October 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Ballots are being mailed out in a few weeks for the upcoming 2023 General Election. PLEASE make sure to vote and get your family and friends to all vote!


Anacortes City Council Ward 3: Linda Martin

Anacortes Port District 4: Corey Joyce

Anacortes School Board #103 Pos 5: Ed Barton

Burlington Mayor: Joe Degloria

Burlington-Edison School #100 Pos 4: Rich Wesen

Mount Vernon Mayor: Peter Donovan

Mount Vernon City Council Pos 1: Navor Tercero

Mount Vernon City Council Pos 2: Mark Hulst

Mount Vernon School Board #320 Pos 1: David Cherrick

Sedro-Woolley Mayor: JoEllen Kesti

Sedro-Woolley City Council Ward 1: Kevin Loy

Sedro-Woolley City Council Ward 4: Allan Henderson

Sedro-Woolley City Council Ward 5: Ed Iriarte

Sedro-Woolley School Board #101 Pos. 2: Lindy Mullen Doyle

More Info:SkagitRepublicans.com / Information For Voters

VIDEO: Sept. 27, 2023, Mount Vernon Chamber of Commerce 2023 Candidates Forum

October 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Skagit County Commissioners considering restoring grizzly bears to North Cascades. The Federal Government, including the US Fish and Wildlife, the National Park Service and the US Dept. of Interior, has created a plan to restore grizzlies to WA State and Skagit CO. Commissioner Lisa Janicki wants to bring the grizzlies to the North Cascades. Janicki is part of the inter-agency Grizzly Bear Committee that will be meeting Oct. 10 in Wenatchee.  

This is pure insanity! These bears are vicious apex predators and would immediately endanger the lives of all surrounding area people, families and wildlife. To oppose this crazy plan, email the Skagit Commissioners at commissioners@co.skagit.wa.us

The Skagit County Republican Party Central Committee meets in-person the second Saturday of every month from 10 AM to 11:30 AM at the Freedonia Grange, 1225 McFarland Rd, Mount Vernon, and on Zoom - 6 PM the 4th Tuesday of each mo.


MV Grange: 10 AM - 11:30 AM Saturday, October 14
ZOOM: 6 PM - 7 PM Tuesday, October 24
MV Grange: 10 AM - 11:30 AM Saturday, November 11
ZOOM: 6 PM - 7 PM Tuesday, November 28
MV Grange: 10 AM - 11:30 AM Saturday, December 9

The precinct caucuses are vitally important meetings that only happen once every 4 years. This is the opportunity to make your voice heard and Vote in Person for a 2024 Republican Party Presidential Nominee. It is where GOP activists, supporters and members of the community vote for their preference for U.S. President, discuss pertinent issues, the Republican platform, submit resolutions and elect Delegates to the County Convention.

Oct. 24, 2023, is the last day for Skagit GOP PCO's to qualify as automatic delegates to the County Convention. MORE INFO HERE or email chair@skagitgop.org / call (360) 820-1700.

October 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter



Six Fantastic Initiatives to sign at the SCRP Office - The goal is to get 400,000 signatures by December 2023 - THE INITIATIVES: Good Government Policy and Simple Solutions. The Left is terrified they will qualify for the 2024 ballot and are sending paid minions to try to disparage the truth-tellers. Of the six, four are tax reforms and two are pure policy, three repeal taxes, one reinstates a ban on local income taxes, one restores the ability of police to pursue suspects and one protects and restores parents' rights in the education system. More Info Here

Yakima Mayor Deccio calls 911 trying to stop initiative signatures - gets schooled on law


WA State's $143 million homeless program got less than a thousand people housed. Now Inslee's wants more tax-payer money

AG Bob Ferguson advised Gov. Inslee - appointed UTC Commissioners to conceal their new carbon tax from being seen on YOUR increased energy rates

Republican State Senator Nikki Torres is under personal attack by Democrats in Olympia who are refusing to reconvene the state Redistricting Commission to draw new political boundaries, shirking their Constitutional duty—hoping to re-district Torres out of the 15th LD. “The people of the 15th District voted for Sen. Torres, and they should not be denied their choice simply because political activists believe they should have voted for a Democrat, Hispanics don’t all think alike. We can make up our minds for ourselves, and we don’t need activist political organizations to tell us who is supposed to win.” Article


October 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


REPUBLICAN GOVERNOR CANDIDATE: SEMI BIRD “Without hesitation I assert that parents are the primary stakeholders in the lives of their children, not the state,” Bird said. “It is our duty to champion the cause against policies that seek to marginalize parents within our public-school systems. I firmly uphold that children must remain at the forefront of their parents’ lives, and I am committed to defending parental rights and the well-being of our youth.” Washington State Sued for Usurping Parental Rights

SEMI BIRD: I am delighted to unveil my Education Solutions and Action Plan for Washington State. When elected Governor I will work to ensure that we focus our resources on achieving academic excellence within our public education system. I am committed to taking resolute measures to promote transparency, protect parental rights, and ensure that students are properly prepared for their future. Washington state families and children deserve a quality education. Let's give Olympia the Bird! More see: Birdforgovernor.com

Semi Bird, a black Conservative, set to shake up governor’s race in Washington State

October 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Glen Morgan Video: Catching WA State Lawbreakers – So many PACs and Politicians – never enough time

Democrat Fake Hoax Letters to Prove Racism in Pasco

Soros Foundation Worries Trump Will Win in 2024 and 'Imperil' Globalism

The Destruction of Christian Principles in Society Make it Fertile Ground for a Marxist Revolution

Charlie Kirk: "Eastern Oregon wants to join Idaho - Eastern Colorado wants to be its own state. Southern Illinois wants to break away from Chicago. You don't hear much about blue counties wanting to secede from red states — instead, you just hear about Democrats moving into them, then trying to ruin them like they ruined their home states. Blue states are failures!" Article

The Oregon/Idaho line was established 163 years ago and is now outdated. It makes no sense in its current location because it doesn’t match the location of the cultural divide in Oregon. The Oregon/Washington line was updated in 1958. It’s time to move other state lines. "When you have a government that won't listen to the opposition, or take into account those of us that live out here, then we have no government representation."​ GreaterIdaho.org

October 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Iconic California Areas Turning Into Ghost Towns | Businesses Leaving In Droves [VIDEO]

Oregon Sheriffs Association Says FBI Position Makes It Impossible to Legally Buy Guns - Bureau has declared it cannot conduct background checks for Measure 114, making it a crime for law enforcement officers to issue permits. Article


Chinese Communist Party-linked groups funneled $1 million into Dem campaigns

Dinesh D'Souza: "Police State is a movie that I never wanted to make, because I never wanted America to get to a point where a movie like this needed to be made. I feel like the animal that alerts the herd to approaching danger, so we can take precautionary steps before it’s too late." "Police State" will only be in theaters Monday October 23 and Wednesday October 25th. Tickets are now for sale for these limited time events. More Info Here

October 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Mike Lindell vs Eric Coomer (Dominion Voting) the lawsuits (and settlements) surrounding the 2020 election get weirder - Did you know Coomer fled the country in Jan. 2021?

Why Did Fox News Settle With Dominion? Fox's 169-page brief against Dominion contains a multitude of damning facts. Dominion’s Director of Product Strategy & Security, Eric Coomer, said “our shit is just riddled with bugs” in an email dated October 30th, 2020. Also, Coomer admitted in a 2018 email that he found a “bug leading to INCORRECT results” in Dominion products? Folks, that’s game, set and match. Article

Remember in most states before Covid when Election Day used to be just that, a day? Now, it drags on for weeks in many states. In 2022, it took 35 days for all the votes in federal elections to be counted. The delay in election results is driven by mass vote-by-mail. 18 states now accept mail ballots that arrive after Election Day. Some accept ballots up to 14 days after Election Day. Article

EMERALD ROBINSON: Does The Republican Party Actually Exist? - If your party votes with Democrats on every important bill, then your party is a fiction. Two days ago, 109 Republican Texas representatives voted against an amendment by Rep. Andrew Clyde (R) to strip funding for CISA — the notorious “cybersecurity” agency (inside the much larger Department of Homeland Security) that was used to install the Biden regime in the 2020 election. The only reason for the GOP to protect CISA is to allow a repeat of rampant election fraud. Article

The FBI is claiming that information regarding what appears to be a nationwide voter registration fraud scheme, involving possibly tens of thousands of fake voters, cannot be released because it is part of an "ongoing" investigation. Article

2020 triggered suspicion of 'voter registration fraud scheme' across multiple states

October 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


WASHINGTON: WA State Democrat Controlled Legislature and Secretary of State keep Changing Election Statutes and Policies making it Easier to Cheat - ARTICLE / PODCAST

October 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


King County Elections Caught Making Secret Server Swap in Middle of Primary Election

Problems with King County Elections Mount...

King County Elections Under Fire...

King County – Election Fraud Epicenter in WA

King County Ballot Processing

The King County Elections tabulation server failed during the 2023 August Primary Election. According to the elections office, this was due to a “database overload” - which forced a new “back-up” server to be installed. This required a new “emergency” Logic & Accuracy (L & A) test to be done. Per WAC 434-335-330 (4) If, for any reason, changes are made to the ballot counting programming after the official logic and accuracy test, an emergency logic and accuracy test must be conducted pursuant to WAC 434-335-310.

Problem being, King County Elections never notified the Secretary of State, Republican or Democrat election observers. To make matters worse, suspiciously, PRR records say the security cameras covering the tabulation area were not functioning. Yes, zero election observer witnesses, and no video evidence of any new (required by law) Emergency L & A test. Hmm…Article / Podcast


In ongoing efforts to help clean the voter rolls, LoriLee Gates recently submitted 27 official Voter Challenges for Skagit County. Skagit County Auditor / Elections has never done any Voter Challenges before. Hearings upcoming in October. More info here.

As a reminder Seth Keshel has gone on the record saying, "Washington state had the most fraudulent election of 2020 - per elector. With 590,000 excess votes spread over 12 electors, that comes out to 49,000+ fraudulent votes per elector. My numbers show DJT within 6 points there." Seth Top 5 Dirtiest States by Excess Votes per Elector: 1. Washington – 49,176. 2. Hawai’i – 37,033. 3. Oregon – 37,029. 4. Michigan – 36,005. 5 New Jersey – 35,944. Article

WA court to hear case that seeks to stop ballot signature rejections

Skamania County 2022 Cast Vote Record Analysis

TEXAS: Paxton: 'Secret' Texas Court Threw Out Nearly 1,000 Cases of Voter Fraud

Ken Paxton on the 2022 election-"if we don't make this an issue, we will lose our country"

PENNSYLVANIA: Pennsylvania is GONE in 2024 if This Stands! - The voter rolls are key, and Josh Shapiro just unlocked the door. Democrat Governor of Pennsylvania Josh Shapiro announced that the state will now be implementing an “automatic registration” policy, in which anyone who obtains or renews their driver’s license with the DMV will automatically be registered to vote.

“We will register you to vote whether you like it or not. If you do not vote, we will vote for you. Thank you very much!” - With Love, the Regime! Article


Retired DOD analyst Ray Blehar testifying in the disbarment trial of Trump's attorney John Eastman said there was vote laundering - subtracting votes from a candidate and moving them to a third party. His summary stated: "My analysis of the data relating to Pennsylvania’s 2020 general election concludes that there were numerous anomalies and/or inconsistencies in the results and that an estimated 280,000 – 300,000 Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, and Green Party electors (voters) were disenfranchised because their votes were manipulated (i.e., changed) by the election system software, election administrators, and/or by introduction of other disruptive software (i.e., malware) or a combination of the three." POST

ALABAMASecretary of State Wes Allen introduces Alabama Voter Integrity Database (AVID), replacement for ERIC. Allen believes the new system will allow Alabama to have the cleanest and most accurate voter registration list in the country. Article

ARIZONA: Election Integrity Win: Arizona Court Rules Against State's 'Unlawful Signature Matching Process.' The public interest group restoring integrity and trust in elections declared it had secured a “massive win” for election integrity following a AZ court ruling in its favor. RITE sued Dem SOS Adrian Fontes arguing his office’s Elections Procedures Manual violates the law regarding the mail-in ballot signature verification process. Article

How they Steal Elections in Arizona and other Mail-in States. Hundreds of thousands of fraudulent ballots are trafficked or inserted with no chain of custody documentation, and someone forges a signature. When a signature is accepted on a mail-in ballot envelope or a voter uses an in-person polling place touch screen signature log, it is added to the voter’s “registration record” to be used for future reference. Many voters were seen with similar affidavit signatures in consecutive elections that do not match other signatures on their voter registrations or past affidavits. This new ruling will require voter registration forms to be used for signature verification, as opposed to previously accepted fraudulent mail-in ballots and other signature forms. “Documents are a part of the ‘registration record’ only if they involve the voter’s ‘registration," the Judge stated. Article

“Voter Identity Theft” – Arizona Judge Defines Voter Registration Record, Rules that Mail-In Ballot Signatures Have Been Compared Illegally! 

GEORGIA: Explosive Revelation: Fani Willis Linked To Massive Election Fraud and Money Laundering RICO Enterprise!

Fulton County DA Fani Willis filed charges against so-called “fake electors” over the 2020 election in Georgia, despite near certainly possessing exonerating evidence that their intentions were entirely lawful and in accordance with the US Constitution. Transcript clearly reveals that the intent behind appointing alternate electors was not to impersonate public officials, as Willis claimed, but rather to legally preserve Trump’s challenge to the state’s election results. Article

Georgia Sec. of State’s Testimony Blows Up Fani Willis’ Case

Trump Gets Huge Court Victory, Fani Willis' Case in Shambles

Debbie Dooley Interview: Latest news regarding the Fulton County DA Fani Willis

GA Politicians’ Blatant Cover-Up of Corruption in State Farm Arena in 2020 Election Exposed

Georgia’s Court Win a Commonsense Victory for Election Integrity

GA RINO's vote to oust GA Senator Colton Moore

Big Trouble For Georgia GOP Over Trump Prosecution! Majority of Georgia voters think their election system isn't accurate & they want GOP to stop Fani Willis.  A huge majority of Georgia voters (62%) are concerned that Georgia’s election system is rigged, (55%) are worried that cheating will take place in the 2024 election, (56%) know that President Trump is only being prosecuted by Fani Willis because of politics. Article

October 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


MICHIGAN: Newly Discovered Michigan Election Corruption Parallels Georgia!

Michigan SOS Caught Sending And Accepting Fraudulent Voter Registrations

NEW YORK: New York officials kept hundreds of thousands of phantom voters on NYC rolls in violation of federal law, suit alleges

CONNECTICUT: HUGE Dem Election Scandal - Police Investigate Fraud after Video of Town Clerk Dumping Multiple Illegal Absentee Ballots Into Drop Box

CALIFORNIA: After Shasta CO Goes to Hand-Counted Paper Ballots – Corrupt legislators Block it. This is an egregious attempt to usurp control of elections from local jurisdictions and place the power in the hands of the State. Claiming an electronic machine that counts votes is “transparent” while simultaneously hiding the source code is anything but “transparent.” Article

MAINE: The Public Interest Legal Foundation secures landmark ruling for election integrity. The U.S. District Court ruled in PILF’s favor that the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA) prohibits fines and use restrictions on voter roll data. The Court ruled restrictions on the use of voter roll data are real obstacles to achieving Congress’s intent for transparency under the NVRA. “This is monumental victory for election integrity,” said J. Christian Adams. “The use restrictions would have made it extremely difficult to hold Maine and other election officials accountable. This ruling will make other states think twice before passing similar laws.” Article

ALASKA:  Court: Alaska Must Forfeit Data From Leftist-Linked Voter-Roll ‘Maintenance’ Group ERIC

HAWAII: Election Watchdog’s Lawsuit Claims Hawaii Breaks Law on Voter Rolls

MARYLAND: Maryland Election Board Quietly Changes Rules, Threatens Legal Action Against Those Who Challenge Elections Based on Voter Roll: Canvass results says Sullivan, potentially represent an “appalling level of exposure to the risks of fraudulent voting,” especially in light of the State’s use of the Universal Mail-in ballot. Sullivan estimates it is over $35,000 in postage fees alone to mail a ballot to a bad registration address and the Maryland taxpayers are footing these huge bills to process ballots for bad registrations. Article

FLORIDA: Watchdog Discovers Thousands Unexplained Changes in Florida Voter Rolls -
Cyber expert says a 'shockingly' high number made just before and after elections.
Thousands of voters disappeared from the voter rolls in a Florida county shortly before the 2022 midterm election. Article

Jan 6 riots were planned - Manufactured “emergency” required to prevent the 2020 election coup from being uncovered. The Conservative Treehouse showed the Dems and Deep State needed an “emergency” to culminate their 2020 Election steal. The only way to prevent Congress from delaying the certification of state electoral votes was to create a crisis that could easily be designated an emergency. House members were “informed” by capitol police and other “agents” that a protest was about to breach the chambers. It was at this time that Pence, Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell can be seen being walked out and escorted from the chamber. This was a very organized and carefully planned coup. Article

October 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


ALABAMA: Alabama court rules for congressional map to be redrawn, will boost Democrats’ chances to win 2024

MISSISSIPPI: Mississippi Democrat says there was voter fraud in Democratic primary orchestrated by Democratic county chairperson: 'High-tech election heist'

A Democrat County Supervisor in Hinds, Mississippi is challenging his party's primary election results after discovering massive election fraud - "We have videotapes of someone going into boxes bringing in thumb drives, bringing in ballots to be inserted into the machines." It sounds exactly like what happened in the 2020 election and 2022 election in Arizona. If Democrats are rigging their own primaries, imagine what they're doing in general elections. Kari Lake and Trump are not alone. Democrats are rigging elections everywhere! Video

WISCONSIN: Peter Bernegger: Explosive Information in WI Senate Hearing Asking for Meagan Wolfe's Arrest - Testimony before the State Senate Committee of Wisconsin of Meagan Wolfe's felony crimes. All six commissioners are guilty of state and felony crimes. Supporting documents in tweets below. Adding: Kevin Kennedy is a Director of CEIR. Kennedy used to be the Administrator of GAB. GAB was dissolved because of massive corruption, mainly by Kennedy. WEC replaced GAB, but Kennedy is tied in with Zuckerberg, with corrupt David Becker. Kennedy groomed Meagan Wolfe. VIDEO

Election Watch's Peter Bernegger filed a criminal complaint for illegally giving out his personally identifiable information: Meagan Wolfe (WEC), Robert Kehoe (WEC), Kevin Kennedy (formerly but booted out from GAB - director of CEIR), Shane Hamlin (ERIC), Lori Steele Contorner (EveryoneCounts), Sarah Whitt (former WEC now ERIC), Ericka Hass (ERIC) and the companies ERIC, CEIR and Everyone Counts, all were named. POST

Lawsuit win against Meagan Wolfe and the Wis. Election Commission! Judge held that WEC never approved the state’s use of the National Mail Voter Registration Form as it is required to do under Wisconsin law. “WEC has failed in this most basic duty. It is proven again Meagan Wolfe violates our election laws at will." POST

Huge Court win in Wisconsin! Corrupt Attorney Marc Elias sent in eight (8) attorneys plus the two Wis DOJ attorneys to try and save Meagan Wolfe's election fraud in this case, all ten attorneys lost big time. POST

Getting rid of ERIC: a bill is out for co-sponsorship to rid state of ERIC. ERIC is a corrupt nonprofit that participates in election fraud. POST

Wisconsin officials blocked from using federal voter registration form

NEVADA: Nevada GOP's plan to hold caucus - Sues state. Lawsuit, filed by Republican National Committeewoman Sigal Chattah, claims the 2021 law mandating a presidential primary obstructs the rights given under the First and 14th amendments.

“Indeed, individuals are guaranteed the right to organize themselves into political parties, parties which are self-governed and not subject to state interference/influence as to how its presidential candidates are chosen,” the lawsuit reads. 

Republicans are pushing to maintain the old nominating system, pointing to a serious problem in Nevada with mail-in ballots and serious questions being raised about accountability. Thousands of ballots that are just stuffed in trash cans after they go to an apartment complex” or “floating around the streets mailing to different addresses where people don't live there anymore,” adding some ballots are voted out of storage units, some that are voting out of vacant lots. Article

October 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


John Eastman, and physicist and auditor John Droz say the Nevada forensic audit found over 130,000 instances of voter fraud. POST

SOUTH CAROLINA: President Trump and his Election Integrity Platform are leading the Republican field in South Carolina. Poll reveals that 46 % of potential voters back Trump, while former governor, Nikki Haley, follows in second with 18 %. Senator Tim Scott received 10 % and Ron DeSantis is in fourth with 9%. The poll found that 57 % of voters in South Carolina think Biden won the 2020 presidential election due to voter fraud, 36 % believe Biden won without cheating. The figures are 87 % versus 7 % among Trump supporters. Article

US doesn’t need an election; it needs exorcism. - Trump or death. Indictments cannot stand

Jovan Pulitzer on Voter Rolls

Charlie Kirk Interview: Patrick Byrne has gone headfirst into investigating our elections - detail everything he’s uncovered— and how we can save them for the future. Video

Breaking! Patrick Byrne - 'Biggest News Since Nov 3rd 2020'! - A Must Video

Understand the Reality of the Left - To Win Republicans Must Ballot Harvest. Video

Electoral democracies strengthen public vigilance and government accountability to its people. Money and power concentrate control; elections and transparency return a portion of that control to the public. ARTICLE / WEBSITE


Election Integrity Network and Who's Counting with Cleta Mitchell is a coalition of conservative leaders, organizations, public officials and citizens dedicated to securing the legality of every American vote. EIN is led by attorney Cleta Mitchell, a nationally recognized election law attorney, author, scholar and advocate. See: whoscounting.us

How Charities Secretly Help Win Elections: Exposing a $120 million "nonpartisan" scheme that helps Democrats

Defending the Republic - Join the fight to Preserve the Foundation of America

Verifier Search - Hand Counted Paper Ballots / 2024 - VerifiedVoting.org

The Texas RINO GOP tried to oust its own AG Ken Paxton in order to install a member of the infamous Bush family in his place. This conspiracy failed! Article

October 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

Under Democrat Rule America Is Becoming a Joke

Attorney General Merrick Garland’s Sept. 20 congressional testimony was disgracefully evasive and misleading. He merits no confidence in leading the Justice Department. He inhibits justice and the rule of law. Article

Evidence of Joe Biden’s Involvement in His Family’s Influence Peddling Schemes

On the anniversary of 9-11 the Biden administration made a deal with Iran to swap prisoners & release $6 billion in frozen Iranian funds. Why is the Biden Administration keeping the identities of the five Iranian prisoners under wraps? It's a question that demands an answer. Video

Proof That Joe Biden is Corrupt to the Core and Got Chinese Money Via Hunter

VIDEO: The Rest of the Story | Lara Logan’s Look Into January 6’s True Attendees

FBI allegedly told 'QAnon Shaman' Ukrainian spy was at Capitol riot: report

October 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Jan 6 legal and Judicial Circle of Hell: After years of conveniently being ignored by the DOJ, Ray Epps finally faces a charge—just one measly count of disorderly conduct. With abundant video evidence showing Epps stirring the pot and clashing with Capitol police. Video

Jan 6 Proud Boys Sentences Were Rigged! Former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio was slapped with a staggering 22-year prison sentence—He wasn't even at the Capitol on January 6th. Julie Kelly breaks down the context of Tarrio's text messages, the insane charges thrown at him, and the mind-boggling conviction that defies any sense of justice. All the while a 61-year-old grandma is sentenced to 15 months for her nonviolent role on Jan. 6th. Video

“They asked me to LIE about President Trump in order to indict him,” Enrique Tarrio Said - “I told them to pound sand, and because I refused to lie about President Trump, it cost me twenty-two years of my life.” Article

JUSTICE IS DEAD: Former Proud Boys Leader Enrique Tarrio Who Was Not Even in DC on Jan 6 is Sentenced to 22 Years on “Seditious Conspiracy” – from a Neighboring Town Somewhere. Tarrio’s goal of rallying members of the group to Washington, D.C. was to confront protesters from the far-left terrorist organization Antifa. Attorneys argued that he never directed any of his followers' movements and had no ability to control his followers’ actions at the time of the event. “My client is no terrorist." Article

After being sentenced to 22 years in prison, Enrique Tarrio speaking out. Tarrio tells Emerald Robinson the feds asked him to lie in order to indict President Trump. Tarrio also sets the record straight by addressing the "informant" rumors. Video

Proud Boy Who Disappeared Before Jan. 6 Sentencing Found Unconscious By FBI

Soulless DC Judge Timothy Kelly issued a 10-year prison sentence for Dominic Pezzola, an honorably discharged Marine Corp veteran for his “role in the Capitol riot.” 

Dominic Pezzola broke a window on January 6. For that action and the made-up charges by the politicized court, he was sentenced to ten years in prison by Judge Kelly. Despite spending most of over 2 years of his incarceration in a freezing cold 6 by 8-foot cell at the Alexandria Detention Center, Pezzola walked out of the courtroom to be shackled and transferred back to the DC Gulag with optimism and words of encouragement for his family.

Pezzola did nothing wrong. His entire incarceration and trial were based on government lies and a twisted DC jury both looking for blood. Kelly also sentenced other Proud Boys leader Joseph Biggs to 17 years in prison, Zachary Rehl to 15 years in prison, and Ethan Nordean was sentenced to 18 years in prison. Article

October 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Duke Tanner who was SENTENCED TO LIFE IN PRISON for 1st time, non-violent drug charges & GRANTED CLEMENCY BY PRESIDENT TRUMP IN 2020 speaks out in defense of Trump wrongly being called a “racist” & gives glory “to our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.”

64% of DC Residents Would Find Trump Guilty BEFORE a Trial Even Begins – Only 8% Would Find Him Innocent – How is This Fair?

Judicial Watch: Records Show Biden Justice Department Set Up Unprecedented Apparatus to Target January 6 Protestors

Tucker Carlson on The Biden Admin: "Here’s my view of it - I think the lies are unsustainable. Lying is always unsustainable. You’re always found out in the end whether in your lifetime or posthumously. But you’re, you know, lies are always revealed by their nature. And these lies are so big and so obvious and so stupid that it’s going to be very clear to the majority of voters before the election that the Biden administration has no idea what it’s doing, that Joe Biden is not running the government and that it’s not working at all - Western Europe is being destroyed by this, when the Biden Administration blew up Nordstream the German Economy was crushed! Video

Tucker Carlson: ‘The Person Who's Brave, Wins. Period.’ - the essence of bravery and its importance in modern society

Rep. Matt Gaetz says he will File a 'Motion to Vacate' against Speaker McCarthy this week

Liberals like Karl Rove just tried to annihilate Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. It didn't work. Paxton joins Tucker Carlson for his first interview since his acquittal

TUCKER CARLSON VIDEO: We are in a third World Country: Question their lies and they’ll call you a liar. Ignore it and keep going

Undeniable and irrefutable evidence that a Nazi domestic terrorist and violent criminal is an FBI/CIA asset who has been flown back and forth to Ukraine with the help of the US Government and the Biden administration to fight the Russians as a U.S. backed intelligence asset. This is proof the CIA/FBI and Florida law enforcement are protecting NAZIS and Ukrainian war criminals, given the fact that McLellan was also recently given a Ukrainian passport. POST

The Weaponized Left Is Completely Out of Control

GA Republican AG Announces RICO Charges on 61 Leftists After Violent Insurrection. The AG has accused all the defendants of conspiring to obstruct the construction of the police and fire training center, accusing them of violence, intimidation and destruction of property. State’s GOP is fighting fire with fire. Article

61 'Stop Cop City' Antifa militants indicted on RICO, other charges in Atlanta

October 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals rules that the Biden regime violated Americans' rights to free speech and DID SEEK TO CENSOR TRUE INFORMATION by coercing and threatening social media companies to do their bidding. Video

NAZIS FOR BIDEN: Leader Of Neo-Nazi Rally In Florida, Outside Of Disney, Says Biden Is Better Than Trump

Zelensky asks Satanist Marina Abramovic to be Ukrainian Ambassador

If Trump doesn't win, America is finished – Wayne Allyn Root predicts Democrats would outlaw all Republicans as domestic terrorists. Article

ABC / WA Post poll: If the 2024 presidential election was held today, Trump would defeat Biden 52% to 42%. Respondents disliked Biden’s mental capacity / age, handling of the economy and the U.S.-Mexico border. Biden’s approval rating for handling immigration is 23%. Article

Trump leading Biden by 20 points among voters under 35. Are the political tides finally turning for Republicans? Desantis a distant 2nd at 15%. Poll / Video

'We are still sick': 7 months after Ohio derailment, residents slam Biden vacations - 'Really frustrating to see him go and say he is too busy for people that literally put him in the office'

DeSantis Tells Biden Not to Visit Florida Following Hurricane Idalia

As Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) toured the storm damage in Yankeetown, Florida, he had a particular stance for those who blamed climate change for the devastation of Hurricane Idalia: It's a "lie." DeSantis was asked about Democrat statements that climate change was at fault for natural disasters such as Cat 3 hurricane Idalia. "I think that the notion that somehow hurricanes are something new, that's just false. And we've got to stop politicizing the weather and stop politicizing natural disasters... I think sometimes people need to take a breath and get a little bit of perspective here. But the notion that somehow if we just adopt, you know, very left-wing policies at the federal level, that somehow we will not have hurricanes, that is a lie," the governor said. Article

Meteorologists, Scientists Explain Why There Is ‘No Climate Emergency’ - Flawed modeling and overblown rhetoric drowning out scientific reality for the sake of money and power

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem gave Donald Trump her “full and complete endorsement” after delivering a glowing introduction at the former president’s campaign rally in Rapid City, S.D. “He is the leader, the fighter that our country needs. He has my full and complete endorsement for President of the United States of America,” Noem said, promising to do “everything I can to help him win and save this country.” Article

GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy doubled down saying he would vote for President Donald Trump if he's convicted and if he is also the Republican presidential nominee. “I do not want to see us become a ‘banana republic’ where the administrative police state uses police force to eliminate opponents from competition. That’s not the way it works.” Article

Ramaswamy Condemns Push to Remove Trump from Ballot on 14th Amendment Grounds

Trump dominates GOP field while campaigning less than foes


October 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


The Nevada Republican Party voted to approve rules for a party-run caucus, which will take place two days after the state-run primary. GOP members in Nevada opted to hold their own presidential caucus for the 2024 election.  Article

A man accused of impersonating a U.S. Marshal at a campaign event for Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy (RFK) Jr. was taken into custody. He was discovered to be heavily armed, leading people to suspect that it was an assassination attempt. Article

RFK Jr. Assassination Attempt - VIDEO

Electric vehicles are catching on fire after Hurricane Idalia made landfall. At least two Tesla EVs ignited after saltwater from the storm surge damaged their batteries and other electrical components. After Hurricane Ian, 21 electric vehicles caught fire in the state. Carfax says "owners need to understand the fire risk doesn’t go away after their EV dries out." Article

DeSantis ripped the federal gov. and media over the “total catastrophe” in Maui. “It’s interesting how incurious our corporate media is about what happened in Maui. I don’t see them interviewing parents who can’t find their kids." - The Maui disaster sparked controversy over the response from state officials, some of which was so poor that it led to resignations among those in charge of the island’s disaster management. Alarm systems were never triggered. The electric company Hawaiian Electric had its trucks and personnel blocking escape routes, and Joe Biden opted to go on not one but two vacations during the blaze, then went to Maui after two weeks, while there completely embarrassing himself. Article   

Major Policy Shift as US Government Offers Work Permits to 500,000 Illegal Immigrant -Thousands of illegal immigrants are overrunning a tiny border town in Texas, with the mayor declaring a state of emergency. A father in the group says he's fleeing the impact of organized crime to protect his children. Video

October 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

The Illegal Immigration Industrial Complex

El Paso TX at "Breaking Point" amid massive surge in refugee migrant arrivals

VIDEO: Now thousands of illegal Immigrants crossing the southern border by train 

Mexico Border and Immigration News | BorderReport.com

Maui Resident explains her experience the day of the fire: Residents Trapped, Roads Blocked & Jabbed First Responders In A Trance? Video

Death Threats Made to Bobbie Kennedy by Eli Lilly Revealed to New Zealander. Lilly told AG Ramsey Clark to get Bobby to back off re-opening the investigation into his brother's assassination, or else... Why would the head of a pharmaceutical company want to kill President Kennedy? Article

Winters Video: CIA Caught BRIBING PEOPLE To Cover Up Wuhan Origins

Dr. Peter McCullough Video - Covid 2.0 Is A Narrative Not A Pandemic

Florida Surgeon General goes on anti-vaccine rant against new COVID-19 booster

MSM Now Admits COVID Is Mostly The Same As A Cold, Pushes New Jab Anyway [VIDEO]
October 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Huntington Beach, CA voted to officially ban all future mask and vaccine mandates: California had some of the most stringent mandates in the country. With the rekindling of mandates across the country, lawmakers in the city of Huntington Beach aren’t taking any chances and saw this action as a necessary preemptive step to protect the liberty of their constituents. Video

The Freedom to Breathe Act would prevent Biden and federal agencies from implementing face mask requirements for public transit passengers or students in schools. Measure would prevent federal spending from being used to propose face mask requirements or force Americans to wear face coverings. Article

Myocarditis and COVID-19 Vaccines: How the CDC Missed a Safety Signal and Hid a Warning

FDA Has 'Gone Rogue' in Its Approval of New COVID-19 Boosters: Dr. Robert Malone

October 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Woke doctors at Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital are 'told not to say boys and girls' as it could make patients feel 'disrespected and alienated'

Yankees legend David Wells slams ‘woke’ culture in rant against Nike, Bud Light, MLB

Woman sues after trans inmate allegedly assaults her sexually in prison - Complaints made by multiple females about 'sexually aggressive and harassing behavior.' Article

'Royally screwed' by government: Hawaii victims 'getting desperate' - 'Literally being arrested for visiting their own homes'

'My Worst Nightmare': Thousands of Illegal Immigrants Flood NYC Schools on First Day

'Sound of Freedom' continues improbable success with No 1 spot in 18 Latin American countries 'The surprise hit of the summer' After shocking the film industry with its success in the U.S., "Sound of Freedom" has gone on to do the same internationally. The film outperformed both the "Indiana Jones" and "Mission Impossible" film series to become what Newsweek called "the surprise hit of the summer" after opening on July 4 weekend. The film has brought in over $200 million -- more than 13 times its budget. Article

Boy Punished for Wearing ‘There are Two Genders’ Shirt - U.S. Court of Appeals judges must decide whether Conservative students have a right to their viewpoint. A middle school student got in trouble because he wore a t-shirt to school that declared there are two genders.The principal and counselor ordered him to remove his shirt. When he declined, he was sent home. But students who support the LGBT movement are allowed to wear clothing that affirms their point of view. His attorney said “students don’t forfeit their free speech when they walk into the school building. The First Amendment applies to all Americans, not just some.” Article

October 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


California's AB 1078 forces sexually explicit material into elementary school classrooms - Newsome signs bills boosting LGBTQ+ Californians

Gavin Newsom punishes schools trying to ban pornographic and CRT books

New Mexico State Reps Call for Impeachment of Governor Grisham After She Unilaterally Suspends Second Amendment Rights in Albuquerque

Amazon, Google Expand Artificial General Intelligence Surveillance State

Bidenomics putting serious financial hurt on Americans - Inflation soared 7.8% from 2021 to 2022, marking the largest single-year increase in cost of living since 1981

Disney Employees and a Florida Teacher Busted in Enormous Human Trafficking Operation. A Polk County, Florida, undercover investigation led to the arrest of 219 people in a massive human trafficking ring. Disney employees, a teacher, and illegals were involved in the trafficking ring. This is a terrifying discovery and sheds light on the sprawling problem that America has been facing in recent decades. Article

Colleges Flunk Out - A college education these days is often meaningless and, at the same time, very costly. The woes plaguing our government-run K-12 schools now show themselves on the college level. Classes, many of which are useless and often come with a far-left slant, have led to sinking confidence in universities. 56% of Americans think earning a four-year degree is not worth the time and money involved, compared with just 42% who retain faith in the institution. Article

Jason Rantz Exposes Left-wing Policies Killing America, Media Gaslighting, and the chaos of Seattle's CHOP/CHAZ to Rampant Lootings tearing through America's Cities

Jason Rantz' first book, “What’s Killing America, Inside the Radical Left’s Tragic Destruction of our Cities,” effectively communicates the history and the results of many failed liberal policies. While Seattle residents have seen first-hand how crime, homelessness, drug addiction, and taxes have skyrocketed under one-party liberal control, Rantz described how this has also occurred in other large American cities and that liberals are now spreading their failed policies to smaller communities. Article

October 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

EXPOSING the MARXISTS Behind the Attack on America’s Kids. The Left is successfully reengineering society, capturing America’s major institutions and waging a deliberate, relentless assault on our children. Liz breaks it all down in her new book “Hide Your Children: Exposing the Marxists Behind the Attack on America’s Kids,” where she names the people behind the Left’s cultural attacks and offering a solution to recapture our institutions and save our country. Video

October 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


ACS offers a Christian education deeply rooted in the Word of God. We believe that the children of Anacortes deserve a high-quality education where Truth and Life are infused into all aspects of their learning. AnacortesChristianSchool.org

The political climate change lies that are being told. The Lahaina wildfires prove that the Democrats are liars, and the mainstream media has no interest in the truth. Video

Journalist EXPOSES government failures in Maui wildfires. No Water in the fire hydrants? The government knew how to mitigate wildfire risks in Hawaii but did nothing so that they could use climate change as a scapegoat. Video

James O'Keefe and Attorney Mike Yoder have filed a lawsuit against Hawaii Governor to invalidate the criminalization of protected First Amendment. Yoder's mission: End the suppression of electronic media and eliminate criminal provisions against free speech - Preserving land & liberty, if the government isn't kept in check, they go unhinged. Video

Fox News cuts away from Trump speech 4 seconds after he says these two words - "We had 271 million people listening to the Tucker Carlson interview; that's an all-time record." Video

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is expected to announce he will run as an Independent for president of the U.S. According to Mediaite, which broke the story late this afternoon, a “campaign insider” revealed that Kennedy will make the announcement on Oct. 9 in Philadelphia, because he “feels that the DNC [Democratic National Committee] is changing the rules to exclude his candidacy so an independent run is the only way to go.” Article

Thank You to Captain Seth Keshel who spoke at a fundraiser for Doug Basler who is running for Director of King County Elections. Over 100 people attended the event in Black Diamond. More Info see: DougBasler.com

A HUGE THANK YOU TO WSRP Chairman, and State Rep. Jim Walsh who was the Keynote Speaker and Sedro-Woolley Council Member Nick Lavacca who did a great job as MC for last month's Sedro-Woolley Candidate's GET OUT THE VOTE Community Appreciation event. About 80 people braved a rainstorm to support Candidates - JoEllen Kesti for Sedro-Woolley Mayor, Allan Henderson for Sedro-Woolley City Council, Kevin Loy for Sedro-Woolley City Council, Ed Iriarte for Sedro-Woolley City Council and Lindy Mullen Doyle for Sedro-Woolley School Board.

The Skagit Women's group meets the first Tuesday of the month at the Freedonia Grange from 10 AM to Noon. For the Oct 3rd meeting GOP Governor Candidate Semi-Bird will be the guest speaker. More info contact Connie Miller (360) 202-7575 or email scrwpres@outlook.com.


Respect & Blessings,

Bill Bruch, SCRP Chairman


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