August 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

August 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

August 2nd is Primary Election Day. PLEASE REMEMBER TO VOTE, AND TELL YOUR FRIENDS TO VOTE! For a list of SCRP 2022 endorsed and recommended candidates see the Info For Voters page.

25 Attorney Litigation "Hold Letters" were emailed out July 21 from Attorney Pete Serrano / The Silent Majority Foundation to the counties in Washington State that admit via PRR that 2020 Election Log Records were Deleted (or are unable to provide) and were not "backed up" in the following counties: Asotin, Benton, Clallam, Columbia, Cowlitz, Douglas, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Grays Harbor, Island, King, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Okanogan, Pacific, San Juan, Skagit, Skamania, Snohomish, Stevens, Whatcom and Yakima Counties. For important EI Updates see: / Election Integrity page  

25 Counties in WA Notified of Potential Litigation

The 2022 SCRP Lincoln / Reagan Day Dinner will be Saturday, August 20 from 5 PM to 8:30 PM. Keynote Speaker will be Lieutenant Colonel James McKinney!

Lt. Col. James McKinney is a retired U.S. Army Foreign Intelligence Officer with more than 30 years of service in strategic, tactical, and special operations assignments around the globe. He served as a senior defense official and defense attaché, the deputy chief of combating terrorism for U.S. Pacific Command, the security assistance officer for U.S. embassies in Albania and the Republic of Georgia, and a political-military adviser to the commander of U.S. Army Central in the Middle East. He’s now a consultant, and serves on the board of Saturna Capital.

ARTICLE: 'We Are Missing the Point' by Jim McKinney

Other Featured Speakers Include:

* WSRP State Chairman Caleb Heimlich

* LD 19 State House Representative Jim Walsh

* Major Scotty Smiley 

This years event will be in the new 31,000 sq ft. airplane hanger at Corporate Air Center 15452 Airport Drive in Burlington (MAP). Enjoy Great Comradery, Live Music, a Delicious Catered Dinner Buffet by La Conner Seafood and Prime Rib House, Dessert Dash, Live and Silent Auctions, Raffles and More Surprises! The 4 PM - 5:15 PM VIP Meet & Greet will feature one-on-one-time with Col James Mckinney, WSRP State Chair Caleb Heimlich, State House Rep Jim Walsh and Major Scotty Smiley.

Your Seat is Waiting - $80 per person, $150 per couple. Students and ages 20 and under $50 per person. $125 VIP Reception. $900 for tables of 8 (VIP Reception / Preferred Seating).

Purchase RSVP tickets HERE

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Tomorrow night, Aug 2 at 7 PM there will be a free SCRP Election Night Watch Party at our Burlington Office - 281 S. Burlington Blvd. Also the WSRP is hosting a free Election Night Watch Party at the Issaquah Hilton - 1800 NW Gillman Blvd (MAP)  -- Register Link Here 

Upcoming State Primaries in August:

August 2nd: Arizona, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Washington

August 9th: Connecticut, Minnesota, Vermont, Wisconsin

August 13th: Hawaii

August 16th: Alaska & Wyoming

August 23rd: Florida

The Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) are looking to make "meaningful gains" in Nevada, Maine, Oregon, and Washington. New polls show Republicans are leading or are within the margin of error in those states on the state legislative generic ballots. Republicans already dominate the nation's state legislatures, currently controlling 30, compared to Democrats' 17 (3 states are split). The RLSC aims to expand the GOP's dominance of state chambers even where Biden won in 2020 — Colorado and Oregon were also added to the list as Democratic majorities days may be numbered. Americans are looking to their state legislatures to serve as a check and balance on the Democrats failing economic policies, giving state Republicans an opening to go on offense." said RSLC President Dee Duncan. Article

Republican-led states are going on the offensive: targeting 'anti-woke' laws. Republican-led states have unleashed a policy push to punish Wall Street for taking stances on gun control, climate change, diversity and other social issues, in a warning for companies that have waded in to fractious social debates. This year there are at least 44 bills or new laws in 17 conservative-led states penalizing such company policies, compared with roughly a dozen such measures in 2021, according to a Reuters analysis of state legislative agendas. Article

A political realignment is taking place in the United States right now. Democrats are rapidly losing working class voters. Shifts in the demographics of the two parties' supporters — taking place before our eyes — are arguably the biggest political story of our time. The big picture: Republicans are becoming more working class and more multiracial. Article

Formal modeling and prediction markets put Republicans as the likely winners of the House by a ratio of nearly 9:1

Black Republicans energized ahead of midterms. Black Republicans are confident their ranks will continue growing ahead of the midterms and the 2024 presidential election. “So many Black Americans have been raised in a conservative way,” said Paris Dennard, national spokesperson and director of Black media affairs for the Republican National Committee. “When you think about Black conservatism, that is being a strong family. That’s having a lot of faith, being able to work hard and have a strong and safe community.” This year, Black voters’ support for Republican candidates rose over 100% to 27 % up from 12 % in November. Also, the RNC tracked more than 160 Black Republicans who filed to run for office; of them, 120 are still running. There were more than 80 who filed to run in the House of Representatives.

“There’s no doubt that come November, the road to retiring [House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi is going to be paved with new Black Republicans coming to Congress,” Dennard said.

The are several Black Republicans that are running that the RNC has been keeping an eye on over the past year, including in Illinois, Jimmy Lee Tillman says he thinks “the future is bright” for Black Republicans. Being a Black Republican, Tillman said, is a “badge of honor.”

“The Republican Party was the party that fought to free slaves,” he said. “The gains that Black Americans have gotten in this country have always been under a Republican administration, no matter how you might feel about that Republican president.”

Midterm misery for Dems: Key gauge flags 30-40 seat loss. A new study by Bloomberg Economics takes one gauge with a knack of predicting ballot outcomes — the misery index, calculated by adding up the inflation and unemployment and projecting it forward. The result: Dems can expect to lose 30 to 40 seats in the House and several in the Senate. Article

North Carolina voters abandoning Democrats, switching to GOP as part of a national trend. North Carolina is mirroring a national trend of voters switching to the Republican Party this year, with nearly 5,000 former Dems crossing the aisle since January 2022. Data from the North Carolina State Board of Elections analyzed by The Carolina Journal show the Republican Party is the only party in the state with a net increase in voters this year, 11,341 joined, including 4,999 former Democrats. On the other side, Democrats lost nearly 20,000 voters since January 2022.

At the Nebraska GOP convention, it was a RINO bloodbath. The State GOP chair was fired by delegates on paper ballots and replaced with a Conservative. 

Discontented Dem Moderates to Hand Big Win to Republicans

Parents Trust Republicans. A survey commissioned by one of the nation’s largest teachers union found that Republicans have an advantage over Democrats in regard to voters’ confidence in handling education. Article

Milwaukee, Wisc. looks to host the 2024 Republican National Convention after a GOP site selection panel recommendation. The GOP panel’s choice will go through a final approval process during an August meeting of the full Republican National Committee in Chicago. 

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Inflation in the Puget Sound region has spiked by a whopping 10.1% over the past year, per the CPI, which gauges the average change in prices for consumer goods over time. Article

Inslee issues unconstitutional directive making COVID Vaccines and boosters a *permanent* condition of employment for state workers. Article

After firing thousands of our heroes, Governor Inslee permanently requires mandates for state employees. This comes as our nation is relaxing mandates. It’s even more reason to end our "emergency" and his emergency powers.  Article

Gov. Inslee is secretly negotiating pay and compensation with state employee unions. This process used to be open and transparent to the public and taxpayers. The current Dem majority party made it opaque, while Republicans fight for transparency. Article

What’s behind WA’s car theft spike? Simple: the liberal law limiting police pursuits: Through the first half of this year, 23,212 vehicles were stolen in Washington. That’s more than 99% of total auto thefts for all of 2019. It’s more than 87% of the total stolen in 2020. It’s also an 81.5% increase over the first half of 2021. Article

According to WalletHub, Seattle and Tacoma are amongst the worst run cities in the United States. The study factored in 150 US cities quality of public services, fiscal accountability, cost of living, and crime. Article

County sheriffs place blame on Inslee and Democrat legislators for the skyrocketing crime rates and encourage voters to remember it was multiple Democrat bills which made Washington State less safe for its residents and more comfortable for criminals. "This the highest numbers of murders recorded since we began collecting this data in 1980," said WASPC Executive Director Steve Strachan. Article / Video

WA State recent stats showing a 61% increase in murders since 2019

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State environmental reports on CO2 and Snake River dams contradicted by their own sources. What do Dems do when their conclusions rely on studies that turn out to contradict them? In two recent taxpayer-funded reports on high-profile environmental policies – the state’s new tax on CO2 emissions and the potential destruction of the Snake River dams – studies cited on key issues say the exact opposite of what is portrayed. These errors, whether intentional or accidental, significantly undermine the findings of those reports. Article

Despite Democrat demands to remove Columbia river dams for the sake of climate change and to "Save the Salmon" - Salmon are returning to the Columbia River for the highest count in a decade. Article

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New WA State legislation gives millions "free" healthcare. Reports from Uninsured Washington illustrate that from 2019 to May 2020, the number of uninsured people doubled from 6.2% to 12.6%. Due to devastating and unconstitutional statewide stay-at-home orders, many lost their sources of income, and/or employer-based health insurance. Article

The WA State Teachers’ union doesn’t care that voters have rejected ANY form of graduated income tax TEN TIMES and wants the State Supreme court to change its mind and say income isn’t property (meaning you don’t own it). Article

A Bellingham school board director who owns a sex shop announced she will teach sex education classes for children as young as 9. Topics include "sexual anatomy for pleasure" and "safer sex practices for all kinds of sexual activities." Article

14 people were shot in less than 48 hours in Tacoma - "Defunding the Police" and legislation crippling law enforcement have to lead to an #UnsafeWA. Republicans have been fighting to implement our 'Safe Washington' plan for safer communities. #waleg Article

Because of State Democrat Lawmakers, in 2023, Washingtonians will pay almost double the amount they currently pay in taxes for a gallon of gasoline. Note, the "gas tax" is not increasing, but taxes on gasoline are.  The difference is a technicality that makes no difference to those paying at the pump, but is a technicality some officials have used to obscure the issue. 

* State's new tax on CO2 emissions projected to add 46 cents per gallon to the cost of gas next year

* State’s new tax on CO2 emissions is projected to add 46 cents per gallon to 2023 gas prices

* An increase of 56 cents per gallon is projected for 2023 diesel prices

* By 2030, the new tax is expected to add 80 cents per gallon of gas

* By 2030, the new tax is projected to add 97 cents per gallon of diesel Article

Washington State drivers to pay highest gas taxes in the nation next year - Washington drivers are currently paying taxes of 49.4 cents per gallon at the pump in state gas taxes. That number is set to climb on January 1 of 2023 by a projected 46 cents per gallon. Taken together with federal gas taxes, Washingtonians will be paying just shy of $1.14 per gallon, the highest tax at the pump in the country of any state. The tax on diesel would be higher. Article

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Seattle, Tacoma rank among worst-run largest cities in U.S., study suggests

Dems Destroying U.S. Economy, One Sector at a Time

In the face of decades-high inflation, 6 in 10 US workers are concerned their paycheck is not enough to support them and their family.  A new Harris poll released showed the tally was even higher among parents with children under 18, millennials and Hispanic workers, according to the American Staffing Association report. Among those employed, 58% said they plan to cut back on expenses in the next six months because of skyrocketing flation -- now at a 40-year high. Article

More American workers forced to work two or three jobs. With U.S. inflation racing ahead worker wages, a growing number of Americans are taking on second jobs to make ends meet. Many people have already reined in spending where they can, while others have tapped their pandemic savings to cover the rising cost of food, gas, rent and other necessities. Yet the highest inflation in 40 years is weighing heavily on millions of households. 75% of middle-income Americans say they don't earn enough to pay for the cost of living. Article

US Inflation at 9.1%, biggest increase since 1979, Gas up 60% - Inflation was 1.4% under Trump Inflation hit 9.1 % in June, which is the fastest increase in prices in 47 years. The 2nd quarter GDP report showed a contraction. Economists have pointed out a second negative quarter in a row would mean America is already in a recession. 

Federal Reserve Hikes Interest Rates By An Additional 0.75 Percentage Point Amid Runaway Inflation: The Federal Reserve has imposed another big interest rate hike in an effort to tackle runaway inflation. Chairman Jerome Powell announced Wednesday, the Central Bank is raising rates by an additional three-quarters of a percentage point. This is the fourth rate hike in five months, further stoking fears of a recession.

More Companies Join the ‘Great Migration’ to Red States: Amidst predictions of a political “red wave” in the upcoming mid-term elections, an economic wave has been building for years with no end in sight as companies flood out of blue states and into red states. Article

More Embarrassing Biden Moments when he was addressing the nation on live TV, actually reading out several lines of directions—”End of quote. Repeat the line.”—from the teleprompter.

HOW ABOUT: We need to terminate the Biden Presidency. End quote. Repeat the line.

It’s Painfully Obvious Dem Puppet Biden Is Not Fit to Carry On: Finally there are some Democrats who admit the fact he's senile and who has no business being president of anything, much less the United States. Article

Elon Musk Reacts to Biden’s potential dementia saying “Whoever controls the teleprompter is the real President!,” Musk wrote on Twitter. Article

Another Joe Biden Embarrassing Memory Lapse at Gun Presser

VIIDEO: Biden Administration Confirms Goal is 'Liberal World Order'

Biden's Approval Among Registered Voters Crashes to 29%

Oil from U.S. reserves sent to China and Europe as Americans struggle with high gas prices. More than 5 million barrels of oil that were part of a historic U.S. emergency reserves release to lower domestic fuel prices were exported to the CCP, Europe and Asia last month. Even as U.S. gasoline and diesel prices hit record highs. The Biden administration renewed a call for gasoline suppliers to cut their prices, drawing criticism from many. About 1 million barrels per day is being released from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) through October. The flow is draining the SPR, which last month fell to the lowest since 1986. Article

Why are we sending oil from our strategic reserves out of the country? This is absolutely a treasonous act.!

Biden Blocks Offshore Drilling, Limiting Oil Production After Telling Oil Companies To Produce More and Attacking Gas Stations: Once again, the Biden administration announced a new plan to reduce domestic oil production, this time preventing new offshore oil drilling projects in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The Department of Interior announced part of its process to implement a new five-year plan for offshore oil drilling. The plan eliminates any new productions from both the Atlantic and Pacific regions. Article

DOD to Purge Over 700 Pilots for Violating Vaccine Mandates Amid Pilot Shortage | Facts Matter

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US inflation now 9.1% - Surges to new 40 +-year record high! Skyrocketing costs of fuel, housing, and food major contributors. Article

US NOW OFFICIALLY IN A RECESSION. Biden says the U.S. economy is “on the right path” hours after the Bureau of Economic Analysis announced that GDP had contracted for the second consecutive quarter. Article

Yes, You CAN Blame Biden Admin. For High Energy Prices: Many are confused as to why high oil & gasoline prices aren't resulting in significantly more oil production & refining. The reason is simple: Biden has actively prevented it since taking office in the name of "Climate Change."

Virginia AG Sues Biden for Pushing Transgender Ideology on Children: Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares is accusing the Biden administration of using children to win more votes at the ballot box. Miyares filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration’s Department of Agriculture, which is threatening to take away funding for school lunches if schools refuse to adhere to the left’s radical transgender agenda. Article

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos believes Joe Biden is guilty of spreading misinformation or lacking a fundamental knowledge of economics. Bezos levied his criticism in response to a tweet in which the president blamed high gas prices on the oil companies saying: “Inflation is far too important a problem for the White House to keep making statements like this." Article

Biden Sells More Oil Reserve As Energy Prices Spike In Europe

The average U.S. worker has lost $3,400 in annual income as a result of skyrocketing inflation since Biden took office

Biden Allows Terrorists Into US; Homeland Security announced they altered the Immigration and Nationality Act to grant entry into the U.S. and other "immigration benefits" to those who provided "limited" or "insignificant" material support to designated terrorist organizations.

"The next terrorist attack could already be here," former Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection Mark Morgan says.Observers have warned that the Biden administration's new rule could reduce visa restrictions on many conscripts from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), an Iranian military force and a U.S.-designated terror group. Noronha noted this could appear as a concession to Iran, which demanded the U.S. remove the IRGC's terrorist designation as a condition for reviving the 2015 nuclear deal — a top priority of the Biden administration. Article

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CAUGHT ON CAMERA: NY Man attempts to murder Republican Candidate by trying to stab him in the throat - The Would-be assassin rushed the stage and tried to kill New York Congressman and GOP Candidate for Governor Lee Zelein. Under NY Law the charge was "Attempted assualt in the 2nd degree," and the man was relaese without bail. Video / Article

Biden Admin. Creates Public Safety Crisis. Law enforcement faces service cuts and potentially training, equipment, and personnel because fuel consumes an increasingly large portion of operating budgets. -- Biden’s other policy decisions making communities less safe. Article

Biden Admin. Flies Illegal Alien Minors Out of Texas for Abortions - Joe Biden is using taxpayer funds to ship illegal alien children out of Texas to dismember preborn children. Article

$15M in American Rescue Plan funds went to ‘anti-racism,’ ‘social activism’ programs for kids. A federal government agency dedicated to supporting libraries and museums across the country spent $15 million in funds from Joe Biden Admin's $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package on programs pushing "anti-racist" education and "social activism" for children. 

Biden's approval ratings hit all-time lows. A new CNBC poll, conducted by the same polling firms that helm the NBC News poll, finds Joe Biden’s overall approval rating sinking to 36% among all adults, while his approval rating for handling the economy has fallen to 30% — both all-time lows for any President ant any time. Article

According to a New Hampshire poll, Only 34% of Democrats want Biden to run for a 2nd term

This is Child Abuse: Biden’s Assistant Health Secretary, Dr. Rachel Levine, made the argument that biological men should be able to compete in women’s sports while also proclaiming we should empower kids to undergo “gender affirmation treatment.” Article

AP / NORC Poll: 85% % of Americans believe the country is heading in the wrong direction - Up 36 % from last year. The belief that the country is heading in the “wrong direction” is shared by Democrats and Republicans alike. Article

Joe Biden had tested positive again for COVID-19.despite the fact he is vaccinated and has had two booster shots. The White House's statement assured Biden will work remotely to "carry out all of his duties." Article

Last major Ukraine-controlled city in Luhansk region falls to Russia. - After weeks of heavy fighting against Russia, Ukrainian troops have retreated from Lysychansk, the last major Kyiv-controlled city in the eastern Luhansk region, the country’s military command said. “In order to preserve the lives of the defenders of Ukraine, a decision was made to withdraw,” according to a statement from the General Staff of the Armed Forces. Ukraine’s military command said that given the great “superiority” of Russia’s troops in terms of weapons, ammunition and personnel, attempts to prolong the defense of the city — which had a pre-war population of around 100,000 — “would lead to even more fatal consequences.” The eastern region of Ukraine is a major target for Russia:

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Millions of women and children have fled the war in Ukraine. Traffickers are waiting to prey on them

Russia turning to Iran to provide it with “hundreds” of unmanned aerial vehicles, including weapons-capable drones, for use in its ongoing war in Ukraine.

ELECTION INTEGRITY UPDATE:  The new EI documentary "Selection Code" follows the story of Tina Peters the County Clerk in Mesa Colorado, who made a backup of her counties Dominion Voting System server, only to stumble across evidence of manipulation in a recent local council election, and also the 2020 general election. Movie Trailer

WASHINGTON: 25 Attorney Litigation "Hold Letters" were emailed out July 21 from Attorney Pete Serrano / The Silent Majority Foundation to the counties in Washington State that admit via PRR that 2020 Election Log Records were Entirely Deleted (or are unable to provide) and were not "backed up" in the following counties: Asotin, Benton, Clallam, Columbia, Cowlitz, Douglas, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Grays Harbor, Island, King, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Okanogan, Pacific, San Juan, Skagit, Skamania, Snohomish, Stevens, Whatcom and Yakima Counties.

25 Counties in WA Notified of Potential Litigation

The Spokane affiliate of the Washington Voter Research Project completed its investigation into local voter registration rolls and listed anomalies in a final report. WVRP began its canvassing efforts last September when trained volunteers were sent into the field to check out anomalies in the local voter registration rolls.

The team of WVRP volunteers went to 849 homes, but did not get responses at 225 of those residences. At these places, people were either not home, inaccessible or declined to answer the door. Out of the 624 homes contacted, volunteers found that voting data was in order at only 47 of these addresses. At the remaining 577, the organization found 1,304 anomalies (or a 209 % anomaly rate per household), such as registered voters who did not live at the address but voted from the address, deceased voters, duplicate registrations, and other anomalies. 

The Washington Voter Research Project was founded in 2021 by residents with an interest in election integrity. The primary purpose of the project was to highlight the need for the cleanup of registration rolls in all 39 counties. The report finalized this week said canvassers were thanked consistently for their efforts as many people share these concerns. People said things similar to ‘Good, we need clean registration rolls,’ or, ‘We care about election integrity,’ stated the report. Article

Clark County auditor candidate Brett Simpson filed a lawsuit alleging that the Clark County Elections Office sent an incorrect primary ballot to over 300,000 voters

The Heritage Foundation’s Election Integrity Scorecard is an assessment of each state’s voting laws, written regulations and procedures. Washington was ranked equal 45th out of 51

PENNSYLVANIA: Pennsylvania State GOP Files Lawsuit to Throw Out Mail-in Voting Law. Pennsylvania Republicans are arguing a 2019 law that largely expanded mail-in voting in the Commonwealth has been made invalid by a court ruling. Article

NEW YORK: Judicial Watch has filed a lawsuit against New York election officials, accusing them of failing to remove ineligible voters from the state’s voter rolls. The watchdog group filed the lawsuit after they claimed that New York election officials have violated the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) by removing just 22 individuals from New York City’s voter rolls in the last six years.

“Dirty voting rolls can mean dirty elections, and New York City’s rolls are some of the dirtiest in the country,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement. Article

ARIZONA: Jovan Pulitzer June 27th Arizona Forensic Testimony

Jovan describes how the US Postal Service’s Mail Cover system, which snaps photographs of the front and back of all pieces of mail sent, storing the images for 6 years for investigational purposes.

DOJ contradicts federal law with lawsuit against Arizona citizenship voter law

Maricopa County Republicans Reject Fraudulent 2020 Election Results With UNANIMOUS Vote

Legislative audit has called into question some 50,000 ballots in AZ where the spread was less than 12,000. The attorney general there has also brought some prosecutions accusing voting activists of illegal vote harvesting, where third parties rounded up ballots. Article

CD Media Big Data Poll finds Kari Lake leading by a double-digit margin over Karrin Taylor Robson, 43.1% to 28.8%, with 18% undecided. Matt Salmon, who dropped out and endorsed Robson, will still appear on the ballot and placed a distant third at 4.3%. Scott Neely and Paola Tulliani-Zen round out fourth and fifth with 3.3% and 2.4%, respectively.

The Grand Canyon State has become the latest battleground for control over the Republican Party. Trump has endorsed Kari Lake, while the Republican Establishment represented by former Vice President Mike Pence and Governor Doug Ducey have come out in support of Robson.

Voting is already underway and Lake is dominating among voters who have yet to vote but plan to vote before Election Day (41.7% to 25.8%) and those who plan to vote on Election Day (46.7% to 20.5%). Robson holds a statistically insignificant lead among those who have already cast a ballot, 42.5% to 41.9%.

Enthusiasm and likelihood to vote also favor Lake, who leads among those who are “extremely” enthusiastic by 18 points, 49.0% to 30.6%. Of those who are “very” enthusiastic, Lake leads by a whopping 20-point margin, 43.8% to 23.4%. Voters who are “certain to vote or have already voted” back Lake over Robson, 45.5% to 30.2%. Article

Arizona IT and Elections Expert: Elections Assistance Commission Was Aware That Machines Could Be Hacked in Minutes

Candidate Mark Finchem Joins WarRoom To Discuss Secretary of State Race In Arizona 

Bombshell Presentation Reveals Identities Of Maricopa County Election Employees Who Deleted Files From Election Server BEFORE Maricopa County Audit

FLORIDA: THE PEOPLE KNOW HOW TO AUDIT THE ELECTION FRAUD. Kris the son of two Polish immigrants who lived under communism, and a wife from Venezuela easily recognized the playbook he’d seen unfold in Venezuela (after all the Smartmatic voter machines designed to flip votes had their first start in Venezuela, and are headquartered in his home state of Florida).

Republicans have beaten Democrats in new FL registrants 23 months in a row and amongst voters who have switched parties and become Republican. Americans are waking up and seeing what voting blue does to their state. Article

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The Public Interest Legal Foundation filed an amicus brief defending a Fl election integrity law that requires drop boxes to be monitored. Additionally, it requires third-party voter registration organizations to deliver registration applications to the Supervisor of Elections in the county where the applicant resides. It also prohibits election offices from receiving private money. Article

COLORADO: Tina Peters And Sherronna Bishop: Hand Recounts Are Coming To Colorado - Voting Machines Flawed and not certifiable!     America's Mom (

Mark Zuckerberg’s Political Operative’s Unbelievable Victory in the Colorado GOP Secretary of State Primary: A no-name political operative who sits on the Board of Directors for Mark Zuckerberg’s private election mafia the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) won the Republican primary Secretary of State race in Colorado. Popular conservative and MAGA candidate Tina Peters was leading in the polls and had a 15 point lead on her closest competitor Pam Anderson. Anderson from Zuckerberg’s CTCL had the night of her life and defeated Peters by 20 points. Hmm...Article

How Did A Zuckerberg Charity Stooge Win A GOP Primary In Colorado? Pam Anderson won a race with no money and very few visible voters

Colorado Election Robbery – Primary Rigged Against Tina Peters – Nick Moseder [VIDEO] - "Colorado serves as "ground zero" for election fraud, highlighting that the state happens to be where Dominion's headquarters resides."

 Joe Oltmann – More Election Fraud In Colorado

CAUGHT: Machines Stole Another Race in Colorado – Flipped Vote Totals from GOP Grassroots Favorite Lynda Wilson After Election Called and Gave Them to RINO Lundeen — BRAZEN FRAUD! (July 2022)

El Paso County, CO Fails Machine Logic And Accuracy Testing For GOP Primary Recount 

Sherronna Bishop,Tina Peters: Hand Recount After 50% + Error In Logic Inaccuracy Test 

El Paso Colorado Team to File Lawsuit at 8AM in El Paso County, Colorado – Calling on Sheriff to Act – Detain Voting Machines for Forensic Audit 

List of CO Upcoming and *Ongoing* Recounts of 2022 GOP Primary Elections by County — GET INVOLVED


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TEXAS: Texas State Republican Party delegates who approved a resolution rejecting Joe Biden as a legitimately elected president—adopted a sweeping new platform with a big focus on election integrity. 2 of the measures seek fair elections free of illegal voting practices and updated voter registration rolls to combat fraud.

Among provisions for fair elections: Limit mail-in ballots to those who can’t physically appear in person, and prohibit internet voting for public office, mandate full signature verification for mail-in ballots, require voter photo ID, and deter counterfeiting by using sequential ballots. On voter rolls, re-register if they haven’t voted in 5 years, proof of residency, citizenship, and a photo ID. They also approved compiling a list of certified deaths so the Texas SOS can remove deceased persons from voter rolls. They also want to repeal ALL motor voter laws. Article

MONTANARepublicans in Ravalli and Lewis and Clark ‘formally’ reject results of 2020 election



VIDEO - Georgia Election Fraud Report 2020: 74 counties can't provide ballots or ballot images for the 2020 general election. Fulton County is missing 374,000 ballot images for the 2020 general election, 59,000 ballot images from election day, Nov 3 2020.

SHOCKING GEORGIA ELECTION CRIMES UNCOVERED: 1.7 Million Ballot Images Illegally Destroyed – Video Monitoring Missing for 181,000 Drop Box Ballots

Nov 4th, 2020, Georgia Showed 100% Reporting and TRUMP WON – Then 250,000 Ballots Were Manufactured and Biden Was Given Win by Raffensperger Days Later – Per VoterGA

WISCONSIN: In a 4-3 ruling the Wisconsin Supreme Court sharply restricts absentee drop boxes and rules they may be placed only in election offices and that no one other than the voter can return a ballot in person. Major blow to Democrats who count on ballot harvesting. Article

Wisconsin Supreme Court Proves What We All Knew About the 2020 Election

FITTON: HUGE TRUMP VINDICATION: Wisconsin Supreme Court CONFIRMS Concerns About 2020 Election!

Wisconsin probe finds 2020 election riddled with nursing home voting fraud -100% turnout in facilities. Intercepted ballots, forged signatures and questionably high voting rates plagued Wisconsin’s nursing homes and other long-term care facilities during the 2020 presidential election; the ballots from those facilities should be audited. a state-appointed investigator said. Article

The Racine County Sheriff’s Office has been contacted by complainants who have reported apparent vulnerabilities to fraudulent voting within the website This is the same type of voting systym as Washington State - Vote WA

With only a person’s name and date of birth, anyone can request another person’s ballot and have that ballot sent to any address entered. No photo identification is needed, and the requester can make a declaration of being indefinitely confined – thus, for the current and future elections, the requestor will be sent someone else’s ballot at the different address entered.

Many other shocking evidence was documented .Based upon this serious threat to voter integrity, the Sheriff’s Office has contacted the Wisconsin Attorney General’s Office and the Wisconsin Elections Commission. Article

MICHIGAN: Cass County and Alcona County GOP in Michigan voted last week to reject and rescind the 2020 presidential election. The two Michigan counties joined the Texas GOP, the Maricopa County GOP, Arizona GOP, Montana GOP and several Wisconsin counties to reject the fraudulent 2020 presidential election results. Article

Footage has surfaced from election night 2020 at the TCF Center, a ballot counting location in Detroit, Michigan, which shows eight suspicious devices and vans carrying ballots that arrived in the early morning hours following voting.

At the time of the first white van’s arrival, President Trump had a large lead of 100,000 votes and appeared to be on his way to victory in the Great Lakes State, the outlet reported.

But then the white vans carrying as many as 50 boxes of ballots arrived, and Trump’s lead dissipated until Biden eventually overtook him, and the media called the state for Joe Biden.

True the Vote’s Gregg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht have been analyzing the footage from the TCF Center. The following timeline of events from the video footage was reported:

At 3:23 AM The Gateway Pundit has an exclusive video of a white van registered to the city of Detroit entering the gate into the TCF Center.

At 3:25 AM a video from a second camera showing three individuals unloading over 50 boxes of ballots in a hallway inside the TCF Building and just outside the counting room.

The ballots were then wheeled away on carts into the ballot counting room. The van is then seen on video leaving the center about 25 minutes later. Then we saw the van returning an hour later, entering the TCF Center again and unloading more boxes of ballots.The white van was escorted by a black sports car for both ballot deliveries. Article

KANSAS: Kansas’ top elections official violated the state’s open records law when he had office computer software altered so that it could no longer produce data sought by a voting-rights advocate, the state Court of Appeals. Article

The decision directed a trial court judge to order Secretary of State Scott Schwab to reverse the software change in the state’s voter registration system so that it can again produce a statewide report on provisional ballots.

AMAZING VIDEO: Most Comprehensive Facts on 2020 Election Fraud to Date 

REPORT: 83% Of Americans Concerned About Election Integrity In Midterm Elections, 75% Concerned About CHEATING – Majority Also Believe The 2020 Election Was STOLEN. Numerous investigations have found evidence of a fraudulent 2020 election in key swing states across the nation and proven that the 2020 Election was rigged and stolen from President Trump. A single election audit in Maricopa County, Arizona, discovered evidence of hundreds of thousands of potentially fraudulent and questionable ballots. Article

President Trump Announces He Will Sue CNN for “Repeated Defamatory Statements” Which Have “Defamed Me and Defrauded the Public Regarding the Overwhelming Evidence of Fraud Throughout the 2020 Election”

How Biden Is Planning To Rig the 2024 Elections. There is actually a real coup d’being spearheaded by Biden Administration’s attempt to essentially rig the 2024 elections

Letter from a Reader on the Democrats’ Plans to Steal the 2022 Election

VIDEO: They’re Giving Social Security Numbers to Illegal Aliens at the US Border 

Who is Funding Election Fraud? - Follow The Money - Arabella Advisors: The Third Pillar of Election Integrity Multi-Part Series

Building The Army of the Awakened - Election Integrity Network Working To Rid Elections Of All 'Infiltrations' By The 'Radical Left'

FOIAs Reveal Progressive Money Fueling FBI, DOJ, Leftist Activist and Election Official Coordination

Poll on Election Integrity: 50% of Americans Think Cheating Is Likely in the Midterms

Justice Department sues Arizona for requiring proof of citizenship to vote in presidential elections

Lawless Biden Regime Plans to Give ID Cards to the Millions of Illegals Who Invaded the US Under Their Watch

LIz Wheeler Video: Proof the FBI interfered in the 2020 election

U.S. Postal Service Opens Permanent Political Division, Dedicated to the Delivery and Return of Mail-in Election Ballots, DNC Lawyer Mark Elias is Very Happy

Why Has the US Election Process Been Ceded to the USPS Despite It Being Unionized and 92% of Its Donations Going to Democrats?

What Would a Secure Election System Look Like?  According to a recent Rasmussen Poll, 83% of Americans realize that Election Integrity is a serious issue in America. Why is that? To be frank, for too many years our elected officials and our election officials have been focusing upon machine-driven “efficiency” at the expense of integrity. Article

‘Whole world’ could learn from Taiwan’s transparent vote-counting: US academic. Taiwan’s public vote-counting system is one of the most powerful and unique aspects of its democracy, a US academic said after observing the presidential and legislative elections.

“It’s completely transparent, low-tech, open and inspires confidence,” Kharis Templeman, a researcher at Stanford University and program manager of the Taiwan Democracy and Security Project, said in a telephone interview. “I believe that the whole world can learn something from Taiwan’s elections.”

Taiwan’s vote-counting process, in which poll workers hold up each ballot and call out the name of the candidate selected, is open to the public.

“Everyone is allowed to watch, record, supervise and even call out any mistakes,” Templeman said, adding that those involved are “using their lives to protect democracy.” Article

The Government “Has Gone from Saying It Was the Most Secure Election in History to Saying the Machines Shouldn’t be Used" – Interview. A CISA Report warns Dominion Voting Systems have at least 9 major “vulnerabilities” that can be exploited and leveraged by an attacker. The voting machines are “susceptible to forgery,” can be “leveraged by an attacker to gain elevated privileges on a device and/or install malicious code” and “allows an attacker to directly access the operating system." Article

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Federal authorities have confirmed that two Iranian nationals successfully hacked into a state computer election system, stole 100,000 voter registrations and used the data to carry out a cyber-intimidation campaign that targeted GOP members of Congress, Trump campaign officials and Democratic voters in the November 2020 election in one of the largest foreign intrusions in U.S. election history. The defendants "were part of a coordinated conspiracy in which Iranian hackers sought to undermine faith and confidence in the U.S. presidential election," U.S. Attorney Damian Williams declared in an indictment. Article

Biden Creating Permanent U.S. Postal Service Division to Deliver and Return Ballots in US Elections: The corrupt Biden gang is creating a division in the U.S. Postal Service for handling delivering and returning mail-in ballots during elections.  What could possibly go wrong?

The USPS was in the middle of corruption and suspected criminal activities in the 2020 Election.  In one instance a USPS contractor reported dropping off a trailer full of tens of thousands of ballots from New York to Pennsylvania.  After a thorough investigation was done, and crimes were identified, US AG Bill Barr screamed at the messenger of this event and told them to drop it. Article

MAKE SURE TO SIGN The Election Integrity Citizens' Initiative I-1505: "The Voter Protection Act" -- "A Bipartisan Review of Election Results." This measure came from the Skagit County Republican Party Election Integrity Committee, ended up in the Washington State Republican Party Election Integrity Committee and required months of meetings and planning. 

* I-1505 will require the two major political parties in each county to cooperate with important election audits.

* An independent company with experience in the election process and/or professional auditing shall be chosen by the parties to oversee the audits performed by county election officials. If the parties can't agree on the company, then the county canvassing board decides.

* Republican and Democrat County Party leadership need to agree on at least 3 races and/or ballot measures, with each party choosing 6 voting precincts for each General Election (12 precincts total). If the parties can't agree, then the company will choose.

* The audits are "statistically significant" hand counts of all paper ballots tabulated in 12-voting precincts (before election certification). 


How To Serve? What is the Lesser Magistrate Doctrine? The Lesser Magistrate Doctrine teaches that when the superior or higher ranking civil authority makes unjust/immoral law, policy, or court opinion – the lower or lesser ranking civil authority has both the God-given right and duty to refuse obedience to that superior authority; and if necessary, actively resist the superior authority. The doctrine was first formalized by Christian men in Magdeburg, Germany in 1550. 

The lesser magistrate doctrine is rooted in the historic Christian doctrine of interposition. Interposition  is where one steps into the gap – placing themselves in between the oppressor and his intended victim. Interposition can take place verbally or physically. 

The law of God is the objective standard to which all men and all governments of men are accountable. If civil authorities make law, policy, or court opinion that is contrary to His law – the lesser magistrates are to interpose and stop the evil. Article

South Dakotan governor Kristi Noem is the only governor to never lock down any businesses during the COVID pandemic. She reflects on her life, her faith, and how she arrived at some of the most difficult decisions of her career. Interview

‘Can’t Go Wrong’ With US Founding Documents as Guide: Gov. Kristi Noem

VIDEO: Gov Noem: South Dakota Is Thriving Under Conservative Governance: “It’s an experiment in what our founders envisioned this country would look like. In South Dakota we actually did it and I think it’s bringing hope to the rest of the country.”


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A CIA officer has confessed that the ‘Deep State’ rigged the 2020 election in Joe Biden’s favor, and has shamelessly admitted that the agency would do it again. John Sipher, former CIA officer claimed in a stunning Twitter thread that he took “particular joy” in discrediting the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” narrative and enthusiastically admitted to “shifting” the election away from Donald Trump. Article

Secret Service deleted texts requested by investigators, watchdog report says

VIDEO: The rising threat of China - China helped BLM and Antifa in US Riots

Invasion at the Border: Multiple Texas counties will declare that the migrant crisis at the southern border is an "invasion,"  - Move that could lead to similar declarations across the state.

ARIZONA AG BRNOVICH ISSUES LEGAL OPINION DECLARING BORDER CRISIS ‘INVASION’ UNDER CONSTITUTION. Definition of "invasion" contained under the U.S. Constitution is not limited to hostile foreign states, and can include "hostile non-state actors." Article

US-Mexico border is deemed World's Deadliest Crossing

Biden’s border of death. More migrants have been found dead on the U.S. side of the southern border over the past 9 months than have ever been recorded over a full year in history. In 2020, when then-President Trump’s "Remain in Mexico" policy was in full effect, just 247 bodies were recovered by Border Patrol along the southern border. According to internal documents obtained by the Washington Examiner, 609 bodies have been found so far this fiscal year (beginning last Oct. 1)

Under Trump crimes committed by illegal aliens had been declining for several years before surging in 2021 / 22 under Biden

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Michael Stenger, the Senate Sergeant-at-Arms in charge of security at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, joins the list of key potential witnesses in the Jan. 6 Capitol Breach investigation who have died under mysterious circumstances. Stenger died one day before he was set to testify at the Jan 6 Committee. The Washington Post reports that Stenger “died of natural causes.” WTOP reported that four other officials close to the Jan. 6 event have died—three deaths were ruled “natural,” one death was ruled an “accident,” and the fourth death was classified as a “homicide.”

Stenger was a Marine Corp Veteran and spent 35 years in the Secret Service. He was considered to be a "Hostile" witness and knew of Antifa and other groups being bussed into DC days before Jan 6, and said "the Jan. 6 insurrection went beyond disobedience” and was a coordinated attack."

“There is an opportunity to learn lessons from the events of January 6th,” Stenger said. “Investigations should be considered as to funding and travel of what appears to be professional agitators. First Amendment rights should always be considered in conjunction with these investigations.” Article

Rep. Gohmert: ‘Violations of American Rights’ of Jan. 6 Prisoners ‘Mind Blowing’ Jan. 6 prisoner's fiancé recalls: 'We were covered head to toe from all directions with red laser dots from their assault rifles." Families Speak Out. Article

Judge Sentences Jan. 6 Defendant to Over Five Years in Prison, Matching Longest Sentence for Capitol Breach

Internal Memo Reveals Capitol Police Were Warned BLM from Baltimore Was Bussing in Rioters Disguised as Trump Supporters on Jan. 6. It was all a setup, Trump supporters were framed by FBI and government operatives and BLM and Antifa terrorists.

A leaked internal memo revealed that the US Capitol Police intel unit warned that BLM from Baltimore was bussing in rioters for January 6th protests. According to the memo the rioters were going to blend in. “BLM/Antif will wear MAGA hats, wear camo,and attempt to blend in with MAGA crowd” so violence blamed on Trump supporters attending Trump rally

Antifa was actively involved in the January 6th protests and riots. This has been widely discussed by officials and in numerous eye-witness reportsa detailing how black bloc Antifa terrorists infiltrated the peaceful MAGA demonstrations.

According to a former FBI agent on the ground at the US Capitol, "a bus load of Antifa goons infiltrated the Trump rally as part of a false flag operation."

Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) entered into the record explosive testimony of eyewitness accounts from Michael Waller detailing how he saw “agents-provocateurs” at the Capitol.

Michael Waller, a senior analyst for strategy at the Center for Security Policy specializing in propaganda, political warfare, psychological warfare, and subversion, said he was at the Capitol on January 6 and witnessed:

Plainclothes militants. Militant, aggressive men in Donald Trump and MAGA gear at a front police line at the base of the temporary presidential inaugural platform;

Agents-provocateurs. Scattered groups of men exhorting the marchers to gather closely and tightly toward the center of the outside of the Capitol building and prevent them from leaving;

Fake Trump protesters. A few young men wearing Trump or MAGA hats backwards and who did not fit in with the rest of the crowd in terms of their actions and demeanor, whom I presumed to be Antifa or other leftist agitators; and

Disciplined, uniformed column of attackers. A column of organized, disciplined men, wearing similar but not identical camouflage uniforms and black gear, some with helmets and GoPro cameras or wearing subdued Punisher skull patches. VIDEO INTERVIEW

Well-known Antifa-Insurgence leader John Sullivan was arrested in Utah after the US Capitol riots.and was caught on video posing as a Trump supporter during the rioting at the US Capitol on January 6th. Sullivan also organized an Antifa rally on January 6th near the US Capitol.  

These accounts provides a perspective on what, why and how things were pre-planned. Article

Police Escorted Antifa Shuttle Buses Seen Before January 6th Breaching of The Capital

17-second video showing the first people who illegally stepped into Capitol Hill during the January 6 attacks were all dressed in black and were wearing combat gear, which confirm other reports that say Antifa and BLM were first to break-in. Article

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Trump Authorized National Guard for Jan. 6 but Congress, Pelosi Rejected It -DC Didn’t Request Its Use

Protesters in the Sri Lankan capital of Colombo stormed President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s palace demanding that Rajapaska resign. Thousands of protesters from all over the country converged on the capital to protest the myriad economic problems plaguing the small island nation, which include uncontrolled inflation and shortages.

The demonstrators powered through a heavy police presence — which used tear gas and barricades to try to repel the protesters — to make their way into the palace, where they were filmed enjoying Rajapaksa’s swimming pool.

Rajapaksa, who previously served as defense secretary under his older brother’s administration from 2005–2015, has attempted to suppress the building anger against him for months. In May, security forces were “ordered to shoot on sight anyone looting public property or causing harm to life.” Rajapaksa has also granted special powers to both military and police forces, allowing them to more easily arrest and detain protesters.

While Rajapaksa has not indicated that he will step aside, his prime minister, Ranil Wickremesinghe, has announced on Twitter that to “ensure the continuation of the Government including the safety of all citizens I accept the best recommendation of the Party Leaders today, to make way for an All-Party Government. To facilitate this I will resign as Prime Minister.” Article

Sri Lankan Prime Minister Resigns as Violent Protests Erupt Nationwide

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Hundreds of protesters recently broke into Iraq’s parliament. The riot turned violent Wednesday as the country reached 290 days without a government.

DHS erases legal status barrier for illegal immigrants. Making it back into the U.S. after being ousted is “irrelevant” to an illegal immigrant’s eligibility to apply for a new legal status, the Homeland Security Department’s citizenship agency says in a new policy. Washington Times

Supreme Court Blocks Biden Admin Policy Narrowing Detainment, Deportation of Illegal Aliens

Ted Cruz Video: The mayors of DC and New York are asking for help with the massive influx of illegals into their cities. Imagine how the people of South Texas feel

Biden Administration wants to provide government-issued identification (ID) cards to all illegal aliens who are released into the US after being apprehended, in a drastic expansion of the controversial “catch and release program.” Article

Dr Chris Shoemaker is an emergency and general hospital medicine doctor across Canada who is speaking out about the Covid Vaccines medical catastrophe. Studies showing double Covid vaccinated Children ages 10-14 and ages 14 -19 have a 52 (52,000%) to 81 (81,000%) chance of dying compared to unvaccinated children. Article / Video.

In a betrayal, Biden will allow 60,000 members of Army and National Guard to have their careers destroyed over a unconstitutional, vindictive and unneeded vaccine mandate

Fraud From the Beginning: Dr. Birx admits to dishonesty in COVID lock down response. Dr. Birx disclosed in her new book that she cherry picked COVID data to get the results that she wanted in order to force the American people to lock down and further her political agenda. Video

COVID Lockdowns Damaged Speech and Mental Development of Children - tachers say restrictions have damaged children developmentally in ways that might be irreparable

Guitarist Who Lost 8 Fingers After J&J Vaccine Tells RFK, Jr.: People Have to Be Held Accountable. On July 9, 2021, Jeff Diamond, a professional musician, vocal instructor and backup guitarist, got the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID-19 vaccine. About a week later, Diamond was found unconscious in his apartment and taken to a local hospital in Minnesota, where he remained in a coma for three weeks. Pervasive blood clots — a known side effect of the J&J vaccine — had shut down his kidneys and other organs. The condition caused doctors to amputate eight of his fingers, without his knowledge or consent, while he was still in a coma. Article

FDA Colluded With Moderna to Bypass COVID Vaccine Safety Standards, Documents Reveal

EU Finds Novavax COVID Vaccine May Cause Severe Allergic Reaction

White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci conceded that COVID-19 vaccines do not protect “overly well” against infection

Natural Immunity 97.3% Effective Against Severe Covid-19 After 14 Months - Study: The protection against severe illness from natural immunity remains superior to the protection bestowed by Covid vaccines, according to a new study. People who survived Covid-19 infection and were not vaccinated had sky-high protection against severe or fatal Covid-19.

“Effectiveness of primary infection against severe, critical, or fatal Covid-19 reinfection was 97.3 %  irrespective of the variant of primary infection or reinfection, and with no evidence for waning. Similar results were found in sub-group analyses for those ≥50 years of age,” Dr. Laith Abu-Raddad, with Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar, and colleagues said after studying long-term natural immunity in the unvaccinated. Article

Vaccines Are Destroying People’s Immunity Through ‘Immune Imprinting’: Dr. Robert Malone 

COVID Vaccines Increase Menstrual Irregularities Thousandfold, Fetal Abnormalities Hundredfold: New disturbing pharmacovigilance signals from VAERS surrounding the use of the COVID vaccines on women of reproductive age prompted a group of doctors to call for a ban on the gene therapy COVID-19 vaccines. Article

China Has INFILTRATED the American Health System: COVID Injections Produced by the CCP "Our adversaries are the ones manufacturing and distributing this, not just in America but also in ten other Western countries."  Dr. Naomi Wolf Interview

Judge Sides With Parent, Strikes Down Los Angeles School Vaccine Mandate

Why Are So Many Young People Going Off The Rails? Suicide

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National Public Radio (NPR) announced it was breaking its long-standing 4th of July tradition of reading the Declaration of Independence to instead discuss "what equality means."

Trump says Biden's high inflation that has battered American households would have never happened on his watch

REPORT: American families have used $114BN of their rainy day savings to cope with soaring inflation - despite Biden saying they are saving more than ever. Household debt has increased over $1.5 trillion since Biden took office The personal savings rate  slumped to 5.4% in May 2022. Under Trump the record of 34% was set in April 2020. Article

Biden’s Executive Actions on Food Stamps, Obamacare, Student Loans Will Balloon Deficit, CBO Says

U.S. small-business confidence dropped to the lowest level in nearly a decade amid soaring inflation concerns. The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) said its Small Business Optimism Index fell 3.6 points last month to 89.5, the lowest level since January 2013. Inflation is their biggest single problem in running their business, an increase of 6 points from May and the highest level since the fourth quarter of 1980. Article

Clinic Funded by Biden Administration Distributes Crack Pipes to Addicts Outside ‘School.’ New York Harm Reduction Educators (NYHRE) was awarded nearly $400,000 in grant money from the Biden administration to further its services for drug addicts. Article

Fmr. Trump Advisor: Biden Is Hiding Even A More 'Extreme Woke Marxist Agenda' Political operatives embedded within each federal agency to carry out the Biden agenda and radical policy initiatives, which include withholding school lunch money from schools that don't adhere to the woke gender narrative, flagging social media posts the administration doesn't like as misinformation, opening the border to illegal aliens and making conservatives out to be evil. 

The American people deserve to know who is working behind the scenes in government to drive this radical agenda, what their qualifications are, and what conflicts of interests they might have. The release of this basic information is non-negotiable. We must hold the Biden administration accountable for its lack of transparency and "get answers regarding the far-left activists who have secured positions as political appointees, planted throughout the federal government.

”The Real Story of January 6,” a documentary by The Epoch Times, reveals the truth that has been hidden from the American people. While a narrative has been set that what took place that day was an insurrection, key events and witnesses have been ignored, until now. The documentary takes an unvarnished look at police use of force and the deaths that resulted in some measure from it. The film asks tough questions about who was responsible for the chaos that day. With compelling interviews and exclusive video footage, the documentary tells the real story of January 6.

While the dust from Jan. 6, 2021, has long cleared, it has been replaced by a smoke screen. A carefully crafted narrative has been set that claims the events of that day amounted to a “violent insurrection.” This claim, however, does not match the facts. “The Real Story of January 6” takes an objective look at what happened through the eyes of those who were there. The Epoch Times provides the first comprehensive look into what really happened. The Truth can’t be hidden. Article

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Key Figure in Jan. 6 Events Backs Claims That Cheney / January 6 Committee Lied

Tucker Carlson: Bannon found guilty of a crime Democrats are never convicted of

@TulsiGabbard: Steve Bannon has been charged with contempt of Congress & found guilty, while Brennan, Clapper & others who lied to Congress have never been charged or prosecuted. This just shows yet again how the DOJ has been weaponized by those in power to go after their political opponents.

CNN Ratings In The Tank: CNN dropped 5 % in total primetime viewers (660,000) and 11 % in primetime (150,000) from April. It saw worse losses for the total day audience, suffering a 20 % drop in the demo (106,000) and 14 % in overall viewership (500,000) from already reported huge drop-offs in March. CNN now ranks only 12th across basic cable in primetime. Article

Welcome to Biden's America where Kamala Harris is more worried about pronouns than the real issues that are plaguing everyday Americans!

Trust in news collapses to historic low. Americans' confidence in newspapers and television news has plummeted to an all-time low. The erosion of trust in media is significant. TV / Newspaper news is considered the second-least trusted institution in the country, following Congress. While other institutions have also experienced precipitous declines, including banks and the medical system. According to the data. Just 5% of Republicans said they had "a great deal or quite a lot of confidence" in newspapers, compared to 35% of Democrats. Only 8% of Republicans said they had "a great deal or quite a lot of confidence" in TV news, compared to 20% of Democrats. Independents' views are generally closer to Republicans'. Article

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SCOTUS properly returned abortion laws to the states by overturning Roe v. Wade. The ruling expanded democracy by allowing the people of all 50 states to determine, through their state representatives, what kind of abortion laws should be passed and enforced. Article

Joe Biden's 61 % disapproval / 34 % approval rating is at the lowest level of his presidency. According to a another Reuters poll only 36% percent of Americans approved of Biden's handling of his job. Article

n’s approval rating had dropped 21 percentage points among Americans belonging to Generation Z – those born between 1997 and 2004 – and 19 percentage points among Millennials – those born between 1981 and 1996 – between the start of his presidency and this past March.
Source: The Hill

Jill Biden says diversity of Hispanics are like 'Breakfast Tacos' during speech

Tesla CEO Elon Musk canceled his bid to purchase Twitter, according to a letter from his lawyers published in a Securities and Exchange Commission filing.

Twitter “appears to have made false and misleading representations” and “has not complied with its contractual obligations,” according to the letter. Mike Ringler, attorney for Skadden Arps, accused the company of refusing to provide information requested by Musk, including what percent of its monetizable users were fake or spam accounts. article

Elon Musk mocked Twitter's efforts to force him to purchase the company. Musk tweeted 4 images of him laughing next to captions that read: "They said I couldn't buy Twitter. Then they wouldn't disclose bot information. Now they want to force me to buy Twitter in court. Now they have to disclose bot information in court." That was soon followed by a picture of actor Chuck Norris playing chess with only a single pawn on his side of the board, and a complete set of pieces on the other side, with Musk tweeting, "Checkmate."

Twitter lying about how many real people have Twitter accounts vs bot fake accounts

For several weeks Dutch farmers have been taking to the streets in most regions across the Netherlands. Dutch social media outlets have been posting photos and videos showing the ongoing protests organized by farmers' groups in the country, following a government control 'Climate Change' plan killing their businesses. Article / Video

Dutch Government Stealing Farmers Land: Video Interview

Revolt Growing - World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab and Globalits Stealing Farmers Property

Alex Newman Explains UN Agenda 2030 Behind Farming Restrictions

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Canadian Farmers Cry Foul as Government Restricts Fertilizers; Is Canada the Next Netherlands?

15 container ships carrying tons of essential goods are forced to drop anchor off the California coast as Port of Oakland truckers go on strike.

Something Snaps In The US Labor Market: Full, Part-Time Workers Plunge As Multiple Jobholders Soar. Since March, the US has lost 70K full-time employees and 462K part-time employees. Article

Professional Women’s Soccer Player Kicked Off Field for Refusing to Wear Gay Pride Jersey

Matt Gaetz brings DOWN Biden Crime family by pulling out copy of Hunter Biden laptop during speech— Leaves MASSIVE crowd stunned: "I entered it in the Congressional record!"

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Trump made (at least) five predictions about what Biden would do during the 2020 campaign. And already those predictions have come true. Article

Henrick Stenson won the prestigious LIV Bedminster PGA Golf Tournament over the weekend, but it may well be remembered by the thunderous chants of "Four More Years" and “Let’s go Brandon” when President Trump made appearances to the cheering crowd. Video

UFC Fighter Sean Strickland “By the way, as I fill up my 2018 Nissan Frontier.. I just want to say ‘Let’s Go Brandon’.” Video

FL Gov. Mike DeSantis signed legislation ensuring foreign adversaries, like the Chinese Communist Party, cannot access Florida’s schools, government, and companies – including banning Confucius Institutes in our colleges and universities. Video

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) sponsored a bill that requires 5 days to read legislation before being asked to vote on it. She says is needed because many bills are extremely long and complicated, often containing provisions that are essentially hidden in the details. Article

Thank you to Tiffany Smiley, The Tiffany Smiley Campaign Team, Pastor Randy Lawrence, the Immersion Church, and all who attended today's Tiffany Smiley for US Senate Meet and Greet in Mount Vernon! "There is a New Mom in Town" and a future new US Senator ready to lead!!

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A Very Big Thank You to Berit Schweiss who yesterday hosted  a very well attended KEITH WAGONER For WA State SOS, ERIC HULL For Skagit County Auditor , and DAN MATTHEWS for US Congress Meet & Greet Event in La Conner!

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The Skagit Republicans Woman's group will be meeting tomorrow from 10 AM to Noon at the Freedonia Grange, located at 1225 McFarland Rd Mount Vernon (MAP). I will be speaking and giving updates about Election Integrity.

The SCRP Central Committee will meet Saturday, August 6 at the SCRP Burlington Office, 281 S. Burlington Blvd. #103. Meeting time is from noon to 1:30 PM. 

The 2022 Skagit County Fair is will be held in Mount Vernon Aug 10- 13, make sure to stop by the SCRP booth!

On Saturday, August 13 from 11 AM to 2 PM the Washingtonians Action Pac and the Skagit County Republican Party will be hosting the 20th Patriot Gathering at Cowboy Church in Bow. See home / blog / calandar pages for all updates.

Quote of the Month: "If you’re not worried about a recession, why change the definition of recession?" Congressman Jim Jordan


Respect and Blessings,

Bill Bruch, SCRP Chairman


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