January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


This week we are moving our SCRP office to Mount Vernon at 2114 Riverside Drive, Suite 206. The new location is close to I-5, near College Way, just north of Max Dales Restaurant in the Village Square Office Park.

Our new Village Square office is much better suited for us; a more professional space and newer building with more parking and more privacy. It is a large 840 sq.feet, with a kitchen and private bathroom. There is a nice reception area with three additional rooms, plus a conference room.

We welcome your visit and are open Monday - Friday from 10 AM to 2 PM at the Village Square location (signs coming soon). In 2023 our monthly PCO / Central Committee meetings will be from 10 AM to 11:30 AM the 2nd Saturday of each month at the Freedonia Grange 1225 McFarland Rd, Mount Vernon (where the Skagit Republican Women's group meets). 

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


PLEASE NOTE: The SCRP Organizational meeting will be held from 10 AM to 11:30 AM Saturday, January 14, 2023 at the FREEDONIA GRANGE 1225 McFarland Rd. (MAP). For those that can't make it in person a Zoom link will be emailed out. For more information please email or call me, Chair@skagitgop.org / (360) 820-1700.

The Skagit Republican Women's group will also be working out of our new Village Square location 10 AM - 2 PM Mon - Fri. Their next regular monthly meeting is Tuesday, January 3 from 9;30 AM to Noon at the Feeedonia Grange 1225 McFarland Rd. State Rep. Jim Walsh is a guest speaker. For more information email new President Connie Miller: Condon92@hotmail.com.

A Huge Thanks to Brian Heywood, Lets Go Washington and Everyone who helped with the 11 Citizen Initiatives! The 400,000 signatures needed for each of the initiatives was a monumental  task but indications are we may be close on a few. MORE INFO SEE: LetsgoWashington.com

One of our initiatives I-1474, to enable law enforcement to pursue criminals, was written because the law is on the side of the criminals, also the cost from crime and the costs to secure assets when law enforcement is unable to act, are passed on to consumers. The WA State Legislature should adopt recommended changes in I-1474. Article

Become an Effective Political Activist in 2023!

Work with a team to stop bad legislation
Understand the most effective action to take at each step in the lawmaking process
Promote good legislation
Have a more positive relationship with your legislators MORE INFO HERE!

The 2023 legislative session begins Monday, January 9. The legislative sessions in WA State are two-year cycles. The first year, which is the long session (about 105 days), takes place in odd-numbered years and is primarily focused on the budget. Hundreds of other bills are considered and passed, but the budget is the critical legislation.

The second year, are even numbered years (about 60 days). While there is usually a small supplemental budget bill passed, the short session focuses on other policies. A bill that is considered in the long session but didn’t pass will come back in the 2nd session to be considered further. 

Here are some 2023 bills that have already been introduced:

SJR 8202 
This bill would amend the State Constitution to address reproductive freedom (enshrining abortion into the Constitution).

SB 5082
Removing Advisory Votes from the ballot.

SB 5072
Advancing equity in programs for highly capable students (expect lots of “equity” bills this year). 

SJR 8200
Amending the Constitution so that any road-usage tax (mileage tax) collected would have to go towards roads rather than the general budget.

SB 5068
Dedicating the state sales tax on motor vehicles to transportation rather than the general budget.

SB 5037
Ensuring that the Washington state energy code may not prohibit the use of natural gas in buildings.

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


WA State's gas prices are the 4th highest rate in the U.S. - We trail only Nevada, CA, and Hawaii. The exorbitant cost is due to our high gas taxes, and the price will shoot up this month. WA state's average price per gal. was $3.88 last week. Texas is the lowest average in the U.S. at $2.64. Our prices will rise sharply in 2023 due to newly implemented Dem taxes. Article. It will be a total of $0.95 cents per gallon just for the Washington State tax, along with the Federal tax for a total of $1.14 per gallon just in taxes. WA State will soon be the highest gas tax in the U.S. Article

Inslee’s proposed Budget: No Tax Relief for Washington's Taxpayers!

One of the most basic ways Conservatives are different from Progressives is centered around the idea of taxation and government spending. Conservatives believe some limited taxation is fine—usually for national defense and interstate commerce. Progressives ruthlessly increase taxation at every opportunity. Inslee is no exception and recently released his 2023-2025 proposed budget, which will continue his quest to rapidly grow the size and cost of state government. This budget is 12% larger than the last state budget. The Marxist Governor thinking harms everyone except for the grifters who get special deals from the progressive policy makers. Article

Why is it ok to celebrate LGBT Pride and wear a Black Lives Matter button throughout your day as a King County employee - But not show a nativity set or menorah on your digital workspace or your home office? King County Human Resources warned employees not to decorate their workspaces with overtly Christmas or Hanukkah decorations. They fear decorations may offend employees. Article

The Washington Policy Center and Center of the American Experiment published a joint analysis titled “The High Cost of Removing the Lower Snake River Dams." Their initial estimate for destroying the LSR Dams comes to at least 34 Billion, and the estimate doesn't even address impacts to river transportation, agriculture and tourism. Article / Video

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


As insane and bad as the Socialist/Democrat control is here in Washington, it actually may be worse in California - WORD OF CAUTION: Oftentimes what begins in California ends up Washington State - Here are a few new 2023 CA laws being enacted:

Jaywalking (AB 2147)

Under the new “Freedom to Walk Act,” pedestrians will no longer be fined for crossing the street outside of designated intersections or crosswalks unless the person causes a hazard on the street.

Supporters of the law state that it will reduce inequitable policing toward certain racial groups. Some also suggest that the law will encourage more people to walk instead of drive.

Opponents worry that it will lead to more accidents and ultimately cause more pedestrian deaths.

COVID Misinformation (AB 2098)

This law allows doctors to face discipline for spreading so-called misinformation or disinformation about Covid-19—including information about vaccine effectiveness and other treatments—and categorizes it as unprofessional conduct.

Physicians and surgeons are regulated by the CA Medical Board. Under current law, the board deems what is "disinformation" and is required to act against any licensed doctor who is charged with "unprofessional" conduct.

Criminal Records (SB 731)

At least 225,000 Californians with prior convictions or arrests will be able to have their records automatically sealed from criminal background checks due to a new law.

While these records will be automatically sealed once people complete their sentence and go four years without new arrests, others will be able to petition a judge to have theirs sealed.

In CA, there are around 8 million people that have criminal records.

Loitering (SB 357)

A new California law decriminalizes loitering for the intent to engage in sex work prostitution.

Also known as the “Safer Streets for All Act,” the law was introduced last year Democrats saying it “eliminates an anti-loitering offense that leads to harmful treatment of people for simply ‘appearing’ to be a sex worker.”

However, opponents said that the law will place the community at risk by encouraging higher numbers of prostitutes and “Johns” in public. Los Angeles Sheriff Department officials also stated it will take a major tool away from law enforcement, especially for targeting sex buyers.

Five Radical, Woke California Laws Go Into Effect Today

33 More Crazy California Laws

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


The American Constitutional Republic died in Arizona from yet another stolen election, the kill shot being administered by Maricopa County Super Court Judge Peter Thompson, who expectedly dismissed gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake’s lawsuit despite overwhelming evidence of election law violations and malicious intent. Article

The judge predictably held a sham trial that on the surface looked fair to the general public that doesn't know any better, but to legal minds was a travesty of justice. Judge Thompson only gave two days for a trial and issued his ruling immediately afterwards, even though he could have taken several days, and it was one of the biggest, most important cases in the country. Legal experts believe his decision was ghostwritten under fear of his life, and suspect left-wing attorneys like Marc Elias emailed him what to say.

Kari Lake - Biggest Threat Ever to the Machine: "You can tell by the way they stole the election. What they did in the election. That they had to stop me. And when they're stopping me they're stopping us. Because my whole campaign, our campaign, was about We the People." 

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


The judge explained away many disturbing election anomalies as accidents or mere coincidences. He ignored the vast majority of them. Even with the higher burden required by Thompson, well-known lawyer Viva Frei, whose real name is David Freheit, said Lake’s team showed there was intentionality and believed the case was a slam dunk.  

It was clear Thompson was going to rule against Lake, throwing out 8 of her 10 claims, which included observers’ testimony that 90% of mismatched signatures were accepted. In doing so, he trivialized important, good-faith arguments about constitutional and civil rights.

Thompson completely ignored all the voters who saw the long lines and gave up trying to vote, as if they didn’t count. Considering over half of the voting locations in Maricopa County were affected, and were almost all in heavily Republican areas, this was no small disenfranchisement! Article

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Kerri Lake: “We provided expert testimony. We provided experts. The other side brought in activists to try to save face. They admitted that they’ve known about these ballot problems. Their ballot problems. Our lawyers proved without a shadow of a doubt that there was malicious intent that caused disruption so great it changed the results of the election, my election case provided the world with evidence that proves our elections are run outside of the law. This Judge did not rule in our favor. However, for the sake of restoring faith and honesty in our elections. I will appeal his ruling."

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


THE TRUTH IS ALWAYS THE TRUTH: We also learned that 19” ballots were purposely printed on 20” paper, causing mass chaos with tabulators rejecting them county-wide! Lake’s attorneys pointed to a witness who found that 14 of 15 duplicate ballots he had inspected on their behalf had 19-inch images of the ballot printed on 20-inch paper, meaning the ballots wouldn’t be read by a tabulator. The witness testified that such a change would have required pre-meditation and a change to printer configurations affecting where the ovals ended up on the paper. The tabulators use a digital map to know where to look for votes. If the ovals aren’t where they belong, the tabulator won’t be able to find them, or will misread them. This problem coincidentally happened in mostly known Republican precincts and caused the tabulators to improperly read ovals, or not be able to read the ballot at all. 

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Since Republicans overwhelmingly voted in person on Election Day, they were disproportionately affected and disenfranchised by election officials on purpose. This amounted to a massive violation of voters’ constitutional rights, which requires equal protection under the law. This issue didn’t affect the Democrat-leaning, mail-in ballots (where Ghost Voters are used). Article

Another expert testified that the problem ballots with wrong size image were only seen in Election Day ballots, and there are only two ways for the 19 inch image to have been projected onto the 20 in ballot which would cause tabulator errors. Both methods require an administrator to change. This did not happen by chance or error. IT WAS PREMEDITATED FRAUD! It’s worth noting that hand counting would not be affected in the slightest by a skewed ballot. Get rid of the machines! 

Hobbs Ignored All Press And Public Debates Because She Knew She Could Steal It From The Start

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter




Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer Lied Under Oath That He Did Not Create A PAC That Opposed Kari Lake. However Exposed Screenshots of Now Deleted Tweets of Richer Announcing The PAC, Plus News Articles Reporting Richer's PAC Say Otherwise. Looks Like Richer May Have Perjured Himself. Tweet   

Reynaldo Valenzuela Director of Elections (Mail-in Voting & Election Services) of Maricopa County struggles to reconcile numbers and chain of custody on witness stand

Maricopa County Attorney Tom Liddy, who cooperated with Perkins Coie and corrupt Hillary Attorney Marc Elias to defend the 2022 Election results in Lake v. Hobbs, gave a contemptuous closing argument during the final day of Kari Lake’s trial

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Shady Democrat Operative Ryan Macias Reads from Script on Zoom In Kari Lake's Election Trial - DAMNING Evidence Against Him Presented During Cross-Examination. Article

Kari Lake Expert Witness: Missized Ballots That Caused Election Day Chaos Could Not Have Been An Accident

Kari Lake Trial: Election Day Chaos in Maricopa County Was Enough to Change the Results

Maricopa County Attorney Goes on Bizarre Rant, Says to Thousands of Disenfranchised Voters from Election Day WE ELECT RULERS and “You Reap What You Sow”


January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Omnibus and military bills rife with fraud, deception, and abuse. In the midst of a global recession that they helped to facilitate, Congress has decided to pass a $1.7 trillion dollar record-breaking omnibus bill - this comes on top of the record-breaking $858 billion “defense” budget passed last month. Article

2022: A Year of Economic Pain - Biden inflicted an economic "Annus Horribilus" -- and pensions are at risk

Economist warns under Biden's leadership, the 'recession sky is darkening' follows newest report of surging unemployment claims. That's according to a chief economist who commented after reports that continuing unemployment claims at the end of Nov. rose by 62,000 to 1.7 million.That word from the Labor Department was accompanied by a notification that new applications for unemployment benefits surged by 4,000 to 230,000. Article

BIDEN ECONOMY: The DOW Incurs Worst Year Since 2008, NASDAQ Incurs Worst Year Ever – If You Add in Bonds, It’s the Worst Year Since 1871!

Biden Economy Far Worse Than 1931!

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


‘New Regime’ Deliberately Causing Recessions,’ Warns BlackRock; Digital Currency Agenda Accelerates 

US Government in Full Scale Implosion Because of Corruption 

President Trump unveiled his free speech policy, vowing to hold those who push censorship accountable. The policy includes promises to fire any federal official engaging in censorship and bar federal funds for universities that censor speech. Trump noted, “the censorship cartel must be dismantled and destroyed. In recent weeks, bombshell reports have confirmed that a sinister group of Deep State bureaucrats, Silicon Valley tyrants, left-wing activists, and depraved corporate news media have been conspiring to manipulate and silence the American People, the censorship cartel must be dismantled and destroyed — and it must happen immediately.”  Article / Video

Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema announced that she left the Democratic Party, driven out by "extreme voices" driving the party "toward the fringes." Sinema, who started out with the Green Party, is now an "Independent," but is still trying to push through a bill granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. Article

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


The Political Flips Begin – West Virginia Democratic Senator Joins Republican Ranks

Knowing the Enemy and the Battlefield: The Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is the key coordinator of illegal government censorship. Its original directive was to defend the U.S. against foreign cybersecurity threats. Now, CISA’s primary focus is Americans who challenge the government narrative.

CISA works with a collective called the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP), which does the actual censoring. The EIP consists of four social media monitoring groups: Stanford Internet Observatory, Washington University’s Center for an Informed Public, the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab, and Graphika. Article

Suspected FBI Informant Texted Nephew Saying He “Orchestrated” January 6th

In a newly released text message from the January 6th findings, suspected FBI informant Ray Epps was revealed to have texted his nephew saying he “orchestrated” the January 6th riot on the Capitol.

“I was in the front with a few others. I also orchestrated it,” Epps said to his nephew.

In case you don’t remember, Epps had to admit under oath because much was caught on camera. He is the man who is suspiciously being protected by the January 6th committee even though he can be seen on camera encouraging people to storm the capitol. Other people are still rotting in prison for far less...

Tucker Carlson recently blew the whistle on Epps in this must-see video: Article

Ray Epps Admits He Orchestrated Jan. 6 In Court Documents [VIDEO]

IT WAS A SETUP AND THEY GOT CAUGHT! House GOP members found texts and emails from Pelosi staffers proving they FORCEFULLY DECREASED J6 security measures despite objections from Capitol Police and Sergeants at Arms. Rogan O’Handley posted a text message from Nancy Pelosi’s staff secretly editing the J6 security plan for the US Capitol and then telling the House Sergeant at Arms to “please act surprised” when the final draft was published. Article / Video

Many Democrats ultimately want to do away with elections. They’re doing it in front of our faces. They really are. They are attempting to win elections without broad public support. That’s what they’re trying to do. How do you win elections without broad public support? You cheat. Article

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


A Stolen Country – The US Elections And What Comes Next

Captain K's Corner - Ten Bold Predictions for 2023


There is a big difference between “votes” and “ballots" - The Republicans focus on winning votes; the Democrats focus on gathering ballots - The Ballots Won! When election day became election month, mail-in ballots replaced in-person voters, the world changed forever. Democrats drove states to change laws, increase voting days, and loosen voter standards. RINO Republican leadership dozed...

Democrats, leftist non-governmental organizations, Big Tech invented every conceivable way to manipulate the ballot process: collect ballots, drop into streetside bins, fill them out if the voter doesn’t. This Democrat ballot-gathering strategy works!

The raw material of the ballot-gathering strategy is the phantom voter or address. Every ballot needs to tie to someone – even if only a name on a list.

Live, votable ballots accumulate at addresses where the indicated voter does not reside. Those ballots gathered, are the inventory of electoral victory. He who gathers them can vote them.

The ballot-gathering system was frictionless until 2020. Thousands of phantom addresses inhabited every state’s voter list. Article

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Clever Leftists built a national system, ERIC, now used by about 31 states, to make sure voter rolls protected phantoms. Using in-your-face messaging, ERIC claimed it was a resource to keep voter rolls clean. After 2020, everything changed. Article

Cleta Mitchell of the Public Interest Legal Foundation reports on the states who use ERIC, which was an originally Soros-funded entity, providing virtual food and clothing to phantoms. ERIC is a totally faked-out entity giving electeds cover for keeping phantoms on the voter rolls. Article

“Rigged” Choice Voting is terrible - It is terrible regardless of party - It is terrible regardless of who won or lost! It is very confusing to understand — making it easy for its proponents to promote. This great “primer” by Honest Elections Project lays out the dangers of this bad election policy that baffles and discourages voters, results in countless ballots being discarded, and gives party establishments a chance to run decoy candidates to manipulate election results. Article

During every election in Washington, tens of thousands of ballots are rejected because ballot envelope signatures are flagged as not matching how they’ve looked in the past. A new lawsuit seeks signature rejections as unconstitutional, pointing to data suggesting they’re subjective, error-plagued and disproportionately disenfranchise young people, people with disabilities and people of color. The lawsuit was filed in King County Superior Court by three leftist groups. Vet Voice Foundation, Washington Bus and El Centro de la Raza. Three King County voters whose ballots were rejected because of signature challenges also are plaintiffs.

The 39-page complaint names as defendants Washington Secretary of State Steve Hobbs, King County Elections Director Julie Wise and two members of the King County canvassing board.

Dem Stronghold Perkins Coie is arguing that the signature verification is flawed and their remedy is to completely get rid of signature verification?

OK, then how about going back to having precinct only polling centers where ID is required in order to personally deposit the ballot at the polling place and ensures the ballot being cast is from a valid voter. And then provide absentee voting for limited cases only to minimize the risk of flawed sig verification. Article

FBI Implicated in Twitter Files - Musk reveals shocking collusion between government and big tech has now uncovered direct involvement by the FBI in influencing election discourse in the aftermath of the crooked 2020 election. Per Matt Taibbi: "Twitter’s contact with the FBI was constant and pervasive, as if it were a subsidiary and a coordinated effort to change the so-called outcome of the 2020 election. The FBI sought to manage information operations surrounding that election and shape a narrative that elections in the United States are more secure than ever, and not in need of reform, as most Americans believe.Article

Elon Musk facing death threats and attacks by lamestream media over his efforts to restore the freedom of speech on Twitter. Musk said "This is a battle for the future of civilization. If free speech is lost even in America, tyranny is all that lies ahead."

Elon Musk did not just buy a company, he purchased a crime scene! RELEASED DOCUMENTS SHOW ELECTION RIGGING - US Government and DNC Officials tells Twitter what and who to censor VIDEO

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter



President Donald Trump referred to the new information as “a coordinated effort to change” the so-called outcome of the 2020 election.  The FBI sought to manage information operations surrounding that election and shape a narrative that elections in the United States are more secure than ever, and not in need of reform, as most Americans believe.

Twitter Files Overshadow The Bigger Scandal: FBI Lied To Tech Giants To Interfere In Election!

Elon Musk Unveils the 2020 Twitter Censorship Machine

“Judicial Watch found the CA Sec of State was going through Twitter to take down material about election integrity. The Biden admin also still has special access to Twitter to censor material!” Video

Out of all the Election Integrity accounts Elon could have unbanned, one of them with the most posts were on the 2020 steal - Chants of FoxNews Sucks at the November 7, 2020 Trump Rally In Phoenix, AZ

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Documents Uncover Secret Twitter Portal US Government Used to Censor COVID-19 Content

Twitter files reveal 'Sinister' Plot to Silence the American People

The "Twitter Files" has been an endless deluge of documents detailing the behind-the-scenes censorship and targeting operations that occurred against conservative accounts at Twitter. Article

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Twitter Files Reveals Big Tech Collusion with CIA, Pentagon, State Department. In the 9th installment in Elon Musk’s “Twitter Files” series, it was revealed that not only did the Big Tech platform directly coordinate with the FBI to censor conservatives, but that the FBI was the gateway for the platform to begin working with other government agencies as well. Article

In this episode of Kash’s Corner, we dive into the latest installments of the “Twitter Files,” from Twitter blacklists to employees having access to direct messages to the play-by-play of how Trump was banned from Twitter. Video

MORE DEEP STATE LIES: FBI Hid Hunter Biden Laptop, Refused to Investigate It, Said They Lost It… And NOW SAY They Did Not Push Big Tech to Censor It


January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


VIDEO: Elon Musk Says the DNC & Twitter Definitely Committed Election Interference, Media is Complicit in Lying to the American Public

Musk says Twitter was 'arm of DNC' and Hunter Biden story ban was 'election interference'

Twitter Ban Of Trump Came After Pressure From Michelle Obama And Others

Elon Musk Releases Twitter Files Exposing Secret Blacklists

The FBI Has Lost All Forms of Trust and Credibility After 'Twitter Files' Revelations

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Elon Musk Exposes Real Reason Twitter’s Censored Former President Donald Trump. The third volume of the “Twitter files” showed the social media platform’s censorship and deplatforming of President Donald Trump.

The disclosure revealed that Twitter executives used the platform’s formidable “visibility filtering” powers against Trump ahead of the 2020 U.S. elections and that engagement with the FBI intensified before Trump was permanently suspended.

The report titled “The Removal of Donald Trump,” is the first of three specifically examining the actions of Twitter executives during the period from October 2020 to when Trump was deplatformed on Jan. 8, 2021.

Internal Slack chats at Twitter reveal that engagement between the company’s executives and federal law enforcement and intelligence organizations surged during this period. Article

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Woke Career Law Enforcement Appointees Worked Hand In Hand With Twitter To Steal The 2020 Election

VIDEO: Elon Musk LEAKS PROOF Democrats Colluded With Twitter To Win 2020 

Elon Musk@elonmusk Tweet Reply regarding Bankman Fried: That’s just the publicly disclosed number. His actual support of Dem elections is probably over $1B. The money went somewhere, so where did it go?

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Tweets deleted by Twitter at request of 'Biden team' DO appear to be photos of Hunter smoking crack from laptop 

Twitter owner Elon Musk has now submitted that SBF in fact funded Democrats closer to the tune of $1billion and is asking where that money went

FTX Founder Sam Bankman-Fried Says He Can’t Account for Billions Sent to Alameda

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Bankman-Fried’s shop was given special treatment on FTX. Alameda Research was allowed to exceed normal borrowing limits on the FTX exchange since its early days, Sam Bankman-Fried has said, in a concession that illustrates how the former billionaire’s trading shop enjoyed preferential treatment over clients years before the 2022 crypto crisis. Article

FTX and the Curious History of Farmington State Bank. Since FTX’s collapse, a tiny bank in rural Washington has come under heavy scrutiny for the role it may have played in the crypto exchange’s fraudulent activities. Article

FTX Bankruptcy Means $73 Million in Political Donations at Risk of Being Clawed Back

Sam Bankman-Fried’s Connection To Biden’s White House Revealed

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Prosecutors: FTX Founder Bankman-Fried Made ‘Tens of Millions’ in Illegal Campaign Donations

Federal Prosecutors Indict Sam Bankman-Fried On Eight Counts Of Fraud

Sam Bankman-Fried Arrested Hours Before Scheduled Congressional Testimony. The timing for the arrest is convenient for Bankman-Fried — the disgraced former CEO was scheduled to appear via video from the Bahamas before the House Committee on Financial Services after agreeing to testify during the hearing seeking more information on the collapse of FTX...WHAT ARE THEY TRYING TO HIDE??? Article

Sam Bankman-Fried's girlfriend and a co-founder of FTX have pled guilty to criminal fraud charges and are cooperating with feds

EC’s Indictment of FTX’s Bankman-Fried Released – Any Mention of the AMOUNT of Donations from FTX to Politicians is Omitted 

Justice Department Faces Questions After Effectively Preventing Bankman-Fried From Testifying In Congress

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


REVEALED: Katie Hobbs' office contacted Twitter to censor posts Katie Hobbs’s office contacts Twitter to have posts removed! So, the Dem candidate, who ran the AZ election, censored her political opponents, disrupted Election Day votes, and then threatened counties with prosecution if they didn’t declare her the winner.

Tucker Carlson: "Staffers for the Secretary of State of Arizona, ordered by gubernatorial candidate and then-Secretary of State Katie Hobbs directed censorship through CISA...this is illegal. This is a crime. A crime against our Democracy."

PROOF: Crooked Secretary of State Katie Hobbs Had Twitter Silence Her Critics in Arizona – Prior to Gubernatorial Run – Data From MO vs. Biden

Runbeck CEO Serves as Board Member with Newly Elected Speaker Toma’s Brothers - Arizona's new GOP Speaker of the House has family links to Runbeck, the shady ballot company at the center of Kari Lake's historically unprecedented election fraud lawsuit

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai Uncovered Twitter’s “Partner Support Portal” Used by Democrats, Govt. Officials, and Twitter Associates to Censor Conservatives

The National Association of State Election Directors (NASED) Worked with the UN, Twitter, State Govts and Non-profits to Prevent Free Speech and Impact the 2020 US Election

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Wisconsin Republican Senator Ron Johnson is reacting to the "Twitter files" by pointing out another kind of corruption they expose. "As troubling or maybe even more dangerous is the corruption that we've uncovered in federal law enforcement, our intelligence agencies as well as the complicit and corrupt media. Those I think are even larger stories that really threaten our democracy to a far greater extent, "there's a much much larger story here that's now being revealed." Article

Kash Patel Slams Wray And Barr For Perpetrating Dual Justice Systems That Protect America's Elite

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Tucker Carlson Video: What we learned from 'The Twitter Files' 

It’s not just Twitter — how Facebook, Google and other Big Tech companies censor us

Christina Bobb Calls Out Arizona Election Officials

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


69 % of Democrats surveyed believe that Arizonans were denied the “sacred right to vote” due to the Election Day polling site problems that happened in Maricopa County leading to hours-long lines. 65 % of Democratic respondents in the Rasmussen Reports survey agreed it likely affected the outcome of the U.S. Senate race in Arizona between Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly and Republican candidate Blake Masters. Article

71% of Americans Say Our Elections Are Rigged!
Congrats to America's national security state for destroying the credibility of our republic. Congratulations to the Biden regime — and to America’s national security state which installed Joe Biden in the White House — for convincing 71% of Americans that our elections are rigged!

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


It only took six years for the FBI and the CIA and the NSA and DHS to subvert our Constitutional Republic so publicly that the vast majority of Americans now believe that we live in a techno-fascist oligarchy with a permanent bureaucracy of left-wing activists in charge of the federal government.

That’s a titanic shift in public opinion without parallel in the history of our nation. 

That’s why the Biden regime’s sudden plunge into totalitarianism includes allowing Democrat candidates for office like Katie Hobbs to silence their Republican opponents during election campaigns on Twitter. Article

Liz Wheeler: If we do not adequately secure our elections, then it does not matter what kind of candidate we run or what kind of platform we offer to voters, we will continue to lose playing by the rigged rules by the left. Video

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


HOW THEY ARE CHEATING: There are two sets of books - One is election rolls that everyone sees - The hidden set of books contains the ballot and phantom and address inventory. These ingredients win elections. NGOs, leftist entities like homeless shelters, churches, and other groups sponsor registration drives whose registrants are frequently people of no known address who will depart the area shortly after their registration is complete.

Remember The Voter Fraud Group ACORN that made national headlines? A few people got dinged but the rest changed organizations and went back to work. We ran the voter registration rolls against church addresses in a dozen states and found thousands of people registered at one address...

The leftist objective is not to build an army of homeless and get them into civics, it is rather to create an inventory of identities who never vote. It’s important that they never vote — or if they do, their Mule Manager fills in the ballot. If one of the vagrants shows up at a polling place to cast a vote and is told “…sorry pal, you already voted!” it invites scrutiny, but no one cares...

Leftists and Republicans both see the same names on the voter list, but Leftists know which ones are phantoms — long gone from that address yet accumulating a ballot every election.

If the election is close, the leftist almost always win. Part of the scam is Republican denial.  It is a critical ingredient, and the leftist work diligently to make it happen. Article


Captain Seth Keshel: Complaints are only useful if they are paired with solutions: The Ten Points to True Election Integrity: An Epilogue - Topic: Elections

Here are the Ten Points to True Election Integrity:

I.             Clean Out the Voter Rolls

II.            Ban All Electronic Elections Equipment

III.           Voter ID with Paper Ballots Only

IV.           Ban Mail-In Voting*

V.            Ban Early Voting*

VI.           Drastically Smaller Precincts*

VII.          Ban Ballot Harvesting

VIII.         Election Day is a Holiday

IX.           New Reporting Requirements for Transparency

X.            Heavy Prison Sentences for All Who Commit Fraud

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

74 Harvesting and Mule Rings: Where They Were, How They Did It, And The Impact - Our Work is Now Corroborated

The Soros Files Brazil: Barack Obama, PetroBras and the Biggest Corruption Scandal in Brazil’s History: Brazilian President-Select Lula has nominated the head of the Open Society Foundations Latin America as part of his transition team. George Soros has been heavily invested in Brazil ever since buying into criminally corrupt state-owned oil giant Petrobras in 2008, which was subsequently involved in the biggest corruption scandal in Brazilian history. Article

Massive Tent City Outside Of Brazilian Military HQ As Millions Demand Election Justice – “We Are Not Leaving Until The Fraud Is Fixed!”

Tens of Millions in the Streets Protesting Fraudulent Election - The Party Of Brazil’s Bolsonaro Moves To Annul Election Over Inability To Audit Machines

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Brazil Military Begins Executing Communist Leaders in Government Overthrow

Brazilian Military Declare Bolsonaro ‘True President of Brazil’ – Media Blackout

“Justice is Rigged” – Brazil Election Breakdown: Officials Shut Down Website and Remove Evidence After It Was Exposed

Will Brazil Fall to the CCP?


Bolsonaro Cheered by Fans in Orlando, Lula by Communists in Brasilia 

Elon Musk admitted Twitter likely interfered in the Brazilian presidential elections in favor of convicted felon and Socialist Lula de Silvia. Lula was censoring President Bolsonaro supporters’ accounts. Also, Twitter and Facebook have been interfering in democratic elections around the world. They have been picking favorites and targeting opposing voices for years now. Article

“Campaign Finance Mules” Identified in Georgia Senate Race – Democrat Raphael Warnock Received Over $24 Million from Hundreds of UNEMPLOYED Donors Giving Over 358,000 Donations. They say “Follow The Money”. So we did, and found a massive number of “Campaign Finance Mules” making hundreds, even thousands of donations per year. One voter mule with numerous donations per day. Warnock managed to receive over 358,000 donations from unemployed average Americans that totaled more than $24 million.

When you start to dig into the data you see that these same “Average American Donors” are donating thousands of times always to Democrat candidates and Democrat PACs. This is going on at a national and state level. Where did all of these “Unemployed Average Americans” get the money to make hundreds and thousands of donations to Raphael Warnock? Article

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter



Many knew the fix was in after the 2022 primary elections showed evidence of election manipulation; and before the 2022 general when Biden’s Administration Cybersecurity (CISA) director said to Expect "Errors" and "Glitches" that "happen in every election" — like a "pipe will burst" — she also said that is "normal" and "not nefarious." In other words, when evidence of fraud and another Maricopa, AZ rigged election happens, etc. the media should fall in line with their narrative...

Harken back to Election Night 2020 in Atlanta Georgia when Trump had a large lead, then election observers were sent home because of a reported pipe burst (that NEVER happened) all the while Fulton County election workers stayed in the building several more hours and were caught on camera pulling out numerous bins of ballots from under tables then running the ballots multiple times through scanners. Early the next morning a massive and statistically impossible spike of 225,196 votes for Biden to 99,036 votes for Trump was recorded. Article

If I were to steal an election... Who Did Your Voting Machine Vote For? Those who would steal our freedoms are becoming more blatant in their efforts.  We only need to look at what is happening in Arizona for confirmation.  We need to become much more questioning of our elections, much more demanding of transparency and of measures that eliminate the massive opportunities for fraud that presently exist.

We knew that mail-in voting was a recipe for fraud, and that our dirty voter rolls invited abuse. We knew that the weaknesses in voter identification, chains of custody, and other areas had been exploited before, yet we somehow thought this time would be different. The definition of insanity….

Stealing an Election...

Is it possible to generate enough fraudulent votes to actually determine the outcomes of elections in multiple states, and to do so with little risk of getting caught? The simple answer is YES. Not only is there at least one method that can be used, but it appears to have been applied in at least the last two national elections, and probably for several more prior ones. And yes, it is very difficult to detect, yet it can inject tens and even hundreds of thousands of ballots into an election. 

Voter rolls across the country contain large numbers of fictional voters, in many states, as many as 10% or more of the rolls. How they got there is material for another article, but these fictional entries serve as a pool of “voters” I can use to create ballots for my choices. If I were the one who planted them, I have all the information needed to prepare ballots that look just like legitimate ones, including signature images I can print on a return envelope that match the ones in the state rolls.

This method appears to be the perfect method for election manipulation – it is nearly impossible to detect, can produce enough votes to swing almost any election, and even if detected is almost impossible to trace back to its source. What’s not to like about it? As it turns out, there are ways to deal with this method and others like it.  Article

Postal Workers Steal $20,000 In Donation Checks From GOP Congresswoman   

House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik said Post Office workers stole as much as $20,000 in donations to her campaign.

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


In a letter to Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, lawyers for Stefanik claimed that postal workers ripped open and stole the contents of multiple packages containing donations for Stefanik’s re-election campaign. The mailings were allegedly stolen on four separate occasions, and three of the incidents happened in the span of a week. Not only were thousands of dollars allegedly stolen, the lawyers allege that the thefts have exposed campaign donors to identity theft and fraud. Article

WASHINGTON: WE HAVE EVIDENCE OF THEM CHEATING IN WASHINGTON STATE! After Scientist and Engineer Draza Smith and other data analysts helped to expose the overwhelming evidence of blatant fraud here in WA State in the 2022 Primary and General Elections, Dems are Crickets. In my Dec 16 PODCAST INTERVIEW: WA STATE 2022 MIDTERM ELECTION REVIEW UPDATE, I explain what Draza and others have uncovered.

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


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12-14-22 Election-Fraud Corruption Is Deeper than Anyone Can Imagine



January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


TUCKER CARLSON: Within minutes WA State SOS Office and Federal Government Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA arm of DHS) Delete Tweets - Interfere and Censor WA STATE ELECTIONS: Oct 29, 2022 Tweets Read: "Washington State in 2004 judges ignored the real count and rewarded the  Democrats"   "Ballots can appear whenever, from whomever"

The WA State SOS, Fed Gov and Twitter shutting down these opinions are crimes by influencing the outcome of elections! Also this is a violation of the First Amendments of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights VIDEO

ARIZONA: Whistleblower from Runbeck says "approximately 300,000 ballots were illegally inserted into the tally. Not coming from drop boxes, not coming from polling locations, but just being brought in by employees." 

Over 300,000 Votes Lacked Legal Chain Of Custody In Arizona's 2022 Midterms

Intentional Wrongdoing Is Only Explanation For The Widespread Election Malfeasance On Game Day In AZ

Kurt Olsen On The Tens Of Thousands Of Mismatched Signature On Arizona Ballots

Owners of Top Election Printing Companies Runbeck and Cathedral Donated Frequently to Democrat PACs. The Runbeck family lives in Arizona. They were very active donors to the Democrat party, Democrat candidates and Democrat PACs. Most interesting is that Robyn Runbeck the wife of Kevin Runbeck was a donor to the “STOP REPUBLICANS” PAC. This PAC is one of the beneficiaries of the nationwide network of campaign finance mules that funnel dark money through unemployed people to Dems and progressive organizations. Article

Kari Lake, Abe Hamadeh, Mark Finchem Contest Arizona Election Results

AZ Republican Abe Hamadeh Files Motion for Stay to Delay Inauguration For Office of Attorney General Until All Issues Are Resolved. The results of the recount opponent’s lead cut by nearly half from 511 to 280 votes. A shockingly high discrepancy. Article

 “We Are Confident About Our Lawsuit in Terms of the Evidence and the Proof We Have Submitted” – Interview Kurt Olsen, Attorney for Kari Lake (VIDEO)

Kari Lake's election suit charges vote malfunctions were 'intentional' - 'This didn't just happen, and we all knew that'

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


An Election Day Travesty in Arizona  a cyber expert, who spent nine years working for the same testing facility that tests Maricopa County equipment, saying that "all of these machines that went down on Election Day could not have happened absent of intentional misconduct."

Kari Lake Files Massive Lawsuit, Vows to Take it to Supreme Court

Here's 9 Revelations From Kari Lake's Arizona Lawsuit - Maricopa County just ran a third-world election. Will Arizona's courts look the other way?

Hobbs’ Office Threatened County Board With Arrest, Indictment If They Didn’t Certify Results

Mohave County Arizona Voters File Lawsuit Against Katie Hobbs and Maricopa County Officials – Claim Fraudulent Midterm Election Dienfranchized Voters

The Kari Lake Decision is a Travesty to Free People!

Katie Hobbs Directs Arizonans to “Monitor Election Speech” Less than a Week After She Was Caught Working with Twitter to Silence Conservative Speech Online. Now we know why crooked Katie Hobbs didn’t want to debate Kari Lake? Why would she when she ran the election, oversaw 30% of election day precinct machines breaking down, had the media in her pocket, and was working with social media platforms to silence her critics! This is likely criminal activity –especially if she silenced her critics during her gubernatorial run which is likely!

Maricopa County 2022 Corruption and How Runbeck Used Spanish-Speaking Employees and Quit Running Counts on Election Day Ballots

Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer Colluded With Federal Agency, CISA, To Censor Election Critics 

Email leaks reveal Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs was in regular communication with Twitter telling them who to censor

Leaked Email Proves Contact Between Hobbs, Twitter Staff to Censor ‘Election Related Misinformation’

DISGRACEFUL: Judge Orders Cochise County Board of Supervisors to Certify Fraudulent Election

Maricopa County’s Election Dysfunction Was More Widespread Than Officials Said, Memo Claims

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


HUGE: Runbeck Whistleblower Reveals That Chain Of Custody For OVER 298,942 Maricopa County Ballots Delivered To Runbeck On Election Day Did Not Exist, Employees Allowed To Add Family Members’ Ballots Without Any Documentation

71% Of The American People Believe Election Fraud Affected Arizona’s Results, Rasmussen Polls Report

Election Integrity Network Releases Extensive List of Discrepancies Reported in Maricopa County Midterm Election, Slams Officials for ‘Misinformation’

Stephen Richer And Former Twitter Execs Collaborated With DHS To Censor Election News 

Christina Bobb Exposes CISA Maricopa County Censoring of AZ Elections 

Americans Are Being Conned – Risk Limiting Election Audits Are Garbage – Used to Confirm Results Not Identify Election Fraud

NEW YORKNew York City Removes Over 441,000 Outdated Registrants from Voter Rolls. 

“This historic settlement is a major victory for New York voters who will benefit from cleaner voter rolls and more honest elections, the settlement ensures that the city’s voter rolls will be cleaned up every odd-numbered year after a federal election." Said JW President, Tom Fitton. Article

VIRGINIA: Virginia Dems’ Ballot Harvesting Manual Instructs Going After Dead People, ‘Bad’ Addresses

GEORGIA: The Georgia Supreme Court granted a petition for certiorari, vacated the previous judgment and remanded the case of CAROLINE JEFFORDS et al. v. FULTON COUNTY et al. The Court ordered that the lower Court of Appeals reconsider the case which was previously dismissed for lack of “standing.” 

This ruling potentially paves the way for a review of actual evidence brought forward in Jefford’s original complaint. Lack of “standing” was cited in a number of cases brought forward as evidence of possible malfeasance mounted following the November 2020 election. 

Public concern has continued through the last two years as few Courts were willing to hear evidence. Following the release of Dinesh DeSousa’s documentary “2000 Mules”, public awareness in Georgia and across the Country has broadened with renewed calls for election transparency and investigations. Article

Major Discrepancies In Georgia Ballots Found — Judge Orders Access To Investigate Election Fraud

VIDEO: Unexplained Ballot Drop in GA Senate Race Likely Prevented Herschel Walker from Winning Race Outright – ‘Drop and Roll’ Pushed Race to Runoff. MORE ELECTION FRAUD: When Herschel Walker started winning they paused all updates due to a data issue. When the updates continued Raphael Warnock magically started winning again...

BOMBSHELL REPORT: Dem Donor Kevin Runbeck – Who Filed Patent Application for a computer system that does 'on-screen ballot duplication' – LINKED TO THOUSANDS OF MAIL-IN BALLOTS in pristine condition that were counted in Fulton County Georgia's 2020 Election...

ELECTION FRAUD: A Miracle In Georgia! The Supreme Court Confirms Standing

Warnock Didn't Win By 51% Any More Than Raffensperger Won By 51% In The Primary 

Georgia Doesn't Have Fair Elections

Caught on video: They both lost votes - Walker over 10,000 and Warnock over 6000 - Since when do votes just disappear?

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


VoterGA Releases Proof Of Herschel Walker’s 20,000 Vote Loss. VoterGA released more evidence today substantiating the 20,000+ vote decline that Herschel Walker’s U.S. Senate election totals experienced at 10pm on Election Night. Before and after screen shots of interim election results reported by Georgia Public Broadcasting (GPB) for the 2020 General Election show the inexplicable decrease for Herschel Walker. At the same time, opponent Rafael Warnock’s total increased by over 4,000 votes and Libertarian candidate Chase Oliver’s total increased by over 300. Article

Radical Soros Backed Group Boosts Warnock Campaign Funding Ahead of Runoff: Billionaire radical George Soros has worked his entire life to control the Democrat Party and destroy the United States. He has a deep-seated hatred of the West and promotes its collapse, pouring millions of dollars into campaigns and causes that further his radical agenda.

Corrupt Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger Wants to Destroy Georgia Elections Forever with Ranked Choice Voting

ELECTION FLIP: 800 + Uncounted Votes on Overlooked Memory Card Flip Election in Georgia

It Begins: The days of finding out who won an election by the end of Election Day are long gone - Judge Rules Georgia County Can Accept Absentee Ballots 3 Days After Election

GA, Walker County man convicted of voter fraud, sentenced to 25 years, DA says. Article

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Ruby Freeman Body Cam Admissions Revealed In The Georgia Ballot Scanning Scandal

Here Are The Media Outlets That Received 'The Ruby Freeman Video Files' In 2021 And Said Nothing

KESHEL: Pretty Obvious Raffensperger Is A Trojan Horse Political Arsonist Sent To Destroy Georgia’s Elections. Raffensperger is pushing for RCV because the courts are about to hold that GA voting machines are unconstitutional as they don't provide a verifiable ballot, something that was decided in the 'Curling vs Raffensperger' case but relief was never provided to GA citizens. If the GA legislators vote to allow this, they need to be recalled. Yes, Raffensperger is a corrupt plant to harm the great state of Georgia. He is not a Republican, he is a collaborator.

NORTH CAROLINA: North Carolina High Court Tosses Out State Voter ID Law

MASSACHUSETTSVote Recount Flips Massachusetts Midterm Race From Republican to Democrat by 1 Vote

MICHIGAN: Flint, MI. Residents Cite Examples of Voter Fraud and Multiple Unbalanced Precincts in Nov. Election… Ask MI Board of Canvassers Why They Would Certify Election When Flint Election Officials Wouldn’t? [VIDEO]


FLORIDA: Two Florida men are going to jail for fraudulently registering voters and forging their signatures

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Florida Officials Refuse To Respond To Substantial Election Fraud Evidence Presented

OHIO: Ohioans Vote In Favor of Banning Non-Citizens From Voting In Local Elections

PENNSYLVANIA: Election investigator wins lawsuit over 120,000 missing voters - Far less people registered to vote in one state than there were ballots counted

Far fewer people registered to vote in one state than there were ballots counted

American voters soon may be getting an answer to what happened to the 120,000 people in Pennsylvania who allegedly voted in the 2020 election, but now cannot be found.

The Thomas More Society explained that’s because a judge has ordered the Lycoming County Office of Voter Services to provide investigator Heather Honey with a digital copy of the cast vote record file.

That will have to include every precinct tabulator and central tabulator used in the 2020 election. The fight developed because she experienced anomalies while voting, and sought to find out what was going on.

Her “documented evidence showing that Pennsylvania’s 2020 general election results show that there were 120,000 less voters registered to vote in Pennsylvania than there were ballots counted,” the legal team explained.

“That’s 120,000 votes that cannot be legally attached to an actual voter,” said Thomas More Society special counsel Tom Breth.

The legal team said Honey has told the story of standing in line with her son, a newly registered voter at the time, to cast their ballots in the 2020 presidential general election.

“She related how an elder couple in line before them stepped up to vote. The man’s name was checked off on the numbered voter list and his ballot prepared, but his wife was told she could not vote as she had already voted via mail. The couple both insisted that the woman had not voted by mail, but she was only allowed to cast a provisional ballot without any assurance that her vote would be counted,” the team explained. Article

Voters Accuse Penn Secretary of the Commonwealth of Violating Federal Election Act 

Philadelphia Man Charged With Postal Crimes Was Also Found With Stolen Mail-In Ballots. Authorities say a Philadelphia man found with about 15 mail-in ballots that had been stolen from U.S. Postal Service collection boxes faces numerous postal-related charges.

Zachkey James, 27, was charged with impersonation of a U.S. Postal Service (USPS) Mail Carrier, unlawful possession of three USPS arrow keys, mail theft, and possession of stolen mail, U.S. Attorney Jacqueline C. Romero said in a statement.

The arrow key is a universal master key that opens USPS mail boxes and the master door panel for clusters of mail boxes such as those found in apartments.

A July 2022 indictment alleges that while pretending to be a USPS mail carrier, James stole undelivered mail from a collection box near the Kingsessing Post Office in Philadelphia.

In October 2022, while again allegedly pretending to be a mail carrier, James is accused of stealing undelivered mail from a collection box near the East Germantown Post Office in Philadelphia. And in November 2022, James possessed three arrow keys and approximately 15 mail-in ballots that had been taken from USPS collection boxes, the indictment said. Article

Man Caught Stealing Mail-In Ballots, Impersonating USPS: Faces 31 Years in Prison

SCOTUS to Consider Taking Case on Constitutionality of Mail-In Voting

TEXAS: 2000 Mules Texas Style: Newly Discovered Police Body Cam Footage Implicates Top Tarrant Co. Texas Democrat Officials in Ballot Harvesting

In a shocking video that seems to confirm many of the things we knew but couldn’t prove, poll workers in Dallas, Tx captured the number of checked in voters on their poll pads jumping higher and higher right before polls closed.  The poll pads are used to check in voters and are the electronic version of the paper “voter roll”, which also keeps a running tally of the number of voters who have been “checked-in” on that particular device.  While we only have confirmation of this one precinct because of the video, The Gateway Pundit is told by an individual present that his happened county wide in Dallas County. Article

DELAWARE: The Delaware Supreme Court has struck down same-day voter registration and voting by mail, two measures that were passed by the Democrat-dominated state legislature. The justices agreed that the statutes violated the Delaware Constitution. Article

IOWA: Hand Recounts - What do DeKalb County, Georgia and Scott County, Iowa have in common? They all had election results flip after hand recounts were done

MONTANA: 120,000 Invalid Votes Across Montana Discovered

NORTH CAROLINANorth Carolina Elections Case Underway At Supreme Court, Could Impact 2024

WISCONSIN: Menomonee Falls is taking back control and ownership of their elections, eliminating Central Count Voting and returning the processing of absentee ballots to the polling place where the voter resides! They will no longer hand over the counting, sorting, managing, and processing of ballots to a Central Voting Center where they sacrifice the sanctity of their ballots to hidden dark figures. Article

REPORT: Biden’s luggage thief busted again, this time in Vegas - Prior to working in government, Sam Brinton was an anti-conversion therapy activist who taught “Kink 101” workshops on college campuses

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


TikTok accounts operating on behalf of Chinese state media published content that criticized Republicans and favored Democrats ahead of the 2022 U.S. midterm elections, a Forbes investigation found. Article

Leftists Aim To Expedite The Public-School-To-Democrat-Voter Pipeline With Votes For 16-Year-Olds“If you change who can vote, you can change the outcome of elections,” executive director of the HEP says “This is something the left’s been pushing for quite a while — along with enfranchising noncitizens and automatic restoration of felon voting rights. They’re always looking for new people to bring into the election system and calculating the targeted groups who will be more likely to vote Democratic.”

SEC Chairman Gensler Scrubbed Evidence Of Clinton, Soros And Pelosi Meetings: FOIA Lawsuit

Left’s Point Person for Post-Election Violence Prep Linked to Arabella Advisors. The point person for the Fight Back Table, a coalition of liberal organizations planning for a "post-Election Day political apocalypse scenario," leads a progressive coalition that is part of a massive liberal dark money network. Article

EXPOSED! Jim Baker's sister network at TIP explicitly plotted to use Black Lives Matters protesters as a battering ram for the Biden faction to force Trump out of office, had Trump won the electoral college on Election Night 2020. Baker was also leading the National Task Force on Election Crises (NTFEC). Article

Top 9 Times Mitch McConnell Worked Against Conservatives in 2022

The Albert Sensor Systems: How Government and a 501(c)3 Tracks Real-Time Election Data in 98% of the US. By 2016, ALBERT Sensors were in less than 25 states. They monitored the general county networks, very few election networks. After Trump won his election, DHS targeted elections, NOW THEY ARE IN EVERY STATE!

They created EI-ISAC and began a massive push to deploy ALBERT in all elections nationwide. To pressure counties, DHS met with the election policy gatekeepers. This included the National Secretaries of State (NASS), National State Election Directors (NASED), the EAC, and others. These national groups pushed the ALBERT program onto State associations. They pushed it onto their individual members who are our County Recorders and Election Directors.

DHS gathered election intelligence in 2018 by conducting “vulnerability assessments” in various jurisdictions. This included one week of DHS staff having remote access to poke around a County’s election network and systems. This was followed by a 2nd week where DHS staff went onsite to access the networks and hardware. Many counties found themselves teaching DHS about elections, not learning about security from these DHS staff. Election staff were frustrated and said DHS knew very little how elections actually operated.

The parallels between the ERIC voter registration system and CIS ALBERT Sensors are uncanny. Both are originally funded by Soros and are nonprofits that collect vital election data in private. Both ERIC and CIS pilot-tested their programs in left-leaning election jurisdictions. Pew Center On The States used the same tactics, and approached the same associations, to deploy ERIC across America. CIS keeps their reports, dashboards, and insight away from the counties. ERIC keeps their dashboards, insights, and voter maintenance lists away from the public. Neither provides transparency. These parallels are not a coincidence.

To have their networks monitored, each County must sign a Memoranda of Agreement (MOA) with CISA. They say ALBERT sensors only “listen” to the internet data. They can only see the type of data flowing, not the actual data itself. However, Biden signed a cybersecurity Executive Order in May 2021 that required anyone in the CDM program to sign a new agreement (MOA). This mandates they now provide the more detailed “object level” data to CISA. ALBERT customers automatically become members of MS-ISAC. This Multi-State sharing program distributes cybersecurity information among its 13,000 members. 

Weeks after installing ALBERT, Lincoln County, WA was hit with a ransomware attack in Nov 2020. The ALBERT system and CIS never alerted Lincoln about the initial intrusions. They were not alerted about the hack either, from a well known ransomware group. Okanogan County, WA was also hacked, and was not notified by CIS. County Commissioners of neighboring Ferry County, with roughly 7,000 total citizens, voted to stop using ALBERT. They canceled their contract and removed the devices. In a bizarre twist, NPR sprang into action and ran two attack stories targeting Ferry County and staff. NPR wanted to intimidate anyone else from canceling ALBERT. Article

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter



PODCAST: “It’s All Theater. It’s Election Theater.  You Go to Vote. You Stand in Line.  You Think Your Vote’s Being Tallied But You Have No Assurance.” – Liz Harrington on the Election Process

Where will the end of free elections lead the US?


January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Again Biden Leaves Christ out of Christmas. Biden's 2022 tree-lighting speech carefully avoided any mention of the religious significance of the event. He made multiple mentions of the so-called “holiday season,” before falling back on the left’s sterilized vocabulary.

Protests in Munich against rising prices have been reported / VideoProtests erupt in Germany against soaring inflation and rising energy prices. Opposition groups in Germany have started widespread protests demanding that the government tackle the soaring inflation and skyrocketing energy prices. Article

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Biden's Deal for the Devil

Felony Arrest Warrant Issued For Member Of Biden Administration

Darren Beattie Exposed: Deep state Government via NGOs into Private Sector - Need to impeach Merrick Garland Christopher Wray

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Judicial Watch: Unsealed Depositions of Former Obama IRS Officials Lerner and Paz Detail Knowledge of Tea Party Targeting. “These documents confirm that the Obama administration was the most corrupt in American history.” Article / Video

McCarthy Warns Jan. 6 Committee Of GOP Plans After Party Takes Control

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Biden's border crisis is fueling growing cartel armies - now armed to the teeth and rivaling Mexico's military

More than 73,000 illegal immigrants evaded Border Patrol agents in November, marking the highest number ever recorded at the southern border. The number of "gotaways" refers to the number of illegal immigrants who have evaded overwhelmed Border Patrol agents and have been detected by other forms of surveillance but not caught. It does not count those who were not spotted. 

The number of gotaways for November means that there are already over 137,000 gotaways so far this fiscal year, which began in October. In FY2022 there were nearly 600,000 gotaways. There were 389,155 gotaways at the border in FY2021. Article


Biden admin sues Arizona State over creation of shipping container border wall to stop illegal immigration

AZ Gov. Ducey caves to remove a makeshift border wall installed along the southern border after a legal battle with the Biden administration. 125, 40-foot-long steel box shipping containers , stacked two high and topped with razor wire, have been used to fill gaps on the border in Yuma, Arizona. Article

The Border is NOT Important - Biden defended his decision to skip visiting the U.S.-Mexico border saying, "there are more important things."

“We are under an invasion aided and abetted by the Biden administration. We’ve never seen anything like it in American history!” The importing of a new Dem voting base. Video

Biological Men In Women's Prisons? Podcast Unveils 'Insane' and Terrifying Situation Plaguing Female Inmates

Let Freedom Ring! CRT is the Disease, Freedom is the antidote

China has spent hundreds of billions of dollars on its military in pursuit of two objectives: ensuring the United States loses its position as the dominant power in Asia to Communist China and ensuring the U.S. becomes a second-tier power. At present, China is on a clear path to achieving its goal by the end of this decade — if not sooner. Article

Democrat Controlled Philadelphia City Officials resort to calling their Christmas Tree a "Holiday Tree."

Feds 'massively misreporting' number of illegal aliens released with GPS trackers - 'Discrepancy raises the question of whether Biden's appointees at ICE are lying about other data'

FBI Coordination With Big Tech Censorship Ahead of 2020 Election Revealed in Agent Deposition, Missouri AG Says. Officials from the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security frequently met with major social media companies ahead of the 2020 election and pointed out users and pieces of content for removal, according to information from a deposition of a senior FBI agent revealed by a state Attorney General.

“We found that the FBI plays a big role in working with social media companies to censor speech—from weekly meetings with social media companies ahead of the 2020 election to asks for account takedowns,” said Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt. Article

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


New censorship programs are being rolled out globally to control the flow of information and create state-run propaganda. This includes new revelations in the United States that the FBI, DHS, and other agencies colluded with Twitter to censor content on the platform, as well as programs that are meant for “correcting false beliefs.” And in Europe and elsewhere, people are now facing prison sentences for going against state-run information campaigns. Article

42 Biden Admin Officials Put on Notice by House Republicans. At least 42 Biden administration officials were sent letters by Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee this month requesting testimony from a variety of White House officials. Those letters primarily dealt with the suspected politicization of the FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ), investigations into U.S. border security, and Joe Biden’s son Hunter. Article

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


House Republicans gathered a trove of text and email messages showing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office was directly involved in the creation and editing of the Capitol security plan that failed during the Jan. 6, 2021 riot. Article

House GOP Looking to Ban TikTok Across Federal Government (townhall.com)

Ron DeSantis has long been seen as a leader in the fight for freedom – not only for the people of Florida but all Americans. He showed everyone that there were good people in government fighting back against the draconian lockdowns and mandates from COVID-19. Now DeSantis is calling for a grand jury investigation of Fauci and Big Pharma. Article

EXPOSED FAUCI'S EMAILS REVEAL LAB LEAK PLOT: Unredacted early Feb 2020 emails from Fauci show that Fauci and Company knew everything about the origin of the virus and continued to lie (even on scientific papers). Video

Dr. Fauci's daughter worked at @Twitter until about a year ago...

JAN 6 WEAPONIZED FBI INFORMANTS AND WHISTLE BLOWERS COME FORWARD  VIDEO INTERVIEW    Benny Thompson, head of Jan 6 Committee is not fact finding - just Insurrection Narrative and going after Trump

Top FBI Official Steps Down as Republicans Prepare to Probe Into Bureau. A top FBI official has stepped down just as House Republicans have announced plans to investigate recent operations and actions at the bureau. News of D’Antuono’s retirement comes just weeks after Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee named him as one of nine FBI employees they would “require prompt testimony” from as they seek to investigate potential political bias at the bureau. Article

Thanks to Elon Musk, the public is now aware that Twitter suppressed early treatment options for COVID-19, and vaccine safety concerns. Listen to Dr. Peter McCullough interview that aired on Newsmakers by NTD and The Epoch Times. Article / Video

Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Linked to Blood Clotting: FDA

Vaccinated People Make Up Majority of COVID-19 Deaths: CDC Data

Forsaken Children of a Forged Pandemic - Anguish is assured when depravity prevails

Dr. Naomi Wolf Gives a Fiery Speech Against Yale University's Vax Mandate. “My heart is breaking — and I’m on the verge of tears,” grieved Dr. Naomi Wolf while speaking at a December 2 medical freedom rally in front of Yale University — in opposition to the Covid-19 vaccine mandate. Yale is requiring students, most between the ages of 17 and 22, to take the bivalent booster…Video
January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


FDA approves unpopular bivalent Covid shot for BABIES and encourages parents to get their child vaccinated 

VAERS Shows a 4,070% Increase in Miscarriages and Stillbirths Since mRNA Roll-out

Vax-injured Living Hell on Earth - US Federal Government Criminally Ignoring. Mr. Fusaro took a Covid injection for a job opportunity that required international travel at a time of tight restrictions, figuring the odds of him not getting injured were on his side. Sadly, he was wrong. After a second Pfizer shot, the man developed numerous medical conditions he had never had before, such as complete heart block, blood clots, and pericarditis, among others. He had three heart surgeries and was put on a pacemaker. Video

Unvaxxed 14-year-old rejected by top hospital for lifesaving surgery

Medical practice COVID vax death survey follow up - The latest results are:

Vax kills 2 per 1,000 (consistent with other 500,000 killed in America estimate)

Vax kills 30 per 1,000 of 65 and older 

Vax has killed more people than the COVID virus by at least 5:1 (see the most recent entries and also RecordID 12 showing 40:0 ratio)

5 to 10% of our healthiest soldiers have been DISABLED by this vaccine (see notes in RecordID 7 in the results)

In other words, it is insane to keep deploying the vaccine; it’s too deadly to be used. Article

Gov. Ron DeSantis said "The state would move to hold vaccine manufacturers accountable for this mRNA [shot] because they said there were no side effects and we know that there have been a lot. We did a study in Florida and we saw an 86 % increase in cardiac related activity in people ages 18 to 39 from mRNA shot." Article

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the government can not require federal contractors to vaccinate their employees as a condition of government contracts. Our country is finally breaking free from the draconian mandates of experimental biological agents. Article

Elon Musk: ‘My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci’

Despite Chinese President Xi Jinping sending tanks into Xuzhou to quash anti-lockdown and pro-democracy protests in the eastern city, new protests continue to crop up across the country, leaving police clashing with protestors in Guangzhou and Xi threatening a brutal “crackdown” which brings back memories of the 1989 student Tiananmen Square uprising that ended when the Chinese government murdered thousands of protestors. Article

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Actor James Woods is planning to sue the Democratic National Committee. His decision to sue comes after the release of documents detailing past censorship by Twitter. Woods said that the Twitter Files showed that the DNC pressured Twitter to remove his tweet about Hunter Biden. This lawsuit comes after Twitter CEO Elon Musk exposed the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story by collusion between Democrats and big tech. Woods also said that Democrat officials used Twitter to violate his First Amendment right. He hopes others will sue the DNC as well. Article

Twitter Execs Didn't Have a Good Explanation for Censoring Hunter Biden's Laptop, New Emails Reveal

R​ep. James Comer, R-Ky., the incoming chairman of the House Oversight Committee,  is planning to summon Twitter executives to testify about their efforts to censor stories during the 2020 election about Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings. Article

Kentucky Republican Rep. Thomas Massie took to Twitter to criticize the Biden administration for planning to build a network when one already exists. “The government should not be in the business of building electric car charging stations. Tesla already has a nationwide network of privately financed, owned, and maintained charging stations that allow you to drive a Tesla virtually anywhere in the United States,” he tweeted. Article

Elon Musk Fires Twitter’s General Counsel and Ex-FBI Official James Baker. Twitter owner Elon Musk confirmed that one of its top officials, James Baker—a former FBI general counsel—was “exited” from the company on Tuesday amid concerns that were raised about his “possible role in suppression of information.” Article

Judicial Watch: Secret Service Has Repeatedly Changed Story on Existence of Hunter Biden Gun Records

Epoch Times Video: What happened to Free Speech? Elon Musk Exposes US Goverment Criminal Censorship and Collusion; Canada Promotes Assisted Suicide for Minors

Tucker Carlson Says CIA Killed Kennedy — Government Within A Government — All Is Fake

Congratulations to Benjamin Netanyahu who was sworn in for his 3rd stint as Prime Minister of Israel last week following the country’s 5th election in less than 4 yearsArticle

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


About Time for an Iranian Regime Change? The death of the Iranian Kurdish woman Mahsa Amini, 22, by the Iranian morality police in September has brought Iranian citizens to the streets to protest the Islamic Republic and its radical Sharia laws and the thunder for regime change is growing. Article

Thank you to Charlie Kirk and Turning Point USA for hosing such an amazing American Fest (AmFest) at the Phoenix Convention center last month. About 11,000 attended and everyone had a great time at the 4 day event!


Steve Bannon’s 2022 AmFest Speech At Turning Point Action

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Thnak You to the Richland WA School Board that recently banned Critical Race Theory racism in its schools! The Richland School Board voted 4-1 to pass Resolution 2360, a policy with title “Race, Culture and the Curriculum.” That resolution makes it clear that CRT and racial discrimination against students will not be tolerated. It includes the following provisions:  

“…no student shall be taught that their skin color determines their ability to succeed…” 

“…no student shall be taught that their race determines their moral character;” 

“…no student shall be taught that their race makes them responsible for past transgressions of their race….” 

“…no student shall be taught that their socio-economic status or U.S. citizenship status makes them superior or inferior to others.”   

The resolution also provides that students will be taught factual U.S. History, not political indoctrination. In addition, students are to be taught the facts about historical racial conflict, they will not be indoctrinated in the false belief that the U.S. is fundamentally or systemically racist. Article

Quote of the Month: 

January 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Respect & Blessings,

Bill Bruch, SCRP Chairman

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