Skagit Voter Integrity Project Summary Report

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October 2, 2021 Skagit Voter Integrity Project Summary Report

The Skagit Voter Integrity Project (SVIP) was formed in December of 2020 after much voter distrust in the November 2020 general elections. The group is made up of grass roots, like-minded citizen volunteers all working together for a common cause and has grown to over 45 committed volunteers.

The purpose and mission is to strengthen voter confidence and election integrity in Skagit County by helping to clean the voter rolls, providing honest thoughtful critiquing and putting forth helpful solutions to all aspects of our county and state election systems; while also advocating to ensure honest, transparent, free and fair elections.

June 2021 national polls (Gallop and others) found that over 75% of voters (including 60% of Democrats) supported Voter ID requirements, over 80% of Republicans believed there was widespread voter fraud during the November Presidential Election and 59% of voters no longer trust our elections. In July 2021, a nationwide RNC poll found that more than 80% of all voters say verifying voter ID is an important security measure; 87% of voters said they were against ballot harvesting and 71% of voters believe ballots should not be accepted after election-day. Also 88% of voters polled said mail-in ballots should NOT be sent to people who are not registered to vote and who are non-citizens.

A June 2021 national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports found that 55% of Likely U.S. Voters support forensic audits of election results to ensure there was no vote fraud.-- 28% oppose such audits and 17% are not sure (survey here). And according to a recent Morning Consult Poll more Americans think it’s too easy than too hard to vote.

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While mainstream media outlets continue to either ignore or downplay public opinion and the impacts of obvious voter fraud in the 2020 elections, the irregularities surrounding the elections raise many questions and concerns. These include, but are not limited to the following:

On election night Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin all stopped counting and then had impossible percentage magnitude vote count election spikes in favor of Biden between 1 - 4 AM

* Not allowing Republican Election Observers to be present during counting

* Weaponizing Covid-19 to unlawfully usurp state laws

* The shredding and disposal of ballots before ballots could be audited

* The unlawful expansion of mail-in voting

* Suspending the requirement to provide identification to vote

* Allowing the expansion of early voting

* Allowing votes to be cast after November 3

* The use of ballot drop boxes used disproportionately in Democrat districts

* The practice of vote harvesting in unauthorized states

* Paying voters / providing something of value in return for voting

* Massive irregularities and illegal actions regarding vote count observers

* Numerous examples of illegal voter registration activities

* Suspending signature requirements on mail-in ballots

* Suspending, changing, or allowing dual methods of voter signature verification

* Multiple states and counties denying audits of vote results

* Denying audits of Dominion vote count machines in Arizona

* Failure to fully investigate literally thousands of sworn legal affidavits alleging vote fraud

In Washington State there were several major concerns, including the fact that more than half of state county voting machines had not been properly certified for the 2020 elections. This happened because voting machine testing laboratory’s U.S. Election Assistance Commission two-year accreditation certifications’ expired on February 25, 2017 and was not renewed until February 1, 2021 violating RCW 29A.12.080 and WAC 434-335-040.

In Skagit County it was discovered the number of county registered voters skyrocketed from 75,699 in 2018 to 85,682 in 2020 (during years of minimal county population increases and building moratoriums). Of more concern was the fact that 90,590 mail-out ballots were issued county-wide.

As an example, for Legislative District 10 - State House of Representative Pos. 2: in the 2016 General Election - 72,718 votes were counted. In the 2018 General Election - 72,171 votes were counted; and in the 2020 General Election - 91,762 votes were counted. This represents over a 21 % increase in voter turnout for this one race alone.

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Most recently in Skagit county over 300 suspected forged ballot signatures during the 2020 general election and over 100 suspected forgeries in the August 2021 primary election were turned over to law enforcement and confirmed as suspicious using state certified signature verification equipment.

Additionally, in the 2020 general election over 1,000 Skagit voters had their ballot credited to Anacortes drop box locations, despite voters not voting in Anacortes and not placing their ballots in Anacortes drop boxes. Also, after public records requests it was discovered that there were deleted county election videos violating federal law 52 USC 2071. And paper covering the windows of the Skagit election offices during the 2020 October - November voting period did not help improve voter confidence.

In the spring of 2021 the SVIP volunteers began the process of working with Voter Science, The Washington Voter Research Project, the Washington State Republican Party Election Integrity Committee, as well as other county party Election Integrity Committees, including several Non-partisan volunteers and groups in helping to identify areas and vulnerabilities in the state's elections systems. 

We have consulted with numerous Election Integrity experts including Professor David Clements, Dr. Douglas Frank, AZ Rep. Mark Finchem, Captain Seth Keshel, CEO of Cyber Ninjas Doug Logan, Inventor Jovan Pulitzer, Scientist Draza Smith, Cyber Security Expert Sean Smith, Data Analysis Expert Russ Schow, and many others. All overwhelmingly agree that cleaning the voter rolls is of paramount importance.

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Door-to-Door Canvassing is an important part of our effort to help clean the voter rolls and to verify the accuracy of public information to identify voters who are NOT legally authorized electors in the state of Washington. In accordance with Washington state law RCW 29A.08.105 and in compliance with the Help America Vote Act (P.L. 107-252), the state maintains a centralized statewide voter database. The voter list includes both the voter registration data and the data of those that actually voted. Specifically, RCW 29A.08.125 states that the statewide database is the official list of registered voters and includes the name, date of birth, residence address, signature, gender, vote history and date of registration of every legally registered voter in the state. 

Using data from the state voter registration database SVIP volunteers knocked on over 3,000 Skagit County registered voters' doors. To date we have over 1,750 written and signed affidavits, and over 1,530 voter anomalies. Many of these anomalies are potential or real phantom voters (voters who do not exist). 

Examples Include: Over 830 cases where a listed registered voter of the address voted in the November 2020 election, but the voter does not live at the address.

Over a hundred of these cases show the registered voter has not lived at the residence for two or more years (with 19 cases 10 years or more), and a dozen cases where over 10 people are registered to vote and voted in 2020, but do not live at the residence. Also, volunteer canvassers have been able to identify dozens of registered voters who received at least two ballots in the mail, dozens who never received any ballot in the mail; at least 43 deceased voters who cast a ballot, and we were able to give the Skagit Auditor a list of 137 registered voters in the county who all had duplicate registrations.

Other anomalies include current registered voters who may have voted in the November 2020 election and who are registered to vote at dozens of addresses that do not exist including numerous vacant lots; a park kayak rental facility…

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a drive-in movie theater that has been abandoned for years...

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and even a marina boat fuel dock...

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This address in Skagit has 17 people registered to vote at a single-family home

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All these anomalies are being documented and have been sent to the Skagit County Auditor and the Washington State Secretary of State.

Our efforts to clean up the voter rolls are yielding important results and will be ongoing into 2022 and beyond. For more information about our canvassing please see videos here and here by Glen Morgan that describes why and what we are doing regarding Election Integrity and the volunteer canvassing process.

Additionally, last month SVIP volunteers helped organize a Public Hearing on Election Integrity at Heritage Ranch in Bow, WA Skagit County Aug 29. Over 500 attended, the event was a huge success and was live-streamed: after over 2,700 views, videos were censored from YouTube and Facebook. New videos are now available on Rumble @, that include several amazing whistle blowers and witnesses with very powerful testimony including a former WA State Dept. of Licensing employee VIDEO, a San Juan County elections worker VIDEO, a former Assistant State Auditor Exposing Private funding CTCL election grants, elected officials lack of transparency WA HB 1068, Federal and State election grants, 2020 CARES Act, EAC, Runbeck VIDEO, and several others that also exposed potential felony level voter fraud during the 2020 elections. 

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Without a doubt Washington State’s voters overwhelmingly question the precision and accuracy of the voting process. The voters and citizens have a right to assurance of election integrity and have very serious concerns with our elections system including, but not limited to:

* A mail-in voting system process that is ripe with many opportunities for potential election fraud.

* Mail-in ballots with signatures on the outside of the envelopes allowing for theft of ballots and voter signatures.

* Thousands of non-citizens being registered to vote without their knowledge or consent, including many that have unexpectedly received ballots for recent state elections.

* Ballot harvesting, which easily enables nefarious people to vote in place of registered voters.

* Voting machines that are all easily capable of being hacked and subject to manipulation.

* Numerous instances of election-tabulation and voting machine irregularities reported across the country, including WA State voting election data found on AZ voting machines showing proof of voting machines connected to the internet and possible collusion.

* Many examples of voting irregularities that appear to be related to functions of the Vendor’s voting machine systems' software/firmware itself.

* Voting machines and voting machines parts manufactured in China without a proper chain of custody to the end user.

* County officials illegally deleting voting machine election logs in states across America including Winham New Hampshire, Maricopa County AZ, Mesa County CO, etc., violating states’ laws and federal law 52 USC 2071.

* More than half of WA State counties machines not being properly certified for the 2020 elections, because the testing lab’s EAC 2-year accreditation had lapsed Feb, 2017 and was not renewed until Feb, 2021 violating WAC 434-335-040.

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* Same day voter registration up until 8 PM on election day, making it impossible to verify the true accuracy of the voter rolls.

* County and state auditors being unable to guarantee that mailed-out ballots reach their intended recipients.

* National change of address records indicating failures of county and state auditors to maintain accurate and up-to-date records of addresses for voters.

* County and state auditors that cannot assure with accuracy that the mailed-out ballot was filled out by the legally registered voter(s).

* Voter registration being linked to the Washington State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) data, which does not require proof of citizenship.

* Lack of government transparency and accountability with recent legislation including HB 1068 which retroactively restricts public access to election records.

* Washington State Elections Officials have a legal duty and an ethical obligation to provide assurance of free, fair, accurate and transparent elections to our state’s citizenry. But this is not happening, what to do? What are some of the remedies? 

* We should phase out the use of voting machines and go back to in-person voting only, with proper identification to cast a legal vote.

* Make voting a one-day only holiday and allow the officials in each voting precinct to count the votes under the strictest supervision, using several surveillance cameras.

* Allow mail-in voting only for the military and the infirmed.

* De-link the Department of Motor Vehicles from voter registration.

* End same-day voter registration, and only allow a registered voter to change address (and vote with the new address) up to 30 days before election day.

* Require each county auditor to do a mandatory 1,000 – 2,500 ballot hand recount using random county voter batches, after election vote counting has been concluded and before county certification.

* Allocate time and resources with leadership in Washington counties to facilitate a validation of the voting systems within Washington State, including forensic audits of procedures, processes, source codes & data to discover any irregularities and statutory deviations that may exist within the voting system that may undermine voter confidence.

* Require the Washington State SOS and County Auditors to regularly conduct comprehensive audits to clean and purge the names of non-citizens from voter registration databases, using any available federal or state databases.

* Advocate for a brand new, ultra-secure paper ballot, using fraud countermeasures like QR codes, watermarks, microprint, holograms and other state-of-the-art security features that will help restore faith in our elections.

* Call for the Washington State legislature to pass legislation that will support financial   assistance for citizen-verified identification for voter registration.

* Support all policies and legislation that ensure Washington State’s and counties’ voter rolls are purged of inappropriate or unlawful registrations, and protect non-citizens from intentionally or accidentally registering to vote.

Full Report Here


Respectfully Submitted

Bill Bruch, Concerned Citizen












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