an equal basis with other Maryland voters, in violation of the Maryland Constitution.

ILLINOIS: Judicial Watch Files Federal Lawsuit against Illinois to Stop Counting of Ballots Received After Election Day – Plaintiffs Include Member of Congress

Judicial Watch, America’s largest nonpartisan government watchdog group, with nearly half-million YouTube subscribers, have again been victimized by Big Tech censorship. YouTube censored JW video about Biden corruption and election integrity issues in the 2020 election. The video, titled “Impeach? Biden Corruption Threatens National Security,” was falsely determined to be “election misinformation” and removed by YouTube. JW is America’s largest nonpartisan government watchdog group, and is also the nation’s leading election integrity organization, and have testified to Congress on the issue. Most recently JW filed a lawsuit that stopped an extreme gerrymander by Democrats in Maryland. JW also successfully pursued federal litigation in multiple states to clean up millions of dirty names from voter registration lists.

Someone created a fake Facebook profile using Hannah Joy's (LD 17 State House GOP Candidate) campaign photos to impersonate her. It appears to be associated with a person tied to one of her opponents. It is pure evil and harassment. They made gross and inaccurate statements on several Facebook pages, and many other places to discredit her.

Hannah has filed a complaint with the local Sheriff’s Office.

These attacks are proof that a strong constitutional candidate is a threat to the controlling politicians in Olympia. These are dirty tricks from godless heathen cheaters to try and confuse Washingtonians and distract them away from candidates that will address the real issues plaguing our state caused by Democrat policies.

Washington is ready for a Conservative red common-sense wave. Now is the time for all of us to vote in mass to bring about the future of our great state!

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


When the WA State Legislature passed its illegal income tax starting with capital gains, even supporters expected it to be struck down in court -- They were right. A Douglas County judge just ruled the tax unconstitutional. It wasn’t a surprising result, given that court after court has said the same thing. Still, income tax activists are appealing to the state Supreme Court, hoping they can get a ruling in their favor. The better course would be to appeal to voters via a public vote. Why not decide this democratically?

But it’s not what income tax supporters will do. They’d much rather have the case decided by judges than by the people of Washington. This anti-democratic trope is becoming all too common, and to make matters worse the income tax activists set up a hotline where people can call to report I-1929 signature gathers, their locations and more information. They say they want to deploy income tax supporters to those sites and quote “make it as uncomfortable as possible.” Article

Governor Jay Inslee and AG Bob Ferguson appear to have colluded to help suppress and prevent the release of recently uncovered records about historic medical experiments conducted on Washington’s prison inmates. The records were part of a trove of paper records (517 pages) discovered by Washington State Department of Corrections employees at the Washington State Penitentiary in Walla Walla in 2020. 

In 2021, Inslee was informed about these records (which included vaccine, radiation, and other experiments on inmates), but it appears that the Inslee administration and AG employees preferred to suppress these historic records because it is disrupting Inslee’s narrative about his Vax mandate for state workers. Until now, these records have remained concealed from the public. Article

Why did Governor Inslee and AG Ferguson suppress the release of prisoner medical experiment records? Article / Video

Jay Inslee’s appointments to an obscure regulatory panel last year cost the state $70,000 in a public records lawsuit settlement — and forced the governor to rescind his appointees and name new ones. The dispute centered on Inslee’s handling of appointments to the Washington State Building Code Council, which establishes minimum standards for new construction, including rules for energy efficiency, plumbing and fire safety. State law specifies two of the council’s 15 members must be nominated by trade associations representing residential and commercial builders. But Inslee last year ignored major builder group recommendations and instead named two of his own picks. Article

A Washington school board butted heads over a new student discipline policy that considers a student’s race before deciding on a punishment. The Clover Park School District debated its new “culturally responsive” student discipline policy. It means student discipline would not be consistent based on conduct. Instead, a school considers a student’s race and background. It would likely offer harsher punishments to white students, even if the conduct is identical to that of a Black or Hispanic student. Article

Dangerous Democrat / Socialist policies are destroying our state as crime is exploding! Suspects committed over 60 crimes and in one case, the damage was so great that the business closed shop. Police say the men rammed a vehicle into the 76 Gas Station last month. Both already had felony convictions on their record. Article 

Hard drug decriminalization efforts and the 2021 policing laws from the Democrats are responsible for rampant lawlessness according to the Spokane Police Chief. Fentanyl seizure rates are up an astonishing 1,110% from last year. Article

Seattle-area home prices took the biggest monthly jump in at least 32 years

Gas prices have reached new all time highs and WA State Dem / Socialists have plans to raise prices even further with (HB 1091 & SB 5126). Republicans are fighting to lower them with SB 5897 as families are struggling and desperately need relief! 

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


In January 2021, gas was $2.67 in this state. Today, it's $5.15 (and climbing). For a family driving 2 cars that get 20 MPG and drive 20,000 miles a year, the increase in prices from January 2021 will cost them $5,000 annually!  OF NOTE: Since Inslee took office, state spending has more than doubled (grown by 119%), which is more than twice as fast as median private-sector wages in the state have grown.

Majority of American Families Have Canceled Vacation Plans Due to Inflation: A new survey reveals that clear majorities of American families, concerned about the rising costs of inflation, are being forced to cancel their summer vacation plans. According to The Center Square, the poll shows that “75% of parents say they are concerned about the rising cost of everyday purchases like food or gas.” Inflation has reached new highs not seen in over 40 years, affecting the costs of everything from gasoline to groceries.

The survey also asked if inflation has “caused you to change any of your plans for what your children will do this summer?” 57 % said yes, 37 % said no. In addition, 51 % of families said that they ultimately “changed or canceled plans for a family trip,” 41 % saying that they “changed or canceled activities for my children like camp or extracurricular activities” due to inflation, and 26 % said that they “won’t be able to stay home with my children because I need to work extra hours.”

Ted Cruz exposes what Biden is doing to SCOTUS: "What Team Biden has done in response to the doxxing and attempted intimidation of the Supreme Court justices following the leak of Alito’s abortion opinion is disgusting: in not speaking out against the left’s horrific, cartel-like attempt to intimidate the agents of justice, the Biden Administration has acted absolutely disgracefully." Ted Cruz also tore into Biden for refusing to condemn the attempted intimidation of the Supreme Court through doxxing and “protests” at the houses of the justices, saying. “We have got left-wing groups now that have published the addresses of justices. The intent is to bully and threaten and intimidate the justices to changing their votes, and I got to say, it was shameful that the White House refused to condemn violent protesters threatening the families of the Supreme Court.” Article

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas dismissed the idea of pressuring the court for desirable outcomes. Thomas spoke at the 11th Circuit judicial conference saying, “We can’t be an institution that can be bullied into giving you just the outcomes you want. The events from earlier this week are a symptom of that." Immediately after the leak, Dems attempted to bully the court into ruling in favor of Roe v Wade. Leftist groups doxxed Supreme Court Justices who are votes against Roe v Wade, and protested at their houses. Chuck Schumer wants to to make abortion up to birth a federal law. Article

VIDEO: Jen Psaki "Encourages More Protests at Supreme Court Justices’ Homes" — Despite Reported Threats

A Militant Leftist Pro-Abortion group has claimed credit for the Molotov Cocktail Arson attack at the office of a Wisconsin pro-life nonprofit organization. The group, calling themselves “Jane’s Revenge,” promised to “adopt increasingly extreme tactics” against those who are pro-life. The Madison office of the Wisconsin Family Action was attacked last month. The arsonists threw two Molotov cocktails into the office, after breaking windows, and then proceeded to light a fire. Article

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


How the Democrats’ Abortion Bill Enshrines a Right to Abort Baby Girls Because They Are Girls. The Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA), goes beyond Roe v. Wade (which itself is a radical abortion policy imposed by the Supreme Court that places U.S. law far outside the norm worldwide). The WHPA is a sweeping bill that creates a federal right to abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. It would also strike down almost all state laws on abortion. Article

6 people said nothing when Buffalo mass shooter told them of his mass murder plan

We’re missing a key point about Uvalde - The battle we’re fighting in this country isn’t about gun control - It’s a battle between good and evil, a battle between faith and godlessness. The 2nd amendment was removed from schools creating dangerous gun free zones. The left doesn’t want to fix the problem because it was created by them for their agenda. Article / Video

THIS is the problem, not a gun: Absent father, mother addicted to drugs, sent to live with grandmother, loner, isolated by lockdowns, aggressive, Fights in school, self-harm, violent video games, unrestricted internet access, no friends, just online chats, no church, broken families.

Beto O'Rourke attempts to shout down and heckle Gov. Greg Abbott and Texas leaders during press conference on Uvalde shooting - Removed from venue. Article / Video

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Dem Legislation Could End Gun Sales to All Current Firearm Owners Forever, Require DOJ License. Do you want the Biden Administration to decide if you’re eligible to own a gun every time you acquire a new firearm? Senate Democrats are pushing gun control and using mass shootings as a political tool. Dems Cory Booker, Richard Blumenthal and Bob Menendez are introducing the Federal Firearms Licensing Act. The law would revise gun ownership from a right enjoyed by American citizens to a privilege bestowed by the government at its own discretion and give the A.G. discretion to approve or deny a firearms license (even if no criminal record). Article

Republicans Fight to Protect American's Second Amendment

Biden surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban - This is sickening - Taliban in Afghanistan have told female TV presenters on local stations cover their faces. The move comes days after authorities ordered women to cover their faces in public, a return to a policy of the Taliban's past hardline rule and an escalation of restrictions that are causing anger at home and abroad. Article

‘The Lord’s Prayer’ is Now Unconstitutional, Says Federal Judge

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


How the World Health Organization Wants to Control Public Health—And Your Life: Amendments to the WHO’s International Health Regulations would give an unaccountable global bureaucracy the power to impose Shanghai-style lockdowns in U.S. cities—with or without our consent. The Biden regime’s new amendments would give the WHO director-general control over the declaration of a public health emergency in a member state—even over the objection of that member state. The proposed amendments also empower WHO regional directors to declare a public health emergency in member states. Article

Ex-WHO Scientist David Bell: Will New Pandemic Treaty Cause Permanent Lockdowns?

WHO Politics Are Putting the World at Risk: Urgent Reform Is Needed: It’s now clear that the World Health Organization (WHO) has ceased to be a credible organization capable of protecting the human race with timely precautionary interventions. The WHO’s bureaucratic attitude has left the body in a sorry state, due to politically motivated leadership.

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, a biologist and career politician from Ethiopia (and an individual alleged to have covered up a cholera outbreak under his watch as the Ethiopian Health Minister), became the WHO’s director general after an intense campaign. Article

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Pfizer Docs and Davos Tyrants -- Naomi Wolf discusses the W.H.O. treaty that would forfeit American sovereignty to a supranational governmental body. Dr. Wolf outlines what states can do to pass legislation now to nullify the unconstitutional W.H.O. treaty and calls for impeachment of the Biden Regime for pursuing this policy. Dr. Wolf discusses what she's found studying the Pfizer docs including adverse events from vaccines, negative impacts affecting pregnant mothers, blood clots, and a variety of other negative impacts.

The Biden Administration has forever secured the space for every member and partner in the future to hold personally liable every person and entity responsible for this violation of personal sovereignty and privacy through the defilement of their public oath of office in carrying out the WHO agenda, led by the Chinese proxy Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Interview

The Chinese military must develop the capability to destroy or disable SpaceX’s Starlink satellite system write Chinese military researchers in a paper published last month. Article

The Biden Administrations' "incredible transition" to communism, poverty, and hunger. Biden celebrated record-high gas prices last week, saying that the pump pain was part of “an incredible transition” of the US economy away from fossil fuels. Article

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

US Schools Facing Mass Exodus of Teachers Who Won’t Return This Fall

BIDEN'S "WINTER OF DEATH" -- I survived Biden’s winter of death and discontent but the CDC says I may not survive the spring without getting vaccinated. Dec 16, Biden sent a message to unvaccinated Americans that we were going to die, saying “We are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated, for themselves, their families and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm.” His intent was to scare us into getting a COVID shot for the winter. But instead, we mocked his morbid messaging. Well now that we are a few days into spring, instead of celebrating our survival, we are faced with the CDC telling us to get vaccinated or die. Article

Monkeypox Narrative Is Built on Half-Truths - WHO Use ‘Pandemic Treaty’ to Control Public Health. Dr. Robert Malone is calling out the Bill Gates-funded “Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance” for allegedly spreading misinformation on the virus. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization (WHO) may soon be granted global powers over pandemic policy. We speak with Nick Corbishley, author of “Scanned: Why Vaccine Passports and Digital IDs Will Mean the End of Privacy and Personal Freedom,” on the WHO pandemic treaty, and what this means for the future of health policy, including lockdowns and vaccine mandates. Article

NTI Monkeypox Pandemic Wargaming from March 2021

Anthony Fauci’s National Institutes of Health agency was funding research to identify treatments for monkeypox shortly before the virus began spreading in a global outbreak. Fauci’s agency, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has previously come under scrutiny for funding bat coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which many public health experts and intelligence officials believe to be the source of Covid-19. NIAID funded research into potential cures for monkeypox, shortly BEFORE the viral disease began spreading in a global outbreak. Article

Dems Silent as Republicans Rip Into Secret Royalty Checks to Fauci, Hundreds of NIH Scientists: Top Democratic leaders with oversight of the National Institutes for Health (NIH) are keeping quiet about the $350 million in secret payments to agency leaders like Dr. Anthony Fauci and hundreds of its scientists.

The Epoch Times received no responses from multiple requests to Sen. Patty Murray and Rep. Frank Pallone for comment on a report by a non-profit government watchdog estimating that Fauci, former NIH director Francis Collins, and hundreds of NIH scientists got as much as $350 million in undisclosed royalty payments from pharmaceutical and other private firms between 2010 and 2020. The revelations are based on thousands of pages of documents obtained from a FOIA request and subsequent lawsuit in federal court. Article

Watchdog Claims Fauci, Others at NIH Received Hundreds of Millions in Big Pharma Royalty Payments

Biden’s job approval rating has hit an all-time low, according to the latest NBC News poll -- Just 39% of Americans approve of the Biden and 75% of Americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction

Biden's approval rating among Hispanic Americans has plummeted to 26%, according to a Quinnipiac new poll. The same poll last year put Hispanic support for Biden at 55%. Biden has been consistently hitting new lows in the polls. Young Americans and White men also have lowest approvals for Biden seen yet, at 27% and 29% respectively.

Dems in Disarray: Internal Polling Looks Devastating

Two blazes that grew into New Mexico's largest ever wildfire were both started by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), the agency said, prompting the state's governor to demand the federal government take full responsibility for the disaster.

The combined blaze has so far torched over 312,320 acres of mountain forests and valleys, and destroyed hundreds of homes."The pain and suffering of New Mexicans caused by the actions of the U.S. Forest Service – an agency that is intended to be a steward of our lands – is unfathomable," New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham said in a statement. Article

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Mortgage Payment Costs Rise 45 % This Year, Worsening Home Affordability: If the Fed keeps raising rates, mortgage payments for a typical home will be $800/month or more. Article

President Trump's rally in Wyoming is the BIGGEST crowd in state history! A Trump rally in Casper on Saturday afternoon saw 10,000 Trump supporters pack into the Ford Wyoming Center and thousands more gather outside the arena to cheer the 45th president of the United States and push for more conservative values represented in politics. Article

In May the RNC beat the DNC in fundraising (again). GOP candidates are getting more votes in primaries. Biden’s approval is the lowest of his presidency. 2022 is shaping up to be a huge success for the Republican Party. Article

Conservation and limiting change are literally conservative ideas. It’s right there in the name. Conservation is about conserving the environment, keeping our natural heritage in tact, taking responsibility, and subscribing to the traditional value of stewardship. It’s about maintaining the earth's status quo, keeping her resources balanced and sustainable. Action on climate change is about trying to keep too much change from happening too fast, which is the primary idea that conservative ideology embraces. Article

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Biden redeploys troops to Somalia to counter Al Qaeda al-Shabaab, reversing Trump’s decision to withdraw forces from the country near the end of his administration. Article

Americans’ worst, Orwellian-fueled nightmare  “Ministry of Truth.” “Disinformation,” by definition, is false information that’s designed to mislead. “Governance” denotes control or authority, and “Board” implies an official committee or organization. The three words together indicate the DHS created an organization that can dictate what is and is not true in America. The board, according to the DHS’s Fact Sheet, was released the same day that Sec. Mayorkas said the “disinformation governance board” at the congressional hearing, is actually a “working group.”

Biden's Former Dis Information Czar: Nina Jankowicz's Viral Mary Poppins singing TikTok sparks online debate: New Czar says: "Saying Lies Makes Them Sound Precocious"   Hmmm......https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqZadh7xCR8 Jankowicz fueled allegations stemming from the since-discredited Steele dossier and has promoted other baseless Trump-Russia collusion claims. Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., led a group of Republican senators who introduced legislation that would kill the board by prohibiting federal funding. Article

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Crack Pipes in 'Safe Smoking Kits' Prove Psaki and Fact-Checkers Lied in Denials: Crack pipes are now distributed in "safe-smoking" areas up and down the East Coast, raising questions about the Biden administration's assertion that its multimillion-dollar harm reduction grant program wouldn't funnel taxpayer dollars to drug paraphernalia. Article

Biden administration cancels all three remaining offshore oil and gas leases as gasoline prices hit an all-time high. With the cancellations, there are no more federal offshore oil and gas lease sales scheduled. “Unfortunately, this is becoming a pattern – the administration talks about the need for more supply and acts to restrict it,” Frank Macchiarola, the American Petroleum Institute’s senior vice president of policy, economics and regulatory affairs, said. Article

Among other radical proposals, the Green New Deal would demand the U.S. produce 100 % of its power using only zero-emission sources. Biden has implemented many of the Green New Deal’s demands mostly through executive orders. He ordered “major revisions” to appliance energy efficiency regulations, which directly led to the Department of Energy (DOE) unveiling a massive list of new regulatory rules covering a wide variety of household appliances, including washers and dryers, showers, lamps, cooking products, and water heaters.

Congressman Markwayne Mullin (R-Okla.) pointed out how detrimental to American society such regulations are, as these new rules cover just about every kind of construction project imaginable, saying “I don’t care if you’re building a new school, I don’t care if you’re building a high-rise building or trying to put in affordable housing, much less a pipeline or a road or replace bridges, underneath this new rule, it will take projects' years, if they will ever even be permitted and most of the time they won’t…be permitted.” Article

Biden administration will require schools that receive federal funding for lunches to enforce its ban on discrimination on the basis of gender identity and let biological males into girls’ bathrooms.

A Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer lied to two CIA officers in 2017 when presenting data he claimed showed that President Donald Trump was linked to a Russian bank, a former CIA officer testified in federal court on May 20. Article

NEW POLL: 83% worry about inflation, majority says benefits hurting economy. Inflation tops the list of economic concerns for voters-- ahead of taxes, unemployment, the federal deficit, and interest rates. Article

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Elise Stefanik Introduces Resolution To Expunge Donald Trump’s Second Impeachment: “Sham Process: House GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik and 28 of her Republican colleagues are pushing a resolution to “expunge” former President Donald Trump’s second impeachment. Saying, “Democrats used their second impeachment resolution to once again weaponize one of the most grave and consequential powers of the House. This was never about the Constitution; it was rooted in personal politics, the American people know Democrats weaponized the power of impeachment against President Trump to advance their own extreme political agenda. President Trump was rightfully acquitted, and it is past time to expunge Democrats’ sham smear against not only President Trump’s name, but against millions of patriots across the country." Article

Let’s begin with a basic truth that most of the corporate media continually ignore or obscure: President Trump-endorsed candidates overwhelmingly prevailed in the latest GOP primaries by a margin of 24-4. In fact, President Trump is running the table on the GOP establishment in the 2022 races. His record stands at 92-7 at the moment. Article

Incumbent Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton easily wins the Republican primary over George P. Bush. Paxton was endorsed by President Donald Trump and is known for challenging establishment RINO's.

Trump endorsed former football star Herschel Walker clinches Georgia’s Republican nomination for the Senate with nearly 70 % of the vote. Article

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


GA U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene easily defeated five fellow Republicans. At her victory speech Greene called for the impeachment of Joe Biden and dismissed his election as the product of “fraudulent electoral votes.” She called pandemic mask and vaccine mandates “medical tyranny.” 

Endorsed by President Donald Trump, Rep. Alex Mooney, R-W.Va., was the big winner over Rep. David McKinley, R-W.Va., by 51%-38% with 95% of the vote in for a hotly contested West Virginia House GOP primary. Incumbent Rep. Carol Miller, R-W.Va., easily won the Republican nomination in the West Virginia’s 1st District. Miller was endorsed by Trump and voted against the creation of a commission to investigate the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol, and voted against Biden’s massive infrastructure bill. Article

Vance Win Validates Trump as GOP Force. J.D. Vance’s victory in the Ohio Republican U.S. Senate primary on May 3 showed in the first test of Trump’s influence in the 2022 midterm election cycle. Trump’s ability to propel candidates over the finish line in tight primary contests is one of the most closely watched dynamics of the midterm primary elections cycle. Insiders alike say the former president will still remain the GOP’s undisputed leader...“What he did with J.D. Vance was just impressive, and I’m not impressed with much in politics. Vance was dead, and Trump brought him back to life,” Republican consultant Jeff Roe said.

Insider Bill Kristol says “Anybody who dismisses Trump as not a major factor in the party is crazy.” Dave Carney, a Republican consultant said, "Impressive that Vance easily topped a former Ohio State Treasurer and State Rep." Article

North Carolina Congressman Ted Budd - endorsed by Trump - defeated former North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory in the primary to become the Republicans' nominee. 

Kentucky voters rejected the globalists and RINOs, and stuck with Rand Paul in the GOP primary, meaning that he’ll be the Senator for Red Kentucky. Senator Paul, in the primary, won by a whopping 86% of the vote while his several opponents hovered in the 3-4% range. Article

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Conservative candidates WON BIG in the Tarrant County Texas school board elections this weekend. All but one of the 11 conservative candidates won their race in May. The conservatives were running on a platform to remove racist Critical Race Theory indoctrination from the classrooms. The candidates also spoke out against pornography in books discussing LGBT issues. Article

CD Media Big Data Poll: Republicans Hold Solid Lead On Generic Ballot In Georgia

Republicans are poised for a Congressional sweep in the 2022 midterm elections, perhaps flipping as many as 40 — some say 60 — seats and regaining control of both houses. After all, the Democrats have performed so poorly across the board, whether in foreign policy, the economic realm, the maelstrom at the southern border, and in the overall domestic havoc they have wrought, as to constitute a disaster not seen in many decades, if not in living memory. Article

Trump backed Doug Mastriano won easily the primary by a huge margin for his bid to become Pennsylvania Governor with 45% of the vote and garnered more votes than the 2nd and 3rd pace finishers combined! 


June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Trump endorsed Former White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders walloped her opposition in the Arkansas Republican gubernatorial race with over 83% of the vote

Trump-Endorsed AZ Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake Polls Higher Than All Primary Competitors COMBINED, Leads By Double-Digits

MASSIVE REPUBLICAN TURNOUT ADVANTAGE: In primary elections in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Kentucky, Idaho, and Oregon, Republicans made up 55% of the total votes cast, according to JMC Analytics. In Texas, Indiana, Ohio, Nebraska, and West Virginia, Republicans account for fully 60% of votes cast in the primaries so far. Article

9 House races move toward GOP -- Potential Nevada sweep. The House battleground is starting to crystallize, and GOP prospects are improving in Nevada, Indiana, New Hampshire, New York and Florida. Article

Ronna McDaniel: New polling shows parents with children under 18 favor Republicans 60% to 32%. Parents want a say in their kids’ education, and our party stands with them!


June 7: California, Iowa, Mississippi, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, South Dakota

June 14: Maine, Nevada, North Dakota, South Carolina

June 2: Virginia

June 28: Illinois, Colorado, Utah, New York, Oklahoma

Sharp Rise in Home Prices, Mortgage Rates Driving Working Americans out of the Market. The dramatic rise in home prices and mortgage rates in 2022 has had a severe impact on lower-income Americans—Dems may pay a steep price in midterm elections and beyond. Mortgages went from 3% - 5 % in the first 3 months of the year, and are now 38 % higher than a year ago, according to a Politico report. The average rate on 30-year mortgages hit 5.46 %, the highest figure since August 2009, according to Bankrate statistics.

Rates are up across the board, including 30-year fixed rates, 15-year fixed rates, and 5/1 adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) rates. As of April 2022, the median home price in America stood at $344,141, a 21% leap from last yr. Article

Surging mortgage rates add to Biden’s economic woes

FBI Uncovers ISIS Plot to Assassinate Former President Bush Using Southern Border. Article


Donald Trump posts new video slamming Biden on Truth Social. Is this his first 2024 Campaign ad?

Covid-19 Is Treatable and Preventable With Vitamin D - Dr. Robert Malone: Covid-19 can be treated and prevented with vitamin D, according to the pioneer of mRNA vaccine technology and president of the Global COVID Summit, Dr. Robert Malone. “There are virtually no deaths from this disease in people who have vitamin D levels in their blood above 50 ng/mL [nanograms per milliliter],” Malone said. Article

COVID was NOT a Pandemic, But the Vaccine TRULY IS!

Cancer Increases by Almost 2000% Says Dr. Eads as Jab Damages Immune Systems

Wearing masks leads to breathing in dangerous levels of carbon dioxide, study finds

Vaxxed Kids Are 300 Times More Likely To Die Than Unvaccinated!

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


THE TRUTH EVENTUALLY ALWAYS COMES OUT: Deep State Was Working Against Trump on Covid-19 Response. According to Paul Alexander, when President Trump was trying to tackle Covid-19 in 2020, the “swamp” or the “deep state” was working against him, using flawed data to tarnish him, locking down society, and keeping schools closed.

“Imagine the president of the United States fighting against the [teachers’] union, fighting against the [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)], and fighting against his own task force.” Alexander told EpochTV’s “Facts Matter." Article

FDA: Americans Should Treat Covid-19 Like the Flu: Several top FDA officials, including Commissioner Robert Califf, admitted that Americans will have to accept Covid-19 as another respiratory virus, comparing it to influenza. Califf, Principal Deputy Commissioner Janet Woodcock, and top vaccine official Dr. Peter Marks wrote for the Journal of the American Medical Association that Covid-19 will be around for the foreseeable future. Article

People Who Pushed Idea of Universal Vaccination Are ‘Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity’: Former Pfizer VP: Former Pfizer VP Michael Yeadon Yeadon is a big pharma veteran with 32 years in the industry. He worked as the head of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer from 1995 to 2011. He has a doctorate in respiratory pharmacology and holds a Double First Class Honors degree in biochemistry and toxicology. Yeadon maintains that since the infection fatality ratio of Covid-19 has not been high, the vaccines should not have been mandated and heavily blasted the corporate media mantras that designate these as safe, effective, and necessary. Article

500,000 Germans Severely Injured By COVID-19 Vaccines, Survey By Top Hospital Shows: Researchers at Charité Berlin, Germany’s top hospital and one of Europe’s largest, announced a high rate of COVID-19 vaccine severe side effects lasting months or longer based on a survey of about 40,000 Germans. Article

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


US Restricts Use of Johnson & Johnson Covid Vaccine over Blood Clot Risk. The FDA said the shot should be given only to those who request it or cannot receive other vaccines and they decided to restrict Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine after taking another look at data on the risk of life-threatening blood clots within two weeks of vaccination. Ohhh I see, so what we said all along - that Johnson & Johnson vaxx causes blood clots and were told that’s dangerous misinformation - is actually true....Article

Top Airline Pilot Suffers Cardiac Arrest Due To Mandatory Covid Vaccination. Robert Snow, a pilot for American Airlines, has 31 years of commercial airline experience and additionally seven years of experience as a U.S. Air Force pilot. Snow says that he might not be able to fly again after he suffered a cardiac arrest only 6 or 7 minutes after landing a plane he piloted from Denver to Dallas. He says his cardiac arrest is connected to the Johnson and Johnson Covid vaccine he was forced to take in order to keep his job, even though he already had natural immunity from previously contracting the virus. Dr. Peter McCullough, a world-renowned cardiologist, says Snow’s case fits a troubling “pattern.” Article

Pfizer’s mRNA Vaccine Goes Into Liver Cells and Is Converted to DNA: Study

COVID Vaccine ‘Heart Issue is in the Thousands’: Cardiologist Heart specialist sees many more cases of heart inflammation since COVID vaccine roll out. Article

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Why We Should End the Vaccine Mandate to Enter College - “In young people the risk of a VERY serious injury including death and permanent disability, is much higher than the risk of death from Covid.”

Pfizer CEO says new pill has tracking device inside to trigger notification when tablet dissolves in your stomach - for “compliance” he says.

Monkeypox ‘Games’ Could Lay Groundwork for WHO Pandemic Response Takeover

Monkeypox Is A Disease Primarily Spread By Male Gay Sex And Not A Threat To General Public

What are the Monkeypox vaccine’s side effects?

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


BLM has left Black Americans worse off. The CCP backed Black Lives Matter movement started a massive wave of Americans uniting to call for defunding the police and eradicating white supremacy. Video Interview

As the world braces for a potential WW III, the U.S. Army is lowering its fitness standards to be ‘more inclusive.' When the Obama Administration opened up all combat roles to women, the Army needed a gender neutral physical fitness test to put both genders on an even playing field. Under the Trump administration, the army released the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) to do just that. Biden’s woke Secretary of the Army, Christine Wormuth, replaced the ACFT with easier exercises and a grading scale that desperately favors women. Now that women are held to a lower standard than men, if the Secretary of the Army does not close combat arms branches to women, Army units will bear the consequences in combat.

Wormuth was a political pick, based on her gender as the first female Secretary. This is similar to Biden’s supreme court pick, Kentanji Brown Jackson, who was selected on the basis of gender and skin color. Wormuth never served in the U.S. military and spent her career both in government, and at the Rand Corporation, a left-leaning U.S. military think tank. Article

“Deep corruption”: Rep. Gaetz breaks silence on DNC law firm Perkins Coie and its “FBI workspace” in its D.C. offices  “The Democrat Party’s law firm, the law firm that received $42 million from the Democratic Party has this co-located workspace that they operate in concert with the FBI. Why in the world would that be the case? Why would Christopher Wray allow this to continue?”

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

Emails Surface More Evidence Hillary Clinton Paid For Anti-Trump Disinformation Operation: Evidence continues to mount that the Hillary Clinton campaign paid former MI6 agent Christopher Steele to launder fraudulent opposition research through U.S. intelligence.

Oregon “RINO Republican” Governor Candidate Has Given Thousands to Democrats and Far-Left PACs Using Alternate Name

Russia doubles profits from oil and gas sales to EU during war: Russia's profits on its oil and gas sales have spiked since it invaded Ukraine, with the country raking in $66 billion

‘MAGA Is Saving America’: President Trump criticized Joe Biden for being “very divisive” when he referred to the “MAGA crowd” as the “the most extreme political organization that’s existed in recent American history." MAGA is saving America,” Trump told Fox News. “Our country is going to hell. MAGA is saving America.”

“Inflation, incompetent withdrawals from Afghanistan, leaving hostages horribly wounded, soldiers, $85 billion of military equipment—MAGA is saving America, the United States is no longer respected throughout the world.”

Trump also said the Ukraine war “should have never happened,” since “Russia would have never gone into Ukraine” under his leadership. Article

Prominent Democrat Chicago Mayor Calls for Violent Insurrection against Supreme Court. "This moment has to be a call to arms."

Phenomenal Immigration Invasion at the Southern Border -- Discussion with Stephen Miller and Rep. Andy Biggs, "Worst That I Have Ever Seen." Audio

Mexican Cartels Launch 9,000 Drone Flights - Control Border! Mexican drug cartels have conducted more than 9,000 drone flights into U.S. airspace in the last year to surveil American law enforcement and security operations in the southern border region. The drones are observing federal, state, county, and city agencies near the Mexican border, including the U.S. Border Patrol, Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas National Guard, county sheriffs and local police. The Border Patrol, which operates under Customs and Border Protection (CBP), has captured about a dozen of the drones, Article

CHAOS IS THE NORM UNDER BIDEN: Dr. Naomi Wolf outlines how the Biden administration is allowing thousands of fighting age men from Afghanistan and other countries to cross the border to occupy our country and form an army to possibly attack the American people.


June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


A dozen former immigration and law enforcement officials, many of whom served in the Trump administration, along with several conservative advocacy groups, show plan to end the border crisis.

The newly-formed coalition includes conservative organizations like The Heritage Foundation and groups like the national Border Patrol union, wrote a letter to lawmakers urging that no “amnesty of any type” be included in immigration legislation come the next Congress. The plan includes making migrants ineligible for asylum if they’ve already passed through a “safe third country” on their way to the U.S., completing construction of the southern border wall, and giving states the authority to enforce immigration laws. Article

Biden Admin Cancels Oil and Gas Lease Sales as Fuel Costs Skyrocket

Nonprofit Watchdog Uncovers $350 Million in Secret Payments to Fauci, Collins, Others at NIH. An estimated $350 million in undisclosed royalties were paid to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and hundreds of its scientists, including the agency’s recently departed director, Dr. Francis Collins, and Dr. Anthony Fauci. “We estimate that up to $350 million in royalties from third parties were paid to NIH scientists during the fiscal years between 2010 and 2020." Article

Baby Formula Crisis Caused by Government Chokehold; $350 Million in Secret Payments to Fauci and NIH Uncovered. EPOCH TIMES VIDEO More Nancy Pelosi con games, this time with baby formula, even when our nation's babies are put at risk because of their failures.

Gov. Ron DeSantis announced that he will be signing legislation to create a new state holiday honoring all victims of Communism. November 7th will be the date for observance of this new holiday, formally titled “Victims of Communism Day.” In addition to the new holiday, DeSantis also announced $25 million in funding for renovations to the Freedom Tower in Miami, a Cuban Assistance Center for those who fled the Communist state of Cuba. “Honoring the people that have fallen victim to communist regimes and teaching our students about those atrocities is the best way to ensure that history does not repeat itself,” said DeSantis. Article

Inflation: It’s ALL Going To Get A Lot Worse Under Biden. The numbers keep getting worse; they are going to keep getting worse in the future. The numbers are tracking what we already know – the "O'Biden Regime" is intentionally destroying the U.S. economy, it is the destruction of freedom. Inflation is continuing to grow, outpacing estimates. Article

In terms of corrupt government power, the timing of Monkeypox couldn’t be better for the WHO / Biden—Granted powers to manage laws on global health outbreaks, and which is oddly well-positioned for a monkeypox outbreak following a recent “germ-games” call, and recent incidents tied to figures who include Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates. Article

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


U.S. producer prices soared 11% in April from last year, a hefty gain that indicates high inflation will remain a burden for consumers and businesses in the months ahead. Food prices are tied to commodity markets and there are serious worries, not just about prices but availabilities of critical ag inputs over the next year. Article

Baby Formula and a 'Matter of Life' and Death — Fighting The Regime for Our Children. The ongoing shortage of Baby Formula happening in Joe Biden's America, amongst other madness taking place in her home base of WA DC. Article

What’s Behind the US Baby Formula Shortage? The baby formula shortage is intensifying in the United States, according to new Datasembly numbers. “Unfortunately, baby formula out-of-stock levels have continued to soar since the beginning of April, and we see no indication of a slowdown,” Ben Reich, CEO of Datasembly says “Baby formula out-of-stock levels have reached 43 % nationwide and continue demonstrating higher out-of-stock levels than other categories.” Article

Biden Admin Sends Massive Amount Of Baby Formula To Illegal Immigrants

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


IN THE MIDST OF CHAOS IT IS ALWAYS IMPORTANT TO HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR: Donald Trump Jr. Tweeted: "We never had a baby formula shortage until men started getting pregnant!"

Book for NYC school kids has AOC instead of ABCs - A book intended for 10- and 11-year-olds which glorifies socialist Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and her far-left “Squad,” and knocks religion is being distributed to public school libraries. The book, “What You Don’t Know: A Story of Liberated Childhood,” appears on a fifth-grade independent reading list labeled “Universal Mosaic.” The picture book centers on a black child who talks about fitting in at school and church and a friend “who’s queer like me.” The boy is shown in a church where he says, “Churches can preach all they want about love — the only thing that I feel when I’m here is shame.” Article

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


13 years after a federal investigation blasted the U.S. Census Bureau for hiring criminals to enter American homes to gather statistics for the 2010 count, a new audit reveals the disturbing practice continues. The Department of Commerce Inspector General also found workers for the 2020 count were not properly vetted and many with criminal records had direct interactions with the public. Article

Videos Show Unindicted ‘Suspicious Actors’ Attacking Capitol on Jan. 6. Bobby Powell thought someone would be interested in his video evidence showing two “suspicious actors” taking part in events on the east side of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. He wants to see those men charged with the destruction of government property and assault. Almost no one, it seems, wants to listen. Powell says his video is a threat. In Michigan, he said a politician friend suggested he take a six-figure bribe to keep quiet. When he refused, his life was threatened. Article / Video

On Monkeypox, Voices of ‘Authority’ Become Voices of Misinformation

CDC Urges One-Third of US Population to Mask Up Again in Public Indoor Settings and Based on Their Covid-19 Risk. More ridiculous crowd control measures! Article

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Half of Joe Biden's Twitter Followers Are Fake, Audit Reveals: Almost half of Joe Biden's current 22 million followers on Twitter are fake accounts, according to an audit tool provided by software company SparkToro. Elon Musk has expressed concerns about the number of fake accounts and a potential crack down could see users such as Biden lose a huge number of followers. Article

Twitter announces 'crisis misinformation' expansion of moderation policy.  A new global policy relying on Twitter's "Authoritative Sources"  in Crisis Times - Trust Twitter and their ideology strategy algorithm, they will tell you what you need to know about Public Health Emergencies...Article. Twitter’s new crisis misinformation policy is a new level of Anti-free speech, corrupt, draconian and manipulative. Plus, it’s even stricter than the policies they imposed during Covid. Video

Now that Elon Musk, Time Magazine’s 2021 Person of the Year, is found out to be an advocate of free speech and is bucking the liberal establishment, he is the victim of massive smear campaigns. Who Funds the Campaign to Smear and Pressure Elon Musk? The Democratic activist Troika fighting his Twitter acquisition has identified a new front in the battle to turn American life into a perpetual partisan apocalypse. The Biden White House, their leftist allies in the media and the Democratic Party will stop at nothing to prevent Musk’s purchase of Twitter. Article

Elon Musk he has “overwhelmingly” voted for Democrats but is discontent with the party and especially Biden, saying "Biden is not the Real President."

“The real president is whoever controls the teleprompter,” Musk told the “All In” live audience over Zoom. “The path to power is the path to the teleprompter. This administration doesn’t seem to get a lot done,” he added. “The Trump administration, leaving Trump aside, there were a lot of people in the administration who were effective at getting things done.” Article

Elon Musk Issues Warning on Twitter Algorithm: Elon Musk warned Twitter users that they are “being manipulated” and told them to turn off the platform’s algorithmic news feed, coming as the firm’s legal department apparently said he committed a violation of a non-disclosure agreement.

“You are being manipulated by the algorithm in ways you do not realize … Easy to switch back and forth to see the difference,” Musk wrote on Twitter. Article

Twitter Executive Mocks Elon Musk For Believing Public Can "Make Their Own Decision" On Platform. "The Rest of Us Who Have Been Here Believe in Something that’s Good for the Planet, and Not Just to Give People Free Speech." Article

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Bill Gates Poured Millions into Dark Money Fund Attacking Elon Musk: Research shows hundreds of millions of dollars flowing from Bill Gates’ foundation to 11 of the 26 organizations that signed an open letter last month urging Twitter advertisers to boycott the company if Elon Musk restores free speech on the platform. Musk threatens to reverse Gates’ strongly desired censorship policies — and now faces the wrath of Gates-funded NGOs. Article

Q&A: Elon Musk Exposes the Censorship Establishment; Abortionists Launch Campaign of Rage VIDEO INTERVIEW

White Nationalism? Are You Kidding Me? Imagine a child going to school and being taught the need to apologize for his very skin color. Take any major issue you are worried about—climate change, abortion, virus policy, mass shootings—and step back for a minute. There’s the problem itself and then there’s the way we solve it. We think about the issue and then we talk about it. We exchange ideas. We debate. We confer. We write big “open letters” to the public. We even ridicule bad solutions, because ridicule really only works if it rings true. What do we NOT do in a free society? Remain silent. Establish a “Ministry of Truth.” Declare government-paid experts the final word on the matter....Article

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


18 Major Airlines, FAA, and DOT to Be Sued Over COVID Vaccine Mandates. John Pierce Law has filed a lawsuit against Atlas Air, on behalf of US Freedom Flyers (USFF) and Atlas employees, and plans to sue all major airlines, 18 altogether, plus the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Department of Transportation (DOT), contending that the vaccine mandates imposed by these agencies on the airlines’ employees infringed on their constitutional, religious, and medical liberties.

The lawsuit was filed in federal court in the Southern District of Florida, with over 100 plaintiffs pursuing litigation. “Fundamentally, this case is about whether Americans should be required to choose between their livelihoods and being coerced into taking an experimental, dangerous medical treatment,” reads the lawsuit (pdf). Article

Thanks to everyone who attended last months Keith Wagoner for SOS, Eric Hull for Skagit Auditor and Carolyn Eslick for State Representative Meet and Greet! Special thanks to Tina Champeaux, The Heritage Ranch and State House Representative Jim Walsh!

June 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


The Skagit Republicans Woman's group will meet Tuesday June 7 from 10 am to noon! For more information contact Judy Billings (206) 550-1836.

Due to the WSRP Action Conference held in Wenatchee, this month the SCRP Central Committee meeting will be held on Saturday, June 11 at the SCRP office from noon to 1:30 PM. 

Quote of the Month: "For my part, I sincerely esteem the Constitution, a system which without the finger of God, never could have been suggested and agreed upon by such a diversity of interest."  Alexander Hamilton 


Respect and Blessings!

Bill Bruch, SCRP Chairman

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