Many important races are being decided in the current 2023 general election. PLEASE make sure that you and your family all vote! Also, please Call / Text / Email / 20 of your neighbors and friends to remind them to vote and get their ballots turned in by 8 pm Tue. Nov 7.
Anacortes City Council Ward 3: Linda Martin
Anacortes Port District 4: Corey Joyce
Anacortes School Board #103 Pos 5: Ed Barton
Burlington Mayor: Joe Degloria
Burlington-Edison School #100 Pos 4: Rich Wesen
Mount Vernon Mayor: Peter Donovan
Mount Vernon City Council Pos 1: Navor Tercero
Mount Vernon City Council Pos 2: Mark Hulst
Mount Vernon School Board #320 Pos 1: David Cherrick
Fire Protection District No. 3 Commissioner Pos. 2: Steve Skrinde
Sedro-Woolley Mayor: JoEllen Kesti
Sedro-Woolley City Council Ward 1: Kevin Loy
Sedro-Woolley City Council Ward 4: Allan Henderson
Sedro-Woolley City Council Ward 5: Ed Iriarte
Sedro-Woolley School Board #101 Pos. 2: Lindy Mullen Doyle

More / Information For Voters
VIDEO: Sept. 27, 2023, Mount Vernon Chamber of Commerce 2023 Candidates Forum
To make sure your ballot was accepted and see your ballot status go to:
If you have not received your ballot call Skagit County Elections: (360) 416-1702 or email: If you see or have any elections issues, ballot anomalies, received more than one ballot, people voting your ballot without your permission, etc. please take a picture your ballot and of the envelope and file a complaint HERE.
MV Freedonia Grange: 10 AM - 11:30 AM Saturday, November 18
ZOOM: 6 PM - 7:30 PM Tuesday, November 28
MV Freedonia Grange: 10 AM - 11:30 AM Saturday, December 9
The precinct caucuses are vitally important meetings that only happen once every 4 years. This is the opportunity to make your voice heard and Vote In Person for a 2024 Republican Party Presidential Nominee. It is where GOP activists, supporters and members of the community vote for their preference for U.S. President, discuss pertinent issues, the Republican Platform, submit resolutions and elect Delegates to the County Convention.
MORE INFO HERE or email / call (360) 820-1700.
The 2024 WSRP State Convention is April 19th and 20th at the Spokane Convention Center. Over 2,500 PCO Delegates from all 39 counties will be voting to endorse candidates. POST

A huge final push to get the six Let's Go Washington Initiatives over the finish line is happening across Washington State. Word is out that all six have over 300,000 signatures. The goal is to get 400,000 signatures by Dec 31, 2023, to qualify for the Nov 2024 general election ballot.
THE INITIATIVES: Good Government Policy and Simple Solutions
This measure would remove certain restrictions on when peace officers may engage in vehicular pursuits. Such pursuits would be allowed when the officer has a "reasonable suspicion" a person has violated the law, pursuit is necessary to identify or apprehend the person, the person poses a threat to the safety of others, and those safety risks are greater than those of the pursuit.
This measure would prohibit the state, counties, cities, and other local jurisdictions from imposing or collecting income taxes, defined as having the same meaning as “gross income” in the Internal Revenue Code.
This measure would repeal an excise tax imposed on the sale or exchange of certain long-term capital assets by individuals who have annual capital gains of over $250,000.
This measure would allow parents and guardians of public-school children to review instructional materials and inspect student records, including health and disciplinary records, upon request.
It would require public schools to provide parents and guardians with certain notifications, including medical services given and when students are taken off campus; access to calendars and certain policies; written notice and opportunities to opt students out of comprehensive sexual-health education; answering certain surveys or assignments.
This measure would prohibit state agencies from imposing any type of Carbon Tax credit trading and repeal Cap & Invest program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It also REPEALS the wretched cap-and-trade tax scheme which doesn't do anything to stop pollution or greenhouse gasses and driven gasoline and diesel prices up $1/gallon. It is a regressive tax that hurts working families harder than rich people.
People can't afford another payroll tax! Allow working Washingtonians to opt out of the state government's insolvent "long-term care" tax scheme. It's an unpopular and expensive deduction out of working people's paychecks. Benefit is minimal. Taxpayers lose benefit if they move out of state.

Initiative to the Legislature attempts to rid workers of WA Cares, payroll tax
Brandi Kruse Video Interview: Brian Heywood About the 2023 Initiatives
Why Citizen Initiatives are vital to local democracy: 4 key success factors
Initiative to the Legislature attempts to rid workers of WA Cares, payroll tax
Now that many terrible Democrat policies are taking hold in WA State, carnage and devastation is being felt by average citizens and working families. From public education to public safety, our state is a complete disaster! Below are a few examples:
The largest drop ever recorded in math! The average math score for 13-year-olds fell 9 points from the 2019-2020 school year to the 2022-23 year. Only 74% of fourth graders in WA State tested at a basic level. Only 35% are proficient in math. The numbers are even lower at the eighth-grade level with 64% showing only a basic knowledge of math, while just 28% showed proficiency. Article
Escalating student violence sparks concern, demand for action across Washington State
Washington sees record-high violent crimes in 2023, record-low officers per capita. Public safety is a top priority for House Republicans. The State House GOP introduced HB 1380 during the 2023 session to provide funding options to put more police officers on the street. House Democrats continue to ignore the solution. Article

What happens when hard drugs are decriminalized?
Marijuana users are 3x more likely to develop peripheral artery disease
WA State forced to refund drug conviction fines related to the state Supreme Court’s Feb. 2021 ruling that the state’s felony drug possession statute was unconstitutional. Article
WA State vs. Parents on Gender Transitioning. There is nothing more emotionally stabilizing than parental love. And yet Dem ideologues are severing the sacred bond between parents and children. Despite massive pushback, WA state Democrats, passed their insidious SB 5599 into law, disregarding and insulting parents! Article
911 audio reveals Seattle police allowed a domestic abuse suspect to drive off with victim in car, would not pursue vehicle - WA Democratic-controlled state legislature passed HB 201 in 2021 which increased the standards for police pursuits and stops from a "reasonable suspicion" to a "probable cause" that the driver committed a serious crime. Article
Lawlessness breeds lawlessness - Soft-on-crime policies encourage violence. Liberal-run cities are famous for violent crime. The victims of these crimes are as much victims of the liberals who set them loose to prey on residents as the criminals themselves. Article
WA State is now topping the charts of states with the highest homeless populations (along with California, New York and Florida). Spokane has received over 1,000 more complaints about encampments and homeless issues at City Hall in 2023 than in 2022. Burien and Bremerton are among the latest cities to pass an ordinance that bans camping on public property. Article

More disturbing evidence that Washington State's AG Bob Ferguson, Governor Inslee, and much of their administration seems determined to dump violent predators into our community without warning, notice, or honest discussion. Video
State Governor Candidate AG Bob Ferguson Pro Violent Sex-Predator Policies
RETAIL APOCALYPSE: Is in-store shopping dead? 3,200 retail stores across the US are set to shut by the end of the year - Low inventory and crime being blamed for scaring off customers in CVS, Foot Locker, Target, Bed, Bath & Beyond and many more! A staggering rise in violent crime and shoplifting are the main causes. Article

WA State is now topping the charts of states with the highest homeless populations (along with California, New York and Florida). Spokane has received over 1,000 more complaints about encampments and homeless issues at City Hall in 2023 than in 2022. Burien and Bremerton are among the latest cities to pass an ordinance that bans camping on public property. Article
SEMI BIRD FOR GOVERNOR: "As Governor, I will propose legislation that will retroactively prohibit any Chinese Communist Party (CCP) owned company from purchasing/owning agriculture land in Washington State. Parents are the primary stakeholders in their children's lives. I will make it a top priority to ensure that the rights of parents is both respected and protected. As part of my Solutions with Action for education, I will fight to ensure that parents have full access to both curriculum and all other information regarding their children." POST
"Our citizens deserve transparency and accountability of state government, as Governor I will initiate a third-party audit of all state offices and programs. Putting the people over politics starts with accountability. United we stand, together we can!"

Representative "Magic" Mike Johnson New Speaker of the House! In a unanimous vote, the House of Representatives voted for Johnson (R-La.) to fill the vacant speaker role. Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-Minn.) had won the nomination after Steve Scalise and Jim Jordan fizzled. However, soon after the announcement President Trump took to Truth Social calling Emmer a “Globalist RINO,” the next day Emmer withdrew his name from consideration. Article
Gaetz Was Right & The MAGA Insurgency Must Keep Claiming Scalps
Rep. Matt Gaetz: "When Kevin McCarthy was Speaker of the House, it took him 7 months to pass one single-subject spending bill. Under Speaker @RepMikeJohnson, we did the same work in 36 hours. We finally have a Speaker who is not totally owned by the lobbyist-driven system that fuels massive federal spending." POST

Speaker Mike Johnson follows God Almighty and the Constitution - in that order. He doesn’t follow the whims and wishes of the lobbyists and special interests. Under his House Speakership, Congress will finally empower the interests of the American people! Mike Johnson outlines the seven core principles that have made us the most successful nation in the history of the world: 1. Individual Freedom 2. Limited Government 3. The Rule of Law 4. Peace Through Strength 5. Fiscal Responsibility 6. Free Markets 7. Human Dignity. POST
Charlie Kirk Podcast: Mike Johnson Biblical View of America - What Every Founding Father Believed and What built our Civilization: The 10 Commandments, Common Law, Natural Rights, Charity, Freedom of Speech, Decentralized Power, a Blind Justice System, etc. Video

Newly elected Speaker Mike Johnson isn’t a tough man to figure out - Nor is he scary, except to those who don’t have the best interest of the US at heart. Johnson lives by the teachings of the Bible, pure and simple. He also wants the best for this nation. This makes him an enemy of the Democratic Party and the establishment media, who ultimately want the opposite and have been working hard to meet that goal. Johnson’s sudden promotion is a sign of failure to the left. It signifies their inability to oust God from society and shows them to be the liars that they are. Article
The House Republican Conference is UNITED for the first time this Congress. United behind a man of deep faith, who obeys God and the Constitution before all else. I’m proud to support our new Speaker Mike Johnson! I'm going to do everything I can to make him successful. POST
Gaetz Explains How McCarthy Was behind Sabotaging All Other Speaker Candidates
Getting To Know Speaker Mike Johnson
Johnson Lays Out His 7 Core Principles of American Conservatism Inspired by Reagan
'God invented civil government,' says new House speaker
Democrats and Leftist Controlled Media Absolutely Lose Their Minds Over Mike Johnson

Kari Lake announced she is running for AZ Senate. During her campaign launch she played an endorsement video from President Donald Trump. “I am not going to retreat,” Lake said. “I’m gonna stand on top of this hill with every single one of you, and I know you’re by my side as I formally announce my candidacy for the US Senate.” POST
RFK Jr. Presidential Run as Independent - Kennedy has repeatedly split from the modern Democratic Party on his views of the Ukraine war, Censorship & COVID-19 vaccine. Article
Trump poll numbers increase - Indictments Backfire - Everyone who has had an injustice can now relate to Trump. Overall, Trump has seen a boost in his numbers since his first charge. FiveThirtyEight has recorded a nearly 12 %-point climb in his average GOP primary standing since March 2023, near 59 %. Real Clear Politics registered a similar uptick, reporting 57.5 % average support. Article

If you get your “news” and opinions from TV or from the mainstream media, you are drowning in an ocean of lies. Article

DISCOVERY IS A WONDERFUL THING: In the disbarment trial of Trump's attorney John Eastman, attorney Kurt Olsen testified about how expert Charles Cicchetti submitted a declaration in one of the 2020 election challenges where he calculated the odds of Biden winning the four contested states - GA, MI, PA & WI - as less than 1 in a quadrillion. POST. John Eastman discussing a report from the Georgia legislature which goes over dozens of the documented 2020 election problems. POST
SIMPLE, SAFE, SECURE: Oct. 15 was the presidential election in Ecuador where elections are on Sundays so everyone can vote. 13 M registered voters, paper ballots, hand counted, all results in hours. Post
Germany Refuses to Use Voting Machines Over Fears of Fraud, Will Only Use Paper Ballots
How did America conduct elections for over 200 years? - Simplicity of Hand Count Elections. A Conventional paper ballot, hand count election is not a radical solution to our election cybersecurity crisis. Over 24 Large Nations hand count elections including Argentina, Australia, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. These nations declare voting machines are easily hackable and pose a limitless, undetectable, and untraceable cybersecurity risk. Article
Voting in France: Paper ballots, cast in person; no machines
Clerks, it YOUR job to figure out how to run a precinct level hand count election. We are the people who want this type of system, so figure it out, figure out the cost and then let’s start spending money on local people instead of sending to say I don’t know UKRAINE? We are specifying the REQUIREMENT, please figure out how to do it. Article
CORRUPTED VOTING MACHINES! Let’s say you opened an account with a new bank and after a month, a machine generated statement arrives. The beginning balance is listed, and the ending balance is listed. But to your surprise, the transactional information is all missing, like what is going on with voting machines in the US. Article
What would a ballot look like that is DESIGNED to be counted by HUMANS?
VIDEO: Election Machine Vulnerability Exposed
Can America Enhance Its Election Integrity?
Conservative Parties Surge to Crushing Victory Over Labour Party in New Zealand Election
2024 Election to Be Most Expensive With Super PACs, Dark Money, and 'Trump Factor'
Conservative activist Scott Pressler has traveled across the country to rally Republicans to cast their votes and defeat the Left. Now his life’s mission to organize elections and change the political course of America. Video

Early voting is like showing your cards to your competition in a poker game
Illegitimate Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill into law - attorneys in California will be required to inform the bar if they know of any attorney who “engaged or conspired to engage in seditious conspiracy, treason, rebellion or insurrection, as defined by federal law.” Of course, this is only aimed at attorneys who don’t advance the Democrat agenda being promoted at the time.
This continues the nationwide efforts by Democrats to 1) Prevent Americans from questioning the fraud in the 2020 election AND all future elections; 2) Prevent Americans from finding attorneys to expose election fraud; and 3) Terrify attorneys from representing “certain” clients. This new bill falls right in line with the DOJ’s & FBI’s new category of “extremists:” Article
Smurfing Update: Use "%" before or after a name when searching using "CONTAINS" "BEGINS WITH" or "STARTS WITH". Go to www.electionwatch info then in the upper right click on "Smurf Search". Then click on "Advanced Smurf Search".
James O'Keefe / OMG Media: Mole inside ActBlue discloses secret conference held in Boston. O'Keefe questions ActBlue employees on FEC money laundering allegations. Months ago we found a handful of donors who donated small amounts to ActBlue, but when ActBlue reported the donations to the Federal Elections Commission, something didn't add up. Unaware retirees, among many others, were reported having given tens of thousands more than their actual donation. Post / Video

"The ‘Ranked Choice’ Scam: Alaskans know the truth about this confusing, coercive voting system"
Ranked "RIGGED" Choice Voting is a Disaster
“Ranked Choice Voting is a Scam that Destroys Integrity in Elections”
The Latest Election Scam: Ranked "RIGGED" Choice Voting
The 'Deepfake Election': How AI and Fake Content Could Influence 2024 US Contests
The impact of deepfakes on the 2024 U.S. election is already evident, experts say, calling for the public to be more aware of potential fake content. Article
WASHINGTON: Oct. 23, 2023: Attorney Joal Ard, Ard Law Group representing the Washington State Republican Party (WSRP), sent Litigation Hold Notices to Julie Wise, Director of King County Elections, Leesa Manion, King County Prosecuting Attorney and other public agencies involved in election administration in Washington State. - Link here RE: Retention of Documents Relevant to Litigation Concerning 2023 Primary Election.
Thank you to Mr. Ard - His litigation hold notices ordering KC Elections to not destroy the 2023 Primary Election records is necessary and important! It requires KC Elections to preserve all relevant data that may relate to legal action and ensures the documents relating to potential litigation are not destroyed and are available for the discovery process prior to litigation.
After litigation hold notices were delivered, WAGOP Chairman Jim Walsh issued the following statement:
“On behalf of all Washington voters, WAGOP is taking action to assure free and fair elections in our state. We must restore the people’s confidence and trust in our state’s elections. King County Elections has admitted it ‘swapped’ election-related computer hardware in a way that does not comply with state law and administrative code. That county agency now insists that the ‘swap’ had no effect on the primary election results. Whether that statement is true remains undetermined
“Elections officials in Washington need to follow the law. They need to be transparent and accountable for their actions. Holding county elections officials accountable is the Secretary of State’s responsibility. WAGOP asked the current WA Secretary of State to do so. He has not responded to our request. So, we may have to do his job for him.
“Washington Republicans are committed to making sure that every legal Washington voter’s vote counts. That ballots are counted fairly, legally and transparently. We’re not going to tolerate slipshod practices anymore. No more bins of ballots found after election day. No more dead people or people living in other states voting. This state’s elections must be clean. They will be clean. And WAGOP will do everything necessary to make sure that they are clean.” Article / Podcast
Congratulations to Election Integrity Advocate Glen Morgan who was awarded a Washington State Republican Party Volunteer of the Year Eagle Award last week at the WSRP 46th annual dinner. About 400 attended the event that also featured WSRP Chair and State Rep. Jim Walsh, Utah Congressman Burgess Owens and WA State Congresswoman Kathy McMorris Rodgers as featured speakers.

Recently the Democrat Controlled Washington State SOS paid $147,600 of tax-payer money to an overseas Artificial Intelligence (AI) company from the UK (with several offices also in India) to surveil anyone on social media that questions the lefts narrative about Free and Fair elections. The company named "Logically" (whose main funder was an expatriate Iranian) targets online social media posts and "Fact Checks" "Misinformation / Disinformation" - then publishes and sends out regular “Threat Alerts” and bi-weekly "Narrative and Threat Reports" to the SOS based on its AI algorithm preferences. Myself and WSRP State Chair Jim Walsh are top targets for censorship! This is in essence WA State Taxpayer funded Democrat opposition research / spying and election tampering via an NGO. The Leftist Orwellian Big-brother Surveillance State most obviously does not care about First Amendment Free-Speech!
Washington State’s New Censorship Plan
The Misinformation Disinformation Campaign - Information Warfare & Tactics
How Election Laws Are Being Broken in Washington State
Thurston CO Auditor Mary Hall Lied - Fraud Happening Here - How to Fix?
Glen Morgan Interview of Thurston CO Homeless Advocate Phoenix Holmes
Thank you to LoriLee Gates who is filing dozens of Voter Registration Challenges in Skagit County. WA Voter Research Project volunteers are working in many counties to assist Auditors in the maintenance of voter rolls by presenting anomalies via the process laid out in WA State law. We are finding the best way for "registered voters" who should not be on the rolls to be legally removed is by filing voter registration challenges per RCW 29A.08.810. To date LoriLee has filed 27 Voter Challenges and so far has about a 50% success rate in removing the "voters" off the rolls. Please be patient, many more challenges are being filed. This process is extremely labor intensive and expensive, requiring more than $5 for each piece of certified mail per RCW. Thanks to the Skagit County Auditor and Elections Dept. which has never done Voter Registration Challenges before.
Why does King5 News hide the truth about elections and voter rolls? Recent examples
Rantz: Media smears volunteers who found illegal voter registration. Some progressive reporters really don’t like it when you question election security or integrity. It should make you wonder why. KING 5 reporter Chris Ingalls has been seemingly obsessed with The Thurston County Voter Research Project (VRP). He’s covered the organization multiple times, committing longform coverage to their volunteer work. VRP is comprised of locals who hope to ensure elections are secure. This work includes updated voter rolls.
But Ingalls doesn’t seem to like the work volunteers are taking on. He derides these people as “Election Skeptics,” a silly term that doesn’t really even mean anything. Are they skeptical that elections take place? If so, what are they working to ensure are secure? Article
King County Elections Redacted... After a Secret Tabulation Server Swap KC Elections Director says that an emergency L & A test was not required as no changes were made to the ballot counting programming. The KC Elections argument is absolutely ridiculous, and they know it. KC Elections replaced the entire tabulation server and ALL programming that goes along with it. That is a 100% change to the ballot counting programming! Article

Julie (not so) Wise - if she has nothing to hide, why is she hiding so much with recent elections?
King County Elections - What the Heck are they doing after hours when nobody is looking? Why?
King County Elections Department caught making secret server swap in middle of election
King County Elections Server Switch - 2023 Primary
Rantz: Concern as Democrat director privately tested ballot tabulation server
VIDEO: Doug Basler, candidate for King County, Director of Elections
For 2023 King County Elections Director Race, candidates Julie Wise (incumbent) and Doug Basler (challenger) were scheduled to debate on 10/30/2023. Julie Wise had an unexpected family emergency and could not attend. Doug Basler and had a great night! VIDEO
Election Integrity wanted please! Vote Doug Basler for King County Elections Director!
VIDEO: Secret Server Swap - Julie Wise Lied!
VIDEO: What is King County Elections covering up today? Who Knows!
VIDEO: Who thinks there is a problem with elections?
Every counties’ races are important to controlling a state legislature, there are malevolent forces with global funding targeting your political parties including in WA State - Controlling voting outcomes is most easy w/electronic voting. Article
For the 2nd year in a row 3 WA counties go against state election security suggestion
Albert Sensors: Front Door to Sensitive Election Data?
Secure Your Vote program launches - WA State GOP Chairman (and State House Rep) Jim Walsh announced a new drive designed to encourage voting and increase numbers. Article
MARYLAND: Massive problems with the Maryland Board of Elections. The ES&S Electronic Voting Systems / Machines have never been properly or legally certified according to the established requirements under Maryland or Federal law. Article
Maryland Gets Caught In Election Fraud And Tries To Hide It
ARIZONA: The two counties with the BIGGEST discrepancies between their Election Day votes versus the Provisional Ballots that were accepted are Pima County (18%) and Maricopa County (15%). POST
GEORGIA: Bombshell Dominion 'Error Code' Uncovered in 97% of Georgia Counties
Open records requests reveal 64 of 66 Georgia counties have the same unsolved 'Tennessee Error' that caused seven scanners to miscount hundreds of ballots. Article
Georgia’s Hand Count of 2020 ballots was No Risk-Limiting Audit
Fact-check the obvious nonsense of Jenna Ellis’ plea-deal. Georgia has refused to allow anyone to review Fulton County's ballots — in defiance of the law to this very day — so election fraud is an established fact!
The GA voting machines are not even certified to be used in elections! Incredibly, 102 Georgia counties could not produce their drop box surveillance videos for the stolen 2020 election — and 72 counties were forced to admit that all those videos had been destroyed — election fraud is an established fact!
There's more than 300,000 ballot transfer forms missing in Georgia’s 2020 election, election fraud is an established fact! Vote-counting stopped on election night in 2020 in 6 swing states at the same time (which made international news headlines around the world) election fraud is an established fact! Don’t get confused the 2020 election was obvious and rampant and everywhere. Article
There's no evidence that Fulton conducted a complete and accurate hand count. Raffensperger admitted on Feb. 22, 2022, that Fulton's hand count had actually been "off by several thousand" because ballots were "counted twice." This is only 1 of 159 counties. In addition to fake entries there are batches missing. They forced a satisfactory match by adding fake entries. Post
MICHIGAN: Five Courts Have Concluded That MI SOS Jocelyn Benson Conducts Unlawful Elections
NORTH CAROLINA: North Carolina Republicans Override Democrat Governor’s Dishonest Veto Of Election Integrity Bills
LOUISIANA: Zuckerberg Suffers Defeat as another state bans Zuckerbucks. Zuck is finding his ability to intervene in U.S. elections is diminishing. Louisiana voters adopted a constitutional amendment prohibiting the use of private funds for election administration. The new amendment to Louisiana’s constitution was approved by 72.6% of voters states that “[n]o funds, goods, or services donated by a foreign government or a nongovernmental source shall be used to conduct elections unless provided for in the election code and subject to restrictions under general law.” LA becomes the 26th state to prohibit or restrict the use of private money in elections. It is the first to do so through a constitutional amendment. Article

HOW TO FIX ELECTIONS: Real Audits should be conducted by an agency / entity other than the election office; independent rather than election officials auditing themselves. Strict penalties for failure to cooperate with the audit / auditors. A system whereby every election office is subjected to a full audit every x number of years, and the audit targets should be drawn at random following the election. Risk limiting audits should be outlawed as those are not real audits and only confuse the public. A REAL TRANSPARENT AUDIT should consist of several components:
Compliance – did the election officials conduct the election in accordance with applicable law?
Financial – track every dollar as with any other financial audit
Reconciliation – did the number of votes certified equal the number of ballots equal the number of voters that voted.
Equipment and technology – review all technology, software, machines, and other equipment, including auditing the technology oversight to ensure vendors are not running the technology and that there is oversight of all equipment by election officials and the public. Transparency in technology is vital.
Levels of penalties for election offices and officials who fail the audits - up to and including removal / replacement – appointment of special masters, etc. for repeat offenders who fail audits.
OREGON: Oregon signs contract with AI-Powered threat intelligence platform to “combat election misinformation,” Spy on Citizens. Article
TEXAS: Texas Secretary of State audit finds Harris County officials violated election law. Audit found there were problems with the county’s voter registration data; the county failed to provide necessary supplies to polling places; and there were equipment issues and incomplete paperwork – all claims made by voters and in the lawsuits filed against the county. Article
The Most Expensive Judicial Race in US History Is Raising Questions - Under the microscope are multiple small donations from voters who say they didn't make such donations to Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Janet Protasiewicz. Article
VIRGINIA: NEW TV COMMERCIAL- Virginia Project: Election Integrity - Same day voting with voter id!
CONNECTICUT: A Superior Court Judge tossed out the results of a Sept. 12 primary in Bridgeport after video emerged showing a supporter of Democratic Mayor Joe Ganim stuffing multiple ballots, several different times in an absentee ballot drop box. Article
KENTUCKY: Why's Kentucky Worried About Mike Lindell? Suddenly it's illegal to monitor Wi-Fi connections in Kentucky according to one county official! Article
MAINE: Republicans Introduce Bill to Stop RCV from Rigging state's Elections
Rasmussen Reports: Extraordinary multi-state early morning vote count pause. The electronic vote results were in, and large batches of perfect counterfeit ballots were at the ready to back-fill the gaps for Biden to "win." This is why blocking audits was key. I don't think he used the WiFi network access to change the totals. He used the access to monitor the vote count so he could determine how many ballots he would need to add. This election was not stolen by changing the count. It was stolen by stuffing the box. POST
Dinesh D’Souza, Dan Bongino and Nick Searcy produced the documentary “Police State” to help us understand the what / why / when / who & how our precious Bill of Rights and other constitutional protections have been reduced to (almost) worthless pieces of paper.
The Police State is Here - Wake Up, America!
Police states are defined by certain general characteristics: 1) a highly centralized form of authoritarian government with few, if any constraints; 2) the prevalence of the state in all areas of socioeconomic life; 3) corrupt elections; 4) a state surveillance apparatus; 5) misinformation operations; 6) arbitrary detention without trial; 7) a militarized domestic police force employed for social control; 8) efforts to silence or censor dissent and the media; 9) a lack of respect for civil liberties and human rights and; 10) jailing, executing or assassinating political opponents.
Police State | Official Site (
Police State - A Film by Dinesh D'Souza
Interview - Dinesh D'Souza New Movie: How America Is Being Transformed Into a Police State
The US police state: Widespread Indoctrination of Schools, Surveillance of Citizens, State Controlled Media, Government Corruption and Propaganda, Censorship, Political Prisoners, etc. Americans are currently suffering under each of the items defined above. What we are seeing under the Biden Regime is a massive, and more obvious, acceleration of the police state, using virtually all tools and all federal agencies at their disposal to spy on, harass, persecute and terrorize the American people. Article

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Dinesh D’Souza conversation with Dave Rubin
Coordinated attack by Palestinian terror group Hamas Oct. 7 - Hamas gunmen took at least 239 hostages and killed at least 1,400 people during "Israel's 9-11" dawn raid.
Hamas, supported financially and militarily by Iran, flush with a windfall of 6 billion cash from Biden, is now free to continue about their business of waging proxy wars in the Middle East to its west and funding the continued destabilization of Afghanistan to its east. Also, there is a rise of Hamas terror cells operating in American cities. These HAMAS terrorists came across the US border and are planning to attack major US cities. HAMAS has directed their supporters in their telegram to retaliate against Americans for US support of Israel. Aricle / Article
Biden Faces Heat After Handing Out $6 Billion to Iran Amid Israel Attack
Under Biden: Unfreezing $6 billion in Iranian money in a 5-for-5 person prisoner swap, Iran began quietly expanding oil production to become the 3rd largest oil producer in OPEC. Why? The Biden Regime stopped "strictly enforcing its sanctions on Iranian exports" as part of its deal to retrieve five dual Iranian-US nationals. Biden and Blinken got played, again. Article
What is going to happen here in America when we have frauds that ran as Democrats acting like recruitment officers for Hamas? America, weak and divided, paralyzed by a phantom government’s total repudiation of its citizens and rule of law, has set the stage for carnage. Dems don't recognize our borders. We are no longer America and it’s unclear why we’re paying taxes other than to fund our own demise. Article
Liz Wheeler Video: Joe Biden to BLAME for Hamas Terrorist Attacks in Israel
HEARTBREAKING Story From Israel - Appalling Anti-Semitism from Democrats
Is the Hamas Attack Just the Tip of the Spear - Palestinian militants stormed the festival and opened fire as part of huge surprise attack on Israel. Eyewitnesses said the rockets were quickly followed by gunshots. "They turned off the electricity and suddenly out of nowhere they [militants] come inside with gunfire, opening fire in every direction. Fifty terrorists arrived in vans, dressed in military uniforms. People tried to flee the site, running across the sand and getting into their cars to drive away - but partygoers said there were jeeps full of gunmen, shooting at the cars. Article
Video shows civilians at an outdoor trance music festival, held in honor of the Sukkot festival, attempting to flee from Hamas militants. Many of these civilians were killed, and many were kidnapped and taken into Gaza by Hamas. POST
Hamas terrorists ordered to kill as many people as possible, target schools in attacks
FURIOUS CLASHES: Pro-Palestine and pro-Israel demonstrators confronted each other in downtown Kirkland. Residents say they have never seen this type of street violence between two opposing groups. POST
FURY AND ANGER - Wild scene erupting in downtown Kirkland. Pro-Israel protesters clashing with pro-Palestinian demonstrators. Cops with riot gear, total rage playing out in the middle of this quiet suburb outside of Seattle. I had to remind myself this is America, not the Gaza Strip - POST
Americans Celebrate Slaughter Of Jews - Hatred In Kirkland - celebrate the murder, rape, and kidnapping of innocent Jews. Appalling, but not surprising, display of hate in the Marxist Controlled State of Washington. Article
WAGOP Chairman Jim Walsh condemns Hamas attack on Israel; calls out AG Bob Ferguson for his silence on Kirkland violence. “Republicans and common-sense people all around the state condemn the violence perpetrated against the State of Israel and echoed in the recent street brawls here in western Washington. What happened in the Middle East—and then here in Kirkland—is violent extremism. As Chairman of the Washington State Republican Party, I call on all elected officials in this state to join me in condemning this violent extremism, at home and abroad.”
WA left-wing politicians and activists—including Jay Inslee and AG Ferguson—have been conspicuously silent about the domestic violent extremism taking place in Kirkland.
Ferguson’s silence is especially striking, because his office recently promoted and supported HB 1333 which aimed to prevent “domestic violent extremism.” Specifically, HB 1333 declared: “It is the intent of this [bill] to build upon the findings of the domestic terrorism study assembled by the Washington State Attorney General in 2022.” In turn, that “domestic terrorism” study said: “Domestic violent extremism encompasses various forms of extremist and political violence like threats, coercion, and intimidations….” Confronted with actual domestic violent extremism on the streets of Kirkland, the state’s left-wing politicians can’t find their voices. POST

Rantz: UW club honors ‘martyrs’ murdering Jews, president won’t say ‘terrorists’
American media have once again taken the side of the barbarians in their effort to exterminate the Jews. First it was the German Nazis and the media's coverup of the Holocaust, now it is the Hamas Nazis and spreading their propaganda to undermine Israel's support in the middle of war. Never forget. Article
Ex-Iran envoy Robert Malley was critical of Israel, has family ties to PLO
Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, a founding member of the far-left “squad” who has a documented history of anti-Semitism took to social media in a lengthy thread that accused Israel of a “war crime” Article
Tlaib loses cool when asked if Israel has right to exist
Oct 18, 2023, Rashida Tlaib organized an insurrection that broke federal law. She coordinated with Global Intifada and anti-Israel JVP. They all must be held in the DC gulag and Tlaib must be held accountable. They utilized an encrypted telegram channel called Global Intifada to communicate with people around the world including Hamas & Hezbollah. Post
Rep. Rashida followed Hezbollah’s orders for a “day of unprecedented anger. Article
The Hamas Caucus that Hates Israel: Talib, Omar, AOC - “These people do not want peace. They are pro-Hamas. They are the same Antifa, Black Lives Matter type protestors that have caused violence and riots all over the country.” - MTG Post
Violent Hamas Protesters Take Over Capitol Hill. Vandalism around the capital buildings - In addition to the protests and demonstrations, activists defaced the exterior of buildings on Capitol Hill with calls to "Free Palestine." Article
George Soros Funded the Pro-Hamas 'Insurrectionists' on Capitol Hill
The Left Is Now Telling Us (Ukrainian) Nazis Aren’t So Bad After All
Mayor of America’s First Muslim Majority City Council Declares ‘No Peace’ With Israel. The Mayor of Hamtramck MI – America’s first Muslim-majority city council – Amer Ghalib, responded to the events in the Middle East with a pro-Hamas message insisting: “Peace can never coexist with occupation and injustice, anywhere and at anytime." Article
KOMO-TV’s Joel Moreno was caught fabricating details about Seattle’s pro-Hamas rally. Roughly 1,000 pro-Hamas rallygoers took over Westlake Park Oct 14 to support Hamas, a terrorist group that slaughtered Jews, killing babies, raping women, and destroying kibbutzim. Moreno said the rallygoers were “calling for peace” and “humanitarian aid” in Gaza. But Moreno is being willfully dishonest. The rallygoers were chanting about wanting to destroy Israel. They even openly supported violence against Jews. Video / Article

KING 5 features Seattle business owner blaming Israel for suffering a terrorist attack by Hamas. The report is rabidly antisemitic, a one-sided take on the terrorist attack that you can reasonably question if it was actually produced by Hamas. Article
UW Seattle activist declares ‘we don’t want Israel to exist’
UW Seattle professor Megan Ybarra praised the terrorist attacks against Israel as “justice” during an anti-Semitic rally on campus. Ybarra said being outed for her hateful views means, “I have an evacuation plan every day I go to teach.” Article
Brandi Kruse: UW HATE FILLED RALLIES - Grotesque antisemitism on the @UW campus has been met with shocking silence from two of the university's alums Gov Inslee and AG Ferguson. Does anyone truly believe they would keep quiet if neo-Nazis were holding rallies at their alma mater? Video

Black Lives Matter CELEBRATES Hamas Terrorism. Black Lives Matter publicly declares its support for the Hamas terrorist groups, raising concerns about growing anti-Semitism in the United States. Liz delves into the motivations and societal influences driving this disturbing trend. Video
BLM sides with Hamas terrorists who slaughtered Jewish youths
Oops! AP Reporter Forgets To Remove Hamas Headband Before Going Live

Oct 9 Hundreds of pro-Hamas protesters stormed the Sydney Opera House lighting flairs and chanting “gas the Jews.” The anti-Semites also set fire to an Israeli flag. Article
Crowd heads towards the US embassy in Baghdad, Iraq chanting “America is the greatest devil.”
Hamas celebration in London - Calling for genocide of Jews
Democratic Congresswoman Displays Palestinian Flag Outside Her Congressional Office
Leftists Want the Same Massacre to Happen Here
Hamas didn’t just massacre 1,400 Israeli Jews. They may also have destroyed the Democrat Party. Biden’s “support” for Israel has splintered the party. His approval rating with DEMOCRATS is down 11% in a single month, to its lowest level ever. POST
After signing an executive order requiring his state’s Division of Emergency Management to assist Florida residents in Israel to return home, Gov. Ron DeSantis was on hand to welcome 270 evacuees, 91 of them children. Article
‘Wake Up, It Is a Time to Be Concerned’: FBI Director Wray: "Mutiple foreign terror organizations calling on attacks against Americans and Jewish Communities, including Iran backed militias and Hamas." Article / Video

HISTORY LESSON: The land of Israel has been populated by the Jewish people since 2000 BC. Here's the timeline, in case you didn't realize that it is their homeland, designated by God.
1900 BC: Abraham chosen by God as the Father of the Jewish Nation.
1900 BC: Isaac, Abraham's son, rules over Israel.
1850 BC: Jacob, son of Issac, rules over Israel.
1400 BC: Moses leads the people out of Egypt and back to Israel.
1010 BC: King David unites the 12 tribes into one nation.
970 BC: King Solomon, son of David, builds the first temple structure in Jerusalem
930 BC: Israel is divided into two kingdoms, the Kingdom of Israel and of Judah.
800s BC: The rise of the prophets, God's messengers.
722 BC: Kingdom of Israel is conquered by Assyrians.
605 BC: Kingdom Judah is conquered by the Babylonians.
586 BC: Solomon's Temple is destroyed by the Babylonians.
539 BC: Persians conquer the Babylonians and take control of Israel.
538 BC: The Jews return to Israel from exile.
520 BC: The Temple is rebuilt.
450 BC: Reforms made by Ezra and Nehemiah.
433 BC: Malachi is the end of the prophetic age.
432 BC: The last group of Jews return from exile.
333 BC: The Greeks conquer the Persian empire.
323 BC: The Egyptian and Syrian empire take over Israel.
167 BC: Hasmonean's recapture Israel, and the Jews are ruled independently.
70 BC: Romans conquer Israel.
20 BC: King Herod builds the "second" temple
6 BC: Jesus Christ is born in Bethlehem
70 AD: Romans destroy the temple
After that, the people were captives to the Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, and Crusaders. Through all of these events, the Jewish people continued to live in Israel. There were more or less of them, depending on the centuries, but there was never a time when the Jews didn't live in the land. They stayed, they built their communities, they raised their families, practiced their faith and they suffered at the hands of many outside rulers, but they always kept their faith. It is what sustains them, even now.
In 1948, the UN established the State of Israel, the nation of Jews. Don't buy the Palestinian lies that they are entitled to the land. It simply is not true. God will also provide a way for his chosen people to live in Israel, as He has for thousands of years. Pray for the people of Israel!

Gulag America: Biden DOJ convicts Doug Mackey for anti-Hillary memes
FBI losers brag about helping put a mother of 8 with no criminal record behind bars for almost 5 years. Imagine going thru Quantico only to take away women from their children over a broken window. Post
The scene in the Cannon House Office Building rotunda on Capitol Hill as Hamas sympathizers chant under a banner calling for a “CEASEFIRE.” Of note, demonstrations are not allowed in congressional buildings, per Capitol Police.
FBI Agents Turn on Bureau After Shielding Biden A coalition of former FBI agents have come together to express their concern about the “politicization” of the FBI positions that favor Joe Biden. The agents, each with more than 20 years of service, have noted several instances where the agency is operating on a partisan basis. Former Director James Comey and current Director Christopher Wray are both being accused by these agents of acting in a way that demonstrates a clear bias towards Biden; this includes inflating domestic violent extremism statistics, directing big tech companies to censor Americans and conducting an unprecedented raid on President Trump’s home while suppressing key details related to the Hunter Biden probe. We agree privately and uniformly that [the] FBI is heading in the wrong direction and has been too entrenched with partisan politics. Article
Former FBI agent Nicole Parker shared her views on these matters before Congress, raising concerns over how partisanship had infiltrated ongoing investigations used by the bureau. She also discussed recruitment policies. POST
Fascist Prosecution Law Fare Forcing Trump Attorneys to Take Guilty Pleas
Ellis knew her Fulton County jury will be made up of 12 Democrats who hate Trump and they will convict her for merely knowing Trump and will throw her in prison for years, if not decades. Article

SHOCKING: Hamas Insurrection in the U.S. Capitol, Plus Douglass Mackey Sentenced to Prison for a MEME. Pro-Hamas protestors wreak havoc at the U.S. Capitol, breaching the building and plunging the House into lockdown. Plus, man is sentenced to 7 months behind bars using a law from 1870 for posting a meme against Hilary Clinton on Twitter. Video / Article
Liberal DC AG with ties to dark-money giant accused of 'weaponizing' power to target conservatives
The federal judge overseeing the 2020 election interference case against Donald Trump in WA DC imposed an unconstitutional gag order on him. Article
More Evidence the FBI Planned the Jan. 6 Operation and Planted Documents Used Against Innocent Americans. It appears that the government itself is the author of the most incriminating and damning document in this case, which was mysteriously sent at government request to Proud Boy leader Enrique Tarrio immediately prior to January 6 in order to frame or implicate Tarrio in a government- created scheme to storm buildings around the Capitol. As such, Exhibit 528-1 and the government’s efforts to frame or smear defendants with it, constitutes outrageous government conduct. This is either entrapment or outrageous government conduct, or both. Article
Attorney Norman Pattis, who represented Rehl and Pezzola at their sentencing, said in an email after the notice was filed, “Merrick Garland is unhinged. Period. Call him the Inspector Javert of the DOJ. He should take up bungee jumping. This is no longer my government.”
U.S. to appeal sentences in Jan. 6 Capitol Case calling it an "Outrageous Abuse of Power.” These are already the longest sentences in American history for participating in a political demonstration, Congress was only delayed for 6 hours on January 6. The DOJ is engaging in overkill.
Prosecutors sought a term of 33 years for Joseph Biggs and Kelly sentenced him to 17 years. Prosecutors sought 27 years for Ethan Nordean, Kelly gave him 18 years. Prosecutors sought terms of 30 years and 20 years for Zachary Rehl and Dominic Pezzola; Kelly imposed terms of 15 & 10 years.
Nordean’s 18-year sentence equaled the term given to Rhodes, the second-longest Jan. 6 sentence, after Tarrio. Biggs’s and Rehl’s terms are the next longest of the more than 650 sentences handed down to Jan. 6 defendants so far. Article

When Will Democrats Assassinate Trump? They Have Tried Everything Else. Since at least July 2016, Democrats & the Deep State have been scheming & plotting to destroy Donald J. Trump. As his presidential administration accomplished one success after another for the everyday American, they single-mindedly continued their focus on getting him out of office, BUT NOTHING WORKED.
The Democrats continued to harass & persecute Trump after he left office for fear that he would again run for president. They knew he had a very good chance of winning. They ramped up their vengeance last fall after Trump announced his plan to run again in 2024. If seven years of continual, unrelenting persecution has not broken Donald J. Trump, financially, mentally, physically and/or spiritually, nothing will. The next step for Democrats is assassination. Article
Tucker Carlson Video: Donald Trump appeared in court, but it wasn’t a legal proceeding. It was a grotesque parody of the system our ancestors created. We are in the middle of a cultural and political revolution. Without a legitimate legal system people will not follow the law and the US will collapse, can the US be preserved?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: The Radical Left Judge who should not be handling the FAKE & FULLY DISCREDITED CASE brought against me by the New York State A.G. fined me $10,000 under his so-called gag order - He is a judge that found me GUILTY before the trial even started, and long before he had the real facts, like Michael Cohen collapsing and choking yesterday under cross examination, and completely admitting that I did nothing wrong. He committed MASSIVE PERJURY, at a level seldom seen on the stand before.” This case should be ended, NOW, but this Judge and his “boss,” Letitia Peekaboo James, will never let that happen. He even refuses to accept our big win in the Appeals Court. It is a disgrace to the legal system in the State of New York. This is a RIGGED CASE! POST

GOD’S MIRACLE: DONALD J. TRUMP - Will Trump Be The Last Republican President?
New poll shows Nikki Haley defeating Joe Biden by 4.3 points. Haley is capturing hearts and minds, and in the most recent quarter, 40,000 new donors were added and $11 million was raised. Haley has established her policies, both foreign and domestic and warning that the recent horrible aggression by terrorist savages in Israel should raise concerns in our country about our vulnerability to the same from our southern border. Article

DeSantis PAC blasts Haley’s ‘sympathetic’ remarks on Gaza refugees. In a new 30-second commercial, highlighting his calls to ban any refugees from Gaza, and it’s contrasting his remarks with a more nuanced approach voiced by U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley. Article
NEW IOWA POLL: Trump 43%, DeSantis and Haley 16%, Sen. Tim Scott 9%
New poll shows President Donald Trump is poised to win nearly every swing state in 2024. A survey from Bloomberg and Morning Consult shows that Joe Biden trails Trump in 5 of the 7 crucial swing states 13 months before the 2024 general election. When combining all 7 states, Trump leads Biden 47% to 43% and leads Biden by 5% in Georgia, 4% in Arizona, 2% in Wisconsin, 1% in Pennsylvania, and 4% in North Carolina. Trump and Biden are tied in Michigan. Article
RFK Jr. Comes out for Reparations and is Hammered by Conservatives

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin potential run for the 2024 Republican president nomination gets little encouragement from voters. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds only 19% of Likely U.S. Voters believe Youngkin should enter next year’s presidential campaign, while 55% think he should not, 26% are not sure. Article
In the Louisiana governor’s race, Republican AG Jeff Landry, supported by President Trump prevailed over a large field of rivals. As the GOP retakes the gubernatorial house for the first time in 8 years, the result represents a significant success for the party. Article / Video
FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried cracks under pressure on the stand as he struggles to answer questions and nervously reaches for water during brutal cross examination. The founder of failed crypto exchange FTX gave waffling and convoluted answers and nervously grabbed a water bottle under cross examination. Fried made the risky decision to testify after being blamed for the collapse of FTX by its top three former employees. Article
Tucker Carlson: Of all of Biden’s crimes, backing the Ukrainian government as it throws priests in jail may be the most revealing
Michigan Supreme Court Becomes First in Nation to Adopt ‘They’ Pronoun
CA Gov. Gavin Newsom has named a black lesbian from Maryland to replace the late Sen. Feinstein. Laphonza Butler is the head of the powerful Emily’s List – a leftist political action committee. She is also a radical pro-abortionist. “She will make history — becoming the first black lesbian to openly serve in the U.S. Senate,” Newsom said in said on Twitter. Article
Elite Private Schools in New York City are Owned by ‘Chinese Communist Party Boss’
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is Making Air Travel in the United States Less Safe
'Thought police': People who affirm biological sex are now 'Nazis'
'Moms for Liberty' Gains 120,000 Members in 2 Years in Fight for Parental Rights. They call themselves "Joyful Warriors" - since 2021, Moms for Liberty has enlisted more than 100,000 members from across the country with the goal of standing up for parents' rights at each level of government becoming a voice in the 2024 presidential election. Article
Video Interview - Victor Davis Hanson: Do we now live in a Communist Country?
Kash Patel shares his take on U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley’s bombshell letter to AG Merrick Garland that shows the FBI received information on possible criminal activity involving the Biden family from over 40 informants. “Any national security prosecutor like myself will tell you that usually you have a couple [of sources], maybe a handful, but 40? Four-zero? That’s the most I’ve ever heard of. That’s more than in mob cases and RICO cases,” says Patel. POST
Professor Emeritus Yasufumi Murakami of Tokyo University of Science: "It is almost certain that vaccines are contaminated with DNA. mRNA vaccines containing the DNA causes turbo cancers." The covid vaccines are expected to contain only mRNA. However, it has been proven that the vaccines contain considerable amounts of DNA and other substances that should not be present. There is no doubt about it now." POST
NEW BOOK: DECEPTION - The Great Covid Cover-up. Lockdowns, masks, vaccines, lab origins, US funding...Senator Rand Paul was on to Anthony Fauci from the start. Wielding previously unimaginable power, Fauci misled the country about the origins of the Covid pandemic and shut down scientific dissent. Paul presents the evidence that: The Covid virus was likely the product of gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab in China—research funded in part by the U.S. government.
Taxpayer dollars for that research were deceptively funneled to Wuhan without the required regulatory review.
Fauci and his scientific yes-men knew from day one about Covid’s origin and tried to cover it up.
Fauci and his allies ruthlessly attacked everyone—including highly qualified scientists—who threatened to reveal the truth about the pandemic.
Why? Hundreds of millions of dollars of grants and unreported royalties were at stake, and heads would roll if the truth got out.
It almost worked. At Fauci’s insistence, the government imposed needlessly extreme lockdowns on Americans at the cost of immense personal and economic destruction.
Covid-19 was deadly, but the real killer was the coverup, led by America’s most durable medical bureaucrat—a man for whom the truth was too often expendable. Paul makes a powerful case that funding dangerous bioengineering in a totalitarian country is madness. The next pandemic could be far worse. ORDER BOOK / MORE INFO

Joe Biden’s deputies welcomed at least one economic migrant into the United States during the last 12 months for every American newborn or high-school graduate. Roughly 3.5 million economic migrants crossed the southern border during the government’s October-to-September budget year, according to federal data released October 21. Article
Biden Has Failed to Remove 99% of Illegals, Released Over 2.1m Into U.S. The House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary and its Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement have produced new data showing the Joe Biden regime has “failed to remove, through immigration court removal proceedings, over 99 percent of those illegal aliens who have been released into the country” since the elderly Democrat took office. Article
VIDEO: Biden's DHS has Literally Welded the Southern Border Wall Flood Gates Open - Jeff Rainworth On The Invasion On The Border: "Everyone in the world is coming through"
Former LA Dodger baseball star Steve Garvey announced he is joining the California Senate race to succeed the late California Senator Dianne Feinstein. Article
Squad Anti-Semite Democrat Congressional Rep. Jamaal Bowman arrested / charged - Plead guilty to pulling fire alarm in House office building after lying and then caught on tape. He pulled this fire alarm ahead of a crucial vote as the GOP pushed a critical stopgap funding bill to avoid a government shutdown.

Behind the Curtain: Biden's horror shows. Public and private polls show brutally and stubbornly low popularity broadly. He's trailing President Trump nationally and in swing states — even though Trump was indicted four times on 91 felony counts and is spending many days in court. Biden gets crushed on his handling of immigration, crime and inflation — none of which will likely turn around in time to put a new spring in his step.
It's not death by one issue, but by half a dozen hitting at once. "The load-bearing wall breaks," one Biden official conceded. Many of Biden's own voters don't want him to run — a daunting design flaw for a re-election campaign. Biden's popularity with his own supporters hit a new low in a poll this past week. Democrats are divided over Israel. Article
VIDEO: Joe Biden almost fell on the stairs, once again

They know they cannot defeat President Trump in a free and fair election, so this year, besides all their election tricks and gimmicks to steal votes, the Biden administration charged Trump with 91 indictments and opened a Special Counsel on his holding classified documents in a locked room at Mar-a-Lago. Unlike the open garage where Joe Biden kept classified documents he was illegally holding as a U.S. senator and vice president. Special Counsel Jack Smith was hired as a Biden DOJ hitman to take out Trump. Article
The leftist biased Trump hating DC Judge reimposed a GAG ORDER to put Trump at a disadvantage against his prosecutorial and political opponents. This order, according to many legal scholars, is unthinkable! It illegally and unconstitutionally takes away Trump' s First Amendment Right of Free Speech, in the middle of his campaign for President, where he is leading against BOTH Parties in the Polls. Few can believe this is happening. How can they tell the leading candidate that he is seriously restricted from campaigning in a free and open manner? POST
Trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen, the key witness in a $250 million civil fraud lawsuit brought by Dem. New York AG Letitia James, admitted that the former president had never ordered him to falsify financial statements to artificially inflate his net worth. Article
Hearings in CO and MINN began this week to block Trump from presidential election under 'insurrection' clause. Regardless of what the courts decide in the cases, their rulings are likely to be quickly appealed. Rep. Lauren Boebert: "Any effort to keep President Trump off the ballot in Colorado or any other state are pathetic attempts at overturning the will of the American people. It has become clear that lawfare will be the Left’s preferred method of battle in 2024 and our job is to fight back against it at every turn. With the federal government so weaponized against our side, the need to take back the White House has never been so critical." Article / Post
President Trump: We won against Engoron in the Appeals Court, knocking out a big part of the case, but he then refused to accept their decision. He just said “NO.” He is often overturned, one of the most, and couldn’t care less. I don’t believe we even one a single motion during this entire excursion into the wilderness of CRAZY. The State won 100% of their motions, including the fastest trial date for such a case in memory, “with no extensions for anything.” I’m being “railroaded” at a level never seen before. Post
Trump prosecutor accused of creating 'full-blown constitutional collapse'- Fani Willis charged with using 'coercive power of the state' to attack Republicans. Article
How Utah Is Being Targeted by Leftists - The Progressive "Utah Model" Unelected Shadow Gov. Agenda Giving Up on Freedom and Embracing the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Video
Elon Musk slammed the European Union over its work with NewsGuard, an organization that is a significant component of the global internet censorship industry, calling the organization a “scam” that “ought to be disbanded.” Former Trump administration official Mike Benz, exposed the European Commission’s relationship with NewsGuard, which helped revise the EU’s “code of practice on disinformation,” which calls on tech and advertising companies to financially throttle accused publishers of “disinformation.” Article
Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders has officially banned woke terminology deemed anti-woman from official state documents. “They’re using nonsense words to erase women and girls, and more importantly, to erase our voices and experiences, today, we’re taking a stand against woke nonsense.” Article
Thank you to the Washington Policy Center that had Sebastin Gorka as a keynote speaker for their annual dinner in Bellevue. More than 1,000 people attended and the event was a huge success! Let the FBI know what you think of their illegal spying and election interference! Get Fascist Bureau of Intimidation Shirts at the Seb Gorka Store!
Thank you to the National Federation of Republican Assemblies (NFRA). At their annual conference they held a FBI J-6 Whistleblower panel exposing the truth as to what really happened on Jan 6th, 2021, and the events leading up to and after Jan 6th, 2021. Article

Saturday, November 4 from 1 PM to 4 PM at the Evergreen Branch Library - 9512 Evergreen Way, Everett, WA. there will be a public forum held "Life, Liberty & The Pursuit of Happiness" featuring WSRP State Chair and State Rep. Jim Walsh. More info (509) 899-5058

Saturday, November 11 2023, from 1 PM to 3:30 PM at the State Capitol in Olympia there will be a Day of Prayer and Worship on behalf of the State of Washington. Event will be held in the Columbia Room 416 Sid Snyder Ave SW. Organized by the Light of the World Prayer Center, Daniel's Prayer Ministry and Global Family 24-7 Prayer. More Info Contact: Bill Richardson: (971) 274-1708

The Skagit Republican Woman's Group meets at 10 AM Tuesday, November 7 at the Freedonia Grange 14245 McFarland Rd, Mount Vernon. For more info contact Connie Miller (360) 202-7575 or email
The next SCRP Central Committee Meeting will be in-person at the MV Freedonia Grange from 10 AM - 11:30 AM Saturday, November 18. Special Guest will be Former WA State Rep. Luanne Van Werven, Chair for Congressional District 2 Ron DeSantis for President Campaign. For More Info on the campaign email: or call (360) 319-3761.
For more info on all SCRP events please see Events Page or email or call (360) 820-1700.
Respect & Blessings,
Bill Bruch, SCRP Chairman
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