
Jan 5, 2023 Shift WA Release:

Democrats have a serious problem on their hands in the form of newly elected State Representative Clyde Shavers (10th LD). Informed voters – notably our readers – may remember that Shavers was exposed as a serial liar days before his election – by his own father. Perhaps the most serious of Shavers’ lies proved to be making up his military experience.

Specifically, Shavers claimed to have served as a submarine officer despite failing to complete the officer training course, and even exhibited a “disdain of enlisted service members” and a “revulsion to wear the uniform.”

Shift WA was the first media outlet to report on the story. Mainstream media outlets like the Seattle Times sat on the story of days even while voting was underway. Despite our best efforts to publicize the story, thousands of voters never knew about Shavers’ lies before casting their ballots.

In other words, the mainstream media helped cover up Democrat Shavers’ lies to see him elected to the State Legislature.

The seriousness of Shavers’ lies cannot be overstated, though the Times merely called them “exaggerations.” His disgusting and dishonorable lies about his military service disqualifies him for any elected position. Due to the media’s shameful lack of action, it was too late to hold him accountable before his election. But it’s not too late for Democrats to mend public trust and not seat Shavers.

We here at Shift WA believe that allowing admitted liar Mr. Shavers to serve in the State House is an insult to voters across Washington State. It’s a slap in the face to veterans who risked their lives to protect our country.

Will you sign our petition demanding Democrats do the right thing, and do not seat Shavers in the State House? >>> SIGN THE PETITION <<<

Please consider making your voice heard. Demand action against a serial liar. Hold Shavers accountable.

Thank you,

The Shift WA Team

P.S. We need all the signatures we can get before start of the 2023 legislative session next week. Will you consider forwarding this information to your family and friends?

BOMBSHELL: Clyde Shavers, a campaign built upon lies

Clyde Shavers' own parents say he is lying

Naval Records Confirm Democrat Clyde Shavers Lied About Military Experience

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