November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

<em>Edit Promo Post</em> March 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

THE SCRP is hosting an 2022 election night watch party the evening of Tuesday, November 8 from 7 PM to 10 PM at the Croatian Cultural Center (little church), at 801 Fifth St. in Anacortes (MAP). All are welcome! Food and drinks provided!

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


The SCRP is looking for election observers for the November 2022 general election season. We are asking our volunteers to respectfully observe, report, document and do not be afraid to ask questions. Observers provide oversight, ensuring that the Auditor and Elections Dept. is conducting a secure, fair and transparent ballot count. It is important to report any irregularity to the Elections Supervisor with the expectation that it will be taken seriously. If you want to be part of our team please email

Here are some 2022 General Election updates and links you may find useful:

WA State SOS Current Election Information for quick links to online voter guides, data reports, and more resources.

Voters may check their registration status and track their ballot at, Washington’s online voter portal. It is highly recommended to check this before you vote to see if someone voted for you. If you find that someone voted for you without your permission (like so many have had happen to them across the country) go to the Skagit County Sheriff and file a report for Identity Theft. 

For any other election anomalies you can report an incident on the WSRP Voter Fraud Page

Voters can update their record online or in person by 8 PM November 8. Check with your county election office for specific instructions.

Voters have until 8 p.m. on Nov. 8 to place ballots in drop boxes statewide. If you choose to vote in-person on election day, there is a dropbox in the Skagit County elections office in Mount Vernon on the second floor, 700 S. Second St. #201 (360) 416-1702. You can also find all drop box and voting center locations at

Ballot return envelopes have free postage. The US Postal Service recommends voters mail their ballots a week before Election Day.

Daily Ballot Return Statistics and Turnout: Updated at the end of each day, this report breaks down the number of ballots received and turnout percentage by county.

Daily Ballot Status Report (also known as the match back report), this daily report contains ballots received, accepted, or challenged. Matching it back to the voter registration database reveals which "registered voters" have voted.

Election offices begin scanning ballots 18 days before Election Day, but the first set of results are not tabulated until after 8:00 PM on Nov. 8. Unofficial results will be posted on our website, Results remain unofficial until certified.

Mandatory recounts occur when the difference between the candidates is less than one half of one percent and also less than 2,000 votes. For more information, visit Recount FAQ.

Each county certifies results November 29 (Target Date For Any Potential Lawsuits) and the Secretary of State certifies final results on December 8, 2022.

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


VIDEO: The Olympia Democrats have a plan and it will cost you plenty! Vote to Stop Them!


U.S. Senate: Tiffany Smiley

U.S. Congress (CD 1): Vincent Cavaleri / New TV Commercial

U.S. Congress (CD 2): Dan Matthews

U.S. Congress (CD 8): Matt Larkin

Secretary of State: WRITE-IN Brad Klippert

Legislative District 10 State House of Representatives (Pos 1): Greg Gilday

Clyde Shavers own parents say he is lying

Clyde Shavers, a campaign built upon lies

Legislative District 10 State House of Representatives (Pos 2): Karen Lesetmoe

Legislative District 39 State House of Representatives (Pos 1): Carolyn Eslick

Legislative District 39 State House of Representatives (Pos 2): Robert Sutherland

Legislative District 40 State House of Representatives (Pos 1) Shannon Perkes

Skagit County PUD (Pos 3): Corrin Hamburg

Skagit County Auditor: Eric Hull 

Skagit County Commissioner (Dist 3): Christian Burns

MORE INFO: 2022 WA State Candidates - Washington |

The Tiffany Smiley for US Senate Statewide Bus Tour continues this Saturday, Nov 5 at 8:30 AM in La Conner at the Civic Garden Club, 622 S Second St. (MAP).

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


A Big Thanks to everyone who volunteered and were in attendance for the Tiffany Smiley Bust Tour Events Thursday in Hamilton (about 200 showed up) and in Anacortes where over 300 attended!


November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


MORE SEE: Tiffany's New TV Commercial and clip from US Senate debate HERE.

Washington Poll: Republican Tiffany Smiley Tied with 30-Year Incumbent Sen. Patty Murray

No matter what happens this 2022 election cycle it is very important to remember that it is the nature of the soul to be free! Despite the current government Corruption, Tyranny and Radical Leftist Marxist Ideology being perpetrated upon us, many states are making huge gains voting out Democrat / Socialist leaders and exposing the many problems with our elections systems. Yes, there is a growing nationwide and worldwide Conservative movement that will not be stopped! The frustration of many people is not just in America, it is throughout the world and is evident as quality leaders that hold Conservative principles are taking charge. Examples include:

ITALY: Giorgia Meloni who just won a huge victory as Prime Minister is fighting energy costs; combating illegal aliens; and is tough on Russia. She believes in Faith, Family and County! SWEDEN also has a new leader, Ulf Kristersson, who is solving the energy crisis; funding the military; and prioritizing more funding towards fighting crime and combating illegal immigration. FRANCE: Marine Le Pen has gained on Emmanuel Macron, and in June, the Conservatives/populists gained 8 seats in Parliament. Le Pen wants to slash taxes on energy and stop illegal immigration. CANADADanielle Smith was elected the new Premier of the United Conservative Party in Alberta. Smith is the latest addition to the sovereigntist and separatist movement in Canada, which has been increasing since Trudeau was elected in 2015. Smith made it clear that she will keep Alberta as separate from Trudeau’s federal government as possible when she said, “No longer will Alberta ask permission from Ottawa to be prosperous and free. We will not have our voices silenced or censored. We will not be told what we must put in our bodies in order that we may work or travel. We will not have our resources landlocked or our energy phased out of existence by virtue-signaling prime ministers. Albertans, not Ottawa, will chart our own destiny on our terms, and will work with our fellow Canadians to build the most free and prosperous country on this earth.”

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


THERE ARE SIMILAR CONSERVATIVE MOVEMENTS IN SPAIN, FINLAND, BELGIUM and POLAND amid the global energy crisis and soaring inflation brought on by Socialist despotic rulers!

AND IN THE US WALK-AWAY DEMS CAN'T LEAVE THE PARTY FAST ENOUGH! Case in point, former presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard announced she’s quitting the Democratic Party and asked fellow “common sense independent-minded Democrats to join” her.

The former Congresswoman from Hawaii put out a video and said “I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue & stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are … hostile to people of faith & spirituality, demonize the police & protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.” Article

Tulsi Gabbard endorsed Joe Kent for Congress and made a trip out to the Northwest to campaign for Joe at four amazing events! "My friend Joe Kent is a fighter,” Gabbard said in a new ad for Kent. “He’s dedicated his life to ensuring the safety, security and freedom of the American people and our country. With your vote, Joe’s going to go to Washington and work tirelessly to secure the border and bring you and your loved ones peace of mind.” Article

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Ex-Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard to campaign for Trump-backed Kari Lake in Arizona

Red Tsunami Watch: Suburban Women Have Bolted From the Democratic Party

The latest public polling shows Republicans pulling ahead on the generic ballot. The nationwide survey has the GOP with a 6-point advantage among registered voters (50%-44%), with more Republicans "extremely motivated" to vote (64%) than Dems (59%). Article

A new CBS News Battleground Tracker/YouGov poll shows 79 % of Americans believe the country is “out of control” with only 21 % saying things are “under control” - The poll also shows a sharp break by independents to Republicans took place over the past two weeks

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


POLL 71 % Say US Heading in Wrong Direction

Voters have made clear that crime and the economy are the two most important issues to them, according to recent polling — and they trust Republicans more than Democrats to handle both top issues. The economy, particularly inflation, has consistently ranked as the number one priority for voters. A new Monmouth poll, found that 82% of Americans ranked inflation as an extremely or very important issue. Crime ranked second with 72% of Americans saying it's an extremely or very important issue. Polling has shown for months that voters trust Republicans more than Democrats on handling both crime and the economy by a substantial margin — in many cases by about 20 points. To make matters worse for Dems, a majority of Americans disapprove of Biden's handling of both key issues... To put it in perspective, the last time the Republicans had a larger lead on this question heading into midterm elections was in 1946, when the party led by 17 points — and gained 55 House seats! Article

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Seattle and Tacoma are among the worst run cities in the United States. The study factored in quality of public services, fiscal accountability, cost of living, and crime. Article

Puget Sound area Violent crime, property crimes, and rape have seen sharp increases. Policies harming public safety, from Dems, are why terrible laws HB 1310 & HB 1054 we must repeal and replace!

Eleven people were arrested last week in WA and CA and face federal charges for their connection to the trafficking of more than 1,000 of methamphetamine and hundreds of thousands of fentanyl pills. The arrests followed six arrests in September. The suspects are connected to three drug trafficking groups.

“These individuals were bringing large loads of meth, heroin, fentanyl and cocaine from Mexico across the border and up I-5 to the Pacific Northwest,” said U.S. Attorney Brown. “Even when an RV loaded with drugs was pulled off the highway and seized by law enforcement, they weren’t deterred."

According to Brown, a wiretap revealed various cartels "continued to recruit drivers and vehicles to transport their drugs throughout the region". Law enforcement seized more than 2 kilos of fentanyl, 4.5 kilos of heroin, 10 pounds of methamphetamine and 67 firearms. A total of 14 locations were searched, including in Seattle neighborhoods. In Sept. 14 locations in WA and CA, drug, guns and cash seized by law enforcement included: 1,016 pounds of meth; 9 kilos of fentanyl powder and 330,000 fentanyl pills; 25 kilos of cocaine; and 15.5 kilos of heroin. Law enforcement seized 43 guns and more than $1 million, according to the US Attorney's Office.

"The pills alone would be enough to kill more than 132,000 people", said Jacob Galvan, action special agent in charge of the DEA's Seattle division. Article

VOTE THEM OUT: Inslee and the State Dems are moving to ban diesel trucks. Earlier, they announced their intention to ban gas-powered cars without analyzing the costs of the policy. Republicans adamantly oppose these restrictive mandates. Article

Gas prices skyrocket as tight oil supply hits WA

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Utility prices to rise in WA just as it's becoming colder. A rise in natural gas prices are why. The State Democrat / Socialists also voted to increase gas prices another $1.00 per gallon starting next year (HB 1091 & SB 5126). Also your property taxes, taxes on your paychecks (HB1087) and income taxes (SB 5096) will all be increasing in 2023. Article / Article

Gov. Inslee and Democrat party lawmakers are keen to adopt California's unaffordable energy policies (SB 5811 in 2020). However, they split from California when it comes to giving inflation relief. It's the worst of both worlds for your pocketbook. Article / Article

WA State continuous delayed ferry sailings have hit an all-time high this year due to staffing shortages. Last year, Gov. Inslee fired many ferry workers over mandates. The ferry system has been struggling ever since. These mandates must end! Article

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Inslee's hand-picked WA State Building Code Council is voting to ban natural gas in new homes. This unelected body wants to restrict energy choices, which will lead to higher housing costs, increased utility bills and less dependable energy. Instead Lets Take Action to Protect Energy Choice in Washington! You can help by sending a strong message to the Building Code Council HERE.

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Washington state’s Jay Inslee is the worst governor in the nation in terms of taxation and spending policies, according to the Cato Institute’s recently released “Fiscal Policy Report Card on America’s Governors 2022.”

The Washington, D.C.-based libertarian think tank ranked all 50 governors on a 100-point scale, with the numerical scores converted to letter grades “A” through “F.” Governors that received an “A” grade cut taxes and spending the most, while governors garnering an “F” grade have increased taxes and spending the most.

Governor Inslee received an F in the Cato Institute  fiscal reports in 2014, 2016, 2018, and 2020, and he receives an F in this 2022 report, with the lowest score in the nation,” the report reads. “He has a large appetite for tax and spending increases. Under Inslee, general fund spending expanded at an annual average rate of 6.3 % between 2013 and 2022."

When Inslee originally ran for governor he promised not to raise taxes, but in his first budget, he proposed more than $1 billion in hikes. Since then he and State Dems have approved myriad new and increased taxes on energy, capital gains, tobacco, businesses, real estate transactions, and online sales.

Cato’s TOP 10 governors in terms of taxation and spending policies:

1. Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds

2. New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu

3. Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts

4. Idaho Gov. Brad Little

5. Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey

6. North Carolina Gov. Ray Cooper

7. South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster

8. West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice

9. Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson

10. Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt

Cato’s bottom 3 WORSE governors in terms of taxation and spending policies:

50. Washington state Gov. Jay Inslee

49. California Gov. Gavin Newsom

48. Oregon Gov. Kate Brown Article

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Glen Morgan Video: I caught Inslee breaking the law – Again. This time he wasn’t alone. Gov. Inslee's ESD announced a 33% increase in the premium rate for the Paid Family and Medical Leave Program from 0.6% to 0.8%. The program will still be in the red next year despite the costly move to employees. 

What is the capital gains tax? According to the IRS, it’s an income tax, which has been repeatedly rejected by Washington voters

Poll Shows 90 % of Voters Are Worried About Economy and Inflation Ahead of Midterms

Infuriating MSNBC Panel Calls Americans ‘Nazis’ – for Caring About Crushing Inflation

Blue Controlled Cities Bleeding: Homicide Surges in Major Cities - As polling continues to show crime a top issue for voters, the number of homicides has skyrocketed nationwide! In fact, homicide rates rose by an average of nearly 10% in 50 of the most populated U.S. cities between the third quarter of last year and the third quarter of this year — and are still rising — according to a new study… The top prosecutors in most of these cities are backed by progressive megadonors... [and] support policies such as abolishing bail, defunding the police, and decriminalizing or deprioritizing certain offenses. Article

Poll shows 82% of blacks oppose defunding the police. The ridiculously low support from black voters for defunding the police should be the final nail in the coffin for Democrats' anti-law and order campaign of the last few years. Article

The Horrible Consequences of Democrat Actions. If you don’t want OPEC+ to be in a position where it can influence U.S. gasoline prices a month before the election, you need policies that minimize the U.S. market’s dependence upon the global oil market. Article

Americans across the country shared how surging inflation has affected their lives. "It's outrageous," Alfred, from Oklahoma City, said. "It's getting crazy." "How expensive just going to the food market is, it's almost doubled from the last couple of years.". Inflation hit 9.1% in June, a 40-year high, and has stayed near record pace."I was doing really good, and now we're not," Cara from Bellingham, WA "We make decent money, but it doesn't make a difference."... Consumers could pay 28% more to heat their homes this winter compared to last year. Article

Inflation Rages, Interest Rate Shock Coming, Economy Could Sink Into Depression Due To Biden Policies

Pew Research Center poll shows nearly ALL Americans (95%) are concerned about the rise in the cost of food and consumer goods due to inflation 

US Debt Tops $31 Trillion for First Time Ever on Biden Admin Spending Spree US national debt surpassed $31 trillion for the first time in history, according to Treasury Department data, published Oct. 4. Data showed that the total national debt was $31.123 trillion as of Oct. 3, after passing the $30 trillion mark just nine months ago in late January.

Inflation worse than expected in September as persistent prices continued to squeeze U.S. households and worsen a political headache for Dems. CPI a broad measure of the price for everyday goods including gasoline, groceries and rents, rose 0.4% in September from the previous month. Prices climbed 8.2% on an annual basis. Article

Team Biden and Dems increased government borrowing amid the pandemic in order to prop up the economy amid job losses and chronic supply chain disruptions, while further borrowing was undertaken. Prior to the pandemic, at the end of 2019, the national debt stood at $22.7 trillion. Just a year later, it had risen to $27.7 trillion and has continued to add gains since.

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


“This is a new record no one should be proud of,” Maya MacGuineas, president of the CRFB, said in a statement. “In the past 18 months, we’ve witnessed inflation rise to a 40-year high, interest rates climbing in part to combat this inflation, and several budget-busting pieces of legislation and executive actions.”

“Just in 2022, Congress and the President have approved a combined $1.9 trillion in new borrowing, and Biden has approved $4.9 trillion in new deficits since taking office. We are addicted to debt,” MacGuineas said. Inflation reached 8.3 % year-over-year in the United States in August, prompting the Federal Reserve to continue with its aggressive interest rate hikes  Article

Industry Insiders on Real Story Behind High Gas Prices: Structural Problems, Hostile Policies, and Inaction. High gas prices in America are caused by a mismatch between U.S. oil production and refining, bad policies, political hostility, and the Biden administration’s inaction, according to experts and oil industry insiders.

Inflation in the U.S. has been running high since March when the yearly Consumer Price Index (CPI) reached 8.5 % , the highest level since 1981 and a dramatic increase in energy prices has drawn special attention. Between May and August, energy prices rose between 20 % to 40 % year-over-year. Biden and the Dems have destroyed the economy with insane and unsustainable policies. Article

Inflation causing 1/3 of Americans to delay their retirement

Global energy markets are turbulent, expect increased winter prices for heat and electricity. Horrible Democrat polices began pushing up the price of natural gas, America’s largest source of electricity, in 2021. Biden's ineptness and weakness led to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine; and the corresponding energy war in Europe have further boosted global gas prices, with Europe facing soaring costs and possible blackouts this winter. Price hikes are across the board and U.S. natural gas is still trading about 65% higher than a year ago, and 170% higher than two years ago.

That means winter power and heating costs will be considerably higher than last year, which itself was a budget breaker. Energy costs for homes and businesses have been one of the key drivers of high inflation. Overall inflation is running 8.3% year-over-year, and home energy costs are up 21%. Article

Saudi Arabia Releases Statement Confirming That Biden Pressured Kingdom to Delay Cuts in Oil Production Until After Election

Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan is facing yet another lawsuit, this time by a small-business advocacy group calling for the “counterproductive, inflationary, and unfair action” to be blocked from going ahead. Article

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


COVER-UP:Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit under the common law right of access after the Capitol Police refused to provide any records in response to a January 21, 2021, request (Judicial Watch v. United States Capitol Police (No. 1:21-cv-00401)), asks for:

Email communications between the U.S. Capitol Police Executive Team and the Capitol Police Board concerning the security of the Capitol on January 6, 2021. The timeframe of this request is from January 1, 2021 through January 10, 2021.

Email communications of the Capitol Police Board with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the U.S. Department of Justice, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security concerning the security of the Capitol on January 6, 2021. The timeframe of this request is from January 1, 2021 through January 10, 2021.

All video footage from within the Capitol between 12 pm and 9 pm on January 6, 2021.

Pelosi Congress claiming "sovereign immunity" in federal court to hide 14,000 hours of January 6 videos and hundreds of emails. Also says they aren't public records and there's no public interest in their release!  Article

Biden’s Handlers Trying to Figure Out How to Extend Pandemic Powers. Tennessee senator Marsha Blackburn said Democrats are going to lose the House and Senate in November, citing how recently they stripped away civil liberties during the pandemic.

“I have chuckles as Joe Biden has declared the pandemic over and then his handlers have had to go back and try to figure out how to continue the pandemic. They’re desperate to continue the pandemic and continue their control." Article

CCP Opens Police Department in the US; COVID-19 Vaccine Autopsy Reports Hidden From Public The Chinese Communist Party is opening police departments outside of China, including in New York. These offices are allegedly meant to monitor Chinese citizens living abroad and are the latest chapter in operations from the regime to export its persecutions of dissidents. Article

Last week there were violent clashes outside a Turning Point USA event at UC Davis in California, Black Conservative Stephen Davis was the keynote speaker. As many as 100 protestors clashed outside the event hall. Conservatives were beaten and doused with pepper spray. “Our hearts go out to the student who was so viciously attacked, and we are truly saddened by the state of college campuses across the country,” TPUSA said in a statement. “Speech is violence when it is an opposing ideology, but actual violence committed on behalf of radical leftists is time and time again permitted by institutions that used to value open dialogue.” Article

It is very clear that the Democrat Operatives in the media simply do not care about the truth, they only care about perpetuating their false narratives. Case in point: Hitman reporter Jim Brunner's recent politically motivated "Hit Piece" article in the Seattle Times (Slimes) aimed at me, the WA State Republican Party and Dr. Douglas Frank, timed for the general election, is another example of the lies the lame stream media are willing to peddle to the unsuspecting public. Instead of being honest in reporting they decided to go the libel / slander route.

It is quite humorous that the Dem Operatives and RINOs keep repeating the lie that 2020 was the most secure election in American history, say there is no evidence of voter fraud (nothing could be more further from the truth), and keep trying to debunk serious Election Integrity efforts.

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


SCRP Chairman Responds to Recent Politically Motivated Hit-pieces and Unfounded Attacks

This of course is what mainstream media Dem Operatives do. Case in point, in May 2022 Brunner and another Seattle Times cohort went along with King County Election Integrity Canvassers (WA Voter Research Project) door-to-door volunteers to see what they are finding. That day the canvassing team found several anomalies, in fact anomaly after anomaly (where “voters” that were registered to vote at the address, voted from that address, but didn’t reside at the address). But instead of a fair and honest report, Brunner refused to investigate or report their findings accurately and chose to misrepresent the truth, implying it was crazed Trump supporters bitter about the 2020 election, instead of very concerned citizens trying to help clean the voter rolls finding many serious anomalies. Facts are that the King County Elections Dept. removed hundreds of voter registrations off the rolls from the King County Voter Research Project Report. 

OF NOTE: Brunner’s hit piece against Captain Seth Keshel's article, dubbed “How 2020 Election Conspiracies Continue to Fester in WA GOP and Grassroots Conservative Groups,” was written in response to Seth’s appearance with Patriots United, Glen Morgan, and Dr. Douglas Frank in Vancouver, WA, Sept. 8. Seth writes Brunner’s article was filled with mistakes, hasty assumptions, half-truths, contempt, and bias. Jim Brunner has proven, by being incapable of doing the simplest research like clearing up titles and descriptors, that the mainstream media cannot be trusted when determining who should be called conspiracy theorists, lie peddlers, and seditionists.  Sadly, The Seattle Times apparently has such a short supply of military veterans that no one could identify, at the top of an article, that his details were horribly errant. 

King 5 TV reporter Chris Ingalls did something similar in September. When he could not find anything of substance to fit their deceptive narrative, Ingalls chose to slice and dice comments and twist them in his hit-piece story aimed at the King County Election Integrity canvassers, who were simply working to help clean the voter rolls and expose the many anomalies in the elections system to correct them.

Continuing on their war path, Ingalls did a new hit-piece Oct 30 (again politically motivated and perfectly timed for the election) aimed at me (he didn't even spell my name correctly) and the Skagit Voter Integrity Project (SVIP) volunteers. Ingalls' report is full of mistakes, twisted innuendos, and interpretations from last September's 2021 Skagit Voter Integrity Project Summary Report, in an obvious attempt to mislead the public and make it look like we are doing Election Integrity Canvassing now.

I stand by my report, and I will continue to be transparent. SVIP Volunteers did the best they could, yes when knocking on thousands of doors and making thousands of phone calls, there may be some mistakes. But the project and the report were done with the highest and best spirit of intent to help clean the voter rolls.

The Skagit Voter Integrity Project (SVIP) was formed in December of 2020 after much voter distrust in the November 2020 general elections. The group was made up of non-partisan grass roots, like-minded citizen volunteers all working together for a common cause and had over 45 committed volunteers. The purpose and mission were to strengthen voter confidence and election integrity in Skagit County by helping to clean the voter rolls, providing honest thoughtful critiquing, and putting forth helpful solutions to all aspects of our county and state election systems; while also advocating to ensure honest, transparent, free and fair elections. IMPORTANT: Several of the SVIP volunteers were "non-partisan" and NOT AFFILIATED with the Skagit County Republican Party, or Any Republican Party organization.

In reviewing last year's source data for the SKAGIT VOTER INTEGRITY PROJECT SUMMARY REPORT (9-30-21), there were several errors reported by Ingalls. First, never in any way did we COMMUNICATE TO THE SKAGIT COUNTY AUDITOR OR ELECTIONS DEPT. THAT THE SVIP REPORT OR SOURCE DATA SPREADSHEET REVEALED WIDESPREAD EVIDENCE OF VOTER FRAUD, OR "DEMAND" THE COUNTY INVESTIGATE ANYTHING. We have always made it very clear that the intention was to help to clean the voter rolls and we have always been very respectful of the county, the Commissioners, Canvassing Board, the Auditor and Elections Supervisor (and I am confident they would all back me up on that).

Chris Ingalls has misrepresented the facts! SVIP Volunteers telephone canvassed (see page 7 of the SVIP Report), and door-to-door canvassed back in 2021 and were not making decisions or judgments about citizenship, competency, or anyone's ability to vote. These were the volunteers' recommendations to the auditor and elections dept. in a good faith attempt to help clean the voter rolls and make sure the voter rolls were accurate. This was based on Skagit County Registered Voter data and the Volunteers' interaction with the occupant at the household. It is the duty and the right of the people in a free society to question the elections processes and our government.

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Additionally, Ingalls misinterpreted the source data spreadsheet and made false assumptions and interpretations in his three specific examples of the 3,000. Also, people need to understand that these three examples are very rare exceptions to the findings of the SVIP report. About 95 % of all the anomalies documented were "registered voters" that were registered to vote at the listed address, voted from the address, but did not live at the address.

Of Note: Skagit County Elections have removed approximately half of the 1,632 anomalies off the voter rolls, which we very much appreciate and are grateful for!

P.S. FOR THE RECORD: Last night I received an email from Chris Ingalls that included a statement by the Chair of the Skagit County Democrats:

“The KING 5 TV story indicates attempts by the local GOP to disenfranchise members of our military, senior citizens and people of color,” said Lynn Campbell, chair of Skagit Democrats. “Also, as is happening across the nation, the local GOP is harassing the elections office with fake claims of fraudulent voters.”

My email response to Chris Ingalls:

"I found your reporting lacked the proper information, took things out of context, was not accurate and misrepresented the facts. Additionally, I am extremely offended by the meritless accusations by the Chair of the Skagit County Democrats. It is unfortunate that we can't discuss important issues in our community as colleagues, without Identity politics and political propaganda."



Bill Bruch, SCRP Chairman


Why does King5 news refuse to accurately report volunteer efforts to clean up voter rolls? In a serious effort to conform every report King5 news launches with the establishment Left narrative they've chosen; it is sad to watch a formerly decent news crew descend into a partisan protection racket. If you want to know how inaccurate news reporting truly is, just wait until they report on something you know well. Video

When Trump won the Presidency in 2016 despite the Democrat's widespread cheating, the Democrat Operatives decided that nothing like that would ever happen again - We all now know what lengths they will go and what lows they will stoop to, to be in power. 

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


More See: Skagit Republicans Election Integrity Page and


Democrats are Aboard the Big Data Titanic - Sleep well - Nobody ever changed the game in any industry, or election, by applying demonstrably obsolete technology.

The future of computing, and election computing, is not size and scale, it is blinding speed, across trillions of records, from hundreds to thousands of databases, using daily or hourly snapshot analysis, delivered to your cell phone or tablet -- to determine if a person changed their mind -- this morning. Voter rolls are incredibly “dirty.”  That means lots of bad name and address data. To solve that issue, Fractal ingests the county property tax records and compares them with the voter roll. Want to know how many voters live at a vacant lot, inside of a P.O.Box, at a gas station, or in a convenience store? Article

EXCITING NEWS FOR ELECTION INTEGRITY: New Fractal Voter Registration System (FPEIS) Is Now Able to Detect Voter Anomalies BEFORE an Election — And After Election

Where Artificial Intelligence Can Expose Leftist Vote Fraud

Election Heroes Are Stopping Fraudulent Voting – The Postal Service Was In On It

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


MORE ILLEGAL DELETION OF ELECTION RECORDS -Tucker Carlson helped to expose a massive election data scam. A group investigated 14 of the swing states, they narrowed it down to the top 100 most populated counties in those states, then asked to see 2020 election records. 94 of the counties illegally deleted elections records, only 6 counties kept requested elections data. In the 6 counties there were massive discrepancies, they looked at the number of voters who voted and compared that to the number of ballots cast, they did not match anywhere. Cobb County Georgia had 34,000 discrepancies; Miami Dade County Florida had 16,000 discrepancies. This is very similar to what happened in WA State when at least 25 counties illegally deleted 2020 election records prior to 22 months violating State and Federal Law. VIDEO

SETH KESHEL: Many are unable to wrap their minds around the sheer audacity of there being over 155 million total votes cast in 2020 for the two main party candidates. There were just 130 million cast in 2016 between Trump and Clinton, and Trump’s 2020 gains were astonishing, particularly when viewed in the context that no incumbent president has gained votes from previous election and lost since Cleveland did so in 1888. 

All eyes are upon Washington, Oregon, Utah, and Colorado in this analysis, with the focus on a massive increase in turnout from Vote By Mail. You will understand why I see Washington, Oregon, and Colorado as potential 2020 Trump states. Article

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Lake Campaign Has Questions After a Local Media Outlet Called Her Race...12 Days Early

RNC has launched 73 election lawsuits in 20 states: 'Most litigious' election cycle

How wireless modems in voting machines could endanger the midterms

Liberal Media ADMITS The Truth About Modems In Voting Machines

Election Integrity Experts Identify Privacy Flaw Affecting All ICP/ICE Dominion Voting Systems Across 21 States 

Video Confirms That Democrats Invented Election Denial - Devastating indictment of the Left’s rampant, widespread, and profound refusal to accept Trump’s presidency

Biden's Census Dept Huge ‘Mistakes’ in 2020 Census Cost Republicans 3 Congressional Rep Seats, 3 Electoral Votes, and Republican States Billions of Dollars For Next 10 Years

MORE CHEAT - 2020 Census Errors Affect Elections, Help Blue States, Hurt Red States. GOP states have been shortchanged at least 3 congressional seats and electoral college votes because their population was undercounted in the 2020 census. Dem-leaning states received at least one extra seat and vote due to census overcounts and kept at least two they should have lost, according to an analysis of Census Bureau’s post-census survey.

The bureau acknowledged the errors but said there’s no way to correct them until the next census in 2030. Several experts and lawmakers have expressed concern over the errors, “they were consistently undercounting red states and consistently overcounting blue states." Article

Every Indian election since 2014 has been rigged: ‘US-based cyber expert’

BRAZIL ELECTION REPORT: Bolsonaro Shows Huge Early Lead, But Sees It Disappear As Statistically Impossible One-Way Vote Dumps Put Lula Ahead. Article

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

Forensic Experts Suggest Mathematical “Red Flags” In First Round of Brazilian Presidential Election, Cites Benford’s Law

VIDEO: Brazilian Election Riddled With Fraud, Bolsonaro's Party Won Everywhere Except Presidency - Transnational Criminal Somehow Wins

Biden's Brazilian Election Meddling Exposed

Team Biden Bragged about RIGGING Brazil Election Against President Bolsonaro Before Election Day  What just happened in Brazil is “mathematically impossible,” says international politico Matthew Tyrmand. That was the same conclusion I came to November 4, 2020 here in America. I’ve been involved in over 111 federal elections. There’s never been one like the American election in 2020 or the Brazilian election in 2022. Voters don’t vote in those patterns and data has never been tabulated in these patterns. Mass uniformity in ballot returns is statistically impossible! 

This 3 minute video explains exactly what happened in our 2020 election and what  happened in Brazil: Mike Lindell spotted this and produced a report showing that 4.1% of Trump votes became Biden votes and maintained that lead.  Yet, he could get no court to hear it.  We KNOW how they cheated, and yet nothing has been done...

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter



November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Brad is a Benton County Sheriff, 7-term State House Representative and currently serves as the House Minority Vice-Caucus Chair. He is also a former Colonel. More info: 

Write-in Klippert Campaign for WA SOS Gaining Traction! The Northwest Progressive Institute (NPI) published the results of a poll of likely voters that demonstrated that the Brad Klippert write-in campaign is gaining traction and getting the attention of the voters and media outlets. 

When Klippert, a 7-term Republican State Rep., was included in the choices offered to respondents, he earned 23% of the likely vote, compared to Democrat Hobbs’ 34% and non-partisan Anderson’s dismal 18%. 25% of the likely voters were still undecided.

In this 3-way race, if Brad Klippert can attract just over half of the undecided voters, he could gather enough support to win his write-in campaign for the important secretary of state office, which manages elections, the state archives, the state library, and business and non-profit registrations.

According to NPI’s analysis of the poll results, Once respondents have the option of picking Klippert, a proud and declared Republican, Anderson’s support collapses. Meanwhile, Hobbs holds steady, with an ever so slight increase in support of one percentage point (33% > 34%). Article

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

VIDEO INTERVIEW: 12 Point Plan For Election Integrity in WA State - With SOS Candidate Brad Klippert 

Video Interview Write-in Candidate for WA Secretary of State Brad Klippert 

Brad Klipper & Kirby Wilber 10-18-22 KVI Ari Hoffman Show

Secretary of State Race In Washington State Heats Up – Ranked Choice Voting Is On The Ballot to Give Democrats Control for Eternity – Will A Write-In Candidate Shake Things Up? (Oct 2022)

AUDIO: SOS Race Undecided - Learning Lessons from Alaska

ALASKA ELECTION: Republicans Received 60% of Vote and Lost the Race to a Democrat with 40% of Vote

Poll: 40% of WA voters still undecided in Secretary of State race

OF NOTE: The League of Women Voters decided to NOT have Brad Klippert participate in their WA State SOS debate, as they did not want to "confuse the voters with a write-in candidate on the stage"......Which means they did not want to confuse the voters by having them vote for Brad instead of Julie. 

Heather Honey was a guest of a recent WSRP EIC meeting and presented amazing Uniformed Oversees Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) data.

Nationwide in 2020 63% of UOCAVA tabulated votes were NOT in the military. Also of huge concern is that to be a UOCAVA voter you do NOT have to have a driver's license or social security number, or even a valid residential address. Yes, under current law you can get the ballot emailed and vote via email with no verification of citizenship. This is a massive potential for voter fraud! I.e. in 2020 because of Covid there was a big reduction of American citizens living oversees. To show the magnitude, there were over 800,000 fewer individual tax returns filed by citizens living oversees in 2020 compared to 2016 as Covid restrictions forced many gov. employees to come home, gov. offices closed, embassies closed, businesses closed, etc.   

But guess what happened in 2020? The number of UOCAVA votes SOMEHOW INCREASED by 389,000 as compared to 2016, and 268,000 of those increased "voters" (69%) were Non-military. To think that none of these potential fraud issues are in WA State is pure ignorance. OF NOTE: The 2020 UOCAVA Non-Military Votes totaled 573,000, and in Maricopa County AZ 74% of the UOCAVA Votes were tallied for Biden. In Fulton County Georgia a 950 ballot hand count of UOCAVA votes showed 100% went to Biden, 0 votes for Trump, and in Cobb County Georgia 95% of the UOCAVA votes went to Biden. 

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter




VIDEO: UOCAVA Military Ballots Are Being Stolen by Democrats in America Today

Kitsap County Election Integrity Canvassers completed their 2022 report and found a 54% anomaly rate. It is important to note that ALL the WA State Election Integrity County canvassing teams via the WA State Voter Research Project had over a 40% anomaly rate. Other counties that canvassed in 2021 and 2022 included Skagit, King, Thurston, Jefferson, Mason, Walla Walla, Chelan, Grays Harbor, Cowlitz, Clark, Benton, Grant, Island, Snohomish, Garfield, Whatcom, Stevens, Lincoln and Kittitas.  Additionally, Clallam County had over a 100% anomaly rate and Spokane County had over a 200% anomaly rate. 

The bizarre ‘purpose’ Auditor Greg Kimsey gives election observers in Clark County: Vancouver resident Mark Engleman excerpt of his letter to the newspaper: Election Observers are citizens who watch the processing of ballots at the election office. Below is the stated purpose, from Auditor Greg Kimsey. I am hugely disappointed in the rules the current auditor set up for election observers…no pencil or paper to record phones to be able to record asking questions or pointing out issues to workers at all…To top it off, there is no validation of the signature validation process, ie: they have no way of knowing what percentage of fraudulent ballots are cast. Observers should not serve as public relations representatives of the auditor’s office, which is what Kimsey's current stated “purposes say

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Practical Steps to Secure Election Integrity - With Clark County Auditor Candidate Brett Simpson

Clallum County Election Observers are also being shut out of the election observer process. County Auditor Shoona Riggs who is the President of the WA State Auditor Association, and the Clallum County Elections Supervisor are not allowing Election Observers to be in the room where the signature matching process is being conducted.

In the Aug. primary it was witnessed that the long time Clallum Election Supervisor (who at the time was wearing a Rock the Vote T-Shirt) actually turned away the computer monitor away from the observer's view, as election observers were forced to use binoculars from outside the room, having to look through a window.

Additionally, these officials have implemented a policy that forces the election observers to be put in a 9 ft X 3 Ft "Penalty Box" in the corner of the room away from processing. If you go out of the "Penalty Box" you get a warning, if you go outside the box area a second time you are kicked out of the room. These policies of intimidation do not foster trust to the election observer process.

Also, there was a list of the Republican election observers posted outside the Election Center for all to see, with their names, addresses and phone #s. The list of the Democrats observer's names had NO personal information listed. This was intentionally done by the Clallum Elections Supervisor.

Of further concern is that Clallum's election observers who are monitoring drop boxes have been intimidated and harassed by known Democrats, Communists and Marxists believed to be from Sequim. At one point the observers were even forced to call the police. It is important to note that business owners around the drop boxes have been very supportive and complementary of the observers.

IMPORTANT: The Sequim City council was recently taken over in the last election by card carrying members of the Communist Party and Marxists.

Last month at a candidate forum in Shelton, Republican Mason County Auditor Candidate Steve Duenkel was continually hounded by three Associated Press reporters. The Democrat Operative "reporters" were flown in from Colorado, and followed, filmed and recorded everything Steve did and said from table to table. They did this for about 12 tables throughout the event. It was crazy and ridiculous. They weren’t there for anything but the Auditor’s race and to harass Steve. One guy taking notes, another on camera, and a still photographer. Their hit piece full of lies and distortions came out about a week later.

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


WA DC Open Democracy PAC, which has donations from a "Dark Money" 1630 Fund is now infiltrating our WA State County Auditor elections. According to PDC records at least $75,000 has been spent via ODP-WA PAC against Conservative County Auditor candidates in Spokane, Mason, Kitsap, and Kittitas counties in the last 30 days.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund (sometimes styled “1630 Fund”) is a left-of-center lobbying and advocacy organization founded in 2008. 1630 Fund often operates alongside its charitable “sister” nonprofit New Venture Fund, which provides similar funding and fiscal sponsorship services to center-left organizations. Both groups are administered by Arabella Advisors, a Washington, D.C.-based philanthropy consulting firm that caters to left-leaning clients.

According to its founding documents, the 1630 Fund was created with seed funding from Americans United for Change (AUFC) and the known voter fraud organization ACORN.

Both 1630 Fund and New Venture Fund have been criticized as “dark money” organizations by left-leaning news outlets, including the New York Times, for serving as a way for left-wing groups to anonymously funnel money toward various advocacy issues, such as attacking vulnerable Republicans or pushing state-level environmental restrictions.

OF NOTE: The overwhelming source of funding to ODP-WA PAC originates with Hansjörg Wyss, who is apparently neither a US Citizen or permanent resident (green-card holder). The 1630 Fund contributed 4.146 Million Dollars to ODP-WA PAC in the 2022 election cycle.

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter



New Mexico audit shows problem with Dominion Tabulators…

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Audit Results of Primary Election in Torrance County, New Mexico Show Differences Between Hand Counts and SOS Records of Up to 25%

Torrance CO NM - I Said Direct Evidence

DELAWARE: Delaware Supreme Court finds vote by mail, same-day registration unconstitutional

Delaware Republicans Celebrate Court Ruling: Vote-by-Mail Unconstitutional

In addition to the mail-in vote decision, the high court also negated a new law that allows people to register and vote on Election Day. The deadline to register to vote will be the fourth Saturday before the election, which is Oct. 15. Article

MICHIGAN: Lawsuit Filed by MI Residents Demands Michigan’s Dirty SOS Jocelyn Benson Rescind Newly Created, Unconstitutional Rules To Make Poll Challenger's Job In Upcoming Election Almost Impossible. Article

Michigan computer scientist says 'serious privacy flaw' present in Dominion Voting Systems machines - Purported flaw could expose anonymous ballots

MINNESOTA: Watchdog: 515 Voters Registered Twice in Six Minnesota Counties

Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF)  filed six lawsuits in six Minnesota counties over 515 duplicate registrants

Report Claims Dominion Ballot Error Rate Was At Least 85,000 Times FEC Limit

GEORGIA: Dominion 'Error Code' Uncovered in 97% of Georgia Counties - Open records requests reveal 64 of 66 Georgia counties have the same unsolved 'Tennessee Error' that caused seven scanners to miscount hundreds of ballots in Williamson County. Article

"Investigators reviewed the system log (SLOG) files (it’s just a diary the scanner keeps of the election), and it showed multiple instances of an error called a “QR code signature mismatch” with a warning message of “Ballot format or ID is unrecognizable.." After the error was triggered, the current ballot in the machine was not counted, and EVERY BALLOT AFTER it was not counted properly. Article

Chairman Of Dekalb County GOP Requests Withdrawal Of Konnech Election Contract 

Video shows illegal ballot harvester in Gwinnett County. He fans out ballots, takes a photo, & places them in the dropbox. It’s been reported illegal ballot harvesters were paid $10 per ballot, & had to show proof. Video

The 2022 Election Cheat is on - Residents of Gwinnett County, Georgia Ask 3 County Board of Elections Members to Step Down Due to Being Complicit in 2022 Election Crimes

Carter Center International Election Observers With Deep Communist Ties Gain 60 Days Of Full Access To Fulton County Midterms

COLORADO: Colorado Secretary of State, Democrat Jena Griswold, mailed out 30,000 voter registration cards to “Non-Citizens.”

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


ARIZONA: Katie Hobbs' Ballot Error Just Proved Kari Lake's Point

AZ Guidelines for In Person Drop-Box Watching
1 Stay more than 75 feet from the drop-box location.
2 Remain peaceful and observe from the legal distance. 
3 Recommend going in groups of at least 2 to watch in person.
4 From at least 75 feet away, take pictures of and document suspicious behavior (dropping off multiple ballots or circling and leaving).
5 Report issues:

Kari Lake Says She Will Move to Clamp Down on Early Voting: It's 'Election Day, Not Election Season'

Katie Hobbs Fails to Explain Why She Destroyed 20 Years of Arizona Tradition

TEXAS: CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Beto O’Rourke Campaign Workers Raid Assisted Living Facility Hunting for Votes – Democrats Stealing Votes from the Weak and Elderly. An assisted living resident is confronted by Beto O’Rourke campaign workers who are raiding nursing homes to steal votes from the weak and elderly.  Article

WISCONSIN: Experts Uncover Evidence that Voting Machines in Wisconsin Were Connected to NGO During 2020 Election

A Wisconsin judge rejected an attempt backed by liberals to allow absentee ballots containing an incomplete witness address to be counted, saying that would disrupt the status quo and cause confusion with voting underway less than two weeks before Election Day. The ruling was a win for the Republican-controlled Wisconsin Legislature. Article

OREGON: State of Oregon Admits In Court That Election Machines Are Connected To The Internet!

TENNESSEE:  A Williamson County municipal election on October 26, 2021, “produced end-of-day tape reconciliation reports that seriously undercounted the number of ballots actually cast.” If not for an astute poll worker and a small group of concerned citizens who formed a group called the Tennessee Voters for Election Integrity (TVEI), the anomalies and QR code failure errors would not have been investigated. The undercount and other issues were found in six Dominion scanners in three distinct voting centers in Franklin, Tennessee. Article

NEW YORK: 23% Of New York Voters Lack Proof Of Identity

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

FBI Arrests New York Election Official Over Alleged Absentee Ballot Fraud Scheme

PILF found that 3.1 million registered voters in New York state were missing personal identification information, including driver’s license numbers and Social Security numbers, which makes it difficult for the state to accurately maintain its voter rolls — precisely the objective on the Democrat side of the ledger in Democrat-controlled states. Article

Saratoga County Supreme Court Justice, Dianne Freestone, ruled that it is unconstitutional for New York voters to be allowed to continue using Covid-19 as an excuse to vote by mail

New York GOPers Demand Elections Board Clean Up Voter Rolls Inflated By 3 Million Voters Missing ID Info

ALASKA: It’s Happening: Alaska Borough Bans Voting Machines for All Future Elections

VIDEO: Dominion Machines BANNED In Alaska County!

14 Precincts In Alaska Ban Voting Machines...Votes Will Be Hand-Counted: In a significant move that could lead to similar decisions being made across the country, the Matanuska-Susitna Borough Assembly passed an ordinance that will prohibit the use of voting tabulation machines and make poll workers hand-tabulate ballots for the upcoming midterm elections.

FIRST DEMOCRAT to win the House seat in solid red Alaska in 50 Years! Ranked-choice voting and mail-in ballots were implemented by referendum in 2020. Now the state lost to Democrat cheating and maneuvering

FLORIDA: CBS Shocked Violent Felons Committing Voter Fraud Were Arrested

Shocking situation with 3rd Party Vendors in Florida and their suspicious relationships with the state. 2/3rd of Florida's ballots are printed by a NY Firm, and wait till you hear who the CEO of that firm donates to. Did you know who else is connected to the printing of ballots and how they are connected to the machines? FL. Red Belly Rd Update - Obstruction, Lies, & Complacency

DEMS NEW WAYS TO CHEAT: Kristopher Jurski is sounding the alarm bells in what he and others have discovered in Florida.. The act of flipping Bogus addresses last second to real addresses to make it seem that fake votes are legitimate. It's happening in the thousands if not millions. Video

Democrat blows whistle on alleged ballot harvesting scheme, Florida opens criminal probe of widespread vote trafficking operation in Orlando. State police open a full criminal investigation into whistleblower's detailed complaint of a long-running, widespread ballot harvesting operation in the African-American communities in politically important central Florida. Article

Democrat Whistleblower Outs Ballot Harvesting Scheme in Florida

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


PENNSYLVANIA: Former Congressman Michael “Ozzie” Myers (D-PA) was sentenced to 30 months in prison last month for vote fraud. His scheme involved bribery, falsification of voting records, conspiring to illegally vote in a federal election, and stuffing ballot boxes for specific Democrat candidates. The fraud occurred during both the 2014 and 2018 elections. Article

Fulton County, Pennsylvania, filed a lawsuit against Dominion Voting Systems last month for a “breach of contract.” The county alleges that their log files show “an external IP address” located in Quebec, Canada, and that an unauthorized “python script” had been installed AFTER the certification date. Article

Supreme Court upends Pennsylvania precedent permitting undated mail-in ballots

CRISIS IN PENNSYLVANIA – 255,000 UNVERIFIED NEW VOTERS SENT BALLOTS – Pennsylvania Democrat officials sent out 255,000 ballots to people they could not verify either by their Social Security or Driver’s License numbers. Article

Democratic PA Secretary of State: “We Are Not Going to Have Results On Election Night”

Pennsylvania Woman Sues Gubernatorial Candidate Josh Shapiro for Defamation in Political Ads. Toni Shuppe, co-founder of Audit the Vote PA, says Shapiro made false statements about her. Article

Karl Rove is trying to sabotage Pennsylvania's Doug Mastriano by suggesting that Josh Shapiro is anti-crime. Mastriano joins Charlie Kirk to debunk that lie and show why only a Republican win will make Philly's streets safe again. Audio

ILLINOIS: Republican US Senate candidate's name not on ballots distributed in Illinois 

VIRGINIA: State Official Questions Delay of 100,000 Voter Registrations in Virginia

CALIFORNIA: The corruption of California's voter roll is astounding, even more so than Georgia's and Texas's. Total new registrations in four years leading up to 2008, 2012, and 2016 Presidential Elections, respectively: 596k, 1.093m, 1.166m - Total new registrations between 2016 and 2020 elections: 2.636 MILLION

Los Angeles prosecutors accused the CEO of Michigan-based Konnech, an election software company, of being involved in a “massive” data breach affecting several thousand victims. Konnech employees were sending personal identifying information of Los Angeles election workers to third-party software developers in China “who assisted in creating and fixing” Konnech’s software known as PollChief. Article

The campaign to recall Gascon is suing the L.A. County registrar after a review showed 39 % of signatures were likely wrongly rejected

Election Integrity We Are Living in Historic Times - Bannon Video Begins at 9 Min

America First Legal Sues 14 Federal Agencies for Refusing to Disclose the Biden Regime’s Takeover of Election Administration › American Greatness (

Trump: Get rid of Mail-in Ballots - The Whole World Is Laughing at Our Stupid Elections

2022 Midterm Action List – 7 STEPS You Can Take to SAVE OUR ELECTION From Fraud

If we all get involved in the 2022 midterms, WE can stop a majority of the election fraud. IT’S TIME TO ACT! One thing we learned from the 2020 election is that post-election litigation does not prevent Democrats from cheating and stealing elections. Now that citizens are aware of the fraud, many jurisdictions are taking active measures to prevent discovery and disclosure of it. Here are several county-level suggestions to help prevent fraud. Article

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Election Integrity: 61% Say Issue Is Very Important. Preventing cheating in elections is a priority for voters, who expect the issue to be important in next month’s midterm elections. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 84% of Likely U.S. voters believe the issue of election integrity will be important in this year's congressional elections, including 61% who expect it to be Very Important. 13% don’t think the issue will be important. Article

CEO of US election software firm Konnech arrested for storing data on servers in China - Eugene Yu, the CEO of the software firm Konnech, arrested in connection to the storage of data on servers in China

Eugene Yu, the CEO of the U.S. election software company Konnech, was arrested in Michigan by investigators from the LA County DA investigators found U.S. poll workers’ information stored on servers in the People’s Republic of China. This story is about the investigation as much as the cover up. In a 2013 archived version of the Chinese company’s website, Yu praised the vision of "Comrade Jiang Zemin" and the Chinese Communist Party before bragging in Chinese about his success with "Election Management Solutions Detroit" and "U.S. Overseas Voters." Article

Konnech's Shocking "Back-Door" Access Into U.S. Election Data: "Chinese contractors" had "superadministration" access to “astounding” amounts of data in what is "probably the largest data breach in United States history.”

FBI Conceals Chinese Infiltration of U.S. Election Software: "This is a red Chinese communist op run against the United States by Chinese operatives, and it's a disaster."

Software CEO arrested for stealing US election worker data, storing it on Chinese servers

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

Los Angeles County prosecutors alleged in court that the amount of data involved in the breach was “astounding,” adding that “this is probably the largest data breach in United States history.”

In August, Luis Nabergoi, a Konnech project manager overseeing the Los Angeles contract, wrote in a Chinese-owned messaging app that any employees for Chinese contractors working on PollChief software would have “superadministration” access to the client data, the complaint alleges.

The message also described the situation as a “huge security issue,” according to the complaint.

On Oct. 4, the day of Yu’s arrest, Nabergoi allegedly told employees in an internal email that the company was “moving to a new stage in the company maturity and we need to ensure the security privacy and confidentiality." Konnech has acknowledged that it had a subsidiary in China. Article

ALL the political donations made by employees of Konnech – the election management company whose CEO was recently arrested for allegedly storing information on election workers on servers in China – went to support Democratic candidates!

The unearthed political associations of the company, according to a Federal Election Commission (FEC) database, follows the arrest of Konnech CEO Eugene Yu. The Michigan-based company, which managed software responsible for organizing poll workers in Los Angeles County, is now “part of an investigation into the possible theft of personal identifying information of those workers,” according to authorities.

The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office explained that the firm was “supposed to securely maintain the data and that only United States citizens and permanent residents have access to it,” but instead secretly stored it on servers in China.

Nearly 50 political donations made by Konnech staff, including Eugene Yu, which exclusively went to Democratic candidates. Article

Konnech CEO Eugene Yu worked for the Chinese Communist Party

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


True the Vote leaders arrested after refusing to reveal confidential informant - Hoyt ordered that Engelbrecht and Phillips be held in custody until they divulge that information

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


True The Vote's Leaders Going To Jail For Uncovering Election Fraud - Why is Judge Kenneth Hoyt protecting Konnech after its CEO was arrested?

On Thursday, Gregg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht of the election integrity organization True The Vote were held in contempt of court by a leftist activist judge because they refused to divulge a confidential informant source.

What has destroyed Konnech’s defamation lawsuit against True The Vote is that Konnech’s CEO, Eugene Yu, was arrested on October 4th for illegally storing the personal data of American election workers on servers in China. (Here’s the backstory on how the FBI tried to conceal Chinese infiltration of our elections and then read this follow-up story by Kanekoa and then read this story.) Judge Hoyt has simply proceeded in Konnech’s civil case this week as if none of this has happened. Article

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

Amazing Video: Computer Programmer Clint Curtis testimony to Congress who wrote a prototype program that rigs any election through software via voting machines to flip the vote to a 51% to 49% outcome

Hey FBI, if you aren't too busy raiding your political opponents, lying to FISA courts, or framing President Trump for a second time with the same discredited agents — can you check out why the website for China's premier voting technology company was registered to [❓] Article

WHO SAYS THERE WAS NO 2020 ELECTION FRAUD? The 2020 Presidential election outcome was decided by secret counts in five counties of five battleground states, each riddled with the corruption! Specifically, fraud and illegalities committed in Philadelphia Co. Pennsylvania, Wayne Co. Michigan, Milwaukee Co. Wisconsin, Fulton Co. Georgia and Maricopa Co. Arizona determined the 2020 Presidential election. Article

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Soros spending tens of millions supporting Dems in AZ alone - 70 M in AZ Senate race-America First Activists Are Holding Counties Accountable For Illegal Votes Cast 

WA D.C. Dems voted 12-1 on a bill that will give residents, regardless of immigration status, the right to vote in local elections. “Our immigrant neighbors of all statuses participate, contribute and care about our community in our city,” D.C. Council member Charles Allen said. Article

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


55% Say Cheating Affected 2020 Election Outcome. Main Stream Media Ignores the Evidence, but Voters Still Concerned: 84% of all voters say Election Integrity is IMPORTANT, 61 % of all voters say Election Integrity is VERY IMPORTANT!

Why Not Paper Ballots? America's Weird History of Voting Machines

President Trump discusses how elections are done in France and strongly pushes going back to tried and true, voting in your local precinct, one day voting only, paper ballots, local counting at the precinct. This matches what he is saying at all his sold out rallies, that all voters need to vote in local election offices and only on election day. 

"The Witch Hunt continues, and after 6 years and millions of pages of documents, they’ve got nothing. If I had what Hunter and Joe had, it would be the Electric Chair. Our Country is Rigged, Crooked, and Evil - We must bring it back, and FAST. Next stop, Communism!
Video Interview
November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Exposing the Communist Forces, Including China, Behind US Election Integrity Issues: Trevor Loudon | Trevor Loudon gave a speech detailing how the election integrity issues that we’re seeing play out across this entire nation are actually part of a broader plan by forces who wish to see this country fall to forces like the Chinese Communist Party, and their many affiliates. Video

Statistical Impossibilities: Joe Biden’s electoral tally was achieved due to a series of highly unusual voting patterns. 5 key battleground states all stopped counting on election evening after Trump hard large insurmountable leads. Biden lost 18 out of 19 bellwether counties, failed to take ANY of the 27 toss-up Congressional seats, and overcame Trump’s incumbent advantage of winning 94% of the primary votes. He had fewer votes than Obama did in 2008 in 70.7% of counties, yet still got nearly 12 million more votes than Obama. All this was accompanied by highly anomalous voting patterns in key swing states after midnight on November 3. More See

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Specially Trained Capitol Hill Staffers to Observe Closely Contested Elections

"Washington State Elections Fiasco" by Bill Bruch, Washington State GOP Chairman




GOP Expands Lead To 7 Points On Congressional Ballot

A red wave is appearing to take over New York City as the city grapples to get a hold on running crime and an influx of illegal immigrants arriving in the city at the hands of Democratic leadership. A new co/efficient poll found that Rep. Lee Zeldin has taken the lead over his opponent Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-NY). 45.6 % of voters favor Zeldin just slightly more than Hochul, which got 45.3 %. Co/efficient pollster Ryan Munce suggested that people are waking up to realize that Democratic leadership destroys the country. Article

AUDIO: Joe Kent up 5 - 8 points - Interview with Charlie Kirk

A Georgia Rassmussen poll found that Herschel Walker has a 5 point lead in the Senate race— with 48% of Georgia likely voters picking Walker (R) while 43% would vote Warnock. Walker currently enjoys a 14-point lead among independents. In Georgia’s gubernatorial election, 51% of Likely Voters would reelect Republican Gov. Brian Kemp while 41% would vote for the Democratic challenger, former state Rep. Stacey Abrams. The GOP has a 10-point lead on the generic ballot question. 49% of Georgia Likely Voters would vote for the Republican candidate, while 39% would vote for the Democratic. Article

Herschel Walker reacts to Obama attacking him as a 'celebrity': 'I'm a warrior for God'

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Ted Cruz Says Midterms Will Be ‘Red Tsunami’, Democrats Can Only Focus on Abortion

GOP Could Gain Up to 7 Seats in Senate, 50 Seats in House

Republicans Strongly Positioned In Arizona Statewide Elections

Big Data Poll: Kari Lake Leads Katie Hobbs For Arizona Governor (Oct 2022)

Charlie Kirk plays the tape back from Project Veritas' hidden camera team which infiltrated Katie Hobbs' campaign in Arizona and gets to the bottom of exactly why her campaign refuses to debate Kari Lake for the job of CEO of Arizona. Charlie dissects exactly why Katie Hobbs is such an awful, cowardly candidate and why if there was an honest media, Katie Hobbs would already be polling 10 points behind. Video

Nevada shows signs of growing red wave

Nevada could see a red wave in November, putting Democratic control of a critical state at risk and potentially costing the party its Senate majority. Recent polling has shown Republican Senate hopeful Adam Laxalt leading Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.), and demonstrated that Republicans’ preferred midterm issues, the economy and inflation. Article

A Republican could win the governor’s seat in Oregon, breaching the Democratic controlled line of states running along the Pacific coastline of the US. The tight race between the former Oregon house speaker Tina Kotek, a Democrat, and former Oregon house minority leader Christine Drazan, a Republican, which in the latest polling showed Drazan with a lead. Article

VIDEO: WORTH THE WATCH - Pennsylvania Voters Destroy MSNBC Jan 6 Narrative 

NY Times poll: 59% of those aged 45 to 64 plan on voting for Republicans in this coming midterm election. Republicans also have an advantage among likely voters – they hold a 49%-45% lead in the poll

Three key states slipping away from Democrats. Republicans appear to have momentum on their side in their quest to flip the Senate as three states move in their direction in a key forecast. RealClearPolitics's Senate projection recently moved three battleground Senate races to the GOP: Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada. Article

State Legislature Elections: Minimal National Press, Big Voter Impact: Outside of national defense, foreign policy, immigration, and interstate commerce, state legislatures are responsible for nearly everything else that the government deals with. State lawmakers are the primary decision-makers across an array of concerns, including education, health care, infrastructure, elections, land use, sales taxes, firearms, and utilities, while controlling more than $2 trillion in yearly balanced-budget spending. 

A rising number of Democrat voters are questioning Joe Biden’s fitness for office amid the latest signs of his worsening mental health. According to a Harvard-Harris poll for this month, 22% of registered Democrats shared their doubts about Biden’s mental fitness for office, 83% of Republican voters said the same, along with 67% of Independents. Article

Donald Trump declared on Truth Social that “The silent majority is back.” The question of a “silent majority” was raised in both the 2016 and 2020 elections as being essential to a potential Trump victory, under massive censorship. Meanwhile, there’s a large-scale movement underway of propaganda disguised as local news, big tech censorship tools that fine people for “misinformation,” and programs that allow for communal “fact-checking.” Yet many of these are facing a troubled launch, amid controversy and social pushback. Video

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


President Trump is set to go on a rally blitz for candidates he has endorsed in at least four battleground states during the final days before the Nov. 8 midterm elections.

Trump is scheduled to hold rallies in Iowa, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Ohio in the span of five days until the eve of the elections. The first stop is Sioux City, Iowa, on Nov. 3, when Trump is scheduled to “advance the MAGA agenda,” referring to his campaign slogan, Make America Great Again, by campaigning for Republicans including Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), both seeking reelection to their current positions.

Two days later, Trump will hold a rally in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, lining up behind state Sen. Doug Mastriano for governor and Mehmet Oz for Senate in the Commonwealth.

“As Biden’s approval rating plummets, Pennsylvania crime spikes, and Pennsylvanians grapple with a 74% hike in heating oil, coupled with record inflation, just weeks away from winter,” the release states. “The America First Movement offers an alternative vision for America: Safe Streets, Cheap Gas, Low Inflation, and a Thriving American economy.” Article

Here’s a Full List of Congressional Republicans Funded by Gates

Kash Patel served in the Trump Administration as the Chief of Staff to Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller and is responsible for leading the Secretary’s mission including his executive staff and providing counsel to the Secretary on all matters concerning operations. Kash oversaw the execution of several of President Donald J. Trump’s top priorities. Kash discusses Why the Truth Matters the Most, The Durham Case, The China Virus, Russia Gate Conspiracy, The Impeachment Hoax, The Jan 6th Commission and his new book educating children and adults how DEM deep state actors FBI, DOJ and Mainstream Media lied to the American public to try and destroy President Trump and Our Constitutional Republic . Video Interview  "The Plot Against the King 2000 Mules"

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


North America Goes South: The Plan To Dismantle USA - Once you envision the collapse of the U.S. border as an intentional strategy rather than incompetence, it all makes sense. People are starting to realize that the collapse of the American border is not an accident. It can’t be. When the Vice President of the United States says the border is “secure” at the same time that illegal border crossings have surged to more than a million a year, then one of two things must be true. Either the VP and the rest of the Biden administration have to be delusional, or they are lying. And while there is plenty of evidence that President Biden is cognitively challenged, there is no reason to believe that he or his handlers are out of touch with reality.

So they must be lying. But why? A lie is usually told to cover up some kind of bad behavior, some unacknowledged guilt or secretive misdeeds. Yet if there were an ulterior motive behind the Democratic policy of importing millions of unvetted immigrants into the interior of the country, what could it possibly be?

Unfortunately, there was no way to determine what the Biden administration was up to – until now. Two weeks ago, we learned that Biden’s Secretary of State Antony Blinken is actively engaged in a campaign to break down all barriers between the U.S .and Mexico. In other words, the huge influx of Mexicans and other foreigners across the U.S. border is just the first stage in a globalist effort to blur the lines between not just the United States and Mexico, but also Canada. Article

JAN. 6 PEACEFUL PROTESTER FILES CLASS ACTION ON BEHALF OF ALL JAN. 6, 2021, PEACEFUL PROTESTERS - DOJ/FBI Turned Into a Virtual "Gestapo" to Illegally Quash Freedom Speech, Right to Associate, and Other Fundamental Rights Under Constitution.
Two class action lawsuits and other important legal actions to get justice for the January 6 prisoners being unlawfully held and tortured are being filed taking on Biden’s rotten regime. INFO

The Chinese Communist Party supports Rishi Sunak, he Is NO Conservative and is more like Greta Thunberg and wants to reshape our economies to Net Zero (the great reset), wants a global central bank digital currency, praises Vaccine Mandates, is tied to World Economic forum Global Elite, praises the war in Ukraine. Audio

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has a 500 Million Dollar investment in Moderna. Audio

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Will millionaire Rishi Sunak PROFIT from new Moderna coronavirus vaccine?

More Biden LIES - Now About His Football Past

Joe Biden falls asleep on camera in the middle of a televised interview

Biden Claims Hurricane Ian Proves Climate Change, Despite Hurricane Expert’s Dismissal

VP Harris described how federal tax payer relief should be given to hurricane victims "based on equity." Elon Musk ripped into Harris, and critics on Twitter were outraged by her claims, with many accusing her of being racist towards victims of Hurricane Ian in Florida. Article

RNC says Google suppressed 22M fundraising emailsThe Republican National Committee says Google is suppressing get-out-the-vote and fundraising emails by sending millions of GOP election emails to users’ Gmail spam folders.

Joe Biden reads warning about a potential nuclear “Armageddon” at a fundraiser for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign CommitteeArticle

The U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS) is buying $290 million worth of drugs as part of its “long-standing, ongoing efforts to be better prepared to save lives following radiological and nuclear emergencies.” Article

‘Anarchist’ Middle School English Teacher Admits He Wants to ‘Burn Down the Entire System’ After Previously Being Exposed for ‘Woke’ Indoctrination of Students. Saying  ‘F**k’ the Parents … ‘I’m Your Parent Now’.' “Eventually, you want to remove Christianity — or religion [as a whole] — from progressive thought, because religion is inherently hierarchical.” Article / Video

VIDEO: Missouri AG's Lawsuit suing US Government Agencies Colluding with Big Tech

Former FBI Special Agent, John Guandolo exposes the network of Jihadists and Communists that have worked together to undermine America at its root for decades. Our adversaries are on American soil - present within our institutions - and advising those who are sworn to represent us throughout the highest levels of our federal government. The most important battle being waged today is taking place WITHIN our intelligence agencies. The tyranny running rampant throughout the federal government cannot persist against the truth. MUST WATCH VIDEO

Jan. 6 Committee Harassing Targets, Engaging in ‘Fishing Expedition’

Feds Have Enough to Charge Hunter Biden: WA Post

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Herschel Walker isn't black enough for the New York Times. When Joe Biden said black voters who didn’t support him “ain’t black,” he gave away that the liberal love for “diversity” and “inclusion” only matters if racial minorities are liberal. Article

England issues new guidance for treatment of gender dysphoria in minors. Finally, a nation severely impacted by the transgender ideology is recognizing the lasting harm it can have on children and actually doing something about it. Video

AMA asks DOJ to prosecute anti-radical gender theory voices. The AMA and American Academy of Pediatrics asked the Department of Justice to investigate and prosecute people who dare question their radical gender theory, claiming that it’s "disinformation." Radical left labels Conservative speech as 'violence' and their 'violence' as free speech. Video 

New York Mayor Adams declared a state of emergency over the city’s migrant crisis and pleaded for financial and legislative assistance from the federal government and state lawmakers. 

A Dem Governor candidate Katie Hobbs organized her high school's 'spirit week' - where students took part in a 'slave day' and bid for younger students to perform 'degrading' tasks

Marco Polo Report reveals Xi Jinping personally approved Bidens' meetings with Chinese energy tycoon. China's President Xi Jinping, who Hunter called "No. 1," personally approved meetings between VP Joe Biden and CEFC Chairman Ye Jianming, according to the 630-page report sent to U.S. Congress. Article

UKRAINE: RUSSIA SENDING IRANIAN DRONES TO BELARUS: Ukrainian intelligence officials released a report claiming the Russian military has been transferring Iranian-made Shahid-136 kamikaze drones to Belarus. Officials alleged that 32 drones had already been delivered to Belarus, and eight more are expected to be delivered on October 14. The Ukrainian report also detailed the delivery of ammunition and missiles to Crimea from Belarusian stockpiles, which could indicate the delivery of the drones may be part of an exchange for other weapons. 

Russia Uses Iranian-Made Drones to Strike Military Base Deep Inside Ukraine

Elite US unit ready to fight in Ukraine if conflict ‘escalates’ – America’s 101st Airborne Division, deployed close to the Ukrainian border, would step in if NATO were attacked

2022 sees record number of border crossings, migrant deaths

The Government continues censoring SERIOUS information about COVIID - We have the science, the data, and the empirical evidence we need to show us that the Covid-19 vaccines are causing irreparable harm to our children. How much longer are we going to let this go on as a society? Gov. and Bi-Tech need to change policy. Censorship in this issue constitutes mass murder. Video

Judicial Watch Uncovers HHS Records Revealing a Propaganda Campaign to Push the COVID-19 Shot. A massive media propaganda campaign to promote the COVID-19 vaccine was revealed in 249 pages of documents obtained through FOIA by Judicial Watch from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

In August 2021, Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against HHS for failing to answer to an April 19, 2021 request for records relating to the Biden HHS’ “COVID-19 Community Corps” program.

The Corps, launched in April 2021, has nearly 17,000 members. It’s a program through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and CDC to disseminate science-based information to community organizations and Americans around the country to empower them to fight COVlD-19 and promote vaccinations. Article

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

Reports on autopsies on people who died after getting COVID-19 vaccines are being withheld from the public by the FDA. And in addition to this, new emails show how the CDC was making false statements about monitoring vaccine safety

Florida Surgeon General Dr. Ladapo's new vaccine recommendation, advising young men from 18-39 NOT to take the vaccine due to an 84% increase in cardiac related death. Other countries advising against taking the shot like Denmark, Norway, and now even Australia, and contrasts that with the rest of America. Excess mortality rates reported in some of the most vaccinated countries? Video

WHEN SCIENCE CATCHES UP WITH REALITY: Florida Surgeon General Warns mRNA Vaccines Are Killing Men; Top Medical Journal Skews Vaccine Data

NY Supreme Court Abolishes Vaccine Mandates, Declares Vax Never Stopped Spread

The school lockdown catastrophe - The pandemic lockdowns were a policy blunder for the ages... But the worst catastrophe was visited on America’s children, as Monday’s release of the latest National Assessment of Educational Progress shows. The 2022 NAEP test, often called the nation’s report card, found a record drop in learning across the U.S. Article

The Real Reason why most doctors won’t criticize the COVID regime - Article / Audio

Q - If the COVID shots are as bad as they appear, why isn’t your doctor warning you about all of the potential side effects and, instead, is encouraging you to get more shots? 

A - Doctors are afraid to speak out about COVID treatment and the dangers of the COVID shots because they can lose their ability to practice medicine if they challenge the mainstream narrative.

CDC Panel Votes 15-0 To Add COVID Shots On Child Vaccine Schedule. The CDC Advisory Committee unanimously voted to add COVID-19 shots to the child and adolescent vaccination schedule. The move is seen as a recommendation rather than as a mandate. However, the decision leaves millions of parents worried due to reports of rising injuries and deaths caused by the vaccines. Article  

New Analysis Of COVID Virus Suggests Fauci And Baric’s Fingerprints On Pandemic Bug

How COVID Vaccines and Fake Data Drove People Insane: Justin Hart

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


EMERALD ROBINSON The Mortality Rate Is Up 17% Across The Vaccinated World - Why are cancers rising rapidly in 2022 as well as non-COVID deaths?

EXPOSED: Biden's CDC, Big Pharma, and leftist media all lied about the efficacy of the Covid vaccine and it's time to hold them accountable for these lies. Media also lied about the second biggest story of the pandemic, George Floyd's death. They prosecuted a police officer for his death, but the coroner's report says the cause of death was a fentanyl overdose. Jack Posobiec Audio They All Lied About the Vaccine and We Have Them on Tape

An Unholy Alliance — Faith Leaders and Big Pharma. A key component of the campaign to entice people into taking the experimental COVID shots has been to enlist “trusted messengers,” from social media influencers and celebrities to medical doctors and faith leaders. The U.S. government has established formal collaborations with faith-based organizations for the sole purpose of pushing the government’s narrative. Article / Video

WHISTLEBLOWER VIA HER PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN: "In Washington State upon death, hospitals and other medical facilities are now required to purge the vax records of the person who is now deceased. This includes records of any vax received just prior to death all the way back to their date of birth."

Moderna CEO, Stephane Bancel, has announced that the majority of people do not need COVID-19 boosters because the virus is now comparable to the seasonal flu

The Big COVID Vaccine Lie Comes Crashing Down


Have we learned nothing? 40 new biochemical labs that handle dangerous viruses are being built around the world after the Covid pandemic — 15 in Russia alone. India currently has a working lab, is building five and has ambitious plans for at least nine more. Experts say they could be a concern if harmful research is done there. Article.

Boston University Found Experimenting On Lethal New COVID Strains Funded By The CCP

“The War on Ivermectin: The Medicine That Saved Millions and Could Have Ended the Covid Pandemic.” Dr. Pierre Kory details the history of ivermectin and the how and why behind Big Pharma’s suppression of this drug when it was found to work against Covid-19. The outcome could have been much different - and many lives saved - if Big Pharma, Big Tech and Dishonest Media hadn't been so successful at suppressing this generic pharmaceutical that was found to work against Covid-19. Article

CHINA BIO WEAPON: Lipid Nanoparticles, Created By CCP in Covid Vax, are Changing Human Beings At The Core - China Company buys part of Pfizer - over 2 Million harmed

SHOCKING! Pfizer exec makes a huge admission about the COVID vaccine that would have changed a lot of minds if we knew earlier - Pushing a product to market and making false claims about it - Endangering lives for Democrat agenda and huge Big Pharma profits. Video

It Was All a Lie - Pfizer’s top executives admitted that the Pharma giant had no idea if the mRNA vaccine that Pfizer developed would prevent transmission of the coronavirus

Study Shows Covid Lockdowns and Masks Significantly Impaired Babies Development Skills

TUCKER: "Politicians Want Control Of Your Child's Health"

Dems use COVID crisis as chance to push ‘equity’ in schools. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona said., "The Covid "emergency" that led to a record drop in math and reading scores is a generational opportunity to radically reform the public school system and reorient it toward underserved and underperforming students." Article

Triple Vaccinated More Likely Than Unvaccinated to Get Symptomatic Covid-19: Study

Safe States for Children: Here’s UPDATED List of Republican Governors Who Won’t Comply with CDC Mandates to Force COVID-19 Vaccination on Kids for School

It is common knowledge that Covid-19 poses no threat to young children, but the mRNA vaccinations DO! The mRNA vaccinations against the virus are NOT effective or safe for everyone, and many people have even died after receiving a Covid vaccine. The CDC and its advisory council continue to push for mandatory childhood vaccinations despite all these facts. Following the news that the CDC panels voted to include Covid-19 in the childhood immunization schedule, Republican governors publicly stated that they would not comply with CDC mandates and would not force children in their states to take COVID vaccine.

At least  20 states have banned the COVID vaccines from being included in school mandates. They are: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, New Hampshire, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and West Virginia.

Ron DeSantis didn’t hold back in his message to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention saying: "I know a lot of parents are concerned about that because if that’s on the immunization schedule, the fear is that schools could potentially mandate your child to get a Covid shot, even if that’s not something that you want to do. So I just want to let everyone be clear. You know, as long as I’m around and as long as I’m kicking and screaming there will be no Covid shot mandates for your kids. That is your decision to make as a parent."

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


“The Surgeon General of Florida does not recommend this for kids under 18. And basically as reason for that, there’s not really been a proven benefit for that. I mean, we can get into some of the potential side effects. You don’t even really need to do that. Not been a proven benefit."

Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo released a shocking report that there was an 84% increase in the incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination. Dr. Ladapo recommends that young males from 18 to 39 DO NOT TAKE THE COVID VACCINE.

Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin also announced that he would not adhere to CDC mandates saying “Covid-19 mandates should be in our rear view mirror,” Youngkin wrote. “The decision to vaccinate a child against Covid-19 is for Virginia parents to make about what’s best for them and their family. We will NOT adhere to these CDC mandates,“In Virginia, parents matter."

Wyoming Governor, Mark Gordon stated that his stance on the COVID vaccine has not changed and that children are not forced to be vaccinated against COVID in order for them to attend school.

“Since COVID-19 vaccines were first made available, I have always maintained that vaccination for this virus is a personal choice based upon personal circumstances. I opposed efforts by the federal government to mandate this vaccine for healthcare workers and service personnel.”

“Regardless of any recommendations made by the CDC, nothing is changing in Wyoming and kids are not required to receive a COVID vaccine to attend school. I will not mandate COVID vaccines for children, and believe COVID-19 vaccination is a personal choice,” Gordon wrote.

Utah Governor Spencer Cox says, “Let me be clear that this always has been—and always will be—a decision for Utah parents and families, not the state.“Utah will not be implementing any CDC mandate of the COVID-19 vaccine." Article

Elon Musk Finally Buys Twitter, Fires Top Executives. Tesla CEO and world’s wealthiest person, Elon Musk, is now in charge of social media platform Twitter. The official announcement of the takeover deal’s completion is expected on Friday before the stock market opens. Article

November 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Elon Musk Fires Twitter Activist Execs Responsible for Banning Trump

VIDEO: Musk’s FREE SPEECH Twitter Takeover Signals Good Things to come

CAN MUSK SAVE MEDICINE BY ENDING CENSORSHIP? In 2021, famed quarterback Aaron Rodgers spoke out against medical censorship and was condemned by the NY Times in their article “Scientists Fight a New Source of Vaccine Misinformation.” Rodgers spoke on the heels of nearly 2 years of the re-instatement of totalitarian medical censorship that hasn’t been seen since the Middle Ages saying, "If science can’t be questioned, its not science anymore. It’s propaganda. Proponents of censorship are in good company. USSR, China, Iran, Pre-Reformation Catholic Europe, Nazi Germany, Cuba, Venezuela. The list is endless and highlights a who’s who of tyrants in human history. The common thread is it existed in societies where non-democratic rulers exerted their will by depriving their citizens of truth and an ability to question the rulers. Article

Longtime conservative commentator Michelle Malkin announced her retirement from “newspaper column-writing,” calling out “conservative” media. Throughout her 30-year career, the former Fox News contributor said her family “has been punished and stigmatized” and her reputation “tarnished” and her voice “squelched” because of her reporting, columns, and speeches.

It’s not “big government” that waged this war on my career. It’s a constellation of vindictive wrongthink police in the private sector, from the Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League, to foreign newspapers and moneyed interests that have no business influencing American politics, to “conservative” swamp creatures and profiteers such as Bill Kristol, Jonah Goldberg, Mona Charen and Ben Shapiro, and even to former colleagues at the Fox News Channel, which blacklisted me several years ago and told a friend of mine who was a guest on Tucker Carlson’s show not to say my name after antifa rioters had attacked me and others on stage at a Back the Blue rally in Denver a few years ago. It’s not just “fake news” that plagues us. It’s sold-out, skewed “news” that serves corporate and global special interests, not the truth. It’s lazy, soulless, dumbed-down opinion writing from hacks who care nothing about the craft. It’s shady influence operations masquerading as “journalism.” It’s information-suppression disguised as “misinformation” monitoring. Article

A big thank you to Delmer Eldred who had me on KLCK 1400 AM RADIO: THE KLICKITAT VOICE to discuss election integrity. Audio

The Skagit Republican Women's group meets today at 10 AM at the Fredonia Grange, 14245 McFarland Rd. MV (MAP). Special Guest is Brian Heywood, founder of "Lets Go Washington."

The SCRP Central Committee meeting is Noon this Saturday, November 5 at the Burlington office, 281 S. Burlngton Blvd. (MAP).

Quote of the Month: "Why is it only Democrat blue cities that take 'days' to count their votes? The rest of the country manages to get it done on election night." Senator Ted Cruz


Respect and Blessings

Bill Bruch, SCRP Chairman

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